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1966 ANČERL Charles (1908–1973), Czech conductor of Jewish origin, prisoner from Terezin also Auschwitz; printed acknowledgments with signature and short text, very interesting judaicum U:A5
1945 DOLEŽIL Metod (1885–1971), Czech sbormistr and musical pedagogue; autograph on program concert (4 side/party A4), also podepsáni: JEREMIÁŠ Otakar (1892–1962), Czech composer and conductor, BUDÍKOVÁ Mary (1904–1984), Czech vocalist, soprán, KRÁSOVÁ Marta (1901–1970), Czech vocalist, mezzosoprán, CHOROVIČ Bronislav (1888–1980 ), opera singer, tenor, JEDENÁCTÍK Vladimír (1905–1980), opera singer, bas, WIEDERMANN Frederic Anthony (1883–1951), Czech varhanní virtuoso, musical pedagogue and composer; very fine U:A4
1944 FOERSTER Joseph Bohuslav (1859–1951), Czech composer; own Ppc and handwritten letter (ALS), all with full signature U:A4
1971 KHACHATURIAN Aram Ilyich (Арам Ильич Хачатурян, 1903–1978), Armenian composer, pianist and conductor; album card with date 13.10,1971 and with full signature, rare U:A4
1910 JANÁČEK Leoš (1854–1928), Czech composer; cut square with signature in passe-partout together with photo U:A4
1920? KAFKA Bohumil (1878–1942), Czech sculptor; handwritten heading letter with full signature (ALS) U:A4
1930 KALVODA Alois (1875–1934), Czech painter; full signature on postcard, printed photo and picture on Ppc; interesting U:A4
1926 KOCIAN Jaroslav (1883–1950), Czech virtuoso violinist, HÁŠA Jaroslav (1908–1981), Czech violoncellista; signatures on/for joined/common postcard; on reverse hints after sticking in album U:A5
1934 KUBA Lewis (1863–1956), Czech painter, folklorist , ethnographer , writer; own Ppc (photo Vaněk, Prague) on carton paper with full signature; nice U:A4
1932 KUBELÍK John (1880–1940), Czech virtuoso violinist and composer; signature on program, very nice U:A5
1943 KUBELÍK Rafael Jeroným (1914–1996), Czech conductor, PREISSOVÁ Gabriela, pseudonym Mathilda Dumontová (1862–1946), Czech writer and authoress; foto on carton paper with both signatures, interesting U:A4
1917 MENŠÍK Richard Joseph (1882–1930), opera singer; postcard, own photo in uniform with full signature and dedication; very fine U:A5
1935 NEJEDLÝ Vitus (1912–1945), Czech composer, conductor and publicist; postcard with text and full signature (ALS), rare U:A5
1950 ŘÍDKÝ Jaroslav (1897–1956), Czech composer, conductor and pedagogue; sheet A5 with 3 takty VI. symfonie with full signature U:A4
1911 STOLZ Robert Elizabeth (1880–1975), Austrian composer; 4-page letter with full signature (ALS); rare U:A5
1930 STRAUSS Johann (1866–1939), Austrian composer; own Ppc with full signature, very fine U:A5
1947 SUCHOŇ Eugen (1908–1993), Slovak composer; sheet with 10 takty musical skladby with full signature; in this form rare U:A4
1927 CHALIAPIN Feodor Ivanovich (Шаляпин, Фёдор Иванович, 1873–1938), Russian dancer and opera singer - bass; full signature on own Ppc, photo Vaněk, Prague; very rare U:A5
1920 ŠPÁLA Wenceslas (1885–1946), Czech painter, graphic artist and illustrator; greeting card with full signature, filling holes U:A5
1898 ŠTURSA John (1880-1925), Czech sculptor, one from zakladatelů modern Czech sochařství, disciple Myslbeka, folded letter with autograph; very good condition, interesting U:A5
1948 ZRZAVÝ John (1890–1977), Czech painter; handwritten letter in German with full signature; in this form rare U:A4
1954 comp. 2 pcs of first day sheets with additionally mounted stamp. issue Profession with signatures tvůrců: Podzemná-Suchardová, Silovský, Strnad, Goldschmied, Housa, Jirka, Mráček, Vondrouš, Němeček, Švengsbír U:A4
1919-40 [COLLECTIONS] DEML Jacob (1878–1961), Czech priest, poet and writer, autograph in his/her/its book Jugo, in addition collection poems Christmas in/at Tasově and Věštec (bumped corners); slightly toned, interesting U:O5