1851-63 compilation of 16 pcs of stamps with portraits of King Leopold I., contains imperforated stamps Mi.3By - 5By, 4Bx -pergamen, 7 II., 8 II., 9 II., standard margins + Mi.10B (2x), 11A, 11B (2x), 12B, 13A, 16D and 17D, 9 pcs with various numeral cancels, good quality, cat. min. 425€
1853-2000[COLLECTIONS] basic collection of stamps of France, incl. classic period, inter-war sets and also modern, part used, larger part mint never hinged; according to the owner cat. over 6.000€, placed in 3 full stockbooks A4
1876-95 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Iceland, contains part of classic period, mainly used, newer also mint never hinged; cat. according to the owner 1.900€
1860-1910 comp. 10 pcs of letters and p.stat with postmarks from Slovak territory, i.a. EPERJES, VARANNO, VEREBÉLY, MIAVA etc.., 3x Reg letter, with The 2nd issue., then issue Letters with cipher etc..
1850-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires, contains mainly PC and letters from y. 1850-1920, part letters with issue Letters with cipher, part as Registered, Ex, some sent abroad or with surtax, etc.., supplemented with several FP cards from period of WWII., cancel. mainly from Slovak territory; good selection of
1945-68[COLLECTIONS] wide basic collection Hungary, mainly mint never hinged complete set incl. better pieces as Mi.Bl.10-12, 13 souvenir sheets Mi.999, 1034, 1035, Bl.16, gutter-pair Mi.1053-5, Bl.17, 19, 20-22 etc..; cat. according to owner 5.430€, all identified, placed in 16- and 8-sheet stockbooks A4
1872-74comp. of 11 pcs of stamps of II. issue, Eagle with great shield /Adler mit grossem Brustschild/, values ¼Gr, 1/3Gr (2x), ½Gr, 1Gr, 2Gr and 2½Gr, Mi.16-21 + values 1 Kr, 2 Kreuzer, 3 Kreuzer and 18Kr, Mi.23-25 and Mi.28 + Mi.12-13, Innendienst + Mi.30, Eagle with Opt 9/ 9K; interesting compilation, 3 pcs - thin places: Mi.21b (!), Mi.27 and Mi. 27b - excluded from sum; 3 pcs exp. by German experts, cat. ca. 4.000€
1933-45[COLLECTIONS] basic collection of stamps of Germany, contains complete expensive sets, i.a. Reichstag, Mi.479-481, Hindenburg, Mi.482-495, German Welfare - Wagner, Mi.499-507, souvenir sheet 10 years of German welfare, Mi.Bl.2 as hinged, German Welfare, Mi.556-564, souvenir sheet Ostropa 1935, Mi.Bl.3 as (*), Zeppelin Chicagofahrt, Mi.496-498 included to sum as hinged, etc.; cat. according to owner 15.500€+, placed in luxury stockbook Lindner
1944 LAIBACH comp. of 2 pcs of Reg letters sent to Bohemia-Moravia, with overprint issue, i.a. Mi.2, 4, 5, 8, 11 etc., CDS LUBLJANA, censorship marks; good condition, decorative
1898-1920[COLLECTIONS] small collection of German colonies, contains i.a. stamps of China, Morocco, Turkey, German East Africa, Cameroon, etc., also some highest value; placed in stockbook smaller A4
1870-1945 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Germany, some better sets, without souvenir sheets; part mint never hinged, placed in 8-sheet full stockbook A4 + used stamps on card A4
1890-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 250 pcs of entires, mainly from 1938-45, most of commercial correspondence, part Reg, supplemented with German FP entires mainly from period of WWII + compilation of aerograms
1920-80 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Germany, contains FRG, Berlin, GDR, Occupation Zones, General gouvernement etc., divided according to the motives, various sets, often incomplete, part used; placed on ca. 70 album sheets A4 and in two stockbooks A5, in cardboard box, total over 11kg of material
1855[COLLECTIONS] basic collection of stamps of Norway, incl. classic period, inter-war sets and and also modern, part used, larger part never hinged, various souvenir sheets, etc.; according to the owner cat. over 10.000€, placed in 2 full stockbooks A4
1919-29 [COLLECTIONS] UPPER SILESIA compilation of 26 various entires with cancels of postoffices CIESZYN, BIELSKO, contains Reg, Ex, dispatch-notes, Postage dues, p.stat, also 2x front part with Plebiscitary franking, etc.
