Public Auction 38 / Philately / Africa

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148912 - 1891 SG.20, provisional Mombasa, Crown 2A bricky red with ov
1891 SG.20, provisional Mombasa, Crown 2A bricky red with overprint ½A, CDS MOMBASA and initials A. D. (Adrew Dick); very fine marginal piece rare stamps, exp. [TESTER] Pröschold, certificate Brandon, c.v.. £850, rare offer !
Starting price: CZK
147204 - 1895 SG.64, Queen Victoria with overprint 1´6A with new val
1895 SG.64, Queen Victoria with overprint 1´6A with new value in/at red overprint 2½P, very nice quality, rather rare occurrence, c.v.. £110
Starting price: CZK
147194 - 1897-1903 SG.92, 92b, Queen Victoria - large format, 1R grey
1897-1903 SG.92, 92b, Queen Victoria - large format, 1R grey-blue and ultramarine (rather rare), wmk CC, very nice pieces, c.v.. £585
Starting price: CZK
148907 - 1898 Reg letter with SG.65-72, TESTER ½A-5A, thimple pm
1898 Reg letter with SG.65-72, TESTER ½A-5A, thimple pmk LAMU, to New York, transit pmk ADEN, small format; through/over philatelic inspiraci rare and very attractive entire, cat. only 4½A on letter £240
Starting price: CZK
148038 - 1890 Mi.7, Symbols 5(C) black, c.v.. 220€
1890 Mi.7, Symbols 5(C) black, c.v.. 220€
Starting price: CZK
147167 - 1954 SG.167-180, Elizabeth II. 5C-1£, superb and comple
1954 SG.167-180, Elizabeth II. 5C-1£;, superb and complete set, c.v.. £120
Starting price: CZK
148745 - 1859 SG.36, Queen Victoria 2P dark blue, so-called. Lapirot,
1859 SG.36, Queen Victoria 2P dark blue, so-called. Lapirot, early impression, usual close margin, lower in/at marginal line, otherwise quite very fine exeplář this rare classic stamps, significant color, certificate APS, catalogue value for hinged £12,000, extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
149000 - 1860 SG.49, 53, Queen TESTER 6P green hinged and 1Sh green w
1860 SG.49, 53, Queen TESTER 6P green hinged and 1Sh green without gum, without watermark; very fine, 6P exp. Rosauer, c.v.. * £1,750
Starting price: CZK
148999 - 1860 PLATE PROOF SG.52, TESTER 1Sh yellow-brown, horizontal
1860 PLATE PROOF SG.52, TESTER 1Sh yellow-brown, horizontal strip of 3, plate proof, original paper and color, print De La Rue, L sheet margin; R light vertical fold, otherwise very fine about/by rare multiple
Starting price: CZK
147231 - 1862 SG.55, Seated Britannia 1Sh dark green, jehličková pe
1862 SG.55, Seated Britannia 1Sh dark green, jehličková perf 16, very nice quality also postal imprint B53, c.v.. £325
Starting price: CZK
149001 - 1863-1872 SG.61a, 65, 69, 70, Queen TESTER 3P dull red, 6P b
1863-1872 SG.61a, 65, 69, 70, Queen TESTER 3P dull red, 6P blue-green, 1Sh orange and 1Sh blue, 3 marginal pieces; on stmp SG.69 thin place in corner, otherwise very nice quality, c.v.. £660
Starting price: CZK
149005 - 1876 SG.76, Queen TESTER ½P / 9P violet, inverted overp
1876 SG.76, Queen TESTER ½P / 9P violet, inverted overprint; very fine piece, c.v.. £750
Starting price: CZK
149003 - 1876 SG.78, 9P violet (SG.51), so-called. unissued, with red
1876 SG.78, 9P violet (SG.51), so-called. unissued, with red overprint "½P Half Penny" in addition with black CANCELLED, block of four; at top heavier hinges, lower almost **, very nice quality, cat. Gibbons shows price Cancelled only for SG.78b with black valuable overprint - 5 % from price/-s 78b, interesting and according to our opinion rare block, according to relace for 78b cat. min. £600
