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1869-73 DEPT. ANTIOQUIA Mi.8, 9, 11a, 12, 16 and 17, Coat of arms, resp. Symbols, comp. 6 pcs of, from that 3 pcs of cancelled hand-made + Mi.60 and 61, Postage provisory for Medellin - text in frame, common margins, on all stamps old owner's mark, 3 pcs of with heavy hinge, Mi.61 without gum U:A5
1863-78 DEPT. BOLÍVAR Mi.2 I. (3 pcs of, 1x pair), 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10, comp. 8 pcs of, from that 6 cancelled hand-made, common margins, Mi.2 I. as Pr and Mi.8 thinner places, c.v.. 190€ U:A5
1883 DEPT. CUNDINAMARCA Mi.7, 8 and 9, provisional issue, various texts in/at decorative frame, complete issue, at our place rare (ex Pfeffer), c.v.. 75€ U:A5
1870-85 DEPT. CUNDINAMARCA Mi.1, 2, 5, 6a, 6b, 11 I., Coat of arms + Mi.12-16, Coat of arms, complete set incl. Mi.13y, very good margins, major-part stamp. with old majetnickými marks and těžšími labels; c.v.. 93€ U:A5
1870-84 DEPT. TOLIMA MI.1a, four-line text, white paper + Mi.3b, 4x, 6, I and II issues.., interesting + Dept. SANTANDER Mi.1, 2 (2x), 3a, 3b, 4, Coat of arms and condor, complete the first issue.; very good margins, old owner's mark, 5 pcs of heavier hinges U:A5
? -1902 REVOLUTIONARY MAIL / CAUCA provisional issue, value 5c red, four-line text in/at decorative frame, c.v.. Michel doesn't report + Mi.11A, local issue for Popayan, both imperforated, from old collection U:A5
1883 Mi.50, Auxiliary issue 50c rose, with overprint "UPU/ PERU", c.v.. 100€; in addition free 4 pcs of cheaper stamps U:A5
1883 Mi.16-20, Postage due stmp stamps with black triangular overprint on/for postage stmp Mi.1-5, complete set + ditto, in addition with red bicircular overprint "LIMA/ CORREOS" - c.v.. Michel doesn't report; same set with red overprint "LIMA/ CORREOS" but without black trojúhelníkového overprint "PERU" c.v.. 200€; from old collection (ex V. Pfeffer) U:A5
1859-62 specialized selection of 28 pcs of stamps issue Sun with rays, more times Mi.12a-b, 13a, 14a-d, 14b rough print and fine print, 15a-b, 16a, 17a-b, specialisation colors, then color cancel. and plate variety, except 240C very fine margins and general quality, some stamps exp., rare offer from old collection, c.v.. ca. 1090€ U:A5
1864 specialized selection of 34 pcs of stamps issue Coat of arms, more times Mi.19a, 19d, 20a-b, 21a-b, 22a-b, i.a. blocks of four 6C and 8c and str-of-3 10C - rare, color postmark, better stamps exp., rare offer, c.v.. ca. 700€ ++ U:A5
1866 specialized selection of 26 pcs of stamps issue Coat of arms with valuable overprints, more times Mi.13, 26a-b, i.a. tête-bêche pair 10C/8C, triple overprint 10C/8C, shifted double overprint 15C/10C, pairs, rare bricky color 20C/6C, str-of-3 15C, printing error (!) 10C/6C, very nice quality, rare offer, c.v.. ca. 1400€ U:A5
1866 specialized selection of issue "Big numbers", Mi.27I, II, 28a,b - 31a,b, color, postmark, varieties of paper, nice quality, chosen pieces, i.a. block of 6 5C hinged, c.v.. ca. 300€ U:A5