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1945 FISCHEROVÁ-KVĚCHOVÁ Mary (1892–1984), illustration in book Smetana, Sabina: Bartered bride, Prague 1945, 64 page., very fine U:O4
1900 Bluhm, Oskar: Bluhm-Album, 30 Bilder aus der Gesellschaft (comp.); 30 paintings from company, format larger than A4, frayed margins U:Z
1916 Sova, Antonín: O vysvobození prince Jirky, issued Hejda & Tuček, Prague, poems illustration Alois Moravec, disciple Švabinský (this is maybe his the first ilustrovanou knihu), in front exlibris MD. John Kubík, přednosta plicního detachment/section in/at Pilsner hospital, on/for last sheet perfin (!) H&T; good condition, nice U:O5
1940 NUDE book Der Freilicht-Akt, wrote Dr.Othmar Helwich, Wien (Vienna) 1940, 64 page., description photographic tech., lot of picture; good condition U:O4
1924 NUDE book Streifzüge im Reiche der Frauenschönheit, wrote Dr. Friedrich S. Krauss, 340 page., - book photographic artistic nude, contains descriptions tech. focení, a lot of reproduction etc..; German, format A4, good condition, interesting U:Z
1931 NUDE comp. 2 pcs of books Der vollendete Nude, I. and III. part, issued Leipzig 1931, aristic nude, a lot of picture; interesting U:O4
1973-90 NUDE comp. 3 pcs of books with uměleckými nude, Wenus Poland - aristic nude important Polish fotografů, written in Polish + Dahmane - uměl. photo important French photographer Dahmane Benanteur (1959-), written in German + 100 years aktu 1839-1939 - dějiny fotografického aktu; good condition U:Z
1923 BANKING comp. 2 pcs of guides, Handbook Czechoslovak law check, K. Vihan, Prague, 20 page., very good condition, exhibits 3 pcs of paste-in checks; Šek and his usage in/at praxi, O. Hofman; very fine U:O5
1936 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS team of authors: Album vítězné ofensivy Gen. A. Brusilova, on/for memory 20. Anniv 1916-1936, issued Russian club/association disabled people in Czechoslovakia, Prague, interesting reproduction, good condition U:O5
1924 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Polák Joseph: Peněžnictví in/at Russian legiích, issued Monument Off. of Resistance Prague, very interesting information about/by financování legions, sheets legionaries etc.. during fights in Russia, 48 page., good condition U:O5
1934 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS Šapilovský and team of authors: Před dvaceti léty, reminder heroes world war 1914-1934, issued Russian club/association disabled people in Czechoslovakia, Praha-Vršovice; 94 page., very interesting information and photo, good condition U:O5
1926 MOVIE Das grosse Bilderbuch des Films, herausgegeben vom Film-Kurier, 208 page., texts, photo, plakáty, advertising; good condition, very nice U:O4
1944 ILEGÁLNÍ TISK Protectorate with směje, 62 page., issued really in y 1944 (!), pocket format, good condition U:O5
1939 MILITARIA Die Wehrmacht, journal published vrchním headquarters, total 17 complete numbers, issued from 15.II. - 20.XII. 1939, lot of contemporary photos military technique; overall good condition, bounded to one book/-s, interesting U:Z
1910? WILD WEST Buffalo-Bill - hero divokého West, pack I, also with 2x envelope - No. 69, year/volume I and Nick Carter, biggest detektiv American, No. 40, year/volume I; rare U:O4
1900? WILD WEST Texaský Jack, slavný podmanitel Indians, year/volume I, number 1; good condition, very rare U:A4
1948 TOTALITARIANISM Májový sheet Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, obálka: Joseph Lada and A. Pelc, inside advertising, i.a. Baťa, national firm, private firm Forman, Jihlava, Dvořák, Jihlava and oths., poems, texts, výhledy to future; perfect condition U:A3s|