Public Auction 38 / TOP100 Bidding
1920-89 [COLLECTIONS] set ca. 100 pcs of bank-notes CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92; various quality U:O4
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 55 pcs of bank-notes BOHEMIA-MORAVIA and Slovak Rep., various values; viewing of quality recommended U:O5
1883 ILLUSTRIRTES BRIEFMARKEN-ALBUM von Alwin Zschiesche, 7. issue, Leipzig; whole world, Un, almost as new U:Z
trial print 500h in red color on chalky paper, paste-in on/for paspartu, with signature of author J. Obrovský U:A5
1943 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT off. PC - certificate of receiving parcel, with 30h A. Hitler, CDS BAUSCHOWITZ/ BOHUŠOVICE n. O./ 11.XII.43, sent to Slovakia, line censor's cancel.; damaged in/at several places, viewing of quality recommended, (Rem.: PC with quite identickými attributes from belongings Jewish museum in Prague, sent from ghetto in/at September 1943 same family to Slovakia, is pictured in book "Post in ghetto Terezín" on/for page. 302); from výzanmné collection (ex F. Hanzl) U:A5
PLATE PROOF Pof.25, 2 pcs of plate proofs of the value 500h with lower margins with unworked mezerami U:A5
1920 very decorative Registered and Express letter with C.O.D. in the place CDS CHEB 2 / EGER 2/ 3.1.21 with 6 stamps Surtax stamp. Red Cross 1920, several small dots, otherwise nice U:A5
1930-2000 [COLLECTIONS] set ca. 200 pcs of bank-notes various countries, for example. Hungary, Poland, Germany, Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Austria etc..; various quality U:O4
1941 Reg and airmail letter to Bohemia-Moravia, on reverse franked with. i.a. overprint stamps Mi.291 and 382, CDS, transit pmk., passed through German censorship; good condition U:A5
1898-1954 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 450 pcs of stamps, contains various perf, color varieties, postmark, line various overprints, etc., placed on 2 pages A4 + other ca. 80 pcs of duplication in envelope, good quality U:O4
PLATE PROOF values 600h, blk-of-25 in black color, uncleared plate, on chalky paper; hints, exp. by Gilbert., rare usage big blocks U:A4
Pof.143M, value 5h blue, 4-stamp gutter on yellowy paper, printing also back side/party same value U:A5
1918 Prague overprint I., Reg letter to Germany franked with Austrian stmp Crown 5h green and 2x Charles 20h green with I. Prague overprint, Pof.RV2, RV7, CDS PRAGUE 8.XI.18, on reverse arrival postmark.; good condition U:A5
1950-90 [COLLECTIONS] GERMANY, WHOLE WORLD collection of ca. 1500 pcs of entires, mainly FRG, GDR, correspondence from abroad to Germany (Europe also overseas) + 21 pcs of mincovních letters from FRG; in cardboard box, total 10kg of material U:K
1945 [COLLECTIONS] selection 85 pcs of originally Slovak blank forms with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, i.a. dispatch note, telegram, international postal order, customs declaration and oths., various color overprint, suitable for examining U:O5
1906 Joseph Šváb No. 647, Salute from forest, color collage; Us, upright, very good condition, decorative U:A5
1939 Alb.A1, Opening of Congress 300h/10Kč, upper and the bottom 30-bloky with coupons and plate mark A1, overprint type II.; 1x smaller tearing in perforation, cat. Földes 1.200Sk U:A4
1922 letter sent from USA to France with mixed franking postage-due stamps 4 countries (!), France, Italy, Switzerland and Czechoslovakia, CDS CHICAGO, with 2c, then to Italy, consequently to Switzerland and then to Czechoslovakia, here burdened by surtax 250h stamp. Pof.19 and 28, unique document/attribut postal transport; interesting U:A5
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] accumulation mainly postmarked stamps Czechoslovakia I., 1x stockbook with larger lot of stamp. issue Hradčany, mainly lower values, nepreforované also perforated, smaller part stamp. POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919 + especially letterpress issue detached/free placed in/at envelopes; various quality, in cardboard box, pčes 4Kg of material U:K
