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1938 Mi.39-52; SG.38-47, George VI., set 16 pcs of stamps, light hinged hinged U:A5
1956 Mi.62-74; SG.57-69, Elizabeth II., c.v.. 210€ U:A5
1946 first flight Léopoldville–Bruxelles, airmail letter franked with. i.a. 3 pcs of airmail stamps, CDS LEOPOLDVILLE 27.2.46, arrival postmark BRUSSELS 24.2.46, on reverse transit and memorial cancel.; good condition U:A5
1896-98 SG.50, Coat of arms 10Sh slate grey and vermilion red, rose paper, with perfin "26/ 4/ 09", without gum + SG.91, Coat of arms 2£ chocolate brown, higher nominal value U:A5
Edifil.41Ac, 41 var., Coat of arms 10C, comp. 2 pcs of fiscal stamps with overprint 5C for post. usage, violet overprint and blue double overprint c.v.. doesn't report, rare offer U:A5
1868 Mi.1; Edifil.1, Queen Isabel II. 20C brown, very nice piece of this sought "jedničky", c.v.. Edifil 750€ U:A5
1884-94 Edifil.10hi, 10Ahi, King Alfons XII. 50C/2C, 2x inverted overprint, blue double overprint - c.v.. doesn't report (!), and pair with opposite facing overprints, very nice colonial specialties, double overprint and pair exp. Th. Champion U:A5
1884-94 Edifil.9-11, 9-11A, 11B, Alfons XII. values 50C/1C-50C/5C, 7 pcs of stmp with overprint in various colors overprint, very nice quality, 3 pcs of expertized i.a. Champion, rare offer this Spanish colony/-ies (!), c.v.. Edifil €810 U:A5
1895 Edifil.9Ahi, 9Bhi, 9hh, 9Ahh, King Alfons XII. 50C/1C, comp. 4 pcs of stamps with inverted opt violet and blue, and double overprint blue and black, perfect condition, 2x exp. Galvez, rare offer, c.v.. 670€ U:A5
1896-1900 Edifil.35, 37-38, Alfons XIII., comp. 4 pcs of stamps with overprints 5C/10C, 5C/20C, 5C/12½C, various color overprint, 2x inverted overprint, red Opt on stmp 12½C exp. Champion, by/on/at one piece missing tooth, otherwise very nice quality, rare offer this Spanish kolonie!
1896-1900 Edifil.40-40C, 40G, Alfons XIII., specialized comp. 11 pcs of stamps with overprints 5C / 1/8C, 5C/2C, 5C/5C, 5C/6C, 5C/12½C, color overprint, inverted, double overprints, opposite facing pair (!) etc.., exp. Galvez, Friedeman, Engel, very nice quality and attractive selection of, rare offer this Spanish colony/-ies (!), c.v.. Edifil min. 578€ U:A5
1897 Edifil.41Bchi, 10C fiscal stamp with overprint for post. usage HABILITADO PARA CORREOS, inverted overprint type E, very fine piece, c.v.. Edifil 225€ U:A5
1899 Edifil.47F-G, 10C/25C and 15C/25C, fiscal stamps with overprint for post. usage, overprint red and black, perfect condition, very attractive pár(!), c.v.. Edifil 255€ U:A5
1855-63 SG.6, Triangle 4P dark blue, rarer red trigonal postmark, attractive piece in perfect quality U:A5
1861 SG.14b, Triangle 4P light bright blue (pale bright blue) or blue SG.14d, xylograph, black trigonal cancel., L lower minor faults, wide margins, without thin places etc.., in this tmavším shade rare, at our place still nenabízená stmp, exp. Schlesinger, c.v.. £2,500 or £3,250 U:A5
1900 MAFEKING SG.17, 18, Major Goodyear 1P light blue and dark-blue, control band lower and at top, on cut-squares with CDS MAFEKING CGH, extraordinary quality, c.v.. £600 + ca. 25% U:A5
1900 MAFEKING SG.18, Major Goodyear 1P dark-blue, very dark color shade, very fine piece with original gum, according to our opinion extraordinary offer - catalogue price doesn't picture rarity of the stamp, c.v.. £1,000 U:A5
1900 MAFEKING SG.22, Baden-Powell 3P dark-blue, printing "b" - width picture 21mm, rare stamp on cut-square with CDS MAFEKING CGH, very fine, c.v.. £1200 + ca. 25% U:A5
1900 MAFEKING SG.1-16, overprint 1d/½d-2Sh/1Sh, complete set, on stmp Cape of Good Hope overprint type I, on stmp Bechuanaland Protectorate overprint I and II, on stmp British Bechuanaland overprint I and II, all on cut squares in perfect quality, quite rare offer from old collection, c.v.. £3,455 U:DR
1859-64 Mi.9A, 11, 13a; SG.10, 15, 23, Queen Victoria, comp. 3 pcs of stamp., 3P blue, perf 14; 1P rose, wmk 1; 6P lilac; standard quality, unsold item from 36. auction, significantly reduced, cat. over 180€ U:A5
1923 SG.15, George V. £1 red / green, pair ZUID-WEST and SOUTH WEST, 10mm interspace row overprint, exceedingly quality highest value, with only small hint hinged, rare pair, missing in most collections, c.v.. £1,000 U:DR
1895-1912 PORTUGUESE COLONIES - MOZAMBIQUE, ANGOLA, GUINEA comp. 13 pcs of various Us p.stat from Portuguese territory in/at Africa, mainly PC, 3x letter-card, 3x uprated from that 1x as Registered to Germany; various quality - after all interesting and sought destination U:A5
1912 1. part from double PC sent as Registered to Germany, uprated by. 2 colonial stamp. issue LOURENCO MAROQUES, posting blue cancel. LOURENCO MAROQUES 14.2.12 and arrival HANNOVER 10.3.12 on face-side; good condition, decorative U:A5
1898-1924 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps on free album sheets, c.v.. 220€ U:Z
1884-94 SG.34b, Queen Victoria 6P green with double black overprint HALF PENNY, only part original gum, at top thin place in the place wmk, rather rare stamp, c.v.. £1,300 U:A5
1961 SG.172-175, issue TRISTAN RELIEF, legendary overprint set issued on the island St. Helena., values 2½c+3P–10c+1Sh Elizabeth II. and Marine Creatures, lowest value have/has damaged gum (evidently influence of climate in this local issue), other stamps luxury series; was/were in/at sale only 6 days, sold only 434 sets, unused stamps with preserved only small lot of, here in addition marginal pieces, exp. Bloch, contemporary colonial rarity missing in every collection, at all first-time in the Czech market, in catalogue fast increasing price, now cat. Gibbons £7,000 U:DR
1899-1914 comp. 11 pcs of various p.stat colonial issue, contains letter-card/-s, PC and double PC, part uprated by., 1x letter-card sent as Reg, mainly addressed to to Germany; part worse quality - stains, after all interesting, originate from old p. stat. collection U:A5
1912 double PC colonial issue 20R + 20R with overprint REPUBLICA and letter-card values 25R, both uprated with stamp colonial issue with overprint REPUBLICA and sent as Registered to Germany, arrival postmark HANNOVER; good condition U:A5
1954 SG.14-27, Country Motives, complete set; mint never hinged U:A5