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1884-87 SG.27b, 28a, Queen Victoria 2½P blue (heavy hinge) and 4P brown, nice piece with favourite plate variety - upper L triangle detached from line above head, favourite and rather rare specialties, c.v.. £750 U:A5
1932 Mi.61-70; SG.81-90, Landscape and sailing-ship/-s, cat. Gibbons £200 U:A5
1938 Mi.78-89; SG.98-109, Landscape and George VI., complete set, cat. Gibbons £110 U:A5
1953 Mi.101-115; SG.120-134, Landscape, complete set 15 pcs of stamps, cat. Gibbons £65 U:A5
1953 Mi.101-115; SG.121-134, Landscape and Elizabeth II., complete set, cat. Gibbons £65 U:A5
1918-22 SG.55, George V. £1 purple / black on red paper, on cut-square with CDS HAMILTON / BERMUDA, very fine piece, c.v.. £550 ++ U:A5
1866-1905 selection of 39 stamps, contains i.a. Crown 3C, Mi.2, Number in oval 4C, Mi.7, Number in oval 50C, Mi.13I., set Friedrich VIII. Mi.41-48, Kristián X. 30Bit, Mi.54 etc..; various quality, cat. according to owner min. 1600€ U:A5
1873-1909 comp. 14 pcs of stamps, i.a. Mi.15, 37, 46, all very fine, only 1c postage-due without gum, c.v.. ca. 900€ U:A5
1874-1879 Mi.8; Sc.9a+b, Numerals 7C violet / yellow, pair, L inverzní frame, R normal frame, one short tooth (very frequent), very nice pair U:A5
1896 PC Numerals 2C blue addressed to to Zurich, uprated with stamp Mi.16, 1C green / red, CDS ST. THOMAS, in front arrival postmark, at upper margin out of stmp light fold, otherwise perfect condition, all postally Us entires Danish West Indies are rather rare U:A5
1889 Reg letter through/over Barbados to Colchesteru, with 4x 10C +4C + 3C, issue 1874, CDS ST. THOMAS, red framed Reg pmk, all Reg letters from Danish West Indies are rather rare, attractive entire in very nice quality U:A5
1900 Reg letter to New York with 2x 10C + 5C +2 x 1C, issue 1874, CDS ST. THOMAS, rate 20C to USA + 7C reccomendation charge, red framed Reg pmk, by/on/at one stamp. 10C at top missing corner, attractive entire U:A5
1874 SG.1-3, Queen Victoria 1P violet, 6P green (without gum), 1Sh purple-red, wmk CC, perf 12½;, 1Sh R with two missing teeth, otherwise nice quality, rare offer, c.v.. £1025 U:A5
1874 SG.1, Queen Victoria 1P violet, wmk CC, perf 12½;, nice piece with part original gum, contrary to nízkému catalogue rather rare offer, c.v.. £150 U:A5
1908 SG.48-54, Landscape and George V., complete issue SPECIMEN, 9 values, partially mounted on carton, as whole set rather rare, c.v.. £200 U:A5
1923 SG.71-91, George V., complete set ½P - 1£;, all SPECIMEN - overprint or perfin, mounted on (předkládacím ?) carton, c.v.. £400 U:A4
1890 small-sized Reg letter via London to Germany, with SG.11 8x and SG.14a 4x, bisected (!), mixed franking overprint issue ½P red Opt on bisected stmp Queen Victoria 1P light violet and ditto without overprint, cancel. A07 and CDS DOMINICA, on reverse arrival FÜRSTENWALDE, attractive letter in perfect quality, rare franking, exp. Kosack + certificate Philatelic Foundation New York U:A5
1937-46 SG.149-151, 153-163, 164-164, George VI., Coronation, Landscape ½P-10Sh and issue Victory, superb complete set, all SPECIMEN perforation, c.v.. £465, rare offer U:A5
1883 SG.31a, Queen Victoria 1P carmine, opposite facing pair (!), sought by specialists, mint never hinged, c.v.. 225£ U:A5
