Public Auction 37 / Philately / America and Caribbean / North America

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139781 - 1868-76 comp. 8 pcs of stamps Queen Victoria - hledící R,
1868-76 comp. 8 pcs of stamps Queen Victoria - hledící R, contains Mi.20xA, 25A (2x), 28cA, 29aC, 29bA (2x), 30aA, good quality c.v.. 111€
Starting price: CZK
145263 - 1894, 1901 comp. 2 pcs of uprated postal stationery covers,
1894, 1901 comp. 2 pcs of uprated postal stationery covers, Queen Victoria 1C blue with 2x SG.75 to Berlin and Queen Victoria 2C red with 4x SG.141, 143, 146 as Registered to Laussane (sent to famous expert E. S. Estoppey)
Starting price: CZK
144882 - 1867 commercial Reg letter with SG.29 2x, 32, Queen Victoria
1867 commercial Reg letter with SG.29 2x, 32, Queen Victoria 1C and Beaver 5C, CDS TORONTO, transit postmark FLETHERTON and arrival EUGENIA - very small, today vanished village, rare destination, nice letter
Starting price: CZK
143075 - 1870-1994 [COLLECTIONS]  collection mainly new stamps Canada
1870-1994 [COLLECTIONS] collection mainly new stamps Canada, contains several stamp. from classic period, souvenir sheets etc..; placed on 16 on stock-sheets A4 in spiral stockbook
Starting price: CZK
144848 -  SG.42, Cartier 17c dark-blue; cat. Gibbons 90£;, nice
SG.42, Cartier 17c dark-blue; cat. Gibbons 90£;, nice
Starting price: CZK
144770 - 1860 letter via London to Altonu with SG.39, Queen Victoria
1860 letter via London to Altonu with SG.39, Queen Victoria 12½C "Packet Postage" dark yellow-green, numeral cancel "19", very fine stamps also letter, rather rare handwritten notice "Per Canadian Steamer"
Starting price: CZK
145046 - 1868-71 SG.27, overprint issue V and crown in oval 1$/3P gre
1868-71 SG.27, overprint issue "V" and crown in oval 1$/3P green, perf 12½;, very fine piece with original gum and typical irregular perf, this highest value very often missing also in big collections, c.v.. £1,300
Starting price: CZK
143925 - 1851 SG.5, Heraldic Flowers 1Sh light purple-red, 3 side/par
1851 SG.5, Heraldic Flowers 1Sh light purple-red, 3 side/party close but full margins, at top damaged margin, otherwise good piece of this rare stamps, c.v.. £4,500
Starting price: CZK
144732 - 1860 PLATE PROOF  SG.13, Connell 5C, comp. 2 pcs of plate pr
1860 PLATE PROOF SG.13, Connell 5C, comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs in/at original color on stamp paper (type india), imperforated, from that 1x as SPECIMEN with vertical overprint and marginal piece (this mounted on/for předlohovém carton), in the Czech market quite rare, c.v.. Unitrade C$650
Starting price: CZK
144697 - 1857 SG.4 ½;, Heraldic Flowers 6P olive yellow, bisecte
1857 SG.4 ½;, Heraldic Flowers 6P olive yellow, bisected stmp with light grid pmk on letter from small town Shediac to Summerside in Prince Edward Island, good destination, letter out of stmp damaged, interesting and rare also only as cut square, c.v.. for letter £3,000, our estimation for halving 6P on cut-square c.v.. £1,500
Starting price: CZK
144691 - 1858 small-sized letter to London with SG.1a, 4, issue 1851
1858 small-sized letter to London with SG.1a, 4, issue 1851 - Heraldic Flowers, bisected 3P bright red and 6P olive yellow, on stmp grid pmk with number "1", on reverse CDS ST. JOHN NEW BRUNSWICK and in front red arrival postmark LONDON, cut out seal, stamps in/at full margins, very attractive and rare entire overseas classic with certificate RPS London, only pouhá bisected stmp 3P on letter cat. min. £3000, quite extraordinary offer (!)
