1945[COLLECTIONS] wide, carefully budovaná specialized collection revolutionary issue 1945, placed on album sheets as exhibit with Czech and German text, contains single complete set, 27 Us (!) entires, PLATE PROOF etc..; suitable to examination, placed on 72 album pages in/at šanonu in cardboard box
1945 [COLLECTIONS] comp. 14 pcs of letters with postage paid cash, 4x Reg letter, 7x with various framed pmk DOPLATNÉ (due), various provisional postmarks; chosen better quality (from exhibit), 1x only front side
1945-47 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 70 pcs of entires, from that 20x Reg, various provisional line cancel. i.a. POST OFFICE KRAVAŘE V Č., ERVĚNICE, ČES. TĚŠÍN, POST OFFICE FRÝDEK 2, KYJOVICE, FULNEK, POST OFFICE FRYŠTÁT etc..
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 4, production flaw - white circle between tlapami in emblem + white circle above second "K" in/at "Czechoslovakia" on/for 5 Koruna green
1945 Pof.366, Bratislava-issue 2 Koruna, missing whole L half stamp. (rozlepený joined paper), in this issue quite exceptional; on request exp. by Arbeit
1945 Pof.371, Bratislava-issue 10K black, 2x block of four, 1x paper crease, 1x significant horiz. line through/over complete two pos. through/over numeral value
1945 Pof.389, War Heroes 20h red, LR corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1B, lower perf from other stroke of comb; very decorative, on request exp. by Arbeit
1945 Pof.393, War Heroes 50h grey-green, 2x plate mark in blocks, 1x block of 8 with plate mark C, 1x blk-of-20 with plate mark C and through/over it inverted V, between two pos. significant smudge - pravidelná plate variety this printing
1950 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, selection of 52 pcs of miniature sheets, from that 10 pcs of used; c.v.. 23.000CZK, suitable for study purposes
1945-48 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 19 pcs of various entires exclusively with single and multiple frankings issue Portraits 1945, it contains e.g. 4x Reg letter, 1x Registered and Express letter, 1 pcs of with stmp cut from PC CDV83 + in addition Express letter with mixed franking; total 20 pcs of, usual quality
1954 Pof.778, Profession 45h, corner blk-of-15 from reprint, sought shade and gum smooth overlapping to margins, omitted perforation hole in L perf pos. 51; sought also single stamps from reprints, in block exceptional