Public Auction 38 / Philately / Australia and Oceania

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147854 - 1928 SG.106, Exhibition Melbourne, 2 undetached (!) exhibiti
1928 SG.106, Exhibition Melbourne, 2 undetached (!) exhibition souvenir sheets 4x kingfisher 3P blue, in/at gutter light original fold, otherwise in perfect quality, very rare multiple, c.v.. doesn't report, SG. £220++, Mi. 400€++
Starting price: CZK
144975 - 1950-2010 [COLLECTIONS]  STAMP BOOKLETS, COIL STAMPS  big co
1950-2010 [COLLECTIONS] STAMP BOOKLETS, COIL STAMPS big collection of stamp booklets, bklt sheets, advertising prints with stamps and coil- stamps with variants coupons, placed in 8 albums (5+3) and in flat box, all in big cardboard box, face-value 3.660AU$, total 27kg of material, estate of collector, profitable offer!
Starting price: CZK
144964 - 1966-2008 [COLLECTIONS]  big collection of stamps, PB, MS an
1966-2008 [COLLECTIONS] big collection of stamps, PB, MS and machine stmp, placed on album sheets Schaubek in 8 folders, all in big cardboard box, face value min. 5.000AU$, comes from a collector, total of 23kg material
Starting price: CZK
147149 - 1855 SG.1-3, Queen Victoria 1P dark green, L margins to fram
1855 SG.1-3, Queen Victoria 1P dark green, L margins to frame, 2P dark pink-red with extremely wide superb by cut (!), 6P dark blue in perfect quality, black lined cancel. unnumbered, resp. No. "1", attractive and complete the first issue in expressive colors charakteristických for this so-called. London print, c.v.. £715
Starting price: CZK
147128 - 1855-56 comp. 4 pcs of stamps; SG.2 2x, 7 2x, Queen Victoria
1855-56 comp. 4 pcs of stamps; SG.2 2x, 7 2x, Queen Victoria 2P 2x dark pink-red, chosen pieces with whole postmarks, 1x exp. Jakubek and 2x oranžovo red from The 2nd issue., whole cancel. 70 and 41, c.v.. £320++
Starting price: CZK
147150 - 1856-1858 SG.12, 18, Queen Victoria 1Sh orange imperforated
1856-1858 SG.12, 18, Queen Victoria 1Sh orange imperforated lower margins to margins, and 1Sh orange with perforation, R short tear, otherwise nice, without thin places and folds, linear cancel. "88" and dumb postmark., favourite highest value both issues, c.v.. £475
Starting price: CZK
147129 - 1850 comp. 3 pcs of stamps; SG.8, 12b, 14a, Sydney 1P, vario
1850 comp. 3 pcs of stamps; SG.8, 12b, 14a, Sydney 1P, various shades tmavěčervené, yellowish paper, blue paper and strong hand-made paper, 3 chosen piece from favourite issue, very fine margins, SG.12b with rare plate variety - "Hill unshaded", SG.14a is sought plate variety "without trees on the hill", with slight damage L upper corner, rare stamps, c.v.. £2,000
Starting price: CZK
147127 - 1854-60 SG.94, 164, 168, Queen Victoria 6P grey, luxury piec
1854-60 SG.94, 164, 168, Queen Victoria 6P grey, luxury piece with whole cancel. NSW exp. Fulpius, 6P violet a1Sh dark red (without gum), both perf 13, 1x exp. Thier, c.v.. £335
Starting price: CZK
147141 - 1856 SG.107, Queen Victoria 1P orange bricky, very fine piec
1856 SG.107, Queen Victoria 1P orange bricky, very fine piece with wide margins and original gum, interesting shift wmk "1", c.v.. £225
Starting price: CZK
148667 - 1862-1872 SG.35, 110, 128, Queen Victoria (Chalon head) 1P i