Starting price: CZK
144700 - 1859 small-sized letter from small town Shediac to Prince Ed
1859 small-sized letter from small town Shediac to Prince Edward Island with SG.2, Heraldic Flowers 3P dull red, light grid pmk with number "3", wide margins, very nice letter, cat. min. £650
Starting price: CZK
138976 - 1857 Mi.8; SG.22, Heraldic Flowers 8P brown-red, close, but
1857 Mi.8; SG.22, Heraldic Flowers 8P brown-red, close, but on/for all sides full margins, interesting shade, good quality, unsold item from 36. auction, significantly reduced, c.v.. 650€, SG £650
Starting price: CZK
138779 - 1862 Mi.A12a; SG.19a, Heraldic Flowers 5P red-brown, cat. Gi
1862 Mi.A12a; SG.19a, Heraldic Flowers 5P red-brown, cat. Gibbons £200
Starting price: CZK
139779 - 1897-1947 selection of more naž 60 pcs of stamps, it contai
1897-1947 selection of more naž 60 pcs of stamps, it contains e.g. Mi. 45, 60, 61 (2x), 69A, 72D, 229A-231A, 232-35, 240, max. 3 pcs of same (color shades), usual quality, on stock-sheet A4, cat. over 100€
Starting price: CZK
143918 - 1851 SG.5, Heraldic Flowers 6P yellow-green, without gum, ve
1851 SG.5, Heraldic Flowers 6P yellow-green, without gum, very fine piece, exp. Pfenninger, catalogue value for hinged £4,750
Starting price: CZK
143923 - 1851 SG.7, Heraldic Flowers 12C dark violet (in/at cat. Gibb
1851 SG.7, Heraldic Flowers 12C dark violet (in/at cat. Gibbons marked as "cold violet"), close but full margins, lower with small thin place, light grid pmk, representative piece of this rare stamps, c.v.. £5,500
Starting price: CZK
144856 - 1864 folded letter to Charlote Town, with SG.16 10c scarlet,
1864 folded letter to Charlote Town, with SG.16 10c scarlet, on reverse CDS HALIFAX. NOVA SCOTIA/ MAY 25.1864 and PRINCE EDWARD ICELAND MAY 27/1864
Starting price: CZK
145085 - 1862 SG.12, Queen Victoria 2P rose, corner blk-of-12, light
1862 SG.12, Queen Victoria 2P rose, corner blk-of-12, light vertical fold, stmp R lower with small thin place, otherwise very nice multiple with intact gum, rare offer, c.v.. £576++
Starting price: CZK
144832 - 1870 SG.30, Queen Victoria 3P blue, complete 30-zn. sheet, o
1870 SG.30, Queen Victoria 3P blue, complete 30-zn. sheet, on/for margins hinge / label, 27 pcs of stamps mint never hinged, rare multiple, c.v.. as single £630
Starting price: CZK
144831 - 1870 SG.31, Queen Victoria 4P black, complete 30-zn. sheet,
1870 SG.31, Queen Victoria 4P black, complete 30-zn. sheet, on/for margins sheet sporadically toned, stamps mint never hinged, rare multiple, c.v.. as single £330
Starting price: CZK
145084 - 1864 letter to Port Hill with pair SG.6, Queen Viktorie1P br
1864 letter to Port Hill with pair SG.6, Queen Viktorie1P brown-orange, perf 11, grid pmk and CDS PRINCE EDWARD ICELAND, envelope out of stmp torn, rather rare and else/yet nice entire - with regard to obvyklému status letters from this region, cat. only pair £180, on letter £900
Starting price: CZK
145081 - 1865 letter from St. John to Warrenu with SG.17, Queen Victo
1865 letter from St. John to Warrenu with SG.17, Queen Victoria 6P yellow-green, perf 11½;, black grid pmk., on reverse CDS PRINCE EDWARD ICELAND, envelope L minimally shortened, very nice entire incl. content, interesting early usage stamps, according to cat. Gibbons issued to 1866, cat. min. £720
Starting price: CZK
145083 - 1866 letter to Nova Scotia with SG.14, Queen Victoria 3P blu
1866 letter to Nova Scotia with SG.14, Queen Victoria 3P blue, perf 11½;, grid pmk., CDS PRINCE EDWARD ICELAND and arrival TATAMAGOUCHE - very small village/community on/for northern shore, nice letter to rare destination!
