1929Mi.235I-243I, Abbey ORVAL (I), complete set with blue, resp. red Opt "Monogram of the crown prince Leopold/ 19-8-29"; value 5c+5c, top right corner with small fold, value 60c+15c with oblique folds in gum, all with marks Kosina/ Prague, cat. 1.800€
1933Mi.354-365, Abbey ORVAL (II), value 50c+25c missing; folds in gum, value 2Fr+3Fr black dot in paper, quality should be inspected, mint never hinged cat. 2.200€
1901Mi.60Caw, Russian national coat of arms 10K black/ grey, horiz. strip of five, white paper, on cut square, black CDS; top left stamp with missing corner, very nice quality, cat. as individual stamps 1.600€
1849 Mi.1a, Head of Ceres 10C yellow-brown, blok of four, unused, very rare block, with original gum; some very light dots, wide margins, all stamps exp. Calves and certificate P. Scheller, cat. Ceres 16.000€, great classic piece
1852 Mi.8b, President Napoleon III. 10C brown-yellow, issue with "B" below the portrait; original gum, wide margins, small repair at top margin, fine, rare classic stamp, certificate Calves, cat. Michel 35.000€, Ceres 42.500€!
1871-1878 Yv.7, Postage due stamp 40C blue, blok of four; original gum, at top omission of the gum, at the back trace of hinge, very nice complex, exp. Calves, cat. min. 2.300€
1941Mi.9DDI, 0,25D black with double Opt, horizontal strip of 3, once Braille printing and once shifted black Opt + Mi.9, horizontal pair with print on fold + Mi.11DD horizontal pair 1D green with double Opt + Mi.17DD block of four 5,50D brownlila, 2 stamp. *, otherwise **; sought overprint specialties in perfect quality, 2 certificates Zrinjšćak
1941Mi.47, 48, Country 0,25K and 0,50K, complete 100-stamps. sheets, value 0,25K omitted vert. perf, value 0,50K with full sheet machine offset, without gum; interesting
1941-1942Mi.48, Country 0,50K black-blue, imperforated sheet with omitted print in/at almost middle area (complete 4 lower line); omission this size is evidently unique!
1941 Mi.52, unissued 2 Koruna Cathedral brown-carmine, neretušované 1. issue (with střechami two home/houses by/on/at inscription ZAGREB), staženotěsne before/(in front of) statement to postal transport and nahrazeno definitive stmp Mi.52 with vyretušovanýmistřechami (see. enclosed comparison piece); very nice piece of this Croatian rarities, according to certificate M. Wieneke "very rare" !
1942 PLATE PROOF Mi.73, Exhibition modelů4+4K, print from "unfinished" folder in black color on/for stronger chalky paper, on reverse No. 9857; rare offer and evidently rarest type PLATE PROOF from this issue
1942 TCP for Block No.1, Exhibition of models in Zagreb, mirrored inverted print in black color on common paper without gum, 2 printing stages; perfect piece with certificate Zrinjšćak
1942 PLATE PROOF Mi.Bl.1 and Bl.2, imperforated joined!, print both blocks with shift 1. blue printing stage, lower Bl.2 with zaměněnými stmp field !, very fine, certificate [TESTER] Zrinjšćak
19432x TCP Mi.94U, 2x printing sheets State labour service 2+1K, olive / brown, original colors, also paper without gum and with wmk, at the back in addition L-wards shifted print of 2nd stage (frame) in light green shade, by the other piece in addition at the back print of both stages in brighter colors and offset; perfect condition, certificates Zrinjšćak
1943-44approved trial print for Mi.99 Veliki Tabor 12,50K (yet without inscription lower), on daze paper for transmission of picture, 1x with definitive picture for Surtax Mi.3 1 K, very rare offer
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.105, Zrinski 3,50K in brown color, in form miniature sheet 61/75mm, plate proof, gravure Seizinger; very fine, exp. Velickovic, certificate [TESTER] Zrinjšćak
1943TCP Mi.107-110, Legionaries, comp. of 10 pcs of joined printings, horiz. pairs, 1st printing stage in various colors on ordinary yellow paper, 4x joined printing 1K/2K, 6x joined printing 3,50K/9K; perfect quality
1943PLATE PROOF Mi.Bl.5B, Chorvatská legion, neodělený pair miniature sheets, phase print with all printing stages - colors (in/at our offer was/were already PLATE PROOF with once or two stages); perfect condition, R with full margin printing sheet, certificate Zrinjscak "these faze joined printings are very rare"
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.115, 3. philatelic exhibition Zagreb 18+9K, 2 imperforated blocks of four, in/at black-green and oranžověhnědé color, R at top with engraving mark "S" = Seizinger (Mi.115I); black-green R lower with thin place after sticking, otherwise perfect condition, exp. Veličković, certificates Zrinjscak "very rare"
1943PLATE PROOF Mi.120, 121, Red Cross 3,50K and 8K, 2 corner str-of-4, blue and red-brown, control print 1. printing stage, signed I. Rezek (painter and author design/sketch) and R. Valič (vedoucí printing-plant) with remark "tonispravan", i. e. authorization barevného tone before/(in front of) konečným print, on stamp paper with gum; very rare and well ilustrující production technique, certificates [TESTER] Zrinjšćak
1944PLATE PROOF Bl.7, State labour service 32K, trial gravure in/at original color on chalky paper; certificate [TESTER] Zrinjšćak, this plate proof is significantly rarer než-li on/for market occurring trial/expertization colors on/for definitive yellow japan-papíru, we aren't aware of another piece, maybe unique rarity!
