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1958-1966 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of stamps on hingeless sheets in spiral stockbook, contains i.a. all sets Independence, Mi.3-7, International year utečenců, Mi.67-68, Birds, Mi.149-163, Sport, Mi.164-178, souvenir sheets Olympic Games etc..; index inserted, cat. according to owner 430€ U:Z
1919 Reg letter via London to Switzerland with mixed franking SG.B2-4, overprint C.E.F. (CAMEROON EXPEDITIONARY FORCE) on German colonial stmp ½P/5Pfg, 1P/10Pfg, 2P/20Pfg tog. with North Nigeria SG.48, George V. 1Sh, CDS VICTORIA CAMEROONS and arrival postmark BERNE, all entires with těmito overprint stamps are rare U:A5
1919 Reg letter via London to Switzerland with mixed franking SG.B2-4, overprint C.E.F. (CAMEROON EXPEDITIONARY FORCE) on German colonial stmp ½P/5Pfg, 1P/10Pfg, 2P/20Pfg, tog. with North Nigeria SG.44, George V. 4P, CDS VICTORIA CAMEROONS and arrival postmark BERNE, all entires with overprint stamps are rare U:A5
1897-1910 comp. 7 pcs of p.stat from that 5 pcs of PC and 2 pcs of double letter-card/-s, 3 pcs sent as Registered to Germany; worse quality as stains and folds - after all interesting U:A5
1882 comp. 4 pcs of PC Rising Sun 3C, c.v.. Higgins and Gage No.1, CDS MONROVIA and BASSA, addressed to to England and to Germany, 1x redirected, very nice quality, decorative postmark, rare offer these exotic p.stat U:A5
1891 comp. 10 pcs of PC Johnson 3C - removed portrait (period after formation president Wilese), c.v.. Higgins and Gage No.3, CDS MONROVIA, BASSA, HARPER, to Germany and 2x to Fishtown in/at Libérii, very nice quality, on PC color commercial postmark Monrovia U:A5
1891 comp. 2 pcs of postal stationery covers Johnson 3C - removed portrait (period after formation president Wilese), c.v.. Higgins and Gage B2, CDS MONROVIA, 2 types přídavných cancel. POSTAGE PAID, to Germany, arrival postmark HANNOVER, very fine and rather rare p.stat! U:A5
1892 comp. 11 pcs of PC Wiles 3C, c.v.. Higgins and Gage No.4, CDS MONROVIA 4 types 1x violet, rarer HARPER 3 types, GRAND BASSA 2 types, BUCHANAN 2 types 1x blue, 2 pcs of PC with several spots, overall but very nice quality, various shades cards, extraordinary study selection of! U:A5
1904 correspondence card Wiles 3C, issue 1892, uprated service stmp 5C 1901, CDS HARPER, to England cestujícím on/for ship to Lagosu, lower small abraded place on edge, otherwise very nice and as uprated rather rare p.stat U:A5
1915 I. part from double p.stat Benson 3C+3C, with color additional franking, CDS MONROVIA, to France, arrival postmark AYDAT PUY-DE-DÔME (small village/community, 1.900 inhabitant) U:A5
1892 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 16 pcs of PC; 6 pcs of double PC 3C+3C Benson and 8 pcs of dotazních or response part/-s 3C, c.v.. Higgins and Gage No. 5, CDS MONROVIA and rarer ROBERTSPORT, HARPER, MILLBURG, to Germany, England, USA and oths., 1x torn, otherwise very fine, rare offer U:O5
1925 Reg and airmail printed matter to London with Mi.56, 59, 82, 86, mixed franking, CDS DAKAR 17/OCT/25; decorative U:A5
1912 SG.40-52, George VI., complete set, wmk crown CA, 3 pcs of stamp. with rusty teeth; cat. Gibbons 250£ U:A5
1956 Mi.176-188; SG.210-222, Landscape and Elizabeth II., complete set, c.v.. 65€ U:A5
1889 SG.25, Queen Victoria 20Sh red / black, pair, highest value, used as official with overprint JUDICIAL and cancel. ACCRA SUPREME COURT, very fine, c.v.. doesn't report U:A5
1870-1990 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps British Colonies, contains Gold Coast, Cape of Good Hope, Tristan da Cunha, Nigeria , St. Helena., Sierra Leone, etc.., cheaper pieces classic, various motives, for example. Ships, Fauna, Flora, souvenir sheets etc..; in 6-sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1938 Mi.39-52; SG.38-47, George VI., set 16 pcs of stamps, light hinged hinged U:A5
1956 Mi.62-74; SG.57-69, Elizabeth II., c.v.. 210€ U:A5
1946 first flight Léopoldville–Bruxelles, airmail letter franked with. i.a. 3 pcs of airmail stamps, CDS LEOPOLDVILLE 27.2.46, arrival postmark BRUSSELS 24.2.46, on reverse transit and memorial cancel.; good condition U:A5
1896-98 SG.50, Coat of arms 10Sh slate grey and vermilion red, rose paper, with perfin "26/ 4/ 09", without gum + SG.91, Coat of arms 2£ chocolate brown, higher nominal value U:A5
Edifil.41Ac, 41 var., Coat of arms 10C, comp. 2 pcs of fiscal stamps with overprint 5C for post. usage, violet overprint and blue double overprint c.v.. doesn't report, rare offer U:A5
1868 Mi.1; Edifil.1, Queen Isabel II. 20C brown, very nice piece of this sought "jedničky", c.v.. Edifil 750€ U:A5
1884-94 Edifil.10hi, 10Ahi, King Alfons XII. 50C/2C, 2x inverted overprint, blue double overprint - c.v.. doesn't report (!), and pair with opposite facing overprints, very nice colonial specialties, double overprint and pair exp. Th. Champion U:A5
1884-94 Edifil.9-11, 9-11A, 11B, Alfons XII. values 50C/1C-50C/5C, 7 pcs of stmp with overprint in various colors overprint, very nice quality, 3 pcs of expertized i.a. Champion, rare offer this Spanish colony/-ies (!), c.v.. Edifil €810 U:A5
1895 Edifil.9Ahi, 9Bhi, 9hh, 9Ahh, King Alfons XII. 50C/1C, comp. 4 pcs of stamps with inverted opt violet and blue, and double overprint blue and black, perfect condition, 2x exp. Galvez, rare offer, c.v.. 670€ U:A5
1896-1900 Edifil.35, 37-38, Alfons XIII., comp. 4 pcs of stamps with overprints 5C/10C, 5C/20C, 5C/12½C, various color overprint, 2x inverted overprint, red Opt on stmp 12½C exp. Champion, by/on/at one piece missing tooth, otherwise very nice quality, rare offer this Spanish kolonie!
1896-1900 Edifil.40-40C, 40G, Alfons XIII., specialized comp. 11 pcs of stamps with overprints 5C / 1/8C, 5C/2C, 5C/5C, 5C/6C, 5C/12½C, color overprint, inverted, double overprints, opposite facing pair (!) etc.., exp. Galvez, Friedeman, Engel, very nice quality and attractive selection of, rare offer this Spanish colony/-ies (!), c.v.. Edifil min. 578€ U:A5
1897 Edifil.41Bchi, 10C fiscal stamp with overprint for post. usage HABILITADO PARA CORREOS, inverted overprint type E, very fine piece, c.v.. Edifil 225€ U:A5
1899 Edifil.47F-G, 10C/25C and 15C/25C, fiscal stamps with overprint for post. usage, overprint red and black, perfect condition, very attractive pár(!), c.v.. Edifil 255€ U:A5
1855-63 SG.6, Triangle 4P dark blue, rarer red trigonal postmark, attractive piece in perfect quality U:A5
1861 SG.14b, Triangle 4P light bright blue (pale bright blue) or blue SG.14d, xylograph, black trigonal cancel., L lower minor faults, wide margins, without thin places etc.., in this tmavším shade rare, at our place still nenabízená stmp, exp. Schlesinger, c.v.. £2,500 or £3,250 U:A5
1900 MAFEKING SG.17, 18, Major Goodyear 1P light blue and dark-blue, control band lower and at top, on cut-squares with CDS MAFEKING CGH, extraordinary quality, c.v.. £600 + ca. 25% U:A5
1900 MAFEKING SG.18, Major Goodyear 1P dark-blue, very dark color shade, very fine piece with original gum, according to our opinion extraordinary offer - catalogue price doesn't picture rarity of the stamp, c.v.. £1,000 U:A5
1900 MAFEKING SG.22, Baden-Powell 3P dark-blue, printing "b" - width picture 21mm, rare stamp on cut-square with CDS MAFEKING CGH, very fine, c.v.. £1200 + ca. 25% U:A5
1900 MAFEKING SG.1-16, overprint 1d/½d-2Sh/1Sh, complete set, on stmp Cape of Good Hope overprint type I, on stmp Bechuanaland Protectorate overprint I and II, on stmp British Bechuanaland overprint I and II, all on cut squares in perfect quality, quite rare offer from old collection, c.v.. £3,455 U:DR
1859-64 Mi.9A, 11, 13a; SG.10, 15, 23, Queen Victoria, comp. 3 pcs of stamp., 3P blue, perf 14; 1P rose, wmk 1; 6P lilac; standard quality, unsold item from 36. auction, significantly reduced, cat. over 180€ U:A5
1923 SG.15, George V. £1 red / green, pair ZUID-WEST and SOUTH WEST, 10mm interspace row overprint, exceedingly quality highest value, with only small hint hinged, rare pair, missing in most collections, c.v.. £1,000 U:DR
1895-1912 PORTUGUESE COLONIES - MOZAMBIQUE, ANGOLA, GUINEA comp. 13 pcs of various Us p.stat from Portuguese territory in/at Africa, mainly PC, 3x letter-card, 3x uprated from that 1x as Registered to Germany; various quality - after all interesting and sought destination U:A5
1912 1. part from double PC sent as Registered to Germany, uprated by. 2 colonial stamp. issue LOURENCO MAROQUES, posting blue cancel. LOURENCO MAROQUES 14.2.12 and arrival HANNOVER 10.3.12 on face-side; good condition, decorative U:A5
1898-1924 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps on free album sheets, c.v.. 220€ U:Z
1884-94 SG.34b, Queen Victoria 6P green with double black overprint HALF PENNY, only part original gum, at top thin place in the place wmk, rather rare stamp, c.v.. £1,300 U:A5
1961 SG.172-175, issue TRISTAN RELIEF, legendary overprint set issued on the island St. Helena., values 2½c+3P–10c+1Sh Elizabeth II. and Marine Creatures, lowest value have/has damaged gum (evidently influence of climate in this local issue), other stamps luxury series; was/were in/at sale only 6 days, sold only 434 sets, unused stamps with preserved only small lot of, here in addition marginal pieces, exp. Bloch, contemporary colonial rarity missing in every collection, at all first-time in the Czech market, in catalogue fast increasing price, now cat. Gibbons £7,000 U:DR
1899-1914 comp. 11 pcs of various p.stat colonial issue, contains letter-card/-s, PC and double PC, part uprated by., 1x letter-card sent as Reg, mainly addressed to to Germany; part worse quality - stains, after all interesting, originate from old p. stat. collection U:A5
1912 double PC colonial issue 20R + 20R with overprint REPUBLICA and letter-card values 25R, both uprated with stamp colonial issue with overprint REPUBLICA and sent as Registered to Germany, arrival postmark HANNOVER; good condition U:A5
1954 SG.14-27, Country Motives, complete set; mint never hinged U:A5