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1939 Alb.NZA2 N, Hlinka 1 Koruna red, vertical pair, imperforated; c.v.. 4.000CZK U:A5
1939 Alb.23A, 23C, Hlinka 50h green, the bottom blk-of-20 with plate mark A1 6.III.1939, 14 pcs of with mixed perforation 10½:12½;; suitable material to exhibit, cat. Földes 6.000CZK U:A4
1939 Alb.23B, 24C, Hlinka 50h green, LR corner blk-of-4, line perforation 10½;, without plate mark, rozřezané gutter, CDS BRATISLAVA, + Hlinka 1 Koruna red, UL corner blk-of-4, line perforation 12½:10½;, CDS SMOLENCE U:A5
1939 Alb.29A, Hlinka 50h green, horizontal strip of 4, in the middle omitted perforation; on this value rare usage U:A5
1939 Alb.34-37, Štefánik, complete miniatures, corner blocks of four; c.v.. Földes 1.600Sk, very sought U:A4
1939 Alb.34-37, Štefánik, selection of complete sheets, c.v.. 6.200Sk U:A3v–
1939-43 comp. 8 pcs of complete PB 60h Murgaš, Alb.38Y, Tiso 70h, Alb.44YzD with plate mark A2 and line perforation 10¼;, 2x Tatra 30h, Alb.51Y with plate mark A4, 4x Portraits 1,30 Koruna, Alb.83Y with plate mark 1 and plate mark 1A; sheets in the middle in/at perf folded U:Z
1941 Alb.59-61, Red Cross, corner blocks of four creating miniature; favourite U:A4
1941 Alb.62-64, For Children-issue, corner blocks of four creating miniature; favourite U:A4
1942 Alb.65-67, Hlinka Youth, corner blocks of four creating miniature; favourite U:A4
1942 Alb.68-71, Exhibition issue, corner blocks of four creating miniature; favourite U:A4
1942 Alb.75-80, Scholarship, complete set 50 pcs of stamp sheets, folded in perforation U:A3v–
1942 Alb.75-80, Scholarship, corner blocks of four creating miniature; folded in perforation U:A4
1942 Alb.76, Scholarship 1Ks red, marginal block-of-4, shifted print number sheet to picture of stmp, small fold in UL corner U:A5
1943 Alb.84-86, Charitable stamps, corner blocks of four creating miniature; favourite U:A4
1943 Alb.84-86, Charitable stamps, comp. 3 pcs of complete 100-stamps sheets, folded in perforation, partly detached in perforation U:A3v–
1943 Alb.87-89, Military, complete set 50-piece sheets, folded in perforation, partly detached in perforation U:A3v–
1944 Alb.115-118, War Damaged, comp. 4 pcs of 100-stamps sheets, folded in perforation, partly detached in margin U:A3v–
1939 PLATE PROOF Alb.34-36, 36a, Štefánik 40h blue, 60h dark green, 1Ks violet and 1Ks blue-violet, in pairs, plate proofs; exp. by Novotny., c.v.. 4.600Sk U:A5
1939 PLATE PROOF Alb.N43Yx, Tiso 50h green, plate proof, imperforated; c.v.. 3.500SKK U:A5
1940-44 comp. 3 pcs of Reg, express and airmail letters addressed to Bohemia-Moravia, multicolor franking postage and airmail stamps, German censorship, transit and arrival postmark.; without attributes of air forwarding U:A5
1941 Reg and airmail letter to USA, with 3x Alb.42A, CDS ŽILINA 30.VII.41, Us US censorship, on reverse transit pmk.; decorative envelope with little common franking, light tearing in upper part U:A5
1943 Express letter franked with. 3-tuple franking stamp. Scholarship 1,30 Koruna, CDS SABINOV 8.II.43; cat. Földes 1.500SKK, U:A5
1943 Reg letter with Alb.41, 51 and 44, stmp Tiso 70h with plate variety 49/1 - skoba on forehead; sought defect for entires U:A5
1944 Express letter to Switzerland, franked with. multiple franking stamp. Tiso 70h brown, Alb.44D, 1x blk-of-10 with plate variety 85/2 - stain on vertical nožičce in/at "70", CDS BRATISLAVA 13.V.44, passed through censorship, on reverse arrival; short tearing in L corner of envelope U:A5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of postage, postage-due also newspaper stmp without gum, in larger also smaller blocks, in/at strips also single pieces, in addition inserted ca. 250 bags with used stamp. CZECHOSLOVAKIA, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA,, Slovakia also CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92.; total over 1,5Kg of material, in cardboard box U:K