Public Auction 38 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Philatelic Domains

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148886 - 1940-41 comp. 2 pcs of first day sheets, 1x Theatre E.F. Bur
1940-41 comp. 2 pcs of first day sheets, 1x Theatre E.F. Burian, special postmark TESTER/ 21.IX.40 OTEVŘENÍ ČESKÉHO MODERNÍHO KULTURNÍHO STŘEDISKA, 1x special postmark TESTER/ 12.IX.41 POST V DOPRAVĚ A TECHNICE; interesting
Starting price: CZK
146507 - 1944 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT  PC without franking sent f
1944 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT PC without franking sent from Terezín ghetto to Prague, auxiliary red four-line cancel. Jewish council/court older in Prague "Rückantwort nur auf Postkarten ...." ("Answer only on postcards German through Jewish Council of Elders in/at Praze"), odesílatelka M.L., Langegasse 9/16, dated 29.VI.44 on reverse hand-made, interesting text concerning admission stamps
Starting price: CZK
146505 - 1942 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT  PC without franking, evide
1942 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT PC without franking, evidence No.179, with date stamp "8.IV.1942", red 5-řádkové cancel. "Transport ... No. .../ Name/ Vorname/ KAS./ Zimmer no. ", sender K.S., Transport No. U 24 !; sought entire from ranného period existence Terezín ghetto (!), auxiliary three-line red cancel. Jewish council/court older in/at Praze"Antwort nur ....", censor mark "Z 9", addressed to to Brno, on reverse text 30 Slovak; from important foreign collection (ex F. Hanzl), nice quality
Starting price: CZK
146506 - 1943 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT  off. PC - certificate of r
1943 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT off. PC - certificate of receiving parcel, with 30h A. Hitler, CDS BAUSCHOWITZ/ BOHUŠOVICE n. O./ 11.XII.43, sent to Slovakia, line censor's cancel.; damaged in/at several places, viewing of quality recommended, (Rem.: PC with quite identickými attributes from belongings Jewish museum in Prague, sent from ghetto in/at September 1943 same family to Slovakia, is pictured in book "Post in ghetto Terezín" on/for page. 302); from výzanmné collection (ex F. Hanzl)
Starting price: CZK
143732 - 1945 SPECIAL CAMP BYSTŘICE  PC Hitler 60h addressed to to B
1945 SPECIAL CAMP BYSTŘICE PC Hitler 60h addressed to to Brno, CDS BYSTŘICE U BENEŠOVA 30.I.45; sought
Starting price: CZK
146504 - 1944 SPECIAL CAMP HAGIBOR  PC CDV16 sent from camp for shrom
1944 SPECIAL CAMP HAGIBOR PC CDV16 sent from camp for shromažďování Jews from mixed manželství (Prague - Hagibor, Schwerinstrasse 1201), CDS PRAG 2/ 11.XI.44, addressed to to Holešov, thanks for parcel with bábovkou, good condition
Starting price: CZK
146508 - 1943 TEREZÍN - MALÁ PEVNOST  official card in/at green col
1943 TEREZÍN - MALÁ PEVNOST official card in/at green color for written traffic prisoners put in/at Small Fortress, with výňatkem from vězeňského order, for example. "Balíky with potravinami with nepřijímají./ Peněžní mailing only by post. Měsíčně to 50K", Un, sound condition
Starting price: CZK