1862-1872 SG.35, 110, 128, Queen Victoria (Chalon head) 1P in red cilhlová imperforated, hinged, 1P in red bricky, without gum, perf 12½; so-called. Auckland, and 1P brown, without gum, perf 10:12½;; all with wmk "star", ordinary irregular perf, SG.33 lower close but full margins, catalogue value for hinged £910
Starting price: CZK
147228 - 1864-1867 SG.119, Queen Victoria (Chalon head) 4P dark rose,
1864-1867 SG.119, Queen Victoria (Chalon head) 4P dark rose, round linear postmark, strong paper with wmk "star", very fine, contrary to rather nízkému note this stmp often missing in collections, c.v.. £250
Starting price: CZK
148668 - 1895-1900 SG.236-239, 221-222, 242-245, Queen Victoria ½
1895-1900 SG.236-239, 221-222, 242-245, Queen Victoria ½P-1Sh, nominal complete set, perf 10 and 11, value 8P without gum, otherwise nice, 1Sh with residue/scrap after sticking, usual irregular perf, c.v.. £516
Starting price: CZK
148669 - 1898-1899 SG.246-248, 320, 251, 252, 311a, 265, 313, 256, 32
1898-1899 SG.246-248, 320, 251, 252, 311a, 265, 313, 256, 327, 258, 259, set ½P-5Sh, 13 values, nominal complete, perforated, only value 6P from issue 1899, 1Sh and 8P without gum, sporadically toned (frequent in this issue), c.v.. ca. £720, for collectors popular set
Starting price: CZK
148670 - 1907-1909 SG.383-385, 388-394, Birds, without gum, and Edwar
1907-1909 SG.383-385, 388-394, Birds, without gum, and Edward VII. hinged, catalogue value for hinged £360
Starting price: CZK
148671 - 1899-1903 SG.E1, D2-4, D6-8, D9-12, D16, special delivery st
1899-1903 SG.E1, D2-4, D6-8, D9-12, D16, special delivery stamp. 6P used and Postage due stmp, complete set of the first issue ½P-2Sh, various types ornamentů and size "D", 4P minor faults perf, otherwise all very nice, c.v.. £535
Starting price: CZK
147140 - 1857 SG.28, Queen Victoria 1P dull bricky, wmk 1, very fine
1857 SG.28, Queen Victoria 1P dull bricky, wmk "1", very fine piece with original gum, grain in paper, c.v.. £250
Starting price: CZK
148955 - 1860 SG.44, TESTER (Chalon head) 6P slate, vertical pair, wm
1860 SG.44, TESTER (Chalon head) 6P slate, vertical pair, wmk "6", in upper part toned, original gum, wide margins, rare pair, c.v.. £1,100 ++
Starting price: CZK
147092 - 1850-53 SG.7, Queen Victoria 1P blue, pair, second printing
1850-53 SG.7, Queen Victoria 1P blue, pair, second printing stage, light oval pmk V, L close, otherwise wide margins, c.v.. £340++
Starting price: CZK
147093 - 1860-64 SG.27, Black Swan 4P dark blue, perfect piece from f
1860-64 SG.27, Black Swan 4P dark blue, perfect piece from favourite issue, in/at krásném margins with mostly original gum, c.v.. £275
Starting price: CZK
148991 - 1893 Reg letter to Walesu, with SG.1-4, Federace 1P-10P, vio
1893 Reg letter to Walesu, with SG.1-4, Federace 1P-10P, violet CDS COOK ICELAND RAROTONGA, arrival postmark CARDIFF; signs of age, otherwise very nice and rather rare entire, cat. only for stamp. 10P on letter £650
Starting price: CZK
147091 - 1885-91 SG.10, Queen Victoria 4P grey-black, corner blk-of-4
1885-91 SG.10, Queen Victoria 4P grey-black, corner blk-of-4, wmk crown L from CA, fold out of stmp R lower, very nice and relatively rare block, c.v.. £1,700++
Starting price: CZK
147090 - 1895-96 SG.35, 36, Queen Victoria 9P light orange and orange