Starting price: CZK
149004 - 1877 SG.81w, 82, overprint 1Sh / 5Sh rose-violet with invert
1877 SG.81w, 82, overprint 1Sh / 5Sh rose-violet with inverted wmk + bright violet, in addition with overprint CANCELLED; without gum and with gum (heavier hints of mounting), overall nice pieces, c.v.. * 150£
Starting price: CZK
149006 - 1886 SG.116b, Queen TESTER 2P / 38C violet, inverted overpri
1886 SG.116b, Queen TESTER 2P / 38C violet, inverted overprint; more/larger hint of mounting, R evidently changed perf, rare stamp, c.v.. £1,100
Starting price: CZK
147200 - 1895-1900 SG.127-132, 138-148, 150-152, selection of 20 pcs
1895-1900 SG.127-132, 138-148, 150-152, selection of 20 pcs of stamps from issue Coat of arms, 1C-18C and 1C-50C, incl. better 15C black / blue, 11x SPECIMEN, cat. min. £250
Starting price: CZK
147103 - 1900 SG.153-155, Coat of arms, highest value 1R, 2,5R, 5R, a
1900 SG.153-155, Coat of arms, highest value 1R, 2,5R, 5R, all SPECIMEN, perfect condition, sought "big formats", c.v.. ca. £210
Starting price: CZK
147205 - 1965 SG.317-331, Elizabeth II. - Birds, set 2C-10R, with roh
1965 SG.317-331, Elizabeth II. - Birds, set 2C-10R, with rohovými end pieces, superb condition, one of nejoblíběnějších motive sets, c.v.. £70
Starting price: CZK
149002 - 1873 letter with SG.67, 10C brown-red, cancel. B53 and CDS M
1873 letter with SG.67, 10C brown-red, cancel. B53 and CDS MAURITIUS, arrival postmark CAMBRIDGE; small format, very fine, cat. min. £150
Starting price: CZK
147120 - 1868 Mi.1-4, Steamship 1C-40C, value 20C 2x - light blue and
1868 Mi.1-4, Steamship 1C-40C, value 20C 2x - light blue and blue, 1C marginal piece, 40C in perfect quality, other with larger or smaller light sporadically, after all interesting offer right/genuine stamps, rare also as stamp country, all exp. Calves, catalogue value for hinged 750€++
Starting price: CZK
148981 - 1868 Mi.3, Steamship 20C light blue, block of 6; full margin
1868 Mi.3, Steamship 20C light blue, block of 6; full margins, signed, identified printing field in plate, very nice and rare multiple
Starting price: CZK
148982 - 1868 Mi.4, Steamship 40C dull red, block of four; full margi
1868 Mi.4, Steamship 40C dull red, block of four; full margins, lower small trhlinky, otherwise very nice quality, small/rare printing, 2x signed, certificate Hass "complexes this values are very rare"
Starting price: CZK
147136 - 1917 SG.45-62, George V., complete set 1C-50R, values 1C and
1917 SG.45-62, George V., complete set 1C-50R, values 1C and 75C shades in addition, overprint issue GEA on stmp East Africa and Uganda Protectorate, c.v.. £1,025
Starting price: CZK
148915 - 1874 SG.8a, TESTER 6P blue, wmk inverted CC !; without gum,
1874 SG.8a, TESTER 6P blue, wmk inverted CC !; without gum, perfect condition, c.v.. * £600
Starting price: CZK
148920 - 1893 OIL RIVERS  SG.11, provisional issue for area/region Ol
1893 OIL RIVERS SG.11, provisional issue for area/region Old Calabar, green overprint Half Penny, type 4; very fine piece, c.v.. £300
Starting price: CZK
148918 - 1894 OIL RIVERS  SG.59, provisional issue for area/region Op
1894 OIL RIVERS SG.59, provisional issue for area/region Opobo, red Opt "1" on/for bisected 2P, on cut-square with CDS OPOBO RIVER; very fine, c.v.. £375 ++
Starting price: CZK
147220 - 1892-1906 [COLLECTIONS]  NIGER COAST, OIL RIVERS  specialize