trial print 25h with character B in/at seal letter on/for picture stamp. (!), black print unfinished printing block size 36x44mm on chalky paper; hinged, exp. by Karasek., prints with initial "B" occur quite rarely U:A5
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2h with asterisks in background together in/at hlubotiskovém joined printing design/sketch revenue and stamp. issue Chainbreaker 25h with year, grey-green green print on paper without gum, size stamp. Pigeon-issue 23x26mm; hints, marked by Pofis - Beneš, PLATE PROOF in/at this compilation of occures rarely U:A5
1958 [COLLECTIONS] ZPRÁVA O TISKU NOVÝCH BANKOVEK collection documents with fotonávrhy new bank-notes also with 2 pcs of Specimenů values 25Kčs, i.a. on/for front side side bank note/-s values 50Kčs used motive unissued bank note/-s values 100CZK from year 1962, c.v.. Ba.N19; quite rare collection documents to history notafilie from period of CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 U:Z
1960-80 [COLLECTIONS] big selection pictorial stamps from around the world, also with part Czechoslovakia, all in big cardboard box, total 11kg of material U:K
trial print 300h, joined printing 5 pcs of stamps in black color on chalky paper, all type II.; lightly hinged U:A5
1945-85 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., accumulation, various annual volumes, contains blocks of four, lot of PB, various sets etc.., used, mint never hinged stamps mainly from y. 1945-53; placed in 7 stockbooks A4 from that 4x pérový stockbook + several album sheets, all in cardboard box, total over 19kg of material U:K
1921 CPP4B, whole dispatch note with issue Agriculture and Science 600h violet, Pof.169B, addressed to to Duchcov, CDS PODMOKLY 22.III.21; fold in the place control cut U:A5
1925 Mi.296-297DX, Lenin - imperforated, comp. 2 pcs of marginal block-of-4 and 2 sets; cat. min. 540€ U:A5
1890-1948 [COLLECTIONS] GERMANY, EUROPE collection of ca. 800 pcs of entires, mainly German Reich, partially also GDR and occupation zones, correspondence from abroad to Germany (Czechoslovakia, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, France, Bulgaria, Italy, Sweden, Poland, Noorsko aj.); suitable for other zpracování
1922 commercial Reg letter with 400h, Pof.167 and 50h issue Chainbreaker green, addressed to to Austria, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 13.VII.22; good condition U:A5
1937 commercial Let-obálka small format, addressed to to Brazil, franked with. right franking stamp. issue Letecké-definitivní issue, 2x 5CZK brown + 2x 4CZK blue + 3x 3CZK violet + 50h green, Pof.L7, 10-12, CDS JABLONEC N. N. 5.X.37, mourning cancel. PRAGUE 7 AIRMAIL 6.X.37, transit pmk.; open after/behind 3 sides, interesting U:A5
trial print 25h, print nedokončeného printing block size 36x44mm in black color on chalky paper; horiz. fold, expert Benes., Karasek U:A5
1840 folded R letter to Prague with line CDS NIEDERGRUND 19/9, [bottom Podruží] and půlkruhovým cancel. RECOMANDIRT, catalogue Votoček. 1598/1 + 3021=200b; nice postal imprint U:A5
1995 PM4, Exhibition J. Jetel, used, with signature George Jetel; c.v.. 4.000CZK U:A5
1982-92 [COLLECTIONS] year group of special cancel., placed in box, 3kg of material U:K
1890-30 [COLLECTIONS] collection ca. 430 pcs of Ppc, various motives, for example. country, people, fauna, flora, part portraits and B/W photo postcard, inserted album for Ppc A4; in cardboard box, total over 3Kg of material U:K
1939-55 [COLLECTIONS] business supply of stamps Slovakia, BOHEMIA-MORAVIA and CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., various issue, larger part used, in cardboard box, total 2Kg of material U:K
