Public Auction 37 / Historical Documents, Maps

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142405 - 1652 FERDINAND III. (1608–1657), Holy Roman Emperor, King
1652 FERDINAND III. (1608–1657), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, autograph on misivu - sheet posélacím, dated in Vienna 29.5.1652, without address sheet, written in German; signs of age, more/larger tearing in backbone two-sheet, after all interesting and decorative
Starting price: CZK
142397 - 1680 LEOPOLD I. (1640–1705), Holy Roman Emperor, King of B
1680 LEOPOLD I. (1640–1705), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, autograph on misivu - sheet posélacím, dated 22.7.1680 in Linz, written in German, addressed to knights Janovi Antonínovi Losymu from Losinthalu - court komorní council; good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
142398 - 1712 CHARLES VI. (1685–1740), Holy Roman Emperor, King of
1712 CHARLES VI. (1685–1740), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria, handwritten answer with signature on sheet Hungarian referendaria Ladislav Hunyadiho from 19.2.1712 concerning Hungarian coronation, written in Latin; signs of age, interesting
Starting price: CZK
144989 - 1905 FÜRSTENBERG Max Egon (1863–1941), Austrian and Germa
1905 FÜRSTENBERG Max Egon (1863–1941), Austrian and German nobleman, blízký důvěrník German emperor William II., autograph on dlužním kolkovaném úpisu, decorative embossed and by hand coloured of coat of arms plášť with rodovým by coat of arms; very nice, 2x fold
Starting price: CZK
143537 - 1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country
1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country of Knights of Malta Fra´Karl count Brandis confirms by Eduard count Paara, that family knížat from Paaru using pictured coat of arms is ancient nobiliary family noble origin and his members can be taken to order. Issued in Vienna 26.6.1906, color picture coat of arms with Spanish shield, paper order seal, revenue; size 39x24cm, very decorative, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
143533 - 1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country
1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country of Knights of Malta Fra´Karl count Brandis confirms by Carl Felix, prince from Schwarzenberg, that family counts Hardeg-Glatz using pictured coat of arms is ancient nobiliary family noble origin and his members can be taken to order. Issued in Vienna 26.6.1906, color picture coat of arms with renesančním shield, paper order seal, revenue; size 39x24cm, very decorative, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
143534 - 1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country
1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country of Knights of Malta Fra´Karl count Brandis confirms by Carl Felix, prince from Schwarzenberg, that family knížat from Liechtenstein using pictured coat of arms is ancient nobiliary family noble origin and his members can be taken to order. Issued in Vienna 26.6.1906, color picture coat of arms with erbovním pláštěm and with Spanish shield, paper order seal, revenue; size 39x24cm, very decorative, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
143539 - 1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country
1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country of Knights of Malta Fra´Karl count Brandis confirms by Carl Felix, prince from Schwarzenberg, that family knížat from Schwarzenberg using pictured coat of arms is ancient nobiliary family noble origin and his members can be taken to order. Issued in Vienna 26.6.1906, in color picture coat of arms with erbovním pláštěm and with Spanish shield, paper order seal, revenue; size 39x24cm, very decorative
Starting price: CZK
143535 - 1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country
1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country of Knights of Malta Fra´Karl count Brandis confirms by Carl Felix, prince from Schwarzenberg, that family landkrabat from Fürstenbergu using pictured coat of arms is ancient nobiliary family noble origin and his members can be taken to order. Issued in Vienna 26.6.1906, barevn picture coat of arms with renesančním shield, paper order seal, revenue; size 39x24cm, very decorative, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
143532 - 1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country
1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country of Knights of Malta Fra´Karl count Brandis confirms by Carl Felix, prince from Schwarzenberg, that family markrabat Pallavicini using pictured coat of arms is ancient nobiliary family noble origin and his members can be taken to order. Issued in Vienna 26.6.1906, color picture coat of arms with Spanish shield, paper order seal, revenue; size 39x24cm, very decorative, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
143528 - 1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country
1906 Chancellor Grand Priory for Czech and Austrian country of Knights of Malta Fra´Karl count Brandis confirms by Moritze count Pálffy from Erdödu, that family counts Cavriani using pictured coat of arms is ancient nobiliary family noble origin and his members can be taken to order. Issued in Vienna 26.6.1906, color picture coat of arms with renesančním shield, paper order seal, revenue; size 39x24cm, very decorative, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