1892-1906 [COLLECTIONS] NIGER COAST, OIL RIVERS specialized selection of zaměřená on/for postmark, on stmp Queen Victoria, i.a. provisory AKASSA and BURUTU on stmp Great Britain 2½P (SG.Z20, Z47), some rare : BENIN RIVER and BRASS RIVER red, OPOBO frame, WARRI red frame and oths. , 2x SPECIMEN, cat. only stamps £660
Starting price: CZK
148735 - 1916 Reg letter to Switzerland with SG.H47-53, stmp with ove
1916 Reg letter to Switzerland with SG.H47-53, stmp with overprint on/for Gold Coast George V. ½P-1Sh, 7 various values, CDS LOME, Reg label LOME, TOGO, arrival postmark BUCHS
Starting price: CZK
147157 - 1956 SG.57-69, Elizabeth II. ½P-10Sh, superb and comple
1956 SG.57-69, Elizabeth II. ½P-10Sh, superb and complete set, c.v.. £120
Starting price: CZK
147903 - 1913-1922 selection of 19 values from SG.186-249s (detailed
1913-1922 selection of 19 values from SG.186-249s (detailed list/roster see SG), complete set George V. ½P-£1 SPECIMEN, 2x toned, several stamp. with small light sporadically - hints after sticking, otherwise in good quality, originates from old collection, according to our opinion exceedingly rare - this set, as specimen, square isn't known from no private collection neither from aukčního market, c.v.. £2,500, with regard to mentioned quality zahajujeme very low starting valuable!
Starting price: CZK
147910 - 1888 SG.52a, overprint issue BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE, gree
1888 SG.52a, overprint issue BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE, green double overprint on stmp Cape of Good Hope ½P grey, original gum (in/at upper middle repaired), nice and rather rare piece, c.v.. £475
Starting price: CZK
148962 - 1890 SG.54a,c, TESTER ½P orange, with overprint British
1890 SG.54a,c, TESTER ½P orange, with overprint British Bechuanaland and with inverted and double reverse Protectorate; second stmp without gum, very fine, double overprint is rather rare, exp. Holcombe, c.v.. * £680
Starting price: CZK
147243 - 1853 SG.3a, Triangle 1P brown-red, light blue paper, origina
1853 SG.3a, Triangle 1P brown-red, light blue paper, original gum, in L corner damaged margin, otherwise wide margins and quality, in/at unused status rare stamp from the first issue., certificate Rendon, c.v.. £3500
Starting price: CZK
148742 - 1861 SG.14, Triangles 4P light milky blue, 2-blok, xylograph
1861 SG.14, Triangles 4P light milky blue, 2-blok, xylograph (!), trigonal postmark, čištěno, fold in corner, more/larger thin place on reverse, after all interesting and rare multiple - pair xylographs is very rare, certificate Holcombe, c.v.. £3,600++
Starting price: CZK
148697 - 1891 comp. 3 pcs of letters to Vienna to same address; Reg l
1891 comp. 3 pcs of letters to Vienna to same address; Reg letter and usually sent letter with SG.49, 7x 1P red - already rather rare multiple franking (!) and 3x 1P red with surtax 20Kr, black linear cancel. and CDS KIMBERLEY, also with redirected letter Transvaal with SG.176, 178 , 2x 1P Coat of arms red and 2P olive; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
147207 - 1863-1904 selection of 29 pcs of classical stamp, from SG.24
1863-1904 selection of 29 pcs of classical stamp, from SG.24, i.a. SG.162 1£10Sh with fiscal postmark, in addition 5 pieces in catalogue nevedených telegraph stamps, cat. min. 500£
Starting price: CZK
148957 - 1887 SG.72b, Nieuwe Republiek 1P, opposite facing vertical p
