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1897 PC Jubilee 1c black to Bohemia uprated with stamp Mi.41, CDS GALT-ELMIRA NOV.6/97, transit pmk and arrival KARLSBAD; nice U:A5
1859-1897 collection of ca. 50 pcs of classical stamp, i.a. SG.40,44, then Vancouver SG.13 (without gum), Nova Scotia issue 1860, incl. set specimens on maculature paper, then New Brunswick SG.17 and PLATE PROOF SG.13, Connell (!) print on gummed side, Newfoundland 2x SG.1 (without gum) and oths., mostly nice pieces, rare selection of, cat. min. £1.540 U:A5
1865 SG.12, Queen Victoria 10P blue, imperforated, wmk CC, blue oval pmk, very fine piece with certificate Friedl Exp. Com. (Friedl, Bloch, E. Müller !), c.v.. £850 U:A5
1860 PLATE PROOF SG.7, Locomotive 1C violet, block of four, plate proof, imperforated stamp. on paper type "India", very thin paper (in the place hinge / label small thin place), interesting speciality from favourite classic issue U:A5
1857 SG.2, Heraldic Flowers 2P červenorumělková, black linear postmark; very fine piece with luxury margins, exp. Roumet, certificate BPA, rare stamp and in this quality extraordinary offer, c.v.. £6,000 U:DR
1851 SG.3, Heraldic Flowers 3P bright blue, on blue paper, new gum, perfect condition and very attractive piece, copy certificate RPS London for original block of 6 with marking this piece, catalogue value for hinged £1,000 U:A5
1851 SG.4, Heraldic Flowers 3P light pale blue, on blue paper without gum, in/at L upper corner damaged margin, otherwise very wide margins and general quality, certificate Holcombe, catalogue value for hinged £900 U:A5
1860 PLATE PROOF SG.18, Queen Victoria 1C black, blk-of-10, plate proof in/at original color on/for white carton with red overprints SPECIMEN, 6x type B, 4x type C, interesting multiple, c.v.. Unitrade (8Pii, 8Piii) $625++ U:A5
1863 SG.10, Queen Victoria 1P béžově orange (orange buff), perf 11½:12, pair on letter with CDS CHARLOTTE TOWN, on stmp dumb cork cncl, addressed to to very small village/-s Rollo Bay, one back lapel damaged, with regard to usual quality entires P.E.I. it is very fine piece (!), c.v.. £520++ U:A5
1891 Mi.26K, Allegory 35C, general colonial issue with inverted opt (!) ST-PIERRE M-ON, rare stamp, exp. Calves, cat. 850€ U:A5
1845 LOCAL ISSUE NEW YORK Sc.9X1e 2x, Washington 5C black without gum, 2 various shades, both postally Un, postmaster initials ACM, the first stmp with slight fold in upper corner, otherwise very fine (!), second stmp at top thin place and close margin, provisional postmaster issue without postmark, only with iniciálami, is rare, c.v.. for stamp. without gum $3,000 U:A5
1845 LOCAL ISSUE NEW YORK Sc.9X1e, Washington 5C black with original gum, in the middle small thin place, several vynechávek gum, wide margins, provisional postmaster issue without postmark and without signature postmaster, in addition with gum, is very rare, c.v.. for stamp. without gum $3,750 (catalogue value for hinged ca. $7,500)
1845 LOCAL ISSUE NEW YORK Sc.9X1e, Washington 5C black, without gum, small repair in UR corner, otherwise very fine piece, wide margins, significant print and color, provisional postmaster issue without postmark and without signature postmaster is rare, c.v.. for stamp. without gum $3,750 U:A5
