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1987 Mi.569-572, miniature sheet Ceramics 2.20 (P); decorative, c.v.. 240€ U:A4
1912 p.stat colonial letter-card with overprint REPUBLICA uprated other 2 stamp. sent as Reg to Germany, CDS MACAU 17.Jun.12, on reverse arrival HANNOVER 7.7.12, incl. margins, good condition, decorative U:A5
1973-89 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps, contains i.a. complete set Musical instruments Mi.552-557, Geografická position Macaa Mi.495-6, Opevnění Mi.562-65, miniature sheet Year hada etc.., on 4 on stock-sheets, cat. according to owner 840€ U:O4
1888-1914 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 26 pcs of various Portuguese colonial p.stat, contains i.a. 4 pcs of uprated by. letter cards sent as Registered to Germany, from that 2 pcs of double, then PC various issue, double PC, part uprated; various quality, after all nebývalý multiple originate from old p. stat. collection U:O5