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1864 Mi.10, Rivadavia 15c blue, imperforated, wmk "RA", light cancel., L small thin place, wide margins, exp. Thier, nice piece, one of most precious and most expensive stamps from complete South America, extraordinary offer (!), c.v.. 6500€ U:DR
1858-1916 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on album sheets, strong classic, i.a. Mi.1a, b, F, 2a, b, 3a, b, 4a, 5A, B, 6I, II, some more times, 11 values Rivadavia, Mi.8 and 9 excluded from sum, 11-14, overprint types 1884 and then complete to y 1908; high c.v.., statement from year 1996 is 2970MiM U:Z
1858-1910 [COLLECTIONS] old collection on 7 album pages, i.a. Mi.5-7, exp. Bühler, 5 values Rivadavia, 10C imperforated stamp. excluded from sum, through/over darker shade color typický for this first edition, then almost complete, provisory, Official etc..; c.v.. ca. 1300€ U:Z
1868-90 Mi.8, 9, 10, 11 and 30, Coat of arms in circle and lower 9 asterisks, comp. 5 pcs of, value 50c unused; good quality, c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1843 Mi.1-3, Numerals 30R, 60R and 90R black, complete the first issue., so-called. "Bull's Eyes", Mi.1 without gum resp. with part of original gum, Mi.2-3 original gum, signs of age, i.a. 2x fold, value 60R marginal piece with quite small trhlinkou in lower margin, stamps without thin places and with wide margins, value 90R exp. Schlesinger, in/at clear status extremely rare classic stamps and only hard repeatable offer (!), c.v.. 9.000€ U:DR
1843 Mi.3, Numerals 90R, so-called. "Bull's Eyes", very fine piece with black CDS, exp. Senf, Lévy, c.v.. 1700€ U:A5
1849 Mi.11-18, Numerals 10R-600R, so-called. "Cat's Eyes", complete set in average quality, sporadically various minor faults, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1854 Mi.21, 22, Numerals 280R and 430R so-called. "Coloridos", perfect quality, perfect color and original gum, in this state rare classic stamps (!), cat. 500€ U:A5
1876-77 comp. 8 pcs of classical stamp, contains Mi.34 (2x) - with pin hole also perforated and Mi.36, Emperor Pedro II. with tmavým plnovousem + Mi.38-40, 42 and 45, Pedro II. with white plnovousem, c.v.. 85€ U:A5
1881 Mi.48-50, Emperor Pedro II., values 50R, 100R and 200R, grid background, complete set, c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1853-94 comp. of 3 various issues: Mi.54, 56 and 58, Emperor Pedro II. - all 3 pcs of stamp. thin places + Mi.59-63, various printings in circle + Mi.114, Allegory 2000R, highest value long postage stmp set and else/yet Official stamps Mi.7-11; from old collection, c.v.. total 115€ U:A5
1938-56 selection of miniature sheets Mi.Bl.1-11, i.a. World Exhibition New York 1940 - small/rare printing and often missing in collections, Bl.10 - all variants X, Y, Z; very fine, c.v.. 820€ U:A4
1943 Mi.Bl.6 2x, Centenary of Brazilian Stamps, formats 127x95mm and 127x101mm - rare; issue without gum, c.v.. 426€ U:A5
1894-1935 PLATE PROOF comp. of trial printings, Mi.113, 433-434, pairs and 268 marginal Pr, Mi.113 is highest value Allegory 1894 1000R (!), all in original colors on carton paper with gum, interesting U:A5
1898 NEWSPAPER STAMPS comp. 5 pcs of newspaper stmp, contains Mi.115, 116, 118a, 120 and 123, all with three-line overprint new values + year "1898"; incomplete line, c.v.. 105€ U:A5
1890 POSTAGE-DUE comp. 15 pcs of postage-due stamps, contains Mi.1-6 and Mi.8, Numerals, various shades red color + Mi.10-16, Numerals, in various colors, both set incomplete + Mi.22 and 23; total c.v.. 86€ U:A5
1938-73 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.Bl.1-3, 6-33, collection miniature sheets, No. 8 2x, No. 9 2x, No. 10 4x, also some other more times, very fine, in 8-sheet stockbook, c.v.. ca. 1050€ U:Z
1882 SG.163,165, 2C yellow pair, local issue Georgetown on paper without gum, joined different printings, perfin SPECIMEN, very fine pair, c.v.. £198 U:A5
1890 SG.209a, INLAND REVENUE 1C/3$, red double overprint, light vertical fold in gum, very nice and rather rare piece, c.v.. £140 U:A5
1938-52 Mi.176-187; SG.308-319, Landscape Motives, set 22 pcs of stamps, various perf; cat. Gibbons £145, rare U:A5
1882 [COLLECTIONS] SG.162, 163, specialized selection of 17 pcs of stamp. and 1x blk-of-10 (rare) issue Sailing Ship, 1C violet, 2C yellow, i.a. inverted and double perforation, 5x small Two, 3x one with rovným zakončením lower, very nice quality, on/for old pages Warwick, cat. min. £1300 U:Z