trial print 20h, print pairs with lower margin and control-numbers with initial "B" in/at seal letter right zn.(!), pos. 98, nedokončená plate, wide zero, chalky paper; hinged, minimum usage U:A5
Pof.144, 5h violet, complete 100-stamps. sheet, plate 11; dark color shade, torn in perforation U:A3v–
1968 PT4N, Rosary celebration, unissued special commemorative print, rare occurrence, known only ca. 30 pcs of, with signature of author exceptional, fine quality, c.v.. 5.000CZK U:A5
1930-70 [COLLECTIONS] Czechoslovakia I., SLOVAKIA, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 comp. of ca. 200 pcs of various postal blank forms, i.a. postal order, service receipt, certificate of mailing and oths., mostly Un, placed in flat box U:K
2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, horizontal pair with lower margin with production flaw 4/46 - significant yellow circle in LL corner stamp. + horizontal pair with upper margin with production flaw 4/8 - yellow stain L from L leg falcon; sought U:A5
1995 Pof.63VV, Flags EU and Czech Republic, horizontal strip of 3 with L margin, production flaw on pos. 13 - circle on/for flag Czech Republic U:A5
trial print 100h, L half (5 stamp.) negative imprint olověné galvanoplastické matrix sloužící for production definitive galvan, blue color, chalky paper; only fold in R margin, decorative piece documenting základy production this issue, missing also in/at greatest collections, unrepeatable chance, ex Klein U:DR
trial print 100h, L half (5 stamp.) imprint galvana made from basic copper engraving for recess printing, blue color, chalky paper; only 2x light hinges, decorative piece documenting production of this issue, missing even in the greatest collections,rare offer, ex Klein U:DR
1939 Alb.17ST, Strečno 2,50CZK blue, corner blk-of-16 29-30/99-100, combination types on pos. 80, c.v.. 660Sk U:A4
Pof.156A, 50h green, blk-of-12 with upper margin, comb perforation 14, pos. 3-8 and 13-18, on pos. 6 with nachází original defect - damage písmene"ČE" and "OVE" and unclear articles řetězu right hand; rare occurrence this defects, in/at course print was/were this defect repaired, including certificate Chvalovský U:A5
1900-2000 [COLLECTIONS] disparate comp. of stamps, various motives, placed in small stockbooks, in/at envelopes or detached/free in box, all in cardboard box, total 5,5kg of material U:K
Pof.173A III plate mark, value 100h with L margin and plate number "3"; hint, sought U:A5
Pof.160B production flaw, value 185h with line perf 13¾;, production flaw - print on gummed side, darker slightly smudge picture stamp., exp. by Gilbert U:A5
2012 Pof.711, 150. anniv of foundation Sokol 14CZK, corner str-of-10, field 2 basic print, at lower margin double perf, significantly lighter color - very rare, still nepublikované + corner blk-of-12, field 2 surplus print - at lower margin nezdvojená perf with production flaw 2/24 - yellow stain L from leg falcon by/on/at ribbon and 2/42 - significant yellow stain from L wing falcon up; very unusual and sought U:A4
1974 postcard franked with. stmp Postal emblems - pigeon 60h, Pof.2113, stamp. without red and yellow color, CDS TRENČIANSKE TEPLICE 12.12.79; exceptional non-philatelic usage, postcard in lower part/-s torn, stmp very fine U:A5
1953 Pof.701, II. congress obránců peace, block of 6 with L margin, 2x ST I + I + II; c.v.. 1.200CZK U:A5
trial print 300h and 400h, definitive printing in/at other color - green and violet on stamp paper with gum, always 2 pcs of from every values, imperforated and with line perforation 13¾; : 13½;; outside perf stamp. 300h hints, exp. by Gilbert., Le, Karasek U:A5
1928-37 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of ca. 500 pcs of pictorial post cards Masaryk, cat. over 25.000CZK, placed in box, 2kg of material U:K