129932 - 1708 AUSTRIA (MORAVIA)  parchment document, written in Germa
1708 AUSTRIA (MORAVIA) parchment document, written in German, in head name Maxmilianus Antonius Kratzer von Schönsberg, 6 signatures; very nice
Starting price: CZK
129930 - 1738 AUSTRIA (MORAVIA)  parchment document, written in Germa
1738 AUSTRIA (MORAVIA) parchment document, written in German, in head name Maria Elisabetha, predikát Kratzer von Schönsberg, 3 signatures and 3 seal, i.a. Joseph Krakovsky and Dismas Joseph Ignác von Hoffer; very nice
Starting price: CZK
129933 - 1660 AUSTRIA (BOHEMIA)  parchment document barvířského gu
1660 AUSTRIA (BOHEMIA) parchment document barvířského guild in Jindřichův Hradec, written in German, seal in/at box; nice
Starting price: CZK
143609 - 1840 LOMBARDY-VENETO  reglement Royal Lombardian-Venetian ph
1840 LOMBARDY-VENETO reglement Royal Lombardian-Venetian physical guard, issued Austrian emperor Ferdinandem I. Habsburským, written Italian and German, on reverse 3 vysoce decorative color picture soldiers in uniforms physical guard, 148 sides, decorative folder; size 41x30cm, very decorative, good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
143657 - 1810 PACELICE (dist. Strakonice), list beer vyšenkování f
1810 PACELICE (dist. Strakonice), list beer vyšenkování for pacelického šenkýře, accounting control for royal výběrčího nápojové tax, 6 sheets; toned, front side in margins damaged
Starting price: CZK
143357 - 1943 NAZISM  order on/for poster with German and Czech text
1943 NAZISM order on/for poster with German and Czech text "Zdravíme with arijským pozdravem vztyčenou pravicí"; size 31x48 cm, slightly bumped margins, adversely folded, else preserved, interesting
Starting price: CZK
143358 - 1943 NAZISM  poster Sedmero to arijskému pozdravu, written
1943 NAZISM poster "Sedmero to arijskému pozdravu", written in Czech and German; size 63x47 cm, cross fold, slightly bumped margins, else preserved, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
143362 - 1943 NAZISM  plakátová invitation card for přednášku Cz
1943 NAZISM plakátová invitation card for přednášku "Czechs and present fight" in Vsetíně; size 60x42 cm, cross fold, good condition
Starting price: CZK
143355 - 1943 NAZISM  plakátová order zakazující plenění, writt
1943 NAZISM plakátová order zakazující plenění, written in Czech and German; format 31x24 cm, cross fold, very good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
143363 - 1943 NAZISM / VSETÍN  poster vyzývající to přispění o
1943 NAZISM / VSETÍN poster vyzývající to přispění on/for German red cross, written in German and Czech language; size 75x60 cm, 3x cross fold, very good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
143360 - 1943 NAZISM / VSETÍN  order of vyklízení půd, kůlen, st
1943 NAZISM / VSETÍN order of vyklízení půd, kůlen, stájí, dílen etc.., written in German and Czech language; size 60x40 cm, 2x cross fold, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
144046 - 1940-48 SLOVAKIA / HLINKA-YOUTH  comp. 7 pcs of documents re
1940-48 SLOVAKIA / HLINKA-YOUTH comp. 7 pcs of documents relevant to Hlinka Youth and Hlinka Guard, all on name Marián MORDÁČIK, contains i.a. correspondence card with framed pmk District headquarters Hlinka Youth/ New Baňa, passports (for visit German hygienického museum in Dresden), průkazku from y 1948 (Federation soldiers Slovak National Uprising), heading envelope with content and round postmark Main headquarters Hlinka Youth/ Bratislava, signed Ctibor GRANDTNER (vulgo Cipa, 1914–2004), in years 1937-38 high scout functionary, consequently leader kurzů vůdcovských schools Hlinka Youth, from y. 1968 exile pracovník [zdroj: Milla, Michal: Hlinka Youth 1938–1945]; very interesting selection of, life story
Starting price: CZK
143720 - 1939 JEWISH BADGE  yellow textile with black printing Jude
1939 JEWISH BADGE yellow textile with black printing "Jude"
Starting price: CZK
142044 - 1953 TOTALITARIANISM  anticommunist flyer, so-called. Hungry
1953 TOTALITARIANISM anticommunist flyer, so-called. Hungry Crown, interesting contemporary document
Starting price: CZK
143565 - 1922-43 POŠTOVNICTVÍ  comp. 10 pcs of documents and identi
1922-43 POŠTOVNICTVÍ comp. 10 pcs of documents and identity-card in relation to postal úředníkovi, all on name Angermann, Prague, life story; various condition
Starting price: CZK
143648 - 1941-43 PRINTED MATERIAL  comp. 2 pcs of newspapers, journal
1941-43 PRINTED MATERIAL comp. 2 pcs of newspapers, journal and card for order threnodial stamps, all in the context of nástupem to function and smrtí Reinhard Heydrich
Starting price: CZK
141965 - 1939-45 [COLLECTIONS]  SLOVAKIA  life story, selection of ph
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] SLOVAKIA life story, selection of photos, documents, correspondence etc.., i.a. P.O.W. mail (STALAG IX-C), declaration of odbojové activity/-ies, listings, off. document/-s, postcard and oths., all placed in flat box, very interesting
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 37 / Historical Documents, Maps - Information

Historické dokumenty a mapy

Do této kategorie řadíme mimo mapy také historické dokumenty jako různé zakládací listiny, vyhlášky a nařízení ve formě plakátů, letáky atd.