Public Auction 39 / Philately / Europe / Croatia

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150413 - 1941 Mi.9DDI, 0,25D black with double Opt, horizontal strip
1941 Mi.9DDI, 0,25D black with double Opt, horizontal strip of 3, once Braille printing and once shifted black Opt + Mi.9, horizontal pair with print on fold + Mi.11DD horizontal pair 1D green with double Opt + Mi.17DD block of four 5,50D brownlila, 2 stamp. *, otherwise **; sought overprint specialties in perfect quality, 2 certificates Zrinjšćak
Starting price: CZK
150418 - 1941 Mi.37, overprint issue Založení army 20D blue with pl
1941 Mi.37, overprint issue "Založení army" 20D blue with plate variety overprint "broken out R part" and other coats of arms, this printing error occures only on pos. 14 in/at sheet!; very fine piece, certificates [TESTER] Zrinjšćak and Tubinovič
Starting price: CZK
152776 - 1941 Mi.47, 48, Country 0,25K and 0,50K, complete 100-stamps
1941 Mi.47, 48, Country 0,25K and 0,50K, complete 100-stamps. sheets, value 0,25K omitted vert. perf, value 0,50K with full sheet machine offset, without gum; interesting
Starting price: CZK
150840 - 1941 Mi.48, 52, 53, 56, 57, Landscape, values 0,5K, 2 Koruna
1941 Mi.48, 52, 53, 56, 57, Landscape, values 0,5K, 2 Koruna, 3 Koruna, 5 Koruna, 6 Koruna, comp. 5 pcs of horiz. pairs, imperforated; 2x without gum, 1x minor gum fault
Starting price: CZK
150415 - 1941 Mi.48, 54, 65, Landscape 0,50K, 4 Koruna, 100 Koruna, b
1941 Mi.48, 54, 65, Landscape 0,50K, 4 Koruna, 100 Koruna, blocks of 6 with double or partially omitted perf (both by/on/at 4 Koruna - rare), 0,50K with two opposite facing pairs; very fine
Starting price: CZK
152818 - 1941-1942 Mi.48, Country 0,50K black-blue, imperforated shee
1941-1942 Mi.48, Country 0,50K black-blue, imperforated sheet with omitted print in/at almost middle area (complete 4 lower line); omission this size is evidently unique!
Starting price: CZK
150422 - 1941 Mi.52, unissued 2 Koruna Cathedral brown-carmine, neret
1941 Mi.52, unissued 2 Koruna Cathedral brown-carmine, neretušované 1. issue (with střechami two home/houses by/on/at inscription ZAGREB), staženo těsne before/(in front of) statement to postal transport and nahrazeno definitive stmp Mi.52 with vyretušovanými střechami (see. enclosed comparison piece); very nice piece of this Croatian rarities, according to certificate M. Wieneke "very rare" !
Starting price: CZK
150414 - 1941-1942 Mi.52, 99A, Landscape 2 Koruna red and 12,50K fial
1941-1942 Mi.52, 99A, Landscape 2 Koruna red and 12,50K fialověčerná, corner blk-of-9, both with big rohovými přeložkami; in/at this size rare!
Starting price: CZK
150407 - 1941 Mi.60, str-of-20 10K issue Landscape - Plitvická lake
1941 Mi.60, str-of-20 10K issue Landscape - Plitvická lake black-violet, omitted print almost through/over whole width sheet; very fine, certificate [TESTER] Zrinjšćak, unique printing speciality!
Starting price: CZK
150420 - 1942 Mi.65, 81, 2x block of four (*), TCP Landscape Banja Lu
1942 Mi.65, 81, 2x block of four (*), TCP Landscape Banja Luka 100 Kuna, original color blue-violet and red-brown + block of four (*) Exhibition Banja Luka 100 K with characters F. I. blue-violet + 1x TCP red-brown **; exp. Wieneke, trial printings for exhibition issue in different colors are rare!
