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1869 SG.3, Queen Victoria - embossed printing 6P dark blue, with almost full print CDS GAMBIA, very fine and decorative piece, c.v.. £200++ U:A5
1880-81 SG.15B, Queen Victoria - embossed printing 4P brown, wmk CC in/at normal position, very nice quality, original gum, c.v.. £325 U:A5
1880-81 SG.17A, Queen Victoria - embossed printing 6P dark blue, wmk sideways CC, red cancel., plate variety - sloping label at top, very nice quality, c.v.. £350 U:A5
1874 Mi.4; SG.7, Queen Victoria, 6P dark blue, very wide margins and significant embossed mint (Prägung), evidently new gum, Mi. 460€, estimation for stamp without gum £150
SG.117w, George V. 4Sh brown / red, with multiple wmk "Script CA", highest value in perfect quality, c.v.. £90 U:A5
1938 Mi.123-138; SG.150-161, George VI., complete set, cat. Gibbons £130 U:A5