Public Auction 38 / Autographs

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146378 - 1896 KRIEGHAMMER Edmund (1832–1906), baron, minister of wa
1896 KRIEGHAMMER Edmund (1832–1906), baron, minister of war Rakousko-Uherska in years 1893–1902, autograph on document with off. heading Válečného ministeria; archiving fold, cross fold
Starting price: CZK
146537 - 1580 RUDOLF II. (1576–1611), Roman emperor, Czech King, Hu
1580 RUDOLF II. (1576–1611), Roman emperor, Czech King, Hungarian King etc.., autograph on printed mandátu zakazujícím oběh nekvalitní coin/-s in Kingdom of Bohemia, caused by in Prague 19. February 1580, written in Czech, light imprint majestátní seal, also signature nejvyššího country písaře of Kingdom of Bohemia Michael Španovského from Lysova and hejtmana Prague castle Humprechta Černína from Chudenic; size 58x43cm, cross and horiz. folds, signs of age, very decorative and interesting
Starting price: CZK
146270 - 1841 SCHRENK Alois Joseph (1802–1849), archbishop Prague;
1841 SCHRENK Alois Joseph (1802–1849), archbishop Prague; pre-printed document with dry seal and full signature
Starting price: CZK
146272 - 1947 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), the second Czechoslovak Pr
1947 BENEŠ Edward (1884–1948), the second Czechoslovak President, BENEŠOVÁ Hana, born Ann Vlčková (1885–1974), President's wife; invitation-card with full signatures for Mr. Švamberka, incl. original envelope/-s and menu
Starting price: CZK
146218 - 1934 ČERNÝ John (1874–1959), Czechoslovak politician, Pr
1934 ČERNÝ John (1874–1959), Czechoslovak politician, Prime Minister, moravskoslezský country president; signature on heading letter
Starting price: CZK
146225 - 1929 MEDEK Rudolf (1890–1940), Czech writer, soldier and p
1929 MEDEK Rudolf (1890–1940), Czech writer, soldier and politician; autograph on own Ppc (PS)
Starting price: CZK
146643 - 1902 NEJEDLÝ Zdeněk (1878–1962), Czech historian and pol
1902 NEJEDLÝ Zdeněk (1878–1962), Czech historian and politician; handwritten written postcard from Sweden with full signature, sent to Alois Jirásek; nice
Starting price: CZK
146281 - 1992 Deklarace Slovak National Council about/by svrchovanost
1992 Deklarace Slovak National Council about/by svrchovanosti Slovak republic, signed transcription original declaration tehdejším premiérem Slovak republic Vladimírem Mečiarem (*1942) and předsedou Slovak National Council Ivanem Gašparovičem (*1941) from 17. July 1992; document is uložený to plates with dry seal Slovak republic, in which with nachází text declaration written on hand-made paper format A4 (Velké Losiny ), whole text is olemovaný tricolour, in lower part/-s red seal with emblem Slovak republic; interesting
Starting price: CZK
146280 - 1992 Preambule Constitution Slovak republic, signed transcri
1992 Preambule Constitution Slovak republic, signed transcription original preambule tehdejším premiérem Slovak republic Vladimírem Mečiarem (*1942) and předsedou Slovak National Council Ivanem Gašparovičem (*1941) from 3. September 1992; document is uložený to plates with dry seal Slovak republic, in which with nachází text preambuly written on hand-made paper format A4 (Velké Losiny ), whole text is olemovaný tricolour, in lower part/-s red seal with emblem Slovak republic; interesting
Starting price: CZK
146357 - 1918-20? collection signatures politicians 1. republic on Pp
1918-20? collection signatures politicians 1. republic on Ppc Telč, for example. KLOFÁČ, Wenceslas (1868-1942), journalist, minister national defence, TUSAR, Vlastimil (1880-1924), other Prime Minister, ambassador in Berlin, STANĚK, Francis, minister public work, then several more closely nespecifikovaných signatures, evidently this is příbuzné and přátele; very interesting multiple, slightly toned
Starting price: CZK
146356 - 1918 [COLLECTIONS]  monument with 42 signatures important po
1918 [COLLECTIONS] monument with 42 signatures important politicians and veřejně činných persons 1. republic, it contains e.g. autographs RAŠÍN Alois, LLD. (1867–1923), politician, minister finance, ŠROBÁR Vavro (1867-1950), politician, minister, SOUKUP Francis (1871-1940), journalist, policy, všichni mužové 28. October, then for example. KRAMÁŘ, Charles (1860-1937), politician, 1. ministerial chairman Czechoslovakia, KLOFÁČ, Wenceslas (1868-1942), journalist, politician, minister, then MACHAR, Joseph Svatopluk, HABRMAN, Gustav, HVIEZDOSLAV, Paul Orzság etc..; very interesting and rare multiple vztahující with to revolučnímu year 1918 (!)
Starting price: CZK
146700 - 1942 HALAS Francis (1901–1949), Czech poet; handwritten fi
1942 HALAS Francis (1901–1949), Czech poet; handwritten filled card - questionnaire, name, address, date birth, Aryan origin, zednářství and oths.; interesting contemporary document
