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1939 Exile issue, AS10a, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, black text, black emblem, exhibition Toronto, shift inscription, as printing error with significantly shifted overprint for NEW YORK WORLD´S FAIR 1939, on reverse printing spots, interesting piece, stamps mint never hinged U:A5
1943 Exile issue, Pof.AS1, London MS, sound condition + same miniature sheet on envelope with memorial zelenými postmarks, postally Un U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS4f, miniature sheet Pof.A329/330, black text, silver emblem, exhibition NY, production flaw - right nib in "W" - "WORLDS" - incomplete U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS3b, miniature sheet Pof.A329/330, black text, red emblem, exhibition NY, Braille printing U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS10a, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, black text, black emblem, exhibition Toronto, shift inscription U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS10d, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, black text, blue emblem, exhibition Toronto, nepřeškrtnutý inscription (!) U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS4a, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, black text, black emblem, exhibition NY, plate variety - "SBOVAK" instead "SLOVAK PAVILION" U:A5
1940 Exile issue, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, black emblem, green text, exhibition NY, missing green overprint on coupon U:A5
1940 Exile issue, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, red emblem, red text, exhibition NY, missing green overprint on coupon U:A5
1940 Exile issue, AS9b, d, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, 1x red emblem, shifted perforation in stamp. 50h + 1x blue emblem, shifted green overprint through/over perf, exhibition NY U:A5
1940 Exile issue, AS9c, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, black text, green emblem, exhibition NY, production flaw - right nib in "W" (WORLDS) incomplete U:A5
1939-43 comp. 5 pcs of first day sheet/-s with Brit. stamps and special postmark, i.a. red circular pmk SANCTA BARBARA/ ORA FOR NOBIS; superb U:A5
1940-42 comp. 4 pcs of PC and first day sheet/-s with special postmark, i.a. 1x with signature president Beneš, BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), the second Czechoslovak President; interesting selection of U:A4
1940-43 comp. 4 pcs of entires with special postmark (design Bartošík), also with 1x cut square CS.FP in France U:A5
1940-44 comp. 13 pcs of special or commemorative sheets and paper slips (author A. Bartošík) + 11 pcs of free sheets A4 with postal imprints Czechosl. FP in England, total over 60 pcs of postmarks, sound condition U:O4
1941 letter with overprint Y.M.C.A. to Palestine, Us Brit. censorship, CDS EGYPT 13.DE.41 U:A5
1945 letter from Windsoru with parcel bill sent dárku from Brit. Princess Elizabeth - honey for children Czechosl. school, předáno through/over Adolf Bartošík, on letter off. cancel. WINDSOR BERKSHIRE; dvorská correspondence, interesting kontext U:A4
1945 envelope with content, green additional printing "ACTIVE SERVICE", addressed to to Edgware, written generálem Alfrédem Resslem (!) with his signature; red censorship mark, CDS 5.III.45, good condition, interesting U:A5
1940 cyclostyle first day sheet with French stamp. and CDS CAMP D` AGDE/ HERAULT 1.6.40 and red frame cancel. CZECHOSL FP with date 1. JUIN 1940, issued - Compensatory těleso CZECHOSL. army in France; 12x14 cm U:A5
1940-43 comp. 3 pcs of promotional Ppc, 2x recipient Rudolf Bechyně, chairman State council/court Czechoslovak in London, prvorepublikový minister, 2x sent from France, military unit postmarks CAMP n´ AGDE, 1x sent from England to USA U:A5
1945 FIELD POST / USA FP letter on/for Czechosl. territory, with Mi.500, sent from 263. batt./guidon field artillery, CDS A.P.O. 26/ JUL.27.7.1945, 26. infantry division Volary, usage US stamp. on/for Czechosl. territory (!); good condition U:A5
1945 FIELD POST / USA FP card on/for Czechosl. territory, sent from 953. batt./guidon field artillery, violet round CDS A.P.O. 305/ MAY.29.1945, 5. military corps/chapel Plzeň; very good condition U:A5