trial print 125h, Pof.140, letterprint print blk-of-25 without inscription engraver E. Carl, in black color on/for white chalky paper, with unworked margin, print complete auxiliary folder to production 100 pcs of sheet, contains 6 pcs of ST; hinged in corners and small tearing in R margin, nice piece without folds, probably unique rarity! U:DR
1930-48 [COLLECTIONS] CZECHOSLOVAKIA., SLOVAKIA selection 118ks letter cards, Us also Un, part with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, interesting research material U:O5
1901-07 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY Franz Joseph, comp. 6 pcs of Ag coins 1 Koruna, quality 1-2 U:X
1922 Reg letter franked with. 5 pcs of opposite facing pairs, 2x 5h Pigeon-issue, block of four with two pairs 40h and 1 pair 60h, Pofis. 144TBa, 154TBa, 157TBa, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 16.VI.22; good condition U:A5
1939 [COLLECTIONS] Alb.23-24, Hlinka, 2x corner blocks of four creating miniature with plate mark, also with Alb.M24, 2x double gutter with upper and bottom margin; on 3 album pages U:Z
Pof.144, 5h violet, complete 100-stamps. sheet, plate variety 24, plate 12; torn in perforation and short tears in margins U:A3v–
1860-1940 [COLLECTIONS] selection of letters, p.stat, correspondence cards and Ppc, part FP, various uniquely designed postmarks., various franking on entires, part Germany, USA and other abroad; total ca. 150 pcs of entires U:O4
1925 commercial PC to Hungary, with Pigeon-issue 20h orange and 75. Anniv birth T. G. Masaryk 1CZK red, CDS PRAGUE 25/ 28.VII.25, arrival postmark BUDAPEST 925.JUL.30, burdened by surtax 3200Kr stamp. Mi.86, 89 and 90, sent back sender and consequently with Postage due stmp - to exhaustion-issue 50/250h and 100/250h, Pof.DL35, 39, CDS PRAGUE 13, lot of notices post; good condition, interesting U:A5
Mi.35I, Franz Joseph 2 Kreuzer yellow, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1939 Alb.13, Mukachevo 1,20CZK, comp. 3 pcs of corner blk-of-4; LL block of four with wide margin, pos. 81-82/91-92, UL block of four, pos. 51-52/61-62, UR block of four, pos. 9-10/19-20 U:A5
Pof.173A III plate mark, value 100h with L margin and plate number "2"; lightly hinged, exp. by Mrnak., Be, Karasek, sought U:A5
1919-20 comp. 11 pcs of cuts and 1 PC with various postage-due, i.a. provisional usage issue Hradčany and Postage due stamp used as postage stmp; nice selection of U:A5
trial print 200h in black color, block of four stamps with name of author, on chalky paper without gum, perf line perforation 13¾;; hint, U:A5
1927 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 Ba.22, value 10CZK, set N 192, unusual perf SPECIMEN at lower margin, in addition mirrored returned, quality N U:A5
Pof.142 plate variety, value 1000h in/at corner block of four with favourite plate variety" rose after/behind ear", pos. 81/1, superb, cat. min. 1.500CZK U:A5
1939 Alb.D8Xy, 1Ks red, corner blk-of-4 with plate number 1, rarer variant I (mistake in catalogue) U:A5
Pof.151N, value 20h, imperforated LL corner blk-of-4, full machine offset; lightly hinged U:A5
PLATE PROOF values 500h and 600h, the bottom pieces with margin and control-numbers, letterprint in red color on chalky paper; exp. by Gilbert., Karasek U:A5
1936 commercial Reg and airmail letter to Argentina, with Airmail - definitive issue 10CZK blue in horiz. pair, Pof.L13, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 12.V.36, red round cancel. DEUTSCHE (German) LUFTPOST/e, on reverse transit pmk BERLIN C/ 13.5.36, arrival postmark BUENOS AIRES 17.MAY.36; light bumped corners, decorative U:A5
Pof.154N, value 40h type II., imperforated LR corner blk-of-10; superb U:A5
Pof.155Mv, PLATE PROOF 4-marking horiz. gutter values 50h green on/for greyish ordinary paper without gum; lightly hinged, vertical fold U:A5
1874 TELEGRAPH STAMPS Mi.10-17, complete set of 8 pcs of stamps, set with overprint SPECIMEN, also with 2 pcs of receipts for telegram with additional-printed telegraph stmp 5 Kreuzer U:A5
