Pof.140-142, comp. 4 pcs of bloks of four, value 125h 2x, from that 1x light blue mint never hinged (exp. by Pittermann.) with upper margin, value 500h with R margin; c.v.. 1.800CZK
Pof.140DV, value 125h with plate variety short bar by/on/at numeral(s) 2, pos. 80/2, stamp. with R margin, exp. and marked GI, minor gum fault, c.v.. 3.500CZK
Pof.142 plate variety, value 1000h in/at corner block of four with favourite plate variety" rose after/behind ear", pos. 81/1, superb, cat. min. 1.500CZK
Pof.140 production flaw, value 125h in/at corner block of 6 with significant shift vertical perf to picture adjacent stamps, interesting, exp. by Karasek
Pof.140 production flaw, value 125h in horiz. str-of-3, from that middle stamp. with slitým print from zvýšenéhonánosu color on/for válci, marginal stmp II. type, exp. by Mrnak., quite rare production defect
Pof.141 production flaw, value 500h, UL corner piece with omitted upper horiz. perf and double vertical perf in margin, light sheet offset, exp. by Karasek
trial print 125h, Pof.140, letterprint print blk-of-25 without inscription engraver E. Carl, in black color on/for white chalky paper, with unworked margin, print complete auxiliary folder to production 100 pcs of sheet, contains 6 pcs of ST; hinged in corners and small tearing in R margin, nice piece without folds, probably unique rarity!
trial print 125h, Pof.140, blk-of-10 with unworked margin, letterprint in/at green color on stamp paper with gum, several hints of labels in corners, exp. Tribuna, very rare usage
trial print 125h, Pof.140, detached block of 6 and block of four joined on reverse labels to blk-of-10, letterprint in/at green color on stamp paper with gum
trial print 1000h, Pof.142, 12 pcs of PLATE PROOF, from that 5 pcs of letterprint with mark engraver E. Carl, other recess printing without marks, format 23x32mm, various color and papers, placed on exhibition sheet
trial print 1000h, Pof.142, letterprint in black color on chalky paper, 3 print printing block - stage production, without jmena engraver E. Charles, with name engraver and with name and opracovaným bottom margin, very interesting multiple dokládající production technique
PLATE PROOF, joined printing in/at miniature sheet compilation of negativních trial print 50h small format + 1000h, Pof.142 + 50h large format, in/at violet-black color, unfinished margins, description see Monograph 2, page. 282, very rare
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h in big format 50x70mm, in black color, signed die proof on/for greyish paper size 120x175mm, rare usage, good condition, only on reverse 2x hinged
PLATE PROOF unissued value 50h, small format, small numeral value, recess printing, block of four in red color with lower margin and control-numbers (!), from připravovaných 100-stamps. sheets, without gum, vertical yellowy band in paper
PLATE PROOF unissued value 50h, small format, small numeral value, recess printing, 4 pcs of pairs with upper margin and control-numbers (!), originates from připravovaných 100-stamps. sheets, in/at green, blue, yellow and violet color, only green pair with gum, other without gum with zažloutým band in paper
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h, str-of-4, print two size nehotových cliché, 1x format 22x30, 3x format 23x32mm, recess printing in violet color on yellowy paper, good condition, exp. by Karasek
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h, letterprint print unfinished printing block format 22x30mm in/at green color on stamp paper with gum format 70x100mm, very light hint, exp. by Karasek
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h, die proof format 50x70mm, in/at black-brown color on paper with šedomodrýmhlubotiskovým background print, superb, exp. by Karasek
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h, die proof format 50x70mm in/at red-brown color on paper with šedomodrýmhlubotiskovým background print, superb, exp. by Karasek
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h, big numerals, str-of-4 knihtiskového imprint printing block small format 19x26,5mm, in blue color on chalky paper, wide spaces, hinged, exp. by Karasek
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h, big numerals, str-of-4 knihtiskového imprint printing block small format 19x26,5mm, in blue color on yellowy paper, thin spaces, hinged, exp. by Karasek
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h, big numerals, letterprint print unfinished printing block small format 19x26,5mm, in violet color on stamp paper with gum format 76x95mm, wrinkle in paper + light hint, exp. by Karasek
PLATE PROOF unissued values 50h, big numerals, letterprint die proof small format 19x26,5mm, in blue color on chalky paper format 76x97mm, hinged, exp. by Stupka
PLATE PROOF unissued value 50h, small format, small numeral value, recess printing, blk-of-10 (!) with wide margin on stamp paper with gum in/at orange color, exp. by Gilbert
PLATE PROOF unissued values 1200h, whole printing sheet with joined printing 12 pcs of stamp. in red color on stamp paper with gum; very good condition without folds, only hints in corners sheet, exp. by Karasek., rare occurrence
PLATE PROOF unissued values 1200h, whole printing sheet with joined printing 18 pcs of stamp. in red color on stamp paper with gum; very good condition without folds, only lightly hinged in corners sheet, 18-známkový joined printing belongs to very rare!
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2000h, whole printing sheet with joined printing 12 pcs of stamp. in/at green color on stamp paper with gum; very good condition, only hinged in corners sheet
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2000h, whole printing sheet with joined printing 14 pcs of stamp. in red color on stamp paper with gum, wide nezastřižené margins size 250x142mm; very good condition, mint never hinged, only fold in margin right bottom corner
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2000h, copper print, die proof in black color with big valuable numbers on thick paper without gum, exp. by Karasek., very rare, known only 2 pcs of these copy-print!!
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2000h, copper print, big numeral value, blk-of-12 in dark brown color on thin paper without gum, with upper margin; folds cross, on reverse partial offset, preserved with only 64 pcs of stamps from sheet, blocks are very rare, this is 2. biggest known block!
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2000h, die-stamping - vystupující relief color, 2 pcs of, 1x in/at green color on stamp paper hinged and 1x in violet color without gum, exp. by Karasek
PLATE PROOF without value, corner blk-of-20 in black color without value, on/for white chalky paper without gum, letterprint, nice piece, exp. by Karasek.; in multiblocks very rare occurrence
PLATE PROOF, gravure printing joined printing in black color values 1000h, Pof.142, as blk-of-4 + block of four designes on/for Legionaire stamp. + part stamp. issue Chainbreaker 25h, stamp paper with gum, so zvaná II. competition, unfinished margins, mint never hinged, very fine piece
PLATE PROOF, gravure printing joined printing in/at orange color values 1000h, Pof.142, as blk-of-4 + block of four designes on/for Legionaire stamp. + part stamp. issue Chainbreaker 25h, stamp paper with gum, so zvaná II. competition, unfinished margins, mint never hinged, only 2x small bend in corners, very fine piece
PLATE PROOF, joined printing 10 imprint designes in blue color, so zvaná II. competition, from that 2x T. G. Masaryk value 1000h, Pof.142 and str-of-3 values 50h small format + 1x issue Chainbreaker 25h, all unfinished margins, stamp paper with gum; nice nezastřižený piece, only 1x lightly hinged in margin and small tearing in corner