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1871-72 SG.8, Tiger's Head 1 Abasi black, str-of-5, plate C, on ribbed paper with wmk, very fine, exp. Diena, Todd; this issue is in larger whole rare (!), c.v.. £425++ U:A5
1873 Mi.7x, Tiger's Head 1 Shani black, 54-blok i. e. almost complete sheet, wmk inverted (!) "coat of arms" with datací 1869, very nice and rare block, c.v.. 800€ ++ (in/at takovém whole markedly more) U:A4
1877-78 Mi.66, 67, Tiger's Head 1 Sanar and 1 Shani yellow, blk-of-20 - half-sheet, joined printing values 1 Sanar in/at upper line, remainder 1 Shani, very fine and interesting multiple, on reverse marked combination types, exp. Todd, c.v.. 160€ ++ (with joined types markedly more) U:A5
1878 Mi.91, Tiger's Head 1 Shani violet, blk-of-40 i. e. complete sheet, wmk "coat of arms", very fine and unusual multiple, exp. Todd, c.v.. 360€ ++ (in/at sheet markedly more) U:A5