Starting price: CZK
152803 - 1941-1942 Mi.69U, Exhibition against Bolshevism 4 K, imperfo
1941-1942 Mi.69U, Exhibition against Bolshevism 4 K, imperforated blocks of four + 4 TCP Mi.70-73, Model Exhibition; outer prints in original colors on stronger white paper
Starting price: CZK
150428 - 1942 PLATE PROOF Mi.73, Exhibition modelů 4+4K, print from
1942 PLATE PROOF Mi.73, Exhibition modelů 4+4K, print from "unfinished" folder in black color on/for stronger chalky paper, on reverse No. 9857; rare offer and evidently rarest type PLATE PROOF from this issue
Starting price: CZK
150410 - 1942 TCP for Block No.1, Exhibition of models in Zagreb, mir
1942 TCP for Block No.1, Exhibition of models in Zagreb, mirrored inverted print in black color on common paper without gum, 2 printing stages; perfect piece with certificate Zrinjšćak
Starting price: CZK
150408 - 1942 PLATE PROOF Mi.Bl.1 and Bl.2, imperforated joined ! pri
1942 PLATE PROOF Mi.Bl.1 and Bl.2, imperforated joined ! print both blocks with shift 1. red printing stage, without 1. blue printing stage, lower Block No.1 with zaměněnými colors stamps and stmp field!; very fine, certificate [TESTER] Zrinjšćak
Starting price: CZK
150406 - 1942 PLATE PROOF Mi.Bl.1 and Bl.2, imperforated joined!, pri
1942 PLATE PROOF Mi.Bl.1 and Bl.2, imperforated joined!, print both blocks with shift 1. blue printing stage, lower Bl.2 with zaměněnými stmp field !, very fine, certificate [TESTER] Zrinjšćak
Starting price: CZK
150416 - 1942 Mi.79Ua, 80KUDD, Anniv of Independence, 5 Koruna brown-
1942 Mi.79Ua, 80KUDD, Anniv of Independence, 5 Koruna brown-red, block of four, imperforated with red overprint + opposite facing pair 10K black-green with double black overprint; issued on stamp paper without gum, very fine and rare, certificate [TESTER] Zrinjšćak
Starting price: CZK
150421 - 1942 Mi.81, 3x block of four Exhibition Banja Luka, 100D blu
1942 Mi.81, 3x block of four Exhibition Banja Luka, 100D blue-violet with characters F. I., corner with double vertical perf, corner and marginal with omitted vertical perf
Starting price: CZK
150424 - 1942 PLATE PROOF Mi.86-90, Red Cross, plate proof, 16x block
1942 PLATE PROOF Mi.86-90, Red Cross, plate proof, 16x block of four, various values and stages of print, in/at original also different colors
Starting price: CZK
150412 - 1943 2x TCP Mi.94U, 2x printing sheets State labour service
1943 2x TCP Mi.94U, 2x printing sheets State labour service 2+1K, olive / brown, original colors, also paper without gum and with wmk, at the back in addition L-wards shifted print of 2nd stage (frame) in light green shade, by the other piece in addition at the back print of both stages in brighter colors and offset; perfect condition, certificates Zrinjšćak
Starting price: CZK
150846 - 1943 Mi.94-96, complete set 3 pcs of miniature sheets; at va
1943 Mi.94-96, complete set 3 pcs of miniature sheets; at value 3 Koruna + 3 Koruna lower light fold; c.v.. 150€
Starting price: CZK
150835 - 1943 Mi.94-96, Work service, 4 stages of trial printings
1943 Mi.94-96, Work service, 4 stages of trial printings
Starting price: CZK
150890 - 1943 Mi.97UK, printing sheet 700let Zagreb 3,50K dark ultram
1943 Mi.97UK, printing sheet 700let Zagreb 3,50K dark ultramarine, imperforated
Starting price: CZK
150839 - 1943 TCP Mi.97, Zagreb 3,50K, 4 trial printings, various col
1943 TCP Mi.97, Zagreb 3,50K, 4 trial printings, various color, i.a. red, black
Starting price: CZK
150838 - 1943 TCP Mi.97, Zagreb 3,50K, 4 trial printings, various col