2002 CATALOGUES Mercure revue, Czechoslovakia 1918 - 1939, V. Schödelbauer, specialized stamp catalogue of and entires; as new U:Z
1939 postcard with Štefánik 50h, CDS SOLOŠNICA 14.III.39 - declaration day of independent state; tearing in L margin U:A5
1929 SEIZINGER, K. stamp design State Coat of Arms , signature of author; interesting, nice U:A5
1927 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 Ba.22, value 10CZK, set N 181, unusual double perf SPECIMEN, quality N U:A5
PLATE PROOF unissued values 2h with asterisks in background, size 23x26mm, 2 pcs of recess printing in yellow and red color on white paper without gum; hinged, red light thin place, 1x exp. by Stupka U:A5
1924 customs blank form with fee paid on reverse multiple franking values 200h 10x and 300h 10x, Pof.174A, 175A, cancelled by postmark BEROUN N./M. 6.III.24, imprint printed-matter 367 Czech. German. (1920); small tearing in margins, rare blank form with decorative franking stamp. issue Agriculture and Science U:A5
Pof.175B III plate mark, value 300h with R margin and plate number "4"; superb, sought U:A5
1868 folded R letter in the place, franked with. mixed franking stamp. V. and VI. issue, 3 Kreuzer +5Kr, Mi.31, 37, CDS PRAG 2/5/68?, on reverse arrival postmark; good condition U:A5
1865? folded R letter to Vienna, round CDS CZIMELITZ/RECOMMANDIRT No., Vot.3068=500b, on reverse 2-řadkové cancel. FRANCO/118?, postmaster's note by brown raddle; nice postal imprint U:A5
1880-1925 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps Russian Empire and Armenia, contains various issue, also incomplete better sets, for example. Mi.82-92, 94-96, 98, 103-6 etc.., part used; on 2 two-sided full cards A4 and one card A5 U:O4
1967-83 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 104 complete sheets, prevail so-called. "bound values", for example. Pof.L56, L57, 1907 (6x), 1919 (9x), 1920 (3x), 1921 (34x), 1936 (14x), 2047, 2082 (3x) 2209 (2x) etc..; c.v.. price only basic stamp. 9.175Kč, excluded from sum lot of catalogued plate variety, also with free smaller blocks these stamps and part/-s counter sheet some other, for example. Pof.1874, 1911-13. 2229, 2321, 2345 etc..; very good and levný research material, in cardboard box U:K
1939-42 CPV1-3, Hlinka, comp. 3 pcs of postal order cards, cat. Földes 9.600Sk U:A4
PLATE PROOF, gravure printing joined printing in black color values 1000h, Pof.142, as blk-of-4 + block of four designes on/for Legionaire stamp. + part stamp. issue Chainbreaker 25h, stamp paper with gum, so zvaná II. competition, unfinished margins, mint never hinged, very fine piece U:A5
1884 Mi.38y, State Coat of Arms 3,50R, c.v.. 800€ U:A5
1971 PLATE PROOF Pof.1877, Vernacular Architecture - Hronsek 2Kčs, plate proof, master die in original colors; sought U:A5
PLATE PROOF joined printing 14 pcs of designes 4 issues - T. G. Masaryk, issue Agriculture and Science, issue Chainbreaker and Pigeon-issue, II. rarer variant sorting stamp. on/for joined printing, II. competition, red color, on stamp paper with gum, complete printing sheet with size 255x118 mm; viewing of quality recommended, vertical detached roztřižením and opětovným conglutination, exp. by Gilbert U:A4
Pof.140 production flaw, value 125h in/at bottom block of four, with slepou horiz. perf, superb, sought by specialists U:A5
Pof.173B III plate mark, value 100h with L margin and plate number "1", lightly hinged, sought U:A5
Pof.1-26, selection of 50 pcs of imperforated stmp, values 1h-1000h, various shades and types U:A5
1890-94 comp. 3 pcs of PC, 1x addressed to to Bohemia, 1x to Australia, posting and transit pmk.; light wrinkled corners U:A5
1919-40 ADVERTISING, RATION CARDS selection of 18 pcs of printing products, i.a. 2x Bohemian and Moravian clothing card and almuženka from Uherské Hradiště., sampler, advertising and oths.; interesting U:A3s|
