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1853 Mi.1a, Maria II. 5R light brown; left bottom with thin place, wide margins and complete cancel "52", cat. 1.200€ ++ U:A5
1856-70 Mi.10-42, compilation of 24 used stamps; good quality U:A5
1855-67 Mi.15, 18, 19, 23, 24, 30, 9 classical stamps; for value 100R (Mi.23) Kurzbefund Briefmarkenprüfstelle Basel, cat. min. 800€ U:A5
1923-1968 Mi.300-315, 702-705, compilation of complete sets and souvenir sheets, contains Mi.300-315 never hinged, Mi.455 and 673-680 used, Bl.7 hinged, 702-705 used, Bl.13 hinged, Bl.14 never hinged, 835-543 and 1060-66 never hinged; cat. according to the owner 500€ U:A4
1940-41 Mi.620-21, 640-41, highest values of set Portuguese legion and National costumes; cat. 165€ U:A5
1862 letter to Milan, with Mi.15, 16, Luis I. 50R green and 100R violet, cancel. "52" PORTO, transit cancel LISBOA and arrival MILAN, small format; very nice U:A5
1920-80 [COLLECTIONS] COLONIES small collection of stamp of Angola, Portuguese India, Cape Verde, various sets, souvenir sheets, etc.; in 8-sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1959-2000 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of Portugal, contains mainly souvenir sheets; cat. ca. 550€ U:Z