Public Auction 38 / Philately / Europe

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147858 - 1918 PC Coat of arms 5Kop with black ukrajinským overprint
1918 PC Coat of arms 5Kop with black ukrajinským overprint 10Kop, uprated with stamp RSFSR saving stamp. 10Kop Mi.126, CDS GOLOVANEVSK, sent through/over Moscow (censorship mark) to New York, perfect condition, text in Hebrew, rare!
Starting price: CZK
148026 - 1918 [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of stamps Ukraine, mainly overprin
1918 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps Ukraine, mainly overprint issue, 2x block of four; placed on card A5
Starting price: CZK
148648 - 1840 SG.2; Spec.AS25vf, Black Penny, plate 5, letters A-I, w
1840 SG.2; Spec.AS25vf, Black Penny, plate 5, letters A-I, with postmark yellow Maltese cross (!), according to SG. QV Spec. 2010 originate from Scotch postal office NEWNHAM-ON-SEVERN, at top close margin and disturbed margin line, in/at picture small abraze color, these minor faults are insignificant with regard to rarities stamps with this rare type Maltese cross, in catalogues SG earlier vedeno with high data, in/at současnosti vedeno, but proškrtnuto, quite unique piece with certificate BPA London - Robson Lowe and Arthur S.F. Ginn, unrepeatable offer (!); (poznámka: for example. SG. Spec.1979 shows for blue Maltese cross £700, for yellow £3,000, SG. Commonwealth, British Empire 2012 shows blue £12,000 and yellow "–")
Starting price: CZK
148914 - 1840 SG.2 Black Penny, plate 4, letters T-D; lower marginal
1840 SG.2 Black Penny, plate 4, letters T-D; lower marginal piece in perfect quality, double print red Maltese cross, once full, c.v.. £375 ++
Starting price: CZK
148684 - 1840 SG.2 Black Penny, plate 6, letters D-I, very fine piece
1840 SG.2 Black Penny, plate 6, letters D-I, very fine piece with whole hnědočerveným (!) postmark Maltese cross, c.v.. £375 for usual red postmark
Starting price: CZK
148948 - 1840 SG.2, Black Penny black, TD1b, letters M-B, with invert
1840 SG.2, Black Penny black, TD1b, letters M-B, with inverted wmk !, red Maltese cross; very fine piece with certificate Lamonby & Allen, rare stamp, c.v.. £2,500
Starting price: CZK
148951 - 1840 SG.2, Black Penny black, plate 4, letters N-F; postally
1840 SG.2, Black Penny black, plate 4, letters N-F; postally Un, new gum, wide margins, interesting paper crease in paper ( in this issue rare), certificate K. Louis, c.v.. * £12,000
Starting price: CZK
148984 - 1840 SG.2, Black Penny, TD1b, M-J, on cut-square with red Ma
1840 SG.2, Black Penny, TD1b, M-J, on cut-square with red Maltese cross and vedlejším CDS NEWBURGH/JY 29 1840; luxury piece, c.v.. £350 ++
Starting price: CZK
148983 - 1840 SG.2, Black Penny, printing plate 2, P-L, dark red full
1840 SG.2, Black Penny, printing plate 2, P-L, dark red full postmark Maltese cross, "constant variety" in the field PB; SG. Spec.AS15k, superb marginal piece, c.v.. £400 ++
Starting price: CZK
148672 - 1840 SG.5, 2P blue, block of four, plate 1, letters R-I/ S-J
1840 SG.5, 2P blue, block of four, plate 1, letters R-I/ S-J, black maltézské cross, small shadow of horiz. fold in lower part/-s, otherwise quite very fine piece with bezchybným by cut, without thin places etc.., attractive multiple and extraordinary offer, block of four this stamps at our place still nenabízen (!), c.v.. £38,000
Starting price: CZK