PLATE PROOF value 100h, xylograph, die proof big size 39,5x33mm in black color on chalky paper; only fold in/at kraji L margins, otherwise very fine piece, exp. by Stupka., rare - known only 2 pieces! U:DR
Pof.154A ST, value 40h with joined types cards, pos. 96, printing plate 1, the bottom str-of-6 with margin and control-numbers, combined perforation; hint on bottom margin one stamp., several very light yellowy teeth, photo-certificate Karásek, cat. min. 45.000CZK, rare piece, which/what ozdobí every big collection Czechoslovakia U:DR
Pof.156 flaw print No.2, value 50h red with printing flaw "without head", pos. 81/2, LL corner blk-of-4; superb, stamp. Kaufmann, c.v.. 45.000CZK, most sought printing flaw stamps Czechoslovakia as blk-of-4 very rare! U:DR
Pof.154A ST LH, value 40h with joined types cards, pos. 96, printing plate 1, the bottom pair with margin and control-numbers, perf horiz. comb 14; hint only in lower margin, photo-certificate Karásek, cat. min. 60.000CZK, nice piece which/what ozdobí every big collection Czechoslovakia U:DR
Pof.143B, value 5h blue, line perforation 13¾;, the bottom block of four with control-numbers; very fine piece with minor gum fault, exp. by Gilbert., Hefer and photo-certificate Karásek, c.v.. 75.000CZK, rare decorative piece zdobící every big collection Czechoslovakia U:DR
1852-1853 SG.8, SG.Spec.B2aa, 1P red-brown, TD158, J-G, with experimental machine oddělováním - forerunner of perf, so-called. "Treasury Roulette", on cut-square with whole cancel. "7" type 1844; very fine, on reverse notice ex. Burrus collection (one from greatest collectors all period), exp. [TESTER] Pröschold, certificate BPA, c.v.. £7,200 ++ extraordinary offer! U:DR
1840 SG.2; Spec.AS25vf, Black Penny, plate 5, letters A-I, with postmark yellow Maltese cross (!), according to SG. QV Spec. 2010 originate from Scotch postal office NEWNHAM-ON-SEVERN, at top close margin and disturbed margin line, in/at picture small abraze color, these minor faults are insignificant with regard to rarities stamps with this rare type Maltese cross, in catalogues SG earlier vedeno with high data, in/at současnosti vedeno, but proškrtnuto, quite unique piece with certificate BPA London - Robson Lowe and Arthur S.F. Ginn, unrepeatable offer (!); (poznámka: for example. SG. Spec.1979 shows for blue Maltese cross £700, for yellow £3,000, SG. Commonwealth, British Empire 2012 shows blue £12,000 and yellow "–") U:DR
1884 PLATE PROOF SG.185, imprimatur 1£; purple brown, imperforated, letters F-C, wmk "three crown"; original gum, on reverse part archivního description, small fold in UL corner, very fine piece with wide margins, printed from printing plate 2 or TESTER, imprimatur issued in only single sheet from every plate for off. authorization and permit complete issue, from both plate exists in the market only several these imprimatur stamps, certificate BPA, c.v.. £15,000, quite extraordinary offer ! U:DR
1863 SG.82a, 4P orange-red, pair, letters E-D and E-E, wmk "large garter", imperforated pair (!), very nice quality, only at top margins in/at line margins - without meaning with regard to rarities these stamps, rare speciality (it is not imprimatur), c.v.. £7,400++ U:DR
1840 SG.5, 2P blue, plate 1, str-of-4 QB-QE, rarely with cancel. type 1844, No. 68 (Kennington), contrary to very small světlince and light fold R it is very nice multiple with complete margins, still biggest square known strip "dvojek" with this by/on/at first issue rare type postmark, cat. Gibbons as 4 single stamps £10,000, 2 pairs ca.. £12,600, 4-pásku we estimate min. on/for £15,750 U:DR
1845 BASEL Mi.1, Basel Dove 2½Rp, exceedingly well preserved color and significant embossed printing, L close margin, overall very attractive piece without whatever thin places, folds etc.., according to our opinion in/at clear status in catalogues podceňovaná stmp, exp. von der Weid and G. Bühler, c.v.. 13.000€ U:DR