1895-96 SG.35, 36, Queen Victoria 9P light orange and orange (lososová), overprints SPECIMEN, black - so-called. type UPU and violet in/at small type, so-called. type Wilkinson, unusual specialties from favourite destination
Starting price: CZK
147119 - 1912 SG.69, George V. £1 black, on red paper, superb or
1912 SG.69, George V. £1 black, on red paper, superb original gum, fold in/at upper corner, often missing highest value, cat. Gibbons £900
Starting price: CZK
147170 - 1952-1960 SG.172-185, 187-192, 193-207, George VI. ½P-1
1952-1960 SG.172-185, 187-192, 193-207, George VI. ½P-1£;, Elizabeth II. ½P-1Sh, Elizabeth II. ½P-1£;; 3x superb and complete set, for collectors very favourite destination, c.v.. £370
Starting price: CZK
147094 - 1892 commercial Reg letter steam navigation company Cosmos f
1892 commercial Reg letter steam navigation company "Cosmos" from Port Stanley via Punta Arenas and London to place of company in Hamburg, with Queen Victoria, issue 1891, ½P 3x, 1P 4x, 2½P, 6P, with segmentovým postmark typical for this period, CDS FALKLAND ISLANDS, red London Reg postmark and arrival postmark HAMBURG, on reverse cut out seal and damaged upper lapel, after all extraordinary entire from favourite destination, with rare 4-coloured franking, jewel of every collection!
Starting price: CZK
147173 - 1954-1963 SG.280-295, 311-325, Elizabeth II. ½P-1£
1954-1963 SG.280-295, 311-325, Elizabeth II. ½P-1£; and 1P-1£;, 2 superb and complete set, c.v.. £140
Starting price: CZK
147158 - 1956 SG.64-75, Elizabeth II. ½P-10Sh, superb and comple
1956 SG.64-75, Elizabeth II. ½P-10Sh, superb and complete set, marginal pieces with part of sheet inscriptions, in addition for collectors sought destination, c.v.. £60++
Starting price: CZK
147099 - 1916 SG.4y, George V. 2P orange, with inverted wmk, small la
1916 SG.4y, George V. 2P orange, with inverted wmk, small label, c.v.. £120
Starting price: CZK
148743 - 1931 SG.76-80, overprint RAROTONGA on stmp New Zealand STAMP
1931 SG.76-80, overprint RAROTONGA on stmp New Zealand "STAMP DUTY" 2Sh, 2´6Sh, 5Sh, 10Sh, 1£;, very fine, c.v.. £275
Starting price: CZK
147086 - 1914 NEW ZEALAND OCCUPATION  SG.107, 108 2x, 109, comp. 4 pc
1914 NEW ZEALAND OCCUPATION SG.107, 108 2x, 109, comp. 4 pcs of stamps with overprints G.R.I. 5P/40Pf, 6P/50Pf 2x, 9P/80Pf, CDS APIA, all on cut squares in perfect quality, 3x exp. Kosack, Bothe and oths., c.v.. £240++
Starting price: CZK
147162 - 1956 SG.82-96, Elizabeth II. ½P-1£;, superb and co
1956 SG.82-96, Elizabeth II. ½P-1£;, superb and complete set, for collectors sought destination, c.v.. £95
Starting price: CZK
147201 - 1956-62 Mi.16, 19-22, 25, comp. of 8 better values issues Se
1956-62 Mi.16, 19-22, 25, comp. of 8 better values issues Sea fauna, i.a. 50F and 100F Penguins with upper coupons and sheet margin, c.v.. 200€ ++
Starting price: CZK
147100 - 1897 SG.52, 53, comp. 2 pcs of stamps, highest value 2´6Sh
1897 SG.52, 53, comp. 2 pcs of stamps, highest value 2´6Sh and 5Sh, c.v.. £98
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 38 / Philately / Australia and Oceania - Information

V této části naleznete poštovní známky, celiny a celistvosti vydané v jednotlivých částech australského kontinentu, Nového Zélandu a ostrovů v Oceánii. První poštovní známka byla v této oblasti vydána v roce 1850 (Nový Jižní Wales).