1846 LOCAL ISSUE Sc.10X1, Providence R.I. 5C grey-black, hand obliteration, very fine piece with light patina and complete margins, as postally used is this stmp very rare and in catalogues tradičně podceňovaná, certificates PF N. Y. and W. R. Weiss, c.v.. $1,900, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1851 Sc.10A, Washington 3C oranžověhnědá, type II, without gum, several light dots, small fold in lower corner, nice piece in significant color, in/at neupotřebeném status rare stamp, certificate W. R. Weiss, c.v.. for stamp. without gum $1,250
1851 Sc.17, Washington 12C black, without gum, lower close margin to line frame, otherwise perfect piece this stamps, in/at unused status rare, certificate Philatelic Foundation N.Y., c.v.. for stamp. without gum $2,200 U:A5
1851 Sc.91, Franklin 1C blue, type IV, marginal piece, light damaged original gum, otherwise very nice quality, certificate PF N.Y., c.v.. $750++ U:A5
1855 Sc.15, Washington 10C green, imperforated, type III., original gum, at top close margin, several nepatrných dots, overall very fine piece, rare stamp, exp. A. Brun and certificate PSE Miami, c.v.. $5,000, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1857 Sc.20, Franklin 1C blue, type II, plate 2, new gum, otherwise very fine, significant color, c.v.. for stamp. without gum $375 U:A5
1857 Sc.25, Washington 3C pink-brown, type I, without gum, significant color, very fine (rare), certificate PF N.Y., kat.$950 U:A5
1857 Sc.32, Washington 10C green, type II, evidently new gum and tearing lower, R repaired perf, nice centering and significant color, feignedly very attractive piece, c.v.. for stamp. without gum $2,150, catalogue value for hinged $6,000 U:A5
1857-1860 Sc.26, 39, Washington 3C red-brown + 90C (dark) blue, perf 15½, both on cut-square with red dumb kosočtverečným cancel. from NEW HAVEN, 90C with small original trhlinkou in/at upper margin (1mm), insignificant with regard to/at rarities, very sound condition perf also general quality, extremely rare stamp in addition in/at attractive color franking, the most expensive stamp. from general line USA, certificate PF N.Y., c.v.. for used stamp $10,000 (on cut-square ca. $12,000), evidently unrepeatable offer! U:DR
1861 Sc.72b, Washington 90C dark blue, very fine piece with half original gum, rare stamp with certificate W. R. Weiss, catalogue value for hinged $4,000 U:DR
1861-66 Sc.68S, 76S, 77S, Presidents 10C green, without gum, 5C brown, with original gum and 15C black, with original gum; very fine pieces with perfect perf and with overprints SPECIMEN, c.v.. $440 U:A5
1861-79 comp. 12 pcs of stamps Personalities, Sc.71, 77, 78, 78b - 24C grey, 94, 153, 160, 162, 165 - 30C grey-blue and green-blue, 166, 190, Sc.78 with reparovným corner, otherwise all in very nice quality, atypical and color postmark, nice selection of for specialized collection, c.v.. ca. $2,400 U:A5
1863 Sc.76, Jefferson 5C brown, very fine piece, evidently with new gum, c.v.. for stamp. without gum $525, catalogue value for hinged $1,400 U:A5
1869 Sc.122, Lincoln 90C black / red, sought classic highest value, light black cork cncl, in upper part quite small thin place, very nice piece of this rare stamps, c.v.. $2,100 U:A5
1879 Sc.191, Perry 90C dark carmine, block of four, Reg cancel. NEW YORK REG., very fine, rare block, certificate PSE, c.v.. $2,000 U:A5
1893 Sc.242, Columbus 2$, dark brown-red, R repaired perf, overall very nice piece in/at beauty color, with light Reg postmark, exp. M. Brettl, c.v.. $675 U:A5
1914 Sc.443, 1C green, roll horiz. Pr; cat. 75$, with certificate U:A5
1933-34 Mi.Bl.2, 3, 5-6, comp. 4 pcs of miniature sheets, contains Chicago 1C green + Chicago 3C violet + Atlantic City 3C violet + Omaha 1C green; crosswise fold on MS Mi.Bl.5; c.v.. 125€ U:A5
