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1950 BURIAN Vlasta (1891–1962), king of comedians, actor, sportsman, film director, writer and imitator, two private photo evidently after/around discharge Burian from prison, where vážně onemocněl, other man neidentifikován; very rare and interesting U:A5
1938 BURIAN Vlasta (1891–1962), king of comedians, actor, sportsman, film director, writer and imitator, private photo with přáteli near/in/at his stay in/at Tatra Lomnici; interesting U:A5
1945 PODVALOVÁ, Mary (1909-1992) - Czech opera singer, soprano, dlouholetá sólistka Opery National theatre in Prague (1937–1978); format 24x27cm, atelier Joseph Heinrich, Prague, interesting U:A4
1881 RUDOLF Crown Prince of Austria (1858–1889), STEFANIE BELGICKÁ (1864–1945), zásnubní photo, atelier Chémar Frères, Brussels; nice U:A5
1890? ZEYER Julius (1841–1901), Czech prose-writer, dramatist and epický poet, photo atelier Langhans, size 6,5x10.5cm; good condition U:A5
1866 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY B/W photo group/-s soldiers after/behind Austro-Prussian war in 1866; on/for carton paper slip size 19x14,5cm; interesting U:A4
1910 HUNTING cabinet card 10x14cm, man with gun and with dog, atelier Özv. Löger Gusztavné, NYITRÁN; very nice U:A5
1936 SPORT / NÁCHOD collective photo 24x18cm, prvoligový football tým SK Náchod (forerunner of dnešního FK Náchod-Deštné), in/at year 1935/36 6. place in/at tabulce, on reverse jmenný listing; longitudinal fold, after all exceedingly interesting for sports historians U:A4
1900 AGRICULTURE photo 11x16cm, steam mlátička and man/men with bicyklem; very interesting U:A5
1958 [COLLECTIONS] JUDAICA selection of 37 pcs of photos 18x13cm - illustration to book/-s Kraus, Ota - Kulka, Erich: Noc and mlha; interesting U:O5
1900-15 [COLLECTIONS] selection 130 pcs of cabinet photos formats 15x10cm and 10x6cm, various art studios from Slovak territory; nice U:K
1900-20 [COLLECTIONS] selection glass cover with negatives and slides, format 12x9cm and 18x13cm, various motives, i.a. soldiers (MILITARIA), military technology, nature, costume, advertising, people, work, machine, flood, portraits, area of Vyškov, nice details; about fotografický club/association from Vyškov U:K
1880-1930 [COLLECTIONS] collection ca. 250 pcs of Czech, Moravian, Slovak also Hungarian cabinet photos, various formats and art studios, several photos greater format, 1x tableau, placed in box, total over 6Kg of material U:K
1903 [COLLECTIONS] STEREOPHOTO / CHINA, JAPAN collection 60 pcs of stereophotographies 18x9cm; interesting U:O5
1910? [COLLECTIONS] ATELIÉR SOBĚHRAD, PLZEŇ portrait sportovce, probably vzpěrače and zápasníka with much medailemi and oceněními; unique, very interesting, good condition U:O4
1925-6 [COLLECTIONS] DRTIKOL Francis (1883–1961) - maturitní tableau, abiturienti Czech state reálky in Prague III.; mounted on cardboard paper A4, good condition U:O4