Starting price: CZK
146701 - 1942 HORA Joseph (1891–1945), Czech poet; handwritten fill
1942 HORA Joseph (1891–1945), Czech poet; handwritten filled card - questionnaire, name, address, date birth, Aryan origin, zednářství and oths.; interesting contemporary document
Starting price: CZK
148338 - 1938 KARÁSEK George from Lvovic (one's own name Joseph Kar
1938 KARÁSEK George from Lvovic (one's own name Joseph Karásek, 1871–1951), Czech poet, writer and critic; autograph with dedication in book poems Hovory with smrtí, Aventinum Prague, 1922
Starting price: CZK
146642 - 1914 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), Czech writer; han
1914 RAIS Charles Wenceslas (1859–1926), Czech writer; handwritten written PC with full signature, sent to Alois Jirásek; nice
Starting price: CZK
146702 - 1942 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, jou
1942 SEIFERT Jaroslav (1901–1986), Czech poet, writer, journalist and translator, Nobel laureate after/behind literature (1984); handwritten filled card - questionnaire, name, address, date birth, Aryan origin and oths. with full signature; interesting contemporary document
Starting price: CZK
146699 - 1942 SVOBODA Francis Xaver (1860–1943), Czech poet, dramat
1942 SVOBODA Francis Xaver (1860–1943), Czech poet, dramatist and writer; handwritten filled card - questionnaire, name, address, date birth, Aryan origin, zednářství and oths.; interesting contemporary document
Starting price: CZK
147227 - 1932 VANSOVÁ Terézia (1857–1942), Slovak authoress, auto
1932 VANSOVÁ Terézia (1857–1942), Slovak authoress, autograph on thanks for congratulation, also with envelope small format
Starting price: CZK
146226 - 1910 VRCHLICKÝ Jaroslav (one's own name Emil Bohuslav Fríd
1910 VRCHLICKÝ Jaroslav (one's own name Emil Bohuslav Frída, 1853–1912), Czech writer, poet and translator; full signature on postcard
Starting price: CZK
146683 - 1940-41 KOKOSCHKA Oscar (1886–1980), Austrian painter, ill
1940-41 KOKOSCHKA Oscar (1886–1980), Austrian painter, illustrator and graphic artist, typed letter addressed to president Edvardu Benešovi in London with autograph, also with other correspondence relevant to picture "Polperro" (1939) from personal přítele O. Kokoschky Břetislava Palkovského president Benešovi + English letter director Tate Gallery in London Johna Rothensteina O. Kokoschkovi; exceedingly interesting !!!
Starting price: CZK
146628 - 1934 PODVALOVÁ Mary (1909–1992), Czech opera singer, auto
1934 PODVALOVÁ Mary (1909–1992), Czech opera singer, autograph on photo postcard, atelier Jaroslav Balzar, embossed mark Balzar, Prague, upright; Un, good condition
Starting price: CZK
146629 - 1934 SEDLÁČKOVÁ Andula (1887–1967), Czech theatre and m
1934 SEDLÁČKOVÁ Andula (1887–1967), Czech theatre and movie actress, autograph on photo postcard, atelier Jaroslav Balzar, embossed mark Balzar, Prague, upright; Un, good condition
Starting price: CZK
146996 - 1935-45 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 30 pcs of photos Czech o
1935-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 30 pcs of photos Czech of actors and hereček with manual signatures, for example. Francis Filipovský, Mary Podvalová, Wenceslas Vydra, Mary Vášová, Wenceslas Trégl etc.., index inserted
Starting price: CZK
146250 - 1958 FOOTBALL  postcard from World Championship in football
1958 FOOTBALL postcard from World Championship in football in Švédsku with signatures of players: Dvořák, Hertl, Hovorka, Masopust, Mráz, Pluskal and oths.
Starting price: CZK
146228 - 1984 TENNIS / LENDL Ivan, MEČÍŘ Miloslav, PIMEK Libor, SL
1984 TENNIS / LENDL Ivan, MEČÍŘ Miloslav, PIMEK Libor, SLOŽIL Paul, semifinále Davis Cup, 28.-30. September 1984, Båstad, Sweden; postcard with Björn Borg with signatures of players
Starting price: CZK
146185 - 1950 HANZELKA George (1920–2003), ZIKMUND Miroslav (*1919)
1950 HANZELKA George (1920–2003), ZIKMUND Miroslav (*1919), Czech cestovatelé and writers; comp. 4 pcs of photos 24x18cm, from that 2x with both signatures; very nice
Starting price: CZK
146252 - 1931 VOSKA Emanuel Viktor (1875–1960), industrialist, agen
1931 VOSKA Emanuel Viktor (1875–1960), industrialist, agent secret service USA; heading letter f. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS with full signature
Starting price: CZK
146388 - 1938 POLITICS   B/W photo Brit. air-mail attaché in Prague
1938 POLITICS B/W photo Brit. air-mail attaché in Prague in years 1935–38, Col. BEAUMONTA with his autograph, dedication plukovníku Františkovi Moravcovi (1895–1966); size 26x19,5cm, interesting
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 38 / Autographs - Information