147087 - 1840 SG.5, 2P blue, plate 1, str-of-4 QB-QE, rarely with can
1840 SG.5, 2P blue, plate 1, str-of-4 QB-QE, rarely with cancel. type 1844, No. 68 (Kennington), contrary to very small světlince and light fold R it is very nice multiple with complete margins, still biggest square known strip "dvojek" with this by/on/at first issue rare type postmark, cat. Gibbons as 4 single stamps £10,000, 2 pairs ca.. £12,600, 4-pásku we estimate min. on/for £15,750
Starting price: CZK
148985 - 1840 SG.5, 2P blue, printing plate 1, F-D, red kontrastní p
1840 SG.5, 2P blue, printing plate 1, F-D, red kontrastní postmark Maltese cross; at top small tearing 1mm, otherwise very fine and very attractive piece with by cut zasahujícím to of adjacent stamps, c.v.. £900 ++
Starting price: CZK
148987 - 1840 SG.5, 2P blue, horizontal pair, printing plate 1, R-D -
1840 SG.5, 2P blue, horizontal pair, printing plate 1, R-D - R-E, 2x full red postmark Maltese cross; very fine and attractive pair, c.v.. £2,000 ++
Starting price: CZK
148986 - 1840 SG.5, 2P blue, horiz. 2-páska,TD1, Q-A - Q-B, light re
1840 SG.5, 2P blue, horiz. 2-páska,TD1, Q-A - Q-B, light red postmark Maltese cross; paper paper crease between stamps (it is not fold), very fine, c.v.. £2,000
Starting price: CZK
148688 - 1840 SG.5; Spec.DS8xb, 2P blue, plate 2, letters R-E, lower
1840 SG.5; Spec.DS8xb, 2P blue, plate 2, letters R-E, lower closer margin, toned, with exceedingly rare type postmark - late datestamp CDS DORCHESTER, contrary to quality rare offer (!), c.v.. £9,000
Starting price: CZK
148690 - 1841 SG.8, 1P red-brown, pair, plate 19, letters G-A and G-B
1841 SG.8, 1P red-brown, pair, plate 19, letters G-A and G-B, sporadically close but full margins, very fine pair with rare pozdním datestamp, CDS TOTNESS, c.v.. £1,600++
Starting price: CZK
148689 - 1841 SG.8, 1P red-brown, plate 128, letters Q-K, very fine p
1841 SG.8, 1P red-brown, plate 128, letters Q-K, very fine piece with violet London numeral cancel, nice print and very rare color (!), certificate RPS London, c.v.. £4,000
Starting price: CZK
148988 - 1852-1853 SG.8, SG.Spec.B2aa, 1P red-brown, TD158, J-G, with
1852-1853 SG.8, SG.Spec.B2aa, 1P red-brown, TD158, J-G, with experimental machine oddělováním - forerunner of perf, so-called. "Treasury Roulette", on cut-square with whole cancel. "7" type 1844; very fine, on reverse notice ex. Burrus collection (one from greatest collectors all period), exp. [TESTER] Pröschold, certificate BPA, c.v.. £7,200 ++ extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
148673 - 1841 SG.14, 2P blue, plate 3, 2 stamps on cut-square, letter
1841 SG.14, 2P blue, plate 3, 2 stamps on cut-square, letters K-C and K-E, close to wide margins, very fine, very rarely with date type postmark (!), 2x CDS NOTTINGHAM 8.5.1845, certificate RPS London, c.v.. £7,000 ++
Starting price: CZK
148691 - 1841 SG.14; Spec.ES14wb, 2P blue, very fine piece with blue
1841 SG.14; Spec.ES14wb, 2P blue, very fine piece with blue cancel. type 1844, nice print, c.v.. £1,000
Starting price: CZK
147191 - 1857-58 SG.35, 2P blue, plate 6, 2x on cut-square, and SG.45
1857-58 SG.35, 2P blue, plate 6, 2x on cut-square, and SG.45, plate 7 2x, plate 8, 3 cut-squares with nice numeral cancel, c.v.. £300++
Starting price: CZK
148675 - 1858 SG.45, 2P blue, pair, plate 12, letters C-K, C-L, stmp