Starting price: CZK
145082 - 1868 letter to Woburn (Massachusetts) with pair SG.14, Queen
1868 letter to Woburn (Massachusetts) with pair SG.14, Queen Victoria 3P blue, perf 11½;, grid pmk and CDS PRINCE EDWARD ICELAND, very nice quality and better 6P franking, cat. min. ca. £360
Starting price: CZK
144698 - 1868 letter with SG.10, Queen Victoria 1P yellow-braun-orang
1868 letter with SG.10, Queen Victoria 1P yellow-braun-orange, pair, perf 11¾;, nice CDS PRINCE EDWARD ICELAND, on stmp linear postmark, several short tooth (by/on/at these issues quite common), very nice letter, not only in the Czech market are entires from P.E.I. rare, cat. min. £1040
Starting price: CZK
144114 - 1962 Mi.396, Submarine Surcouf, c.v.. 150€
1962 Mi.396, Submarine "Surcouf", c.v.. 150€
Starting price: CZK
145138 - 1861 LOCAL ISSUE  Wells Fargo & Co., Sc.143L3, Ponny Express
1861 LOCAL ISSUE Wells Fargo & Co., Sc.143L3, Ponny Express $1 red, on paper without gum, significant color, very fine, c.v.. $100
Starting price: CZK
145213 - 1861-62 Sc.63, 65, 68, Presidents 1C Franklin - hinged, 3C W
1861-62 Sc.63, 65, 68, Presidents 1C Franklin - hinged, 3C Washington (without gum), 10C Washington (without gum), very nice quality, only by/on/at Sc.68 2 short teeth, c.v.. $770
Starting price: CZK
144772 - 1863 Sc.73, Jackson 2C black, block of 8 with grid pmk, R sp
1863 Sc.73, Jackson 2C black, block of 8 with grid pmk, R sporadically damaged perf, lower abraded margin, after all extraordinary block, c.v.. $2,700
Starting price: CZK
144817 - 1873 Mi.12; Sc.162, Clay 12C black-violet, stmp with gum - a
1873 Mi.12; Sc.162, Clay 12C black-violet, stmp with gum - according to our opinion new gum, nice piece with significant color, catalogue value for hinged $2400, for stamp without gum $1100
Starting price: CZK
145215 - 1875 REPRINT  Sc.LO3, Carrier Franklin 1C, printed on paper
1875 REPRINT Sc.LO3, Carrier Franklin 1C, printed on paper without gum, exceedingly quality corner piece, margins significantly overlapping adjacent stamps
Starting price: CZK
145216 - 1875 Sc.123, Franklin 1C, new issue to issue 1869, very nice
1875 Sc.123, Franklin 1C, new issue to issue 1869, very nice quality, c.v.. $230
Starting price: CZK
145310 - 1875-88 Mi.43, 47, 53-55, 58; Sc.178, 189, 212-214, 217,  co
1875-88 Mi.43, 47, 53-55, 58; Sc.178, 189, 212-214, 217, comp. 6 pcs of stamp., Presidents, c.v.. 1.085€, Scott $870 (1993)
Starting price: CZK
145211 - 1885-93 Sc.E1-3, SPECIAL DELIVERY 10C blue, 6-řádkový ins
1885-93 Sc.E1-3, SPECIAL DELIVERY 10C blue, 6-řádkový inscription, 10C blue 5-řádkový inscription and 10C orange, nice quality and original gum, only E3 on reverse spots and more/larger hints of mounting, as clear rather rare, c.v.. $1340
Starting price: CZK
145219 - 1890 SC.221-223, 225, Presidents - small format, 3C-5C, 10C,
1890 SC.221-223, 225, Presidents - small format, 3C-5C, 10C, very nice pieces with larger hinges, c.v.. $400
Starting price: CZK
144815 - 1893 Mi.76; Sc.233, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America 4C u
1893 Mi.76; Sc.233, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America 4C ultramarine, str-of-4 with bottom sheet margin and with inscription AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY, on two places slightly toned, otherwise very fine piece, marginal complexes this issue are very attractive and favourite (!), c.v.. as single stamp. $360
Starting price: CZK
144814 - 1893 Mi.77; Sc.234, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America 5C b