1895-97 Mi.42-53, Newspaper stamps, complete set, with wmk; c.v.. 280€ U:A5
1879-1891 POSTAGE-DUE Sc.J1-3, J6, J15, J22, numeral issue 1C, 2C, 3C, 10C brown, 1C The 2nd issue brown-red, 1C The 3rd issue red, in/at neupotřebeném status rather rare, c.v.. $1,140 U:A5
1865 Sc.PR4 N1, Newspaper stamp Washington 5C blue, white margin, with probably unoriginal postmark BOSTON MASS, issued on paper without gum, preserved in/at exceedingly nice quality with significant embossed print, rare stamp also as Un, according to our opinion in catalogue underprized, c.v.. for stamp. without gum $475, (for postally used c.v.. $2,400) U:A5
1863 folded cover of letter addressed to to France, with Mi.18 (5x), 4-kruhová dumb postmark + CDS NEW ORLEANS/ 23.MAY.1863, rare stair franking (!), red transit pmk NEW YORK/ PAID/ 3.JUN., French from 11.JUIN.63 + small "P.D.", all in front and 2 arrival postmark PARIS/ 13.JUIN.63 on reverse, in/at nice status U:A5
1873 letter with Sc.147, 152, Washington 3C green and Webster 15C bright orange, red circular cancel. and CDS PALMETTO, to Hamiltonu, atypical yellow envelope with commercial additional-printing; attractive entire, cat. min. $390 U:A5
1877 Reg letter with SC.161, 179, Jefferson 10C brown and Taylor 5C blue, with rare type postmark - blue Reg REGISTERED/ AUG 16 1877, BRANCH B, NEW YORK P. O. nahrazující as well Reg label, to Germany, also with rarer Reg label "Vom Ausland"; very sound condition, rare letter ! U:A5
1884-1889 Reg letter with tricolor franking 1C, 2C (2x) and 10C (2x) issue 1882-1887 + postal stationery cover 2C sent as Reg, uprated by. tricolor additional franking 1C, 2C and 10C issue 1882-1883, black postmark, Reg labels NEW YORK, to Denmark, arrival postmark HJORRING; signs of age, overall but nice entires U:A5
1879 postal stationery cover 1C on yellow paper addressed to to Switzerland, uprated 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 5C (Scott 182 4x, 185), stamps cancelled numeral pmk "5" + CDS NEW YORK/ 29.DEC.79, on reverse arrival postmark CHAUX DE FONDS/ 10.I.80, on reverse missing small part upper lapel, otherwise very nice, decorative entire U:A5
1893 PC to Germany uprated with stamp Mi.80, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America 10C brown, CDS U.S. GERMAN SEA SEP.7/1930; decorative U:A5
1905 commercial Reg letter to Prague with tricolor franking and registračním cancel. MADISON SQUARE STATION/ MAY 9 1905, on reverse arrival PRAGUE; decorative U:A5
1842-45 small-sized folded letter in the place with Sc.6LB, local issue New York "UNITED STATES CITY DESPATCH POST" 3C Washington, black on/for modrozeleném lesklém paper, with 8-úhelníkovým red cancel. "U.S.", značící state and no already private lokání transport and with vedlejším daily cancel. CITY DESPATCH POST, very wide margins, on/for upper margin letter out of stmp short tear, rare entire, c.v.. for letter with common hand-made postmark on stmp is $600, for octagonal U.S. "–" (!), this postmark vyčísleno only for Sc.6LB1 - $2,000 U:A5
1845 PRIVATE POST Sc.20L4, New York "BOYD´S CITY EXPRESS POST" Eagle 2C green, glossy paper, on letter with CDS NEW YORK / 5CTS, vertical fold letter out of stmp, very fine piece, c.v.. $250 U:A5
1864? contemporary envelope with additional-printing against Confederate states "hanging of J. Davis, "Jeff. Davis in Suspense"; by hand coloured letterprint, interesting curiosity U:A5
