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1960 Mi.534-545, Fish, complete set, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1960 Mi.534-545, Fish, complete set, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1960-61 Mi.570, 572-573, 575-586, 588, Chrysanthemums, incomplete set, missing Mi.571, 574, 587, náhrada 1x Mi.575 and 1x581; c.v.. 130€ U:A5
1961 Mi.608-613, Ancient Chinese Ceramics, incomplete set, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1962 Mi.652-655, Acting, set 4 pcs of stamps, highest value, c.v.. 370€ U:A5
1963 Mi.689-698, Butterflies, complete set, c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1963 Mi.726-735, Butterflies, complete set; issued without gum c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1963 Mi.744-759, Country, complete set, Mi.750 with flaw - tearing in perforation; c.v.. 340€ U:A5
1964 Mi.795-809, Peonies, complete set, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1964 Mi.795-809, Peonies, complete set; c.v.. 120€ U:A5
1964 Mi.Bl.9, miniature sheet Peonies, corresponding size 77x136mm, nice piece good condition, postmark from favor, c.v.. 2.000€ U:A5
1910 Korean PC uprated by. Chinese stamp. 1c and 2c, addressed to to Germany, CDS TIENTSIN 13.Mar.10 + CDS French post in China; definitely interesting, good condition U:A5
1937 first flight China–USA, Reg letter to New York with Mi.266, 269 2x, CDS CDS CANTON 27.4.37, blue cachet, on reverse transit and arrival postmark., green special postmark; envelope podlouhlého format, in/at upper middle part/-s short tearing, bend in/at LR part/-s, interesting U:A4
1893 SHANGHAI LOCAL POST comp. 2 pcs of PC local town post, values 1c brown and 2c violet, both with blue CDS SHANGHAI; light stains, philatelically motivated mailing U:A5
1893-96 SHANGHAI LOCAL POST comp. 3 pcs of p.stat local town post, PC 2c, postal stationery cover values 2c and letter-card with value 1c, all with blue CDS SHANGHAI; light stains, philatelically motivated mailing U:A5
1952 Reg letter to Czechoslovakia, decorative multicolor franking on front also back side; good condition, nice U:A5
1977 comp. 2 pcs of airmail letters to Italy, multicolor frankings, very decorative; 1x open from 2 sides U:A4
1946-65 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps and sets, contains i.a. 3x blok of 4 Gymnastics Mi.151-153, 169-171, 148-150, 10. Anniv Mi.466-468, Lenin Mi.527-529, Pigs Mi.546-550, Butterflies Mi.689-698, Sports games Mi. 903-913 (small flaw on the back side of the stmp. Mi.908), Giant Panda Mi.736-738, Monkeys Mi.741-743 etc.,; cat. 2.100€ U:A4
1862 SG.4, Queen Victoria 18C violet, without gum (as major-part extant stamps from the first issue.), very fine perf and nice color, in this status rare stamp, catalogue value for hinged £650 U:A5
1880 SG.F7, post. fiscal stamp Queen Victoria 10$ red with overprint 12C for post. užití, CDS HONG KONG PAID ALL, missing 1 the bottom tooth, sound condition and rather rare stamp, according to our opinion in/at c.v.. undervalued, c.v.. £300 U:A5
1886 Mi.56-57, 59-60 and 62, Coat of arms - Sun and Shah Nasredin, all with overprint "OFFICIEL" and with new postage stmp value, incomplete set, neupotřebenmá stamp. Mi.60 on reverse heavier hinges, other stamp. nice, c.v.. 80€ U:A5
1876-1980 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stmp Persia, contains i.a. cheaper pieces classic period; placed 5-sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1928-34 comp. of 4 complete sets, contains Mi.184-187, 193-194, 199-200 and 209-212, c.v.. 72€ U:A5
1935-51 comp. 5 pcs of stamps with motive of "New Year", contains the first 3 issue Mi.217, 229, 236 and also with Mi.240 and 513, total c.v.. 70€ U:A5
1947-49 comp. of 11 issues, contains Mi.378A-379A (2x), 382, 397, 400 (2x), 403, 404, 405, 432-33 and 457; nice quality, total c.v.. 70€ U:A5
1934 Mi.209-12, International conference of Red Cross, complete set, quite mint never hinged, marked by Pofis., c.v.. 105€ U:A5
1949 Mi.475, Week of Philately; c.v.. 160€ U:A5
1968-81 STAMP BOOKLETS comp. 3 pcs of complete stamp booklets, cat. JSDA No.37, 41 and 44; nice U:A5
1897 CHINA Japanese international post card 3S addressed to to Germany, posted to transport by/on/at japonského post. office in China, CDS TIENTSIN/ I.J.P.O. 23.Aug.97, then NINSEN/ I.J.P.O. and YOKOHAMA, arrival on face-side; good condition U:A5
1870-1970 [COLLECTIONS] interesting comp. of stamps and miniature sheets, miniature sheet National Parks - damaged, several interesting postmarks, 13 pcs of classical stamp on/for page. 2 - forgeries; placed in 10-sheet stockbook and 3 stock-cards U:O4
1960-88 [COLLECTIONS] partial collection on album sheets Schaubek in spring folder, face-value over 21.000 yen U:Z
1890-1910 [COLLECTIONS] comp. 15 pcs of various p.stat, from that 3x double PC, postal stationery covers and one newspaper wrapper, mainly worse quality - stains U:O5
1956 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, with Mi.53b as blk-of-4 + Mi.84B + Mi.101B on reverse, CDS CHUNDZIN 9.11.56, envelope with decorative additional-printing; good condition U:A5
1970-90 [COLLECTIONS] big business supply of motive stamps, screensheets and MS, high catalogue value, estate of dealer U:K
1901 comp. 2 pcs of Korean p.stat, from that 1x to Germany via China, CDS CHEMULPO and CDS SHANGHAI and arrival on address-side + double PC sent to German ship S.M.S. Fürst Bismarck - philatelic mailing U:A5
1987 Mi.569-572, miniature sheet Ceramics 2.20 (P); decorative, c.v.. 240€ U:A4
1912 p.stat colonial letter-card with overprint REPUBLICA uprated other 2 stamp. sent as Reg to Germany, CDS MACAU 17.Jun.12, on reverse arrival HANNOVER 7.7.12, incl. margins, good condition, decorative U:A5
1973-89 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps, contains i.a. complete set Musical instruments Mi.552-557, Geografická position Macaa Mi.495-6, Opevnění Mi.562-65, miniature sheet Year hada etc.., on 4 on stock-sheets, cat. according to owner 840€ U:O4
1888-1914 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 26 pcs of various Portuguese colonial p.stat, contains i.a. 4 pcs of uprated by. letter cards sent as Registered to Germany, from that 2 pcs of double, then PC various issue, double PC, part uprated; various quality, after all nebývalý multiple originate from old p. stat. collection U:O5
1964-71 [COLLECTIONS] collection 42 pcs of counter sheets Rjúkjú, various náměty: architecture, transport, animals, contains i.a. Mi.169-71, 186-190 etc..; placed in stockbook A4 U:Z
1950-90 [COLLECTIONS] VIETNAM, MONGOLIA big business supply of stamps and miniature sheets, placed in envelopes and stockbooks, all in big cardboard box, total 23kg of material, high catalogue value, estate of dealer U:K
1960-85 [COLLECTIONS] ALBANIA, DPRK, MONGOLIA, VIETNAM big business supply of stamps and miniature sheets, placed in envelopes, all in cardboard box, total 5kg of material, c.v.. by estimation 2500€, estate of dealer U:K