1893 Mi.77; Sc.234, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America 5C brown, str-of-4 with upper sheet margin and with inscription AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY, very fine piece, c.v.. as single stamp. $380
Starting price: CZK
144813 - 1893 Mi.78; Sc.235, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America 6C v
1893 Mi.78; Sc.235, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America 6C violet, str-of-4 with bottom sheet margin and with inscription AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY, superb multiple with intact gum, c.v.. as single stamp. $900
Starting price: CZK
144812 - 1893 Mi.79; Sc.236, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America 8C p
1893 Mi.79; Sc.236, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America 8C purple, str-of-5 with upper sheet margin and with inscription AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY, 4 pcs of stamps superb, whole strip in very nice quality, cat. only as single stamp. $880
Starting price: CZK
144810 - 1893 Mi.80; Sc.237, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America 10C
1893 Mi.80; Sc.237, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America 10C grey-black, str-of-4 with upper sheet margin and with inscription AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY, 3x lightly hinged, very fine piece, cat. only as single stamp. $800
Starting price: CZK
145212 - 1913 Sc.397-400, Exhibition in San Francisco 1C-10C yellow-o
1913 Sc.397-400, Exhibition in San Francisco 1C-10C yellow-orange, perf 12, c.v.. $220
Starting price: CZK
145136 - 1918 Sc.524, Franklin $5 dark green / black, with upper marg
1918 Sc.524, Franklin $5 dark green / black, with upper margin sheet, luxury piece with intact gum, c.v.. $375 ++
Starting price: CZK
144105 - 1976 Mi.1203-52, Bicentennial Era, complete printing sheet f
1976 Mi.1203-52, Bicentennial Era, complete printing sheet "flags"
Starting price: CZK
144693 - 1845 POSTMASTER STAMPS / NEW YORK  letter to Ohio with Sc.9X
1845 POSTMASTER STAMPS / NEW YORK letter to Ohio with Sc.9X1, Washington 5C, pair with initials postmaster A.C. Monson, CDS NEW YORK, very nice entire, stamps with wide margins, certificate Rendon
Starting price: CZK
145105 - 1845 POSTMASTER STAMPS / NEW YORK  Sc.9X1a, letter with Wash
1845 POSTMASTER STAMPS / NEW YORK Sc.9X1a, letter with Washington 5C black, transcription ACM, red CDS NEW YORK and arc cancel. PAID, to Boston, nice letter with vert. folds, one little jdoucí over the stmp, wide margins, in the Czech market rare, c.v.. $750
Starting price: CZK
144720 - 1873 OFFICIAL  Sc.O34, Official 90C Justice Dept. violet, ve
1873 OFFICIAL Sc.O34, Official 90C Justice Dept. violet, very fine highest value, c.v.. $800
Starting price: CZK
144860 - 1873 OFFICIAL  Sc.O35-45, Official - NAVY DEPARTMENT, comple
1873 OFFICIAL Sc.O35-45, Official - NAVY DEPARTMENT, complete set 1C-90C in blue color, mostly without gum, as complete set very rare, according to our opinion only hard repeatable offer, c.v.. $2,110 (stamps without gum considered)
Starting price: CZK
144721 - 1873 OFFICIAL  Sc.O67, Official 90C State Dept. green, very
1873 OFFICIAL Sc.O67, Official 90C State Dept. green, very fine piece in/at beauty color, c.v.. $525
Starting price: CZK
144703 - 1901 PHILIPPINES (Mi.218II), Perry $1 black, rare type II wi
1901 PHILIPPINES (Mi.218II), Perry $1 black, rare type II with red overprint "PHILIPPINES", rare stamp with certificate PSE California, c.v.. 2000$
Starting price: CZK
144771 - 1863 PLATE PROOF  Sc.73, Jackson 2C black, block of four (!)