1855 Mi.3, Columbus 5C red-brown lithography, Chilean local print, complete black round postmark, at top close but complete margins, very nice piece exp. Engel, cat. 350€ U:A5
1854-67 Mi.1 II.a, Columbus, 5c red-brown, P1 - small numeral(s) "5" + Mi.7, P7 - big numeral(s) "5", imperforated, common margins + Mi.8, 10 and 11, Ch. Columbus 1C, 5C and 10C, nominal value at top; 4 pcs of cancelled hand-made; from old collection, c.v.. 110€ U:A5
1865 Mi.29, Coat of arms with kondorem 10C and bisected stmp 10C violet, on cut-square with oval blue cancel. MEDELLIN FRANCA, attractive piece U:A5
1868-86 Mi.47, 48, 49xa, 49xb, 50xa, 50xb, 53 and 88B, Coat of arms in various orámováních, 3 pcs of cancelled hand-made; cat. min. 145€ U:A5
1870-79 Mi.56a, 57, 58, 59 (2x), 60x, 61, Coat of arms in various orámováních, complete set + Mi.66, Coat of arms 25c green, wide margins, 2 pcs of with oval cancel. BOGOTA, from old collection; cat. over 70€ U:A5
1866-67 Mi.39, 41 and 43a, Coat of arms in various orámováních, values 5c and 20c wide margins, both cancelled hand-made, value 1P cut; cat. min. 100€ U:A5
1876-81 Mi.62 (2x), 63a, 63b, 64a, 64b, Coat of arms and Head Svoboda, 2 complete set, color shades + Mi.68 and 69 2x - various paper, mostly wide margins, by/on/at 5 pcs of old owner's mark, unused stamps with heavy hinge; c.v.. 94€ U:A5
1904 Mi.216-217, President Morroquin, value 5P heavy hinge, 10P marginal piece; c.v.. 140€ U:A5
1875-89 DEPT. ANTIOQUIA Mi.20, 24, 25, 32xa, 36x, 70, comp. 6 pcs of better values, wide margins, 2 pcs of cancelled hand-made, Mi.36x without gum, 4 pcs of old owner's mark, c.v.. ca. 140€ U:A5
1869-73 DEPT. ANTIOQUIA Mi.8, 9, 11a, 12, 16 and 17, Coat of arms, resp. Symbols, comp. 6 pcs of, from that 3 pcs of cancelled hand-made + Mi.60 and 61, Postage provisory for Medellin - text in frame, common margins, on all stamps old owner's mark, 3 pcs of with heavy hinge, Mi.61 without gum U:A5
1863-78 DEPT. BOLÍVAR Mi.2 I. (3 pcs of, 1x pair), 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10, comp. 8 pcs of, from that 6 cancelled hand-made, common margins, Mi.2 I. as Pr and Mi.8 thinner places, c.v.. 190€ U:A5
1883 DEPT. CUNDINAMARCA Mi.7, 8 and 9, provisional issue, various texts in/at decorative frame, complete issue, at our place rare (ex Pfeffer), c.v.. 75€ U:A5
1870-85 DEPT. CUNDINAMARCA Mi.1, 2, 5, 6a, 6b, 11 I., Coat of arms + Mi.12-16, Coat of arms, complete set incl. Mi.13y, very good margins, major-part stamp. with old majetnickými marks and těžšími labels; c.v.. 93€ U:A5
1870-84 DEPT. TOLIMA MI.1a, four-line text, white paper + Mi.3b, 4x, 6, I and II issues.., interesting + Dept. SANTANDER Mi.1, 2 (2x), 3a, 3b, 4, Coat of arms and condor, complete the first issue.; very good margins, old owner's mark, 5 pcs of heavier hinges U:A5
? -1902 REVOLUTIONARY MAIL / CAUCA provisional issue, value 5c red, four-line text in/at decorative frame, c.v.. Michel doesn't report + Mi.11A, local issue for Popayan, both imperforated, from old collection U:A5
1883 Mi.50, Auxiliary issue 50c rose, with overprint "UPU/ PERU", c.v.. 100€; in addition free 4 pcs of cheaper stamps U:A5
1883 Mi.16-20, Postage due stmp stamps with black triangular overprint on/for postage stmp Mi.1-5, complete set + ditto, in addition with red bicircular overprint "LIMA/ CORREOS" - c.v.. Michel doesn't report; same set with red overprint "LIMA/ CORREOS" but without black trojúhelníkového overprint "PERU" c.v.. 200€; from old collection (ex V. Pfeffer) U:A5
1859-62 specialized selection of 28 pcs of stamps issue Sun with rays, more times Mi.12a-b, 13a, 14a-d, 14b rough print and fine print, 15a-b, 16a, 17a-b, specialisation colors, then color cancel. and plate variety, except 240C very fine margins and general quality, some stamps exp., rare offer from old collection, c.v.. ca. 1090€ U:A5
1864 specialized selection of 34 pcs of stamps issue Coat of arms, more times Mi.19a, 19d, 20a-b, 21a-b, 22a-b, i.a. blocks of four 6C and 8c and str-of-3 10C - rare, color postmark, better stamps exp., rare offer, c.v.. ca. 700€ ++ U:A5
1866 specialized selection of 26 pcs of stamps issue Coat of arms with valuable overprints, more times Mi.13, 26a-b, i.a. tête-bêche pair 10C/8C, triple overprint 10C/8C, shifted double overprint 15C/10C, pairs, rare bricky color 20C/6C, str-of-3 15C, printing error (!) 10C/6C, very nice quality, rare offer, c.v.. ca. 1400€ U:A5
1866 specialized selection of issue "Big numbers", Mi.27I, II, 28a,b - 31a,b, color, postmark, varieties of paper, nice quality, chosen pieces, i.a. block of 6 5C hinged, c.v.. ca. 300€ U:A5