1923-80 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps, divided according to the motives, for example. art, sport, famous people, fauna, flora, incl. several souvenir sheets, part used
1925-54 [COLLECTIONS] smaller comp. of stamps of Albania, contains various sets i.a. Mi.118-125, 433-436, 533-538, etc., 1x letter to Czechoslovakia; on 6 cards A5
1851-63 compilation of 16 pcs of stamps with portraits of King Leopold I., contains imperforated stamps Mi.3By - 5By, 4Bx -pergamen, 7 II., 8 II., 9 II., standard margins + Mi.10B (2x), 11A, 11B (2x), 12B, 13A, 16D and 17D, 9 pcs with various numeral cancels, good quality, cat. min. 425€
1929Mi.235I-243I, Abbey ORVAL (I), complete set with blue, resp. red Opt "Monogram of the crown prince Leopold/ 19-8-29"; value 5c+5c, top right corner with small fold, value 60c+15c with oblique folds in gum, all with marks Kosina/ Prague, cat. 1.800€
1933Mi.354-365, Abbey ORVAL (II), value 50c+25c missing; folds in gum, value 2Fr+3Fr black dot in paper, quality should be inspected, mint never hinged cat. 2.200€
1939-70 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps of Belgium, contains complete sets, i.a. Mi.506-13, 1126-34, Mi.Bl25, quality should be inspected, etc.; part hinged
1879-1946[COLLECTIONS] nice basic collection, it contains e.g. I. and II. issue, 3x I. Balkan Olympic games (Mi.242-248), 1x II. Balkan Olympic games (Mi.252-258), 5th Balkan soccer championship (Mi.274-279), "Junak" (Mi.280-285) and other good sets from 30s, detail list available, cat. over 9.000€
1901Mi.60Caw, Russian national coat of arms 10K black/ grey, horiz. strip of five, white paper, on cut square, black CDS; top left stamp with missing corner, very nice quality, cat. as individual stamps 1.600€
1849 Mi.1a, Head of Ceres 10C yellow-brown, blok of four, unused, very rare block, with original gum; some very light dots, wide margins, all stamps exp. Calves and certificate P. Scheller, cat. Ceres 16.000€, great classic piece
1849-1860compilation of classics, 45 pcs from Mi.1 (2), 3 (pair), various issues of Ceres and Napoleon, i.a. 5Fr., issue Bordeaux etc.; placed on card A5, cat. 5.000€
1849Mi.6b, Head of Ceres 1Fr light red, grid cancel, under hinge small thin place, at the bottom very close margins; certificate Behr, exp. Richter, Köhler, Rieger, cat. 15.000€
1852 Mi.8b, President Napoleon III. 10C brown-yellow, issue with "B" below the portrait; original gum, wide margins, small repair at top margin, fine, rare classic stamp, certificate Calves, cat. Michel 35.000€, Ceres 42.500€!
1900 Mi.85, Allegory 2Fr brown, blok of four, on blue paper, lower pair mint never hinged; perfect complex with certificate A. von der Weid, cat. 540€ ++
1871-1878 Yv.7, Postage due stamp 40C blue, blok of four; original gum, at top omission of the gum, at the back trace of hinge, very nice complex, exp. Calves, cat. min. 2.300€
1868-75 comp. 6 letters addressed to Bohemia, 4x folded letter, various franking and CDS, for example letter to Prague with mixed franking Napoleon III. 20C + 40C, CDS STRASBOURG, at the back arrival cancel; various quality
1917-27 Mi.128-132, 136, 144-151, 211-214, comp. of mainly used stamps, contains i.a. complete set War Orphans with Opt, etc.; cat. according to the owner 800€
1930 Mi.248, Smile from Reims, sheet from booklet sheet, at thebottom grain in paper, at top hinged outside the stamp field; cat. blok of four 440€++, as stamp from booklet 900€
1853-2000[COLLECTIONS] basic collection of stamps of France, incl. classic period, inter-war sets and also modern, part used, larger part mint never hinged; according to the owner cat. over 6.000€, placed in 3 full stockbooks A4
1938-88[COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of France, mainly complete, contains some better sets, for example Mi.408-415 - used, also Famous people etc., after 1965 mainly mint never hinged, various marginal pieces, coupons etc.; placed in 2 full stockbooks A4, 1x luxury stockbook Lindner
1900-1990 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps, i.a. Ivory Coast, Gabon, Dahomey, Senegal, etc., contains also souvenir sheets and blocks, various motives; in 8-sheet stockbook A4
1941Mi.9DDI, 0,25D black with double Opt, horizontal strip of 3, once Braille printing and once shifted black Opt + Mi.9, horizontal pair with print on fold + Mi.11DD horizontal pair 1D green with double Opt + Mi.17DD block of four 5,50D brownlila, 2 stamp. *, otherwise **; sought overprint specialties in perfect quality, 2 certificates Zrinjšćak
1941 Mi.37, overprint issue "Založení army" 20D blue with plate variety overprint "broken out R part" and other coats of arms, this printing error occures only on pos. 14 in/at sheet!; very fine piece, certificates [TESTER] Zrinjšćak and Tubinovič
1941Mi.47, 48, Country 0,25K and 0,50K, complete 100-stamps. sheets, value 0,25K omitted vert. perf, value 0,50K with full sheet machine offset, without gum; interesting
1941Mi.48, 54, 65, Landscape 0,50K, 4 Koruna, 100 Koruna, blocks of 6 with double or partially omitted perf (both by/on/at 4 Koruna - rare), 0,50K with two opposite facing pairs; very fine
1941-1942Mi.48, Country 0,50K black-blue, imperforated sheet with omitted print in/at almost middle area (complete 4 lower line); omission this size is evidently unique!