1840 SG.1, Black Penny intense black, plate 5 letters H-F, Un on/for neodeslaném inzertním journal POST MAGAZINE (journal rising from 26.7.1840 every sobotu in/at printing 5000 pcs, sloužící as informative, inzertní printing product and as post. envelope !), stmp lower with porušeným margin, otherwise very fine piece in/at beauty color, perfectly preserved and postally - historically very interesting entire, we aren't aware of another franked and neodeslaný piece, catalogue value for hinged for SG.1 £18,000 U:DR
1857-1860 Sc.26, 39, Washington 3C red-brown + 90C (dark) blue, perf 15½, both on cut-square with red dumb kosočtverečným cancel. from NEW HAVEN, 90C with small original trhlinkou in/at upper margin (1mm), insignificant with regard to/at rarities, very sound condition perf also general quality, extremely rare stamp in addition in/at attractive color franking, the most expensive stamp. from general line USA, certificate PF N.Y., c.v.. for used stamp $10,000 (on cut-square ca. $12,000), evidently unrepeatable offer! U:DR
Pof.154B ST, value 40h with joined types cards, pos. 96, printing plate 1, the bottom pair with margin and control-numbers, line perf line perforation 13¾; (!); mint never hinged, very fine piece, slightly zpevněná perf in upper part, photo-certificate Karásek and Pittermann, cat. Merkur-Revue 250.000Kč, unique objekt, which/what ozdobí also biggest collection Czechoslovakia, ex Karásek U:DR
Pof.154 type I., value 40h brown, L the bottom corner blk-of-20 (!), all stamp. with 9 lipovými cards, plate 1; fold in/at upper line stamps, quite rare offer, still biggest known unique block! U:DR
Pof.159N, value 150h red in/at imperforated bottom block of 6 with control-numbers in margin, lightly yellowy stamp paper with gum; lightly hinged, slightly setřená color on/for middle the bottom stamp., exp. by Mrnak., Tribuna, Pithart, biggest still known block - unique rarity (!), cat. min. 200.000Kč U:DR
1840 SG.5, 2P blue, block of four, plate 1, letters R-I/ S-J, black maltézské cross, small shadow of horiz. fold in lower part/-s, otherwise quite very fine piece with bezchybným by cut, without thin places etc.., attractive multiple and extraordinary offer, block of four this stamps at our place still nenabízen (!), c.v.. £38,000 U:DR
1841 SG.14, 2P blue, plate 3, 2 stamps on cut-square, letters K-C and K-E, close to wide margins, very fine, very rarely with date type postmark (!), 2x CDS NOTTINGHAM 8.5.1845, certificate RPS London, c.v.. £7,000 ++ U:DR
1874 SG.146; Spec.J86s, overprint SPECIMEN 6P grey, type 9, imperforated marginal block-of-4, plate 16, intact gum with original folds, very fine and rare piece, catalogue value for hinged for 4 stamps £1,800, our estimation for this mint never hinged block £4,500++ U:DR
1854 SG.1, Queen Victoria ½A vermilion red (vermillion), print on/for toned paper (see. SG), issue připravená to issue, but then Un, printing zničen, exists only small number pieces, this piece is in perfect quality, at top with part of wmk, certificate Ceremuga, c.v.. £1,800, according to our opinion very underprized, it is colonial raritu missing almost in every collection, only hard repeatable offer! U:DR
1859 SG.36, Queen Victoria 2P dark blue, so-called. Lapirot, early impression, usual close margin, lower in/at marginal line, otherwise quite very fine exeplář this rare classic stamps, significant color, certificate APS, catalogue value for hinged £12,000, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1840 SG.2, Black Penny black, plate 4, letters N-F; postally Un, new gum, wide margins, interesting paper crease in paper ( in this issue rare), certificate K. Louis, c.v.. * £12,000 U:DR
1892 SG.10-13, Coat of arms 1£-10£, rare highest value; very fine, every with certificate BPA, extraordinary offer! (major-part existing clear librovek from this issue are forgeries with odstraněným fiscal cancellation), c.v.. * £5,100 U:DR