1889 Mi.6, postage stmp general issue for colony/-ies Mi.45 with letterpress overprint "GUADELOPE" and with new postage stmp value 5c, 3 pcs of, from that 2 marginal + Mi.7, ditto, Mi.56 with same overprint and new value 10c, 3 pcs of, from that 1x pair, from old collection, on reverse heavier hinges, c.v.. 144€ U:A5
1889 Mi.7, postage stmp general issue for colony/-ies Mi.56 with letterpress overprint "GUADELOPE" and with new postage stmp value 10c, 3 pcs of, from that 1x pair, from old collection, on reverse heavier hinges, cat. min. 102€ U:A5
1870 Mi.8, 9, 11, Queen Victoria, values 1P, 2P and 4P; c.v.. 360€ U:A5
1912 SG.42-46, 49-52, George V., 9 values from the set, SPECIMEN, incl. highest values 2Sh-10Sh, in addition with postmark COLONIAS, after/around year 1908 instead "ULTRAMAR", as presentation cancellation portugalskou post. administration near/in/at výměnném transport in terms of UPU, extraordinary offer, rare usage English colonial stamps, postal historically very valuable (!), cat. only as specimens ca. £280 U:A5
1960-90 [COLLECTIONS] big business supply of stamps and MS, nice motives; placed in envelopes, on cards and in 2 stockbooks, all in cardboard box, total of 12kg of material, high catalogue price, estate from dealer U:K
1890-1910 [COLLECTIONS] SG.1-19, 20-28, 36-45, complete set, incl. better stamps and highest values Queen Victoria and Edward VII., 3x repaired postmark, nice quality, cat. min. £950 U:Z
1895 letter through/over Paris to Austria with multicolor franking 11 pcs of stamps issue Allegory, in/at celkovém přesném portu abroad 25C, CDS FORT DE FRANCE MARTINIQUE, stmp 5C with missing corner, vertical fold, after all nice small/rare letter U:A5
1904 SG.54-62, Edward VII., set ½d–5Sh with overprint SPECIMEN on/for číslovaném sheet from presence book/-s post off. directorate on/for Madagaskaru, red cancel. POSTES ET TELEGRAPHES MADAGASCAR / COLLECTION DE BERNE, lower signature and cancel. director post. management; in time 1890-1920 was/were from Bern zasílány in terms of UPU postal správám newly issued stamps of member states and cílové post. management is archivovaly; postally and historically interesting and rare document with unikátním "usage" these stamps, extraordinary offer! U:A3v–
1868 Mi.3A; SG.10, Saint Ursula 6P rose, perf 15, cat. Gibbons £600 U:A5
1870 SG.1, 2, 5, Queen Victoria 1P dull rose, 1P violet (without gum), 6P green (without gum), wmk CC, irregular perf 12½;, nice quality, c.v.. ca. £200 U:A5
1860-63 SG.3, 9, Queen Victoria 6P green with whole L sheet margin and unissued stmp 6P green with overprint HALF PENNY; SG.3 with shifted perf, both stamp. very nice and with original gum, c.v.. £370+ U:A5
1881 SG.F7a, fiscal stamp 1P black with overprint for post. usage ONE PENNY STAMP, double overprint, very nice quality, catalogue value for hinged £750 U:A5
1891-92 SG.54, bisected stmp Queen Victoria 6P violet / blue, block of 6 with black overprint ½P, in/at the bottom třetině original oblique fold, otherwise very nice multiple, c.v.. £168++ U:A5
1891-98 SG.43-52, Queen Victoria ½P-10Sh, complete set, very fine, only lightly hinged, c.v.. £190 U:A5
1906 Reg letter via London to Germany, franked with. 7 stamps issue Queen Victoria 1882-92, six-colour franking (!), i.a. SG.25, 26, 28, CDS CASTRIES ST. LUCIA., very nice quality, c.v.. £400 ++ U:A5
