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1770-1853 KASCHAU comp. 4 pcs of letters from that 1x from year 1770 with poštmistrovskou notice V. Košice to Vienna with paid porto 10Kr, 1x folded letter with cancel. V.CASCHAU writing type from year 1787, then cancel. in/at decorative oval V. Košice and envelope with red cancel. Košice/ FRANCO from year 1853; good condition, nice print U:A5
1772-1849 BIELITZ comp. 4 pcs of folded letters, 1x from year 1772 without postmark addressed to to Vienna after/behind 6 Kreuzer, then decorated straight line postmark BIELITZ, 1x red with date and cancel. FRANCO and other; all nice print, good condition U:A5
1782 letter sent to baron Kotz von Dobrsch (Czech šlechta, Kocové from Dobrše), the first red straight line postmark "From Prag", type A.7 (Vot.1863/1. = 200 pt.), small format, on reverse whole seal, sound condition U:A5
1782-1849 TROPPAU comp. 4 pcs of folded letters, 1x postal imprint V. TROPPAU with postage 8Kr, 1x Reg letter with line writing TROPPAU/ 22.Mai. supplemented with red cancel. FRANCO and black RECOMANDIRT and other; all beauty print, good condition U:A5
1792-1814 SLOVAKIA 6 letters with hand writting - TRENCHINIO, HORTEN, LUCSNINU, MIHALY, OKOLICNA, KESMARK, postmaster´s notices, good condition of the seals; interesting U:A5
1805-38 TESCHEN comp. 4 pcs of folded letters, 1x service letter from Těšín to Krnov without cancel. from year 1805 with městskou seal and with postmaster note., 1x straight line postmark TESCHEN in oval, 2x oval pmk TESCHEN with date in red and black color, supplemented with red cancel. FRANCO; nice print, good condition U:A5
1819-33 selection of pre-philatelic postmarks from Slovak úzení, contains: V.EPERJES in oval, line NEUSOHL (Bánská Bystrica), red in/at decorative oval TESTER/ FRANCO, line LEUTSCHAU (Levoča) and line in frame NEUTRA; good condition, mainly nice print U:A5
1822-39 comp. 5 pcs of folded covers of letters ex offo from Galicia, all addressed to to Prešov, line cancel. GRODEK (2 various), PODGORZE, SAMSOK and SANDEC; nice imprints, as multiple nice U:A5
1823 folded letter small format, cancel. ZDITZ (Vot.2753/2 =150b), marked porto 4; good condition U:A5
1829-30 SLOVAKIA 2 pcs of folded letters with oval decorated cancel. GR:/ TAPOLTSAN, addressed to to Brno, postmaster marks by ruddle, nice print U:A5
1830 small/rare folded letter, straight line postmark WOTTITZ (Vot.2697/3.), note. chalk "8", addressed to to Raudnitz (Roudnice n. Labem), inside hand-made datovaný 16.4.830, written Czech language; popular small format, so-called. "Damen-Faltbrief", on reverse seal U:A5
1830-49 SILESIA comp. 3 pcs of letters from that 2x money and 1x abroad, envelope addressed to to Berlin with red cancel. TROPPAU/ 10.Nov. supplemented with cancel. FRANCO and GRENZE, other money letter with blue cancel. TROPPAU, folded letter with straight line postmark WEISTRNAU, all supplemented with postmaster notices; good condition U:A5
1831 folded letter with straight line postmark in oval TEPLITZ, (catalogue Votoček. 2412/7=200b); nice imprint cancel., light fold over the postmark U:A5
1831-47 SILESIA comp. 5 pcs of folded letters with various cancel. TESCHEN, 1x as Registered to Vienna, line TESCHEN/ 21.Jun. supplemented with red oval cancel. REGISTERED/ MANDIRT, 2x various oval pmk, all supplemented with postmaster notices; well preserved, nice postal imprints U:A5
1839-50 folded letter on heading paper Magistrátu town Počátky, straight line postmark POTSCHATEK 20/6 (Vot.1814/2.= 80 pt), addressed to to Kardašovy Řečice, note. chalk + folded militar letter addressed to Headquarters infantry reg. to fort in/at Mohuči, straight line postmark POTCSHATEK/ 28. Spt. 1850 (Vot.1814/3.= 130b); nice imprints, sound condition U:A5
1840 folded letter addressed to to London, red cancel. BRÜNN/ FRANCO/ 1.DEC, very nice print, decorative + transit bicircular red cancel. AUTR. LÖRRACH 23.DEC, on reverse arrival postmark.; overall decorative U:A5
1842 SILESIA folded R letter nadepsaný TESCHEN with supplemental postmarks oval blue REGISTERED/ MANDIRT (2x) and line red FRANCO, on reverse transit MOGILANY; light fold, decorative small format, nice quality U:A5
1842-49 DORFTESCHEN, FREIWALDAU 2 pcs of folded letters 1x red straight line postmark DORFTESCHEN (Deštné), other with straight line postmark writing type FREIWALDAU with postage 2 Kreuzer; nice print, good condition U:A5
1846 folded