1943 TCP Mi.97, Zagreb 3,50K, 4 trial printings, various color, i.a. blue, green
Starting price: CZK
152802 - 1943-44 approved trial print for Mi.99 Veliki Tabor 12,50K (
1943-44 approved trial print for Mi.99 Veliki Tabor 12,50K (yet without inscription lower), on daze paper for transmission of picture, 1x with definitive picture for Surtax Mi.3 1 K, very rare offer
Starting price: CZK
150417 - 1943-44 PLATE PROOF Mi.99A, supplemental issue Landscape, Ve
1943-44 PLATE PROOF Mi.99A, supplemental issue Landscape, Veliki Tabor, 12,50K, 3x imperforated blocks of four in/at original fialověčerné color, then in yellow and red-brown, on/for original. stamp paper without gum; all with sought plate variety "little-egg below castle"
Starting price: CZK
150426 - 1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.105, Zrinski 3,50K in brown color, in fo
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.105, Zrinski 3,50K in brown color, in form miniature sheet 61/75mm, plate proof, gravure Seizinger; very fine, exp. Velickovic, certificate [TESTER] Zrinjšćak
Starting price: CZK
150429 - 1943 Mi.106, 3x block of 6, Pavelič, from that 2x PLATE PRO
1943 Mi.106, 3x block of 6, Pavelič, from that 2x PLATE PROOF in/at original color on stamp paper with gum, once with plate number 2, double impression and mirror in/at tmavším shade; once ** with omitted vertical perf, by/on/at PLATE PROOF various quality
Starting price: CZK
150403 - 1943 TCP Mi.106, Pavelič 3,50K in blue color on original pa
1943 TCP Mi.106, Pavelič 3,50K in blue color on original paper with gum, in addition mirrored inverted printing from part of other sheet TCP in dark blue; rare and attractive block
Starting price: CZK
150430 - 1943 TCP Mi.107-110, Legionaries, comp. of 10 pcs of joined
1943 TCP Mi.107-110, Legionaries, comp. of 10 pcs of joined printings, horiz. pairs, 1st printing stage in various colors on ordinary yellow paper, 4x joined printing 1K/2K, 6x joined printing 3,50K/9K; perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
150845 - 1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.107-111, Legionaries, selection of 20 pc
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.107-111, Legionaries, selection of 20 pcs of plate proofs, various color
Starting price: CZK
150411 - 1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.Bl.5B, Chorvatská legion, neodělený p
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.Bl.5B, Chorvatská legion, neodělený pair miniature sheets, phase print with all printing stages - colors (in/at our offer was/were already PLATE PROOF with once or two stages); perfect condition, R with full margin printing sheet, certificate Zrinjscak "these faze joined printings are very rare"
Starting price: CZK
150404 - 1943 Mi.108U and TCP 110U, Legion 2+1K, 9+4,50K dark carmine
1943 Mi.108U and TCP 110U, Legion 2+1K, 9+4,50K dark carmine and brown (print "without clouds"), imperforated blocks of 50; value 2K left at top fold out of stamp, value 9K left vertical fold, rare multiples with intact gum
Starting price: CZK
150431 - 1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.109, Legionaries 3,50K, blue in/at block
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.109, Legionaries 3,50K, blue in/at block of 6 imperforated with shift 1. printing stage on original paper with gum and in addition as blk-of-4 with gutter, purple-red, also on original paper with gum; in perfect quality, gutter is rare!