1772-1849 BIELITZ comp. 4 pcs of folded letters, 1x from year 1772 without postmark addressed to to Vienna after/behind 6 Kreuzer, then decorated straight line postmark BIELITZ, 1x red with date and cancel. FRANCO and other; all nice print, good condition
1782 letter sent to baron Kotz von Dobrsch (Czech šlechta, Kocové from Dobrše), the first red straight line postmark "From Prag", type A.7 (Vot.1863/1. = 200 pt.), small format, on reverse whole seal, sound condition
1805-38 TESCHEN comp. 4 pcs of folded letters, 1x service letter from Těšín to Krnov without cancel. from year 1805 with městskou seal and with postmaster note., 1x straight line postmark TESCHEN in oval, 2x oval pmk TESCHEN with date in red and black color, supplemented with red cancel. FRANCO; nice print, good condition
1820-1850[COLLECTIONS] more/larger collection prephilatelic letters, official ex offo letters, receipts, releases, telegrams etc.., divided according to postmarks and types entires, interesting postmarks; total over 400 pcs of, placed in envelopes in cardboard box
1852-58 comp. 5 pcs of folded letters with the first issue., 3 Kreuzer (1x pair, type III., HP), 6 Kreuzer (type I., HP), 9 Kreuzer, Mi.3, 4, 5, CDS ZUCKMANTEL, JAEGERDORF, FREUNENTHAL and other; good condition
1850[COLLECTIONS] collection of 135 pcs of used stamps, values 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer, various types, papers, plate flaws, paper crease etc., nice cancels; high catalogue value
1867-83 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 25 pcs of letters + 1x receipt with stamp. VI. issue, contains several Reg letters, various single, multiple also multicolor frankings; nice selection of, good condition
1830-1930[COLLECTIONS] REGIONAL COLLECTION - BRNO collection of entires with cancels of Brno (on 32 sheets), also larger amount of entires, part pre-philatelic, part with stamps of issue the 1st issue, etc., smaller part with pre-philatelic letters from different places, interesting, all in large cardboard box
1850-1930[COLLECTIONS] SLOVAKIA, SILESIA collection of ca. 1000 pcs of stamps of Austria, Hungary, Poland and Czechoslovakia with cancels of post offices in Slovakia and Silesia, contains ca. 200 pcs of Austrian stamps of 1st and 2nd issues - 1x 2 Kreuzer of 1st issue, 3 Kreuzer black and green of 2nd issue, also 15 pcs of Hungarian stamps of 1st Issue - 5 pcs of lithographies, mainly only fragment cancels, ca. 30 pcs coplete cancels, valuable cancels from Slovakia and Silesia; various quality, placed in stockbook A4 on 12 sheets
1850-1945[COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 300 pcs of entires, contains i.a. 10 pcs of folded letters with the 1st Issue, values 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer, part of the letters with the 4th Issue, ca. ½; of entires PC and letter-cards various issues, interesting postmarks, also with ca. 100 pcs of card FP from period of WWI., part of the cards from Russian and Italian imprisonment; various quality, good accumulation, placed in a box
1870-38[COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 150 pcs of entires of Austria-Hungary, contains i.a. 7 pcs of postcards - "the Yellow", CDS HUMPOLEC, TESCHEN, JAROMĚŘ, etc., then various p.stat, PC, letters, various franking and cancels; interesting
1890-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps of Russia and USSR, all local issue, i.a. LEVANT, CHINA, TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE, etc.; on 4 stock-sheets A4
1960-90 [COLLECTIONS] huge business supply unused and used stamps of USSR, mainly 70s-80s, various sets, souvenir sheets, blocks, all in multiple sets, large part of sets imperforated - variant B; estate of dealer, ideální for further sale, placed in 34 stockbooks A4, 2 boxes and 1 bag with sheets, all in 4 big Ikea boxes - total over 90kg of material, originally set face value for 105.000Sk + 24.500€ contemporary catalogue prices for imperforated sets!!, only personal pick-up in Brno
1840letter from London, with SG.2, Penny Black, plate 2, lettered P-L (constant variety), 21. 7. 1840, sent from London (pmk. T. P. BOND ST) to South Shields, here additionally franked by other 1P plate 4, lettered Q-A, double "Q", redirected to Barnard Castle, 2x pmk red Maltese Cross; stmp. leterred QA upper closer margin; very nice and rare letter; only stmp QA on letter cat. £800, for this special double franking estimated £2.000
1880-1980 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps Europe, larger part used, various states, for example. Germany, Spain, Benelux, Hungary, Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Russia, Poland, etc..; placed in 7 full stockbooks A4, all in cardboard box
1890-1990 [COLLECTIONS] big supply of stamps Europe, stamp. countries as France, Italy, Austria, Benelux, skandinávské states, pobaltské states, Turkey, Cyprus, Crete, Poland, Ireland etc.., divided according to countries, various sets, often incomplete, motives etc..; larger part used, placed on ca. 140 stock-sheets A4 in cardboard box, total over 30kg of material, suitable for next elaboration
1887-1925 Sc.212, 221, comp. of unused stmp, i.a. from various issues Presidents - small format, Omaha 1C-8C, Hugenots, Commemorative 1901 1C -8C and 1904 1C-3C, Spec. Handling, SpecDelivery; kat. $2.800
1893 Sc.241-243, Columbus 1$-3$; average quality, value 1$ upper repaired perf, 2$ with small flaw, 3$ short tooth lower, otherwise perfect, very fine postmarks, cat. $2.300
1848SG.14, Sc.4b, "Post paid" Blue Mauritius 2P "Intermediate impression"; lower close, else wide margins, rich color, in UL corner light fold outside the picture of the stmp.; exp. Livingstone, cat. * £18.000, Scott for stmp without gum $17.000, regardless the signs of age a nice piece of this colonial rarities from famous destination
1859letter to Cape Town, franked with 2x SG.38, Lapirot, Queen Victoria 2P blue, intermediate print, stmps without cancellation, interesting entire transported by steamship Imperador, at the back red arrival postmark CAPE TOWN; various margins and light fold, certificate BPA, signature i.a. Robson Lowe, cat. as 2 hinged stamps £15.000, extraordinary offer!
1859letter sent from Port Louis to Bordeaux, franked by horizontal pairs SG.39, Lapirot, Queen Victoria 2P blue, print from worn folder, with typical margins in outer lines, five-circled black cancel, CDS MAURITIUS with crown and arrival BORDEAUX, in addition firm blue cancel A. Seurin Co. / Port Louis Ille Maurice; certificate E. Diena, rare franking