Autogramy a rukopisy

Sběratelství rukopisů velikánů začalo už v antice, velkého rozkvětu dosáhlo v renesanci a v 17. století se rozšířilo po celé Evropě. V českých zemích patřil k největším sběratelům národní buditel Václav Hanka, který pracoval jako správce literárních sbírek Vlasteneckého muzea. Mezi velké sběratele se dále řadil architekt a podnikatel Josef Hlávka, zakladatel a redaktor Moderní revue Arnošt Procházka, dekadentní básník Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic nebo spisovatel Emanuel Lešehrad.

Autogram je vlastnoruční originální podpis osobnosti.

Autograf neboli rukopis, který znamená vlastnoruční text napsaný osobností, který může, ale nemusí být podepsaný. Pochází z řečtiny.

Parafa je zkrácený čili zjednodušený vlastnoruční podpis osobnosti, který se považuje za autogram. Parafa je označována také jako podpisová značka.

Autopen je termín pro počítačem provedený podpis osobnosti podle naprogramovaného vzoru, jak se osobnost podepisuje. Autopeny jsou běžné v USA, kdy osobnosti dostávají mnoho žádostí o autogram, zejména astronauti, filmové hvězdy nebo američtí prezidenti, kteří začali autopen používat od padesátých let 20. století.

Tištěný podpis je termín pro rozmnožené kopie originálně podepsané fotografie.

Sekretářský podpis  je termín pro autogramy, které sice vypadají jako originálně podepsané osobností, ale podepsala se za ni jeho asistentka či jiná osoba.

Zájemci o sběratelství autogramů a autografů v ČR se mohou sdružovat v Klubu sběratelů autogramů - KSA.