Starting price: CZK
150843 - 1943 Mi.115I, 117I, Zagreb 18K + 9K fialovočerná, 1x with
1943 Mi.115I, 117I, Zagreb 18K + 9K fialovočerná, 1x with overprint, both with initial engraver; c.v.. 140€
Starting price: CZK
150432 - 1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.115, 3. philatelic exhibition Zagreb 18+
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.115, 3. philatelic exhibition Zagreb 18+9K, 2 imperforated blocks of four, in/at black-green and oranžověhnědé color, R at top with engraving mark "S" = Seizinger (Mi.115I); black-green R lower with thin place after sticking, otherwise perfect condition, exp. Veličković, certificates Zrinjscak "very rare"
Starting price: CZK
150842 - 1943 Mi.Bl.6I, miniature sheet Zagreb 18K + 9K brown-black,
1943 Mi.Bl.6I, miniature sheet Zagreb 18K + 9K brown-black, with initial engraver in shield tower
Starting price: CZK
150837 - 1943 Mi.118-127, Red Cross, complete set, nezoubované; c.v.
1943 Mi.118-127, Red Cross, complete set, nezoubované; c.v.. 100€
Starting price: CZK
152807 - 1943 Mi.118-127, Ministerské issue and Surtax Mi.2, i. e. c
1943 Mi.118-127, Ministerské issue and Surtax Mi.2, i. e. complete set Red Cross in vertical pairs with omitted horiz. perf for so-called. "1. ministry album" and ditto in/at imperforated horiz. pairs, from every values in 2 various colors, for prepared, but unissued so-called. "2.ministerské album", rare set!
Starting price: CZK
150834 - 1943 TCP Mi.118-124, Red Cross, complete set, trial printing
1943 TCP Mi.118-124, Red Cross, complete set, trial printings, 8 stages of each value
Starting price: CZK
150836 - 1943 Mi.120, 122-123, Red Cross, values 3,50K+1,50K, 9K+4K a
1943 Mi.120, 122-123, Red Cross, values 3,50K+1,50K, 9K+4K and 10K+5K, blocks of four, imperforated; value 9K+4K small stain R, cat. min. 120€
Starting price: CZK
150427 - 1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.120, 121, Red Cross 3,50K and 8K, 2 corn
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.120, 121, Red Cross 3,50K and 8K, 2 corner str-of-4, blue and red-brown, control print 1. printing stage, signed I. Rezek (painter and author design/sketch) and R. Valič (vedoucí printing-plant) with remark "ton ispravan", i. e. authorization barevného tone before/(in front of) konečným print, on stamp paper with gum; very rare and well ilustrující production technique, certificates [TESTER] Zrinjšćak
Starting price: CZK
150402 - 1943 Mi.128-147, Pavelič 0,25K-100K, all horiz. pairs; comp
1943 Mi.128-147, Pavelič 0,25K-100K, all horiz. pairs; complete set with omitted horiz. perf, as set rather rare
Starting price: CZK
150841 - 1943 Mi.148-149, Boškovič 3,50K + 12,50K, imperforated; c.
1943 Mi.148-149, Boškovič 3,50K + 12,50K, imperforated; c.v.. 80€
Starting price: CZK
150425 - 1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.148-149, 6x block of four, Boškovič 3,
1943 PLATE PROOF Mi.148-149, 6x block of four, Boškovič 3,50K and 12,50K, from every values in 3 colors, complete collection all colors used for color trial/expertization; very fine, as multiple rare!
Starting price: CZK
152805 - 1944 Mi.150U-153U, Postal and railway officials, 4 complete
1944 Mi.150U-153U, "Postal and railway officials", 4 complete printing sheets, imperforated souvenir sheets, block of 9 issue 7½K with shifted center; 1x fold in corner, otherwise perfect quality
Starting price: CZK
150856 - 1944 PLATE PROOF Mi.150-153, Post and railways, comp. of tri
1944 PLATE PROOF Mi.150-153, Post and railways, comp. of trial printings, 3x str-of-3, various stage
Starting price: CZK
150853 - 1944 PLATE PROOF Mi.154-157, War damage, comp. 8 pcs of plat
1944 PLATE PROOF Mi.154-157, War damage, comp. 8 pcs of plate proofs, all horiz. 2-stamps gutters
Starting price: CZK
150409 - 1944 Mi.161, Francetič 12,50K+257,50K black, complete print
1944 Mi.161, Francetič 12,50K+257,50K black, complete printing sheet, blk-of-30, with decorative margin and omitted horiz. perf; without gum, warped margins, otherwise nice and rare block!