1863 PLATE PROOF Sc.73, Jackson 2C black, block of four (!) with part of marginal inscriptions, nice print on paper type "india", on reverse several small thin places, after all very interesting
Starting price: CZK
144853 - 1869 PLATE PROOF  Sc.112-122P, complete set 11 pcs of plate
1869 PLATE PROOF Sc.112-122P, complete set 11 pcs of plate proofs 1C- 90C, imperforated on thin paper type "india", 15C both types, 1C damaged, otherwise very nice quality, beauty color, extraordinary offer this rare set (!), c.v.. $1200
Starting price: CZK
144857 - 1870 PLATE PROOF  Sc.145-155P, comp. 11 pcs of plate proofs
1870 PLATE PROOF Sc.145-155P, comp. 11 pcs of plate proofs 1C-90C complete set "Statesmen", imperforated on paper type "india", in addition 3C in/at other shade, very fine, c.v.. $300 +
Starting price: CZK
144858 - 1890-93 PLATE PROOF  Sc.219-229P, comp. 8 pcs of plate proof
1890-93 PLATE PROOF Sc.219-229P, comp. 8 pcs of plate proofs issue "Statesmen" on/for white cardboard paper, printed in/at Continental Banknote Co., except 6C complete set 1C-90C, very fine, c.v.. $700
Starting price: CZK
144855 - 1883-93 PLATE PROOF  Sc.P210, 211, 213-218, E1P+E3P, comp. 1
1883-93 PLATE PROOF Sc.P210, 211, 213-218, E1P+E3P, comp. 11 pcs of plate proofs on carton paper, 8x from issue "Statesmen" incl. 30C and 90C, in addition 3 pcs Express, nice color, very fine, c.v.. $475
Starting price: CZK
144719 - 1869 ESSAY  Mi.27; Sc.113-E3e, Pony Express 2C, block of fou
1869 ESSAY Mi.27; Sc.113-E3e, Pony Express 2C, block of four in blue color, on stamp paper, grill 9x9mm, 3 pcs of stamp. mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. $560 ++
Starting price: CZK
144778 - 1863 letter to Ohio with Sc.73, Jackson 2C black, str-of-6,
1863 letter to Ohio with Sc.73, Jackson 2C black, str-of-6, black cork cncl and CDS MILWAUKEE, lower short teeth (rather frequent on stmp from this period), envelope L shortened, rare multiple franking (!)
Starting price: CZK
145135 - 1869 Reg letter to Chesterville (S.C.) with Sc.119II, 114, 1
1869 Reg letter to Chesterville (S.C.) with Sc.119II, 114, 15C brown and 3C blue, CDS WINNSBORO, on stmp cork cncl., very nice quality, registered letter with this issues is rather rare, c.v.. Scott $900
Starting price: CZK
142289 - 1894-1908 comp. 2 pcs of letters, 1x commercial Reg letter t
1894-1908 comp. 2 pcs of letters, 1x commercial Reg letter to Munich (München), with 8c, Mi. 79 + 5c, Mi.93, CDS CLEVELAND/ OHIO, violet framed pmk CLEVELAND MAY 8/ 1894, on reverse transit pmk and arrival postmark MUNICH 8/ 19.MAI.94, (tearing in R margin envelope/-s), 1x letter to Lviv, with 8c, Mi.144 + 5c, Mi.142, CDS WESTCHESTER, red round departure cancel. NEW YORK (WESTCHESTER) FEB.26.1908, on reverse transit pmk and arrival LEMBERG1/LWOW 9.III.08; decorative additional printing, interesting
Starting price: CZK
142284 - 1929 aerogram to Czechoslovakia, franked with. air stamp. Mi
1929 aerogram to Czechoslovakia, franked with. air stamp. Mi.306, 310 (2x), 315, CDS NEW ORLEANS/ JAN 21, on reverse transit pmk.; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK