Public Auction 37 / Philately / Occupations

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143160 - 1938 ASCH  postcard, A. Hitler - Reichsparteitag Nürnberg,
1938 ASCH postcard, A. Hitler - Reichsparteitag Nürnberg, with Mi.4a, Beneš with red overprint "1.20", CDS AŠ/ASCH 30.IX.38, good condition
Starting price: CZK
145122 - 1938 KARLSBAD  Mi.63, promotional Ppc Hitler with Košice 50
1938 KARLSBAD Mi.63, promotional Ppc Hitler with Košice 50h with overprint Karlsbad 1. 10. 38, with broken out CDS KARLSBAD 1, exp. Brunel, c.v.. 350€
Starting price: CZK
143137 - 1938 REICHENBERG  Mi.23, 34, 134-136, Mi.11-15, 21, Mi.24-28
1938 REICHENBERG Mi.23, 34, 134-136, Mi.11-15, 21, Mi.24-28, 35, Mi.29-31, Mi.32-33; selection of 22 pcs of zmámek with overprint "Wir sind frei!" on 5 commemorative pages with special postmark REICHENBERG 8.OKT.1938 with swastika, all exp. Brunel; some stamp. with narezlým margin, cat. over 2.300€; sought
Starting price: CZK
145121 - 1938 RUMBURG  Mi.22, Newspaper stamp - Falcon in Flight (iss
1938 RUMBURG Mi.22, Newspaper stamp - Falcon in Flight (issue) 50h with overprint "Wir sind frei/ 100h post paid", very fine piece, certificate Brunel
Starting price: CZK
142176 - 1938 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA   Mi.2x, State Coat of Arms   10h bro
1938 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA Mi.2x, State Coat of Arms 10h brown, transparent paper, overprint "Wir sind frei!", horizontal pair; exp. by Mahr., c.v.. 640€
Starting price: CZK
142178 - 1939 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA  letter with Comenius 40h with přeti
1939 MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA letter with Comenius 40h with přetiskem"Wir sind frei!" with swastika and Czechosl. Coat of arms 20h; CDS MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA 22.III.39, violet obdélníkový cachet MÄHR. OSTRAU/ Tag der Befreiung/ 14.3.1939, supplemented with red round cancel. with swastika; envelope open from two sides, exp. by Mahr
Starting price: CZK
143440 - 1938 commercial envelope with Košice 50h 2x, posting provis
1938 commercial envelope with Košice 50h 2x, posting provisional REICHENBERG 10.10.38/ TAG DER BEFREIUNG, on envelope print třířádkového cancel. "Wir sind frei!" with swastika, Us Czechosl. censorship and burdened by surtax 2+1Kč, CDS BRNO 16.10.38; good condition
Starting price: CZK
142171 - 1939 EINSIEDEL propaganda Ppc, franked with. Czechosl. stamp
1939 EINSIEDEL propaganda Ppc, franked with. Czechosl. stamp. 50h Košice, Pof.345, with blue overprint "Wir sind frei" with swastika, cancelled black cancel. POSTAMT EINSIEDEL with swastika, color postcard Ein Volk - Ein Reich - Ein Führer, red map, portrait A. H., good condition
Starting price: CZK
142244 - 1939 KARVINÁ  letter with Mi.483 + 485, postal agency pmk K
1939 KARVINÁ letter with Mi.483 + 485, postal agency pmk KARWIN; good condition
Starting price: CZK
142782 - 1941 Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia with issue Hindenburg, CD
1941 Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia with issue Hindenburg, CDS ENGERAU (NIEDERDONAU) 22.2.41 [today Petržalka]; toned
Starting price: CZK
145018 - 1939-43 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA / POSTAL-AGENCIES  selection of
1939-43 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA / POSTAL-AGENCIES selection of 36 pcs of cut-squares with stamps and postal agency pmk, bilingual names, high catalogue value, some pieces only teoretický usage (!), on 2 cards, rare offer
Starting price: CZK
143113 - 1942 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA  PC to Prague, CDS MUNKÁCS 42.X.10
1942 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA PC to Prague, CDS MUNKÁCS 42.X.10, German censorship, sought
Starting price: CZK
142239 - 1938 comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x philatelically influenced Re
1938 comp. 2 pcs of entires, 1x philatelically influenced Reg and Express PC to Prague, franked with. Hungarian and Czechosl. stamp., Mi.493, 557, 562 + miniature sheet Masaryk 2Kč+3Kč, CDS LOSONC 38.XI.29, 4x cancel. "Losonc Visszatért", arrival postmark PRAGUE 1/ 1.XII.38 + 1x postcard to Ostrava, with 2x Beneš 50h + Coat of arms 20h, CDS KASSA 38.XI.11, 2x special postmark KASSA VISSZATÉRT, exp. Karásek; decorative
Starting price: CZK
142794 - 1938 comp. 4 pcs of Czechosl. PC richly uprated mixed franki
1938 comp. 4 pcs of Czechosl. PC richly uprated mixed frankings Czechosl. and Hungarian stamp., CDS KASSA, KOMÁROM, LOSONC, RIMASZOMBAT with cachets VISSZATÉRT, all arrival PRAGUE 1, in addition first day sheet with cachets VISSZATÉRT and mailing CDS KOMÁROM 38/XI.21, cross fold, all philatelically motivated
Starting price: CZK
144082 - 1939 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA / FIELD POST  postcard, round FP-po
1939 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA / FIELD POST postcard, round FP-postmark TABORI POSTAHIVATAL 21/ 39.MAR.28, Us censorship, blackened text; rare lokalizace places záborové FP, good condition
Starting price: CZK
143112 - 1939-44 comp. 3 pcs of PC to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 1x a
1939-44 comp. 3 pcs of PC to Bohemia-Moravia, from that 1x as Express, multicolor franking, CDS KASSA, censorship; decorative
Starting price: CZK
144976 - 1939 TRANSPORT SUSPENDED  letter from Bohemia to Slovakia, C
1939 TRANSPORT SUSPENDED letter from Bohemia to Slovakia, CDS KOSTELEC N. Č. LESY 4.IV.39, returned back, black straight line postmark ÚZEMIE OBSAĎENÉ, originally addressed to to Ostrova, post Sobrance; interesting
Starting price: CZK
145034 - 1938 [COLLECTIONS]  SLOVAKIA, ROMANIA, SERBIA  selection of
1938 [COLLECTIONS] SLOVAKIA, ROMANIA, SERBIA selection of more than 160 pcs of entires and several cut-squares with commemorative postmarks VISSZATÉRT from occupation of adjacent countries, mainly Slovakia, part really Us mailing, mixed franking Czechosl. and Hungarian stamp., 1x gutter Košice 50h with black additional-printing on coupon KASSA/ Ismét magyarok vygyunk 1938. Nov.11., a lot of cancel. with various distinctive domicile, several cancel. field post, several Reg mailings, etc.., all placed in stockbook for entires, various quality
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 37 / Philately / Occupations - Information

V této kategorii zařazujeme položky poštovní historie z období 1938 a dělíme jej na Německý zábor - Sudety, Polský zábor a Maďarský zábor na Slovensku.

Do kategorie Protektorát Čechy a Morava zařazujeme emise poštovních známek z období 1939 - 1945. Mnohé emise poštovních známek vycházely v tomto období v atraktivních tiskových úpravách jako varianty kuponů, desková čísla a značky, tisk na okrajích, meziarší u doplatních poštovních známek, varianty zoubkování, odlišné úpravy zmenšených přepážkových archů atd. V té době byla velmi používaná příležitostná razítka. Generální sbírka obsahuje 182 poštovních známek.