1949-70 [COLLECTIONS] big business supply of stamps USA, contains various souvenir sheets, blocks of four, partially also Canada and U.N., in 16-sheet stockbook, also with selection of PB Masaryk, Czechoslovakia U:Z
1943 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps and entires with issues Flags, Mi.524, contains miniature stamp., corner blocks of four, 5x stamp. with specialisation (shades, light shifts apod.), from that 2x used; FDC, 2x franked letter with this issues U:O5
1863 nice comp. 8 pcs of stamps and pairs, Sc. 2 (Un), 4 (Un on cut-square), 6 (Un), 8 (Un), 11 (1x Un, 1x used on cut-square), 13 (Un), Sc.2 with slight oblique fold in corner, otherwise very fine pieces, original gum, 5x exp. i.a. Ferchenbauer, cat. min. $750 U:A5
1863 Sc.9a, Davis 10C milky blue, in/at value tablet "TEN CENTS", on cut-square with CDS NEW ORLEANS, very fine, rather rare stamp, postmark without guarantee, c.v.. $550++ U:A5
1890-94 comp. 3 pcs of PC, 1x addressed to to Bohemia, 1x to Australia, posting and transit pmk.; light wrinkled corners U:A5
1856 Mi.2I, Hidalgo 1R yellow, pair, local overprint Puebla, one stmp with small thin place in upper margin, otherwise very fine pair with whole cancel. S. AUGUSTIN DEL PALMAR, very attractive piece U:A5
1856-1861 Mi.2I, 7I, Hidalgo 1R yellow, local overprint Queretaro, 2 pcs of stamp. on cut-square, rarer oval pmk FRANQENARO EN EBLAYA, then 1R green / black, tentýž overprint also postmark, in addition Mi.7I, 1R with round decorative cancel., rare selection of U:A5
1864 PLATE PROOF Mi.16, Juarez 4R red instead brown, plate proof in colour stamps Mi.14, 1R (!), very fine piece, curiosity from so-called. issue Monterrey, exp. Jaretzky U:A5
1868 Mi.53, II. republic, Hidalgo 100C black on brown-red paper, overprint CAMPECHE 26-68, very nice highest value U:A5
1872 Mi.75, II. republic, Hidalgo 6C green, new issue, very fine piece rarely without overprint name/-s district, exp. Jaretzky U:A5
1872 Mi.77, II. republic, Hidalgo 25C red, new issue, pair, overprint Puebla 34-72, with whole rare Spanish colonial postmark CHOLULA, exp. Jaretzky U:A5
1872 Mi.78, II. republic, Hidalgo 50C yellow, new issue, very fine piece with rather rare local overprint Matamoros, printing 500 pcs of, overprint in addition shifted U:A5
1935 Mi.A724, air 20C with overprint Amelia Earhart and "muestra" (specimen), UR corner piece; shadow of original sheet bend, very nice quality, rare stamp with edition according to c.v.. Michel 350 pcs of, without overprint "muestra" printing 430 pcs of U:A5
1864 CORDOBA Mi.21III, local issue, Imperial eagle maxmiliánského period, 2R orange, control number "5", with superb print cancel. COSCOMATEPEC", wide margins, significant color, very fine piece, very small/rare printing in this postal district, according to statements owner 24 pcs of, definitely very rare stamp U:A5
1864 PUEBLA Mi.20III, local issue, Imperial eagle maxmiliánského period, 1R blue, control number "25", with superb print cancel. S. AUGUSTIN DE PALMAR, wide margins, significant color, very fine piece, very small/rare printing in this postal district, according to statements owner 100 pcs of, definitely very rare stamp U:A5
1868 GUADALAJARA Mi.9B 2x, 10Ba 2x, 10Bb 3x, "un real" on green paper 2x, 2 Reales on pink paper 2x, 2 Reales on/for violet paper 3x, from that once with postmark, one stmp with light sporadically, one stamp. with missing corner, otherwise very nice selection of, all exp. Jaretzky and oths. U:A5