1869-81 SG.9, 14, 23, Queen Victoria, comp. 3 pcs of stamps, 1Sh slate, 1Sh brown (without gum), 6P light green (without gum), very nice quality, 2x certificate RPS London and exp. Bloch, Thier, Senf, these unused stamps often missing also in big collections, catalogue value for hinged £1,525 U:A5
1872 SG.20, Queen Victoria 1Sh dark pink, mixed perforation, centric postmark, very fine, c.v.. £350 U:A5
1880 SG.31, Queen Victoria 1Sh bright orange, wmk "star", very fine piece with lower margin of sheet, c.v.. £800 ++ U:A5
1881 SG.38, Queen Victoria 4P bright blue, wmk "star", typical irregular perf, very fine piece with original gum, rare stamp, certificate Bloch, c.v.. £1200 U:A5
1885-93 Mi.36; SG.53b, Allegory 5Sh brownlila, complete sheet i. e. blk-of-20 with margin, some hinges, min. 6 pcs stamp. mint never hinged, cat. Gibbons as single stamps £992, in/at sheet markedly more U:A4
1879-1882 comp. 6 pcs of stamps, SG.1, 3, 12, 13, 18, 19, Queen Victoria 1P (mint never hinged), 6P, 1Sh, 2½P/6P wmk CC and 4P, 6P wmk CA, very fine, small hinged, rare selection of clear colonial stamps (!), c.v.. £1250 U:A5
1880 SG.10, Queen Victoria 4P yellow-green, wmk CC, nice piece with original gum, exp. Knopke, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1847 SG.1, Lady McLeod, 5c blue, lithography (ship and initials L.Mc.L.) in perfect unused status, fine color, one of the greatest rarities of world philately intended for prepayment mailing transported between Port of Spain and San Fernando by the steamship Lady McLeod; is to prestigious and unrepeatable offer, preserved only 26 (!) Un pieces, exp. Diena, Calves + certificate Holcombe, cat. Gibbons 28.000£, cat. Michel 60.000€ (ATTENTION - for this lot is charged VAT from complete price, no only from commission) U:DR
1895 PC Queen Victoria ½P brown, uprated by. 4-coloured franking SG.106-110, CDS PORT OF SPAIN and arrival PARAMARIBO in/at Netherlands Guyaně, good destination, very fine U:A5
1868 letter to Philadelphia with SG.69, 70, Seated Britannia 1P and 4P with numeral cancel "1", CDS TRINIDAD, transit postmark ST. THOMAS and N.Y. STEAMSHIP, very nice clear letter U:A5
1900 SG.101-109, Coat of arms ½P-3Sh and ditto also as SPECIMEN, in addition SG.112 3P SPECIMEN; value 1Sh without gum, otherwise nice, c.v.. £420 U:A5
1909 SG.115-126, Edward VII. ¼P-3Sh, SPECIMEN, as set rather rare set, very fine, c.v.. £275 U:A5
1918-19 SG.146-148, George V. - WAR TAX 1P and 3P black Opt, 3P red Opt, all SPECIMEN, c.v.. £127 U:A5
1896 Reg letter sent via London to France with SG.59, 62b, Queen Victoria 6P yellow-brown and 1P purple-red with plate variety "stain on of throat", numeral cancel "1" and CDS REGISTRED TURKS ICELAND, sent back for neúplnost address, on reverse hints of mounting, very nice quality and interesting entire, cat. only SG.62b on letter £480 U:A5
1900-90 [COLLECTIONS] ANGUILLA, BAHAMY, BELIZE, GRENADA etc.. collection of stamps Caribbean, several stamp. from period of classic, souvenir sheets, several stamp booklets, interesting motives, for example. trains, car, ships, animals etc..; in 16-sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1960-90 [COLLECTIONS] S. VINCENC, GREAT BRITAIN, CANADA, U.N. and oths. comp. of stamps and miniature sheets, various motives, placed in 15-sheet stockbook, c.v.. ca. 780€ U:Z
1984-90 [COLLECTIONS] MARSHALLOVY OSTRAVY, PALAU, TUVALU comp. of stamps, souvenir sheets, interesting picture motives, for example. aircraft, car, trains, animals, country; placed in album A4 U:Z