1858 SG.45, 2P blue, pair, plate 12, letters C-K, C-L, stmp C-K with fold in gum, with missing zoubkem lower and several short tooth, otherwise very nice pair, c.v.. £6,000++
Starting price: CZK
148946 - 1860 SG.53as, připravená to print but unissued, 1½P s
1860 SG.53as, připravená to print but unissued, 1½P slézově rose (rosy mauve) on blued paper, perf 14, with overprint SPECIMEN, type 2; new gum, otherwise very fine piece, cat. min. £2,200
Starting price: CZK
148695 - 1863 SG.82a, 4P orange-red, pair, letters E-D and E-E, wmk l
1863 SG.82a, 4P orange-red, pair, letters E-D and E-E, wmk "large garter", imperforated pair (!), very nice quality, only at top margins in/at line margins - without meaning with regard to rarities these stamps, rare speciality (it is not imprimatur), c.v.. £7,400++
Starting price: CZK
147192 - 1867-69 SG.96, 6P dark violet, plate 6, str-of-4 with sheet
1867-69 SG.96, 6P dark violet, plate 6, str-of-4 with sheet margins and SG.93, 4P orange 1 pcs + str-of-3, on 2 cut squares with CDS LONDON, c.v.. £1,000 (only as single stamps)
Starting price: CZK
148947 - 1872 FORGERY TO DEFRAUD THE POST,  so-called. Stock Exchange
1872 FORGERY TO DEFRAUD THE POST, so-called. "Stock Exchange Forgery" 1Sh green, type as SG.115, without watermark, with chybnou (nemožnou) combinations characters E-S, TESTER, used with nice CDS STOCK EXCHANGE; perfect piece, forgeries to defraud the post are for collectors very favourite !, c.v.. £1,500
Starting price: CZK
147085 - 1974 SG.127, 5Sh light rose, plate 2, wmk maltezský cross,
1974 SG.127, 5Sh light rose, plate 2, wmk maltezský cross, CDS GLASGOW MR 21/82; c.v.. 1,200£
Starting price: CZK
148677 - 1874 SG.146; Spec.J86s, overprint SPECIMEN 6P grey, type 9,
1874 SG.146; Spec.J86s, overprint SPECIMEN 6P grey, type 9, imperforated marginal block-of-4, plate 16, intact gum with original folds, very fine and rare piece, catalogue value for hinged for 4 stamps £1,800, our estimation for this mint never hinged block £4,500++
Starting price: CZK
148678 - 1877 SG.153; Spec.J64s, overprint SPECIMEN 4P green, type 9,
1877 SG.153; Spec.J64s, overprint SPECIMEN 4P green, type 9, imperforated corner blk-of-4, plate 15, without gum, perfect condition, rare multiple, catalogue value for hinged £2,100, for this block without gum we estimate £1,300++
Starting price: CZK
148950 - 1884 PLATE PROOF SG.185, imprimatur 1£; purple brown, i
1884 PLATE PROOF SG.185, imprimatur 1£; purple brown, imperforated, letters F-C, wmk "three crown"; original gum, on reverse part archivního description, small fold in UL corner, very fine piece with wide margins, printed from printing plate 2 or TESTER, imprimatur issued in only single sheet from every plate for off. authorization and permit complete issue, from both plate exists in the market only several these imprimatur stamps, certificate BPA, c.v.. £15,000, quite extraordinary offer !
Starting price: CZK
148927 - 1883 PLATE PROOF for stamp SG.193, definitive letterprint va
1883 PLATE PROOF for stamp SG.193, definitive letterprint values 5P in black color on/for chalky cardboard paper 92 x 61mm, datestamp 15AUG83 and BEFORE HARDENING (before/(in front of) vytvrzením plate); rare plate proof, £1,700 £;
Starting price: CZK
147130 - 1887-1900 SG.197-199, 201, 202, 205-211, 214, Queen Victoria
1887-1900 SG.197-199, 201, 202, 205-211, 214, Queen Victoria, nominal complete set ½P-1Sh green, in addition 1Sh red / dark green, c.v.. £550