1941-1945[COLLECTIONS] part big and vysoce quality collection, stamps in stockbook on/for cards and sheets, i.a. all souvenir sheets, set Sturmdivision with certificate G. Landmans, much specialities for example. PLATE PROOF Mi.97 and Mi.97UK Zagreb, miniature sheet 16x Mi.39A, block of four Mi.103U, 2x block of four phase print Mi.110, paper crease in/at blk-of-9 Mi.47U, printing specialties and PLATE PROOF issue Landscape also other, more times PLATE PROOF for Mi.99, Bl.2 with double perf, PLATE PROOF for Mi.115, pair local issued. "Medimurje", rare turned gutter Mi.D4, PLATE PROOF Block No.1 in/at zrcadlovém print 2. stage with certificate [TESTER] Zrinjšćak etc..
1856Sas.4, 15, cut square with mixed franking of 2nd and 4th issue, vert. pair Victor Emanuel II. 5c + vert. Pr 20c, double circle cancel 15.OTT.56, very rare combination of mixed franking
1864 Mi.4, 4/4S Bull's Head in emblem dark grey-red, ribbed paper and perforation 11½/:11¾, blue CDS ROSTOCK; very fine, certificate Dr. Wallner, cat. 2400€
1872comp. 9 pcs of stamp from I. issue, Eagle with small shield /Adler mit kleinem Brustschild/, values ¼Gr, 1/3Gr, ½Gr, 1Gr and 2Gr, Mi.1-2, 4-5, 14, exp. various German experts + values 1 Kr, 3 Kreuzer, 7Kr and 18Kr, Mi.7, 9-11, various but mostly good quality, value 18Kr exp. German expert, on stmp Mi.9 photo-certificate M.-W. Sommer BPP, very interesting compilation of, cat. ca. 12.000€
1872-74comp. of 11 pcs of stamps of II. issue, Eagle with great shield /Adler mit grossem Brustschild/, values ¼Gr, 1/3Gr (2x), ½Gr, 1Gr, 2Gr and 2½Gr, Mi.16-21 + values 1 Kr, 2 Kreuzer, 3 Kreuzer and 18Kr, Mi.23-25 and Mi.28 + Mi.12-13, Innendienst + Mi.30, Eagle with Opt 9/ 9K; interesting compilation, 3 pcs - thin places: Mi.21b (!), Mi.27 and Mi. 27b - excluded from sum; 3 pcs exp. by German experts, cat. ca. 4.000€
1944 C.C. AUSCHWITZ comp. of 5 pcs of pre-printed blank forms sent from the same prisoner, all with CDS AUSCHWITZ, censorship marks, various color and number; part of story Svoboda, good condition, interesting
1862letter to Milan, with Mi.15, 16, Luis I. 50R green and 100R violet, cancel. "52" PORTO, transit cancel LISBOA and arrival MILAN, small format; very nice
1782 letter sent to baron Kotz von Dobrsch (Czech šlechta, Kocové from Dobrše), the first red straight line postmark "From Prag", type A.7 (Vot.1863/1. = 200 pt.), small format, on reverse whole seal, sound condition
1830 small/rare folded letter, straight line postmark WOTTITZ (Vot.2697/3.), note. chalk "8", addressed to to Raudnitz (Roudnice n. Labem), inside hand-made datovaný 16.4.830, written Czech language; popular small format, so-called. "Damen-Faltbrief", on reverse seal
1917picture postcard sent to FP franked with revenue 10h issue 1910! used as postage stamp, CDS KRÁL.VINOHRADY 1/ 25.III.17; exp. by Kvasnicka., good condition, interesting
1858-75Mi.5, compilation of classical stamps of Russia, mainly Mi.5, total 93 pcs, 20 pcs on small cut squares, mostly various numeral cancels, interesting; on 2 cover A5, cat. according to owner 1.800€
1923Postcard 5 K Eagle, with 15 stamps in mixed franking, 9 pcs with overprint "Star", 6 pcs of "Revolutionary forces", CDS N. NOVGOROD, to Rome, with arrival cancel "Quartiere Postale 31"; perfect quality, rare franking!
19301. part of two-part p.stat 5 K for foreign coutries, sent by air mail from Georgia to Paris, with Mi.381 (2), 361 (2), 386, Reg cancel and CDS AKHALI ATON, transit cancel BERLIN and "Mit Flugpost befordert", arrival PARIS GARE DU NORD AVION; rare entire
1856 Mi.40b, Isabella II. 4Cs carmine, complete 100 sheet, unwatermarked; lower part of sheet margins missing, otherwise very nice and rare complex, mostly never hinged
1860 Mi.46, Edifil 54, Isabella II. 19C brown; without gum, faint spot in front (natural paper flaw) and tiny thin, otherwise very nice quality, exp. Roig, certificate Comex, cat. Ed. 3.700€
1870 TCP Mi.102, Hispania 100Mill red-brown, trial printing, blok of 90, in original color on stamp paper without gum, double print, once inverted, complete sheet margins with sheet inscriptions incl. hand-made notice "Cambiare"; very nice quality and rare complex!
1864 2 letters sent to France, with 3x Mi.56 and 3x 4Cs red, CDS TOLOSA + 2x Mi.57 and 2x 12Cs green (2x heavier letter) with numeral cancel "41" SAN SEBASTIAN, arrival and transit cancel, choice quality
1865 letter to Paris, with 4x Mi.69, Isabella II., 12C blue / pink, numeral cancel 2, CDS BARCELONA, transit cancel red and blue, arrival PARIS; very nice entire with, exp. Roig