1887 SG.72b, Nieuwe Republiek 1P, opposite facing vertical pair, violet print with embossed emblem, on/for blue granite paper; original gum, ordinary quality - in the middle thin place, in the place reliéfního print one stamps small hole (production minor faults), overall nice pair, c.v.. £475
Starting price: CZK
147188 - 1964 SG.104a, Elizabeth II. 10Sh - guineafowls, with known p
1964 SG.104a, Elizabeth II. 10Sh - guineafowls, with known plate variety "feather", c.v.. £40
Starting price: CZK
147155 - 1959-1966 RHODESIA & NYASSALAND  SG.30, 31, RHODESIA  SG.359
1959-1966 RHODESIA & NYASSALAND SG.30, 31, RHODESIA SG.359-372, SG.374-358, 406-407, SOUTH RHODESIA 92-105, i.a. 4 complete set, 6x "pound-stamp", c.v.. £177
Starting price: CZK
148657 - 1877-1944 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection - accumulation mai
1877-1944 [COLLECTIONS] small collection - accumulation mainly classic period in stockbook A4, from Mi.1 - 249 , through/over 430 pcs of stamp., all described, c.v.. ca. 680€
Starting price: CZK
148995 - 1892 SG.10-13, Coat of arms 1£-10£, rare highest v
1892 SG.10-13, Coat of arms 1£-10£, rare highest value; very fine, every with certificate BPA, extraordinary offer! (major-part existing clear librovek from this issue are forgeries with odstraněným fiscal cancellation), c.v.. * £5,100
Starting price: CZK
148916 - 1868 SG.11b, Queen TESTER, overprint 3P / 6P dark purple, ty
1868 SG.11b, Queen TESTER, overprint 3P / 6P dark purple, type B; imperforated, without gum, very fine piece with wide margins, this stmp often missing in collections, c.v.. * £850
Starting price: CZK
147160 - 1953 SG.153-165, Elizabeth II. ½P-10Sh, superb and comp
1953 SG.153-165, Elizabeth II. ½P-10Sh, superb and complete set, popular issue, c.v.. £80
Starting price: CZK
148656 - 1882-1910 [COLLECTIONS]  small collection classic period in
1882-1910 [COLLECTIONS] small collection classic period in stockbook A4, from Mi.1 after/around 240, through/over 200 pcs of stamp., incl. Postage-due stamps, all described, cat. over 500€
Starting price: CZK
147166 - 1954 SG.14-27, Elizabeth II. ½P-10Sh, superb and comple
1954 SG.14-27, Elizabeth II. ½P-10Sh, superb and complete set, for collectors very favourite destination, c.v.. £90
Starting price: CZK
147165 - 1960-1961 SG.28-54, Elizabeth II. - Sea fauna, ½P-10Sh
1960-1961 SG.28-54, Elizabeth II. - Sea fauna, ½P-10Sh and ½C-1 Rand, 2 luxury series, missing marginální values 1½P and 7½C; for collectors very favourite destination, c.v.. £155
Starting price: CZK
147164 - 1965 SG.71-84b, Elizabeth II. - Ships ½P-1£;, supe
1965 SG.71-84b, Elizabeth II. - Ships ½P-1£;, superb and complete set, for collectors very favourite destination, c.v.. £55
Starting price: CZK
146169 - 1970-80 [COLLECTIONS]  collection of stamps, mainly issue fr
1970-80 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps, mainly issue from 70. years 20. century, souvenir sheets, blocks, gutter, it contains e.g. Mi.Bl.5, 193-196 etc., various motives, for example. fauna, sport, transport and oths.; according to owner cat. only stamps ca. 640€, placed in stockbook A4
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 38 / Philately / Africa - Information

V této části naleznete poštovní známky, celiny a celistvosti vydané v jednotlivých částech afrického kontinentu od roku 1847. První poštovní známkou Afriky byl legendární Modrý Mauritius POST OFFICE.