Starting price: CZK
148945 - 1900 SG.214, highest value 1Sh green in/at red frame, very f
1900 SG.214, highest value 1Sh green in/at red frame, very fine piece with inverted wmk !; rare stamp, c.v.. £1,900
Starting price: CZK
148949 - 1877 SG.L236s, Telegraph 1£; purple brown, wmk cloverle
1877 SG.L236s, Telegraph 1£; purple brown, wmk "cloverleaf", with overprint Specimen type 9; lower short tooth, overall very fine piece, cat. min. £850
Starting price: CZK
148680 - 1877 SG.T16s, Telegraph stmp 10Sh green-gray,  plate 1, over
1877 SG.T16s, Telegraph stmp 10Sh green-gray, plate 1, overprint SPECIMEN, type 9, on reverse more labels, light folds in lower corner, overall but very fine piece, c.v.. £360
Starting price: CZK
148679 - 1885 I.R.OFFICIAL  SG.O6s, 2½P violet with overprint SP
1885 I.R.OFFICIAL SG.O6s, 2½P violet with overprint SPECIMEN, type 9, very fine piece, c.v.. £325
Starting price: CZK
148692 - 1889 I. R. OFFICIAL  SG.O15s, 1Sh dark green, overprint SPEC
1889 I. R. OFFICIAL SG.O15s, 1Sh dark green, overprint SPECIMEN, type 9, very fine piece with original significant color, c.v.. £240
Starting price: CZK
148683 - 1876 PLATE PROOF  SG.152, 4P tyrkysová, corner str-of-3, pl
1876 PLATE PROOF SG.152, 4P tyrkysová, corner str-of-3, plate 15, wmk "large garter", rusty spots, thin place out of stmp., c.v.. £750 ++
Starting price: CZK
148682 - 1884 IMPRIMATUR  SG.196, 1Sh dull dark green, imperforated,
1884 IMPRIMATUR SG.196, 1Sh dull dark green, imperforated, original gum, natural folds in gum, on reverse in the place wmk omission in gum, very fine piece with wide margins, printed from 2 plates, imprimatur issued in only single sheet from every plate for off. authorization and permit complete issue, from both plate exists in the market only 24 pcs of these imprimatur stamps, very rare (!), c.v.. £2,000
Starting price: CZK
147245 - 1840 SG.1, Black Penny intense black, plate 5 letters H-F, U
1840 SG.1, Black Penny intense black, plate 5 letters H-F, Un on/for neodeslaném inzertním journal POST MAGAZINE (journal rising from 26.7.1840 every sobotu in/at printing 5000 pcs, sloužící as informative, inzertní printing product and as post. envelope !), stmp lower with porušeným margin, otherwise very fine piece in/at beauty color, perfectly preserved and postally - historically very interesting entire, we aren't aware of another franked and neodeslaný piece, catalogue value for hinged for SG.1 £18,000
Starting price: CZK
147134 - 1840 folded letter with SG.2, Blackpenny, letters J-F, sent
1840 folded letter with SG.2, Blackpenny, letters J-F, sent 1.12.1840 from Aldermanbury (London) to Norfolku, L close margin, otherwise nice letter with cancel. red Maltese cross, c.v.. £600
Starting price: CZK
148694 - 1841 Reg letter from Colchesteru to London with SG.5, 8, 2x
1841 Reg letter from Colchesteru to London with SG.5, 8, 2x 1P red-brown, plate 132, and str-of-3 2P blue, plate 4 (as reccomendation charge 6 Pence), numeral cancel 210, str-of-3 lower closer margin, otherwise very fine entire and rare franking!
Starting price: CZK
148685 - 1852 letter to portugalského Postage with SG.56, 57, pairs
1852 letter to portugalského Postage with SG.56, 57, pairs to 8-úhelníků střižených 10P brown and 1Sh green, cancel. 498 and CDS MANCHESTER, blue arrival postmark, red "LEY DE 50Rs" and handwritten notice "LATE FEE INCLUDED", very attractive entire!
