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1950 COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA decision of přidělení konfiskovaného belongings (family house), katastr community Albrechtice (Ulbersdorf, dist. Chomutov), vanished village through těžbě coal, incl. cover with color reproduction, author LADA Joseph (1887–1957), Czech painter, illustrator and writer, covers in perfect quality; very interesting contemporary document U:A4
1843 AUSTRIA nice pre-printing notification of licitačním sale parcel on/for Olomouc street on/for Old town; good condition, interesting U:A3s|
1919 decorative handwritten invitation-card German sports club/association in Varnsdorf, 6 pcs of labels German clubs/associations; very nice, archiving fold, good condition U:A3s|
1867 message about/by obludném obřím ptáku from island Rassic, 4 page/-s format 22,5x17cm, German, issued Berger, Litomyšl; xylograph, description event/-s as text song; interesting text U:A4
1940-44 [COLLECTIONS] EXIL collection documents Czechoslovak exilu in London, large part sent to president Edvard Beneš and single ministry, part addressed to also on/for chancellor president republic Jaromíra Smutného, většínou financial matters, for example. concerning fungování Club Czechoslovak colony/-ies in London (Gustav Bečvář) etc.., contains also several invitation cards on/for společenské event/-s in London and oths.; interesting collection documents, in cardboard box U:K
1948-53 [COLLECTIONS] TOTALITARIANISM selection of documents from period of bezprostředně after/around Únoru 1948 from environs Vysoké school technical in Brno, various delegační cards on/for congresses Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, Akční committee high schools Brno, all on name Milan Malinovský, 1x transcript letter against komunistickému převratu; interesting U:O5