Starting price: CZK
152806 - 1944 Mi.161, Francetič 287,50K, 22 pcs of, i.a. 3x pair PLA
1944 Mi.161, Francetič 287,50K, 22 pcs of, i.a. 3x pair PLATE PROOF in various colors, pairs imperforated, partial perf, gutter (!) perforated and imperforated etc..; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
150433 - 1944 Mi.162U-165U, State labour service, Surtax 3,50K-32K, c
1944 Mi.162U-165U, State labour service, Surtax 3,50K-32K, corner pairs, 3 pcs with plate number IV and leading sheet point lower; perfect quality, certificate Zrinjscak
Starting price: CZK
152804 - 1944 PLATE PROOF Bl.7, State labour service 32K, trial gravu
1944 PLATE PROOF Bl.7, State labour service 32K, trial gravure in/at original color on chalky paper; certificate [TESTER] Zrinjšćak, this plate proof is significantly rarer než-li on/for market occurring trial/expertization colors on/for definitive yellow japan-papíru, we aren't aware of another piece, maybe unique rarity!
Starting price: CZK
150423 - 1944 PLATE PROOF Mi.Bl.7, miniature sheet State labour servi
1944 PLATE PROOF Mi.Bl.7, miniature sheet State labour service 32+16K, plate proof nezoubkovaného miniature sheet in violet-red color on/for original japanu, on/for němž was/were then miniature sheet definitivně issued, design Antonini, gravure Seizinger; perfect condition, certificate Zrinjscak
Starting price: CZK
150434 - 1944 Mi.175, Postal officials 24K+12K black-green, corner pi
1944 Mi.175, Postal officials 24K+12K black-green, corner piece with zrcadlovými offsets on/for margins; very fine and rare piece, certificate [TESTER] Zrinjšćak
Starting price: CZK
150844 - 1944 TCP Mi.3-4, War Charity 1k and 2 K, 12 pcs of trial col
1944 TCP Mi.3-4, War Charity 1k and 2 K, 12 pcs of trial color printings, all horiz. pairs
Starting price: CZK
150848 - 1945 MILITARY STAMPS Mi.2, Landscape, horizontal pair, by ri
1945 MILITARY STAMPS Mi.2, Landscape, horizontal pair, by right stamp a production flaw - incomplete-printing letters "P" in the word "POSTA"
Starting price: CZK
150435 - 1944 ŠIBENIK local issue Mi.1-5, overprint N.D. HRVATSKA 3,
1944 ŠIBENIK local issue Mi.1-5, overprint N.D. HRVATSKA 3,50K on/for Italian stmp 10-50C; very fine, certificate Zrinjscak
Starting price: CZK
152544 - 1941 PC 1 Koruna, Mi.P2A, to Protectorate, uprated 3ksvýpla
1941 PC 1 Koruna, Mi.P2A, to Protectorate, uprated 3ksvýplatních stamp. with overprint, CDS ZAGREB1/ 29.VII.41, passed through censorship; good condition
Starting price: CZK
150436 - Cancelled

Starting price: CZK
150899 - 1941-1943 2 off. Reg letters franked with. Postage due stamp
1941-1943 2 off. Reg letters franked with. Postage due stamps 8x Mi.1, provisional 50Pa and official Mi.2 + 12x Mi.4, CDS ZAGREB sent in the place and CDS OSIJEK to Vinkovce; very fine and rare franking
Starting price: CZK