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1943 Exile issue, AS1, London MS, inserted in/at memorial sheet to 60. birthday president E. Beneš U:A4
1943 Exile issue, AS1, London MS, green special postmark EXHIBITION ČESKOSLOVENSKÝCH ZNÁMEK, green FP-postmark.; decorative U:A5
1943 Exile issue, AS1, London MS, nice quality, c.v.. 500CZK U:A5
1940 Exile issue, AS2c, newspaper miniature sheet Pof.ANV18, black text, green emblem, exhibition NY 1940, opačné placing inscription and emblem / symbol, fold in L margin U:A4
1940 Exile issue, AS2a, newspaper miniature sheet Pof.ANV18, black text also emblem, exhibition NY 1940 U:A4
1939 Exile issue, AS3a-f, complete set 6 pcs of miniature sheets Pof.A329/330, black text, various color emblem / symbol, exhibition NY 1939; light wrinkled corners U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS3a, miniature sheet Pof.A329/330, black text also emblem, exhibition NY; standard quality U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS4, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, blue text (!), black emblem, exhibition NY, unusual U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS4c, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, black text, green emblem, exhibition NY 1939, printing error "SBOVAK"; unusual U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS4a, miniature sheet Pof.A329/330, black text also emblem, exhibition NY, coupon without added print; standard quality U:A5
1940 Exile issue, AS8, miniature sheet Pof.A329/330, red text (!), silver emblem, exhibition NY 1940, small stain on gum U:A5
1940 Exile issue, AS8c, miniature sheet Pof.A329/330, black text, green emblem, green pavilion, exhibition NY 1940, flaw print - short nib W (WORLD'S) U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS9, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, without text (!), red emblem, special postmark PRAGUE 1938 U:A5
1940 Exile issue, AS9b, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, black text, red emblem, exhibition NY 1940, without green added-print on coupon, wrinkled corner U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS9a, miniature sheet Pof.A329/330, black text, black emblem, exhibition NY, green pavilion, blue special postmark; standard quality U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS10a, miniature sheet Pof.A342/343, black text also emblem, exhibition Toronto U:A5
1940 Exile issue, AS14, miniature sheet Pof.A329/330, 2x so-called. Lidice miniature sheet for exhibition in Brussels, Walloon text + Flemish text, special postmark with date 28.10.45, good quality, c.v.. 1.000CZK U:A5
1945 Exile issue, AS14, miniature sheet Pof.A329/330, 2x so-called. Lidice miniature sheet for exhibition in Brussels, Walloon text + Flemish text, special postmark with date 28.10.45, good quality, c.v.. 1.000CZK U:A5
1940 Exile issue, philatelically influenced Reg letter with miniature sheet AS11, miniature sheet Pof.A335, Masaryk, black text, red emblem, special postmark OPENING DAY 11.V.1940, sent with American franking on/for addressee Alfons Stach, New York; interesting U:A4
1943 letter franked with. miniature sheet Exile issue Pof.AS1, 4x green postmark CS.FP/ c/ 8.NOV.43, thin/light print, else preserved, miniature sheet without postage stmp values, post. transport neprokázána U:A5
1940-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection of entires FP in England, 17 exhibit album sheets, much really Us nefilatelistických letters with various postmarks, incl. Reg letter with Reg label Czechosl. FP and official cancel. from 18.11.42, contains also various souvenir with decorative cancel., nice selection of U:Z