Starting price: CZK
148992 - 1856 letter with SG.19, 2P blue, horizontal strip of 3, wmk
1856 letter with SG.19, 2P blue, horizontal strip of 3, wmk "Small Crown", perf 16 + str-of-4 SG.34, 2P blue, wmk "Large Crown", perf 14, London numeral cancel "47", to Paris; vertical fold between stamps, very nice and rare mixed 14-pencová franking !, c.v.. £1,100 ++
Starting price: CZK
147189 - 1885-96 comp. 7 pcs of decorative letters with SG.172, 1P fr
1885-96 comp. 7 pcs of decorative letters with SG.172, 1P from that one with SG.172+SG.187, all with pen drawings from English výtvarníka H. Edwardse, family correspondence, CDS WESTON SUPER MARE, BRISTOL, decorative entires
Starting price: CZK
147963 - 1901 decorative small-sized letter to KEIGHLEY in Yorkshire
1901 decorative small-sized letter to KEIGHLEY in Yorkshire with SG.172, 1P purple-red, CDS PRESTON, envelope with coloured pen painting "lady inviting to the ball", perfect condition, attractive entire
Starting price: CZK
147487 - 1863 folded letter to Nového Boru, with Queen Victoria 6P l
1863 folded letter to Nového Boru, with Queen Victoria 6P liliová, SG.84, CDS LONDON OC.16/63, red "pmk PD.", round transit pmk.; good condition
Starting price: CZK
147221 - 1858-79 [COLLECTIONS]  SG.43, 44, 1P brown-red, reconstructi
1858-79 [COLLECTIONS] SG.43, 44, 1P brown-red, reconstruction of plate 162 according to písmenných combinations AA-TL, 240 various stamps from same plate is rather rare collection, předpokládá elaboration enormního lot of of material, adjusted in old frame, c.v.. £1,920++
Starting price: CZK
148989 - 1902 SG.75, Official Edward VII. 2P, overprint GOVT/ PARCELS
1902 SG.75, Official Edward VII. 2P, overprint GOVT/ PARCELS green / red, block of four; very fine, as block rare, c.v.. for 4 single stamps £800
Starting price: CZK
147320 - 1929 SG.438, Congress UPU £1 black; mint never hinged,
1929 SG.438, Congress UPU £1 black; mint never hinged, c.v.. 750£
Starting price: CZK
146933 - 1952 SG.515-531, postage stmp set; complete, cat. Gibbons &#
1952 SG.515-531, postage stmp set; complete, cat. Gibbons £100
Starting price: CZK
147101 - 1857-1872 MALTA  SG.Z20, on cut-square, CHILE  comp. 2 pcs o
1857-1872 MALTA SG.Z20, on cut-square, CHILE comp. 2 pcs of stamps, SG.Z64, Z81, EGYPT SG.Z17, str-of-4; all in good quality, c.v.. £480++
Starting price: CZK
147096 - 1898 CRETE  SG.B1, pair on cut square with cancel. HRAKLEION
1898 CRETE SG.B1, pair on cut square with cancel. HRAKLEION, R small fold, overall in very nice quality, c.v.. ca. £550
Starting price: CZK
148926 - 1887-1896 TURKEY, SG.4 overprint 40 Paras / 2½P, on cut
1887-1896 TURKEY, SG.4 overprint 40 Paras / 2½P, on cut-square with tureckou dark pink railway label EXPRESS D´ORIENT for mailing přepravované this by train, with lined oval cancel. "S" (STAMBOUL); rare curiosity
Starting price: CZK
148956 - 1874 PERU, SG.Z56, 5Sh pink-red, printing plate 2, with whol
1874 PERU, SG.Z56, 5Sh pink-red, printing plate 2, with whole cancel. C38 for CALLAO; in the middle in the place wmk small thin place, overall very fine piece with perfect perf, cat. min. £450
Starting price: CZK
147269 - 1944 M.E.F.  letter to Rome, color 4-coloured franking, blue
1944 M.E.F. letter to Rome, color 4-coloured franking, blue CDS ADI UGRI/ ERITREA 29.9.44, on reverse arrival, contrary to skvrnám decorative
Starting price: CZK
147267 - 1945-47 M.E.F.  comp. 2 pcs of letters from Tripoli, from th
1945-47 M.E.F. comp. 2 pcs of letters from Tripoli, from that 1x as Registered, beauty color franking, used censorship - off. opened, transit and arrival postmark; nice
Starting price: CZK
147265 - 1945-47 M.E.F.  comp. 4 pcs of letters, from that 3x as Regi
1945-47 M.E.F. comp. 4 pcs of letters, from that 3x as Registered, beauty color franking, 3x from Tripoli, 1x Mara, Eritrea; censorship, decorative, sought
Starting price: CZK
147908 - 1840 SG.ME1, ME3, Mulready's envelopes 1P black and 2P blue,
1840 SG.ME1, ME3, Mulready's envelopes 1P black and 2P blue, Un, usual light folds, nice quality, c.v.. £750
Starting price: CZK
147907 - 1840 SG.ME2, ME4, Mulready's envelopes 1P black and 2P blue,
1840 SG.ME2, ME4, Mulready's envelopes 1P black and 2P blue, Un, 2P on one back lapel - remainder paper from album/-s, lapel nepoškozena, very nice quality, c.v.. £775
Starting price: CZK