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1808-1849 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 15 pcs of prephilatelic letters, nice quality and cancels, i.a. red CERVIA, Pt. LAGOSCURO, atypical PIEVE, PAPOZZE (very small village), ARGENTA, CESENA, IMOLA, SAVIGNANO; attractive compilation from old collection U:O5
1855 cholera letter sent from Ferrara to Bologna, with Sas.3, Coat of arms 2C green, olioso - so-called oil print, at the back part of "cholera" cancel confirmed disinfection "Ferrara Netta Fuori e dentro"; small format U:A5
1852-1857 8 letters franked for example with Sas.1-7, 9, simple franking ½B - 6B, 8B, stamp ½ Baj on printed-matter, cancel VERGATO, with postage due ½B!, also 7 pcs of letters in nice quality - 5 very small formats; cat. min. 1.840€ U:A5
1855-1856 comp. of 3 letters with double frankings Sas.1, 2, 4, Coat of arms, pair ½B, pair 1B and 2x 3B, cancels FERARRA, BOLOGNA, CESENA; very nice quality, cat. min. 1.200€ U:A5
1859 Sas.12, 15b, 17c, small cut square with 5C + 20C + 40C, nice three-coloured franking; with certificate Bottacchi U:A5
1852 Sas.1, 5, Coat of arms 5C yellow + 40C blue; perfect margins and quality, 5C with plate flaw "printing stain in crown", exp. Schlesinger, 40C cat. 1.555€ U:A5
1857 Sas.10, Coat of arms 25C brown, with grid cancel, very nice piece, also with trial print 25C, green color, close margins and original gum; cat. total 850€ U:A5
1856 Sas.4, 15, cut square with mixed franking of 2nd and 4th issue, vert. pair Victor Emanuel II. 5c + vert. Pr 20c, double circle cancel 15.OTT.56, very rare combination of mixed franking U:DR
1851 Sas.1, Lion 1Qu black, horiz. strip of four, standard margins; rare complex, with certificate Raybaudi, cat. Sassone 25.000€ U:DR
1863 Mi.16, Victor Emanuel II. 5c grey-olive; at top short teeth, cat. 1.700€ U:A5
1908 Mi.91, 92, Victor Emanuel III. 40c brown, offset on gum + 50c dark violet, offset of the 2nd part of the sheet on gum?, used, at the bottom short tooth; interesting U:A5
1861 Local issue for Naples 14. 2. 1861, compilation of 21 stamps Victor Emanuell, Sas.19 (6), 20 (6), 21 (4), 22 (5); close to thin margins, without forgeries, incl. cancels, as basic colors cat. 3.820€ ++ U:A5
1934 Official Mi.10, stamp issued for post. flight Rome - Mogadischo, 10L blue-grey with golden additional-printing "Servizio si Stato", printing 5.000ks; cat. 1.100€ U:A5
1931-37 2 air mail letters,1x Reg and airmail letter sent from Milan to Dresden, franked with Air mail stamp 50C + 60C + 80C + 1L, CDS MILANO1/ 3.10.31, transit cance BASEL, arrival postmark DRESDEN 5.10.31 + 1x letter sent from Milan to Buenos Aires, franked with postage and airmail stamps, i.a. 10L red, CDS MILAN 12.1.37, red special postmark DEUTSCH (GERMAN) LUFTPOST (airmail) EUROPA-SÜDAMERIKA, at the back arrival postmark.; good quality U:A5
1943 Sas.183, Air mail 5L green with red Opt G.N.R., Brescia, T. I.; exp. Raybaudi, cat. 585€ U:A5
1943 Sas.485/A, 5L red, black Opt G.N.R., Brescia, T. I.; certificate Raybaudi, cat. 6.000€ U:DR
1945 Sas.1-9, complete set with Opt C.L.N. SESTO CALENDE; exp. Raybaudi, only 500 sets, cat. 2.250€ U:A5
1943 TCP Sas.P1-P8, Air mail with Opt "REPUBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA", trial printings, complete set; exp. Raybaudi, rare set, cat. 7.000€ U:DR
1944 TCP Sas.P10, 50C with red Opt "REPUBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA", horiz. pair with left margin, trial printing; exp. Raybaudi, Sorrani, cat. 900€ U:A5
1944 TCP Sas.P10A, 50C with red inverted opt "REPUBLICA SOCIALE ITALIANA", horizontal pair with right margin, trial printing; exp. Raybaudi, Sorrani, cat. 900€ U:A5
1918 ITALIAN OCCUPATION/ Venezia Giulia Mi.1-17, issue for occupied territory with Opt "REGNO D´ITALIA/ VENEZIA GIULIA/ 3.XI.18" on Austrian stamps Crown, Charles, Coat of arms; without highest value, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1920-23 comp. of 3 pcs of advertising letter cards, 1x with response part, for example NAVIGAZIONE GENERALE ITALIANA, VINI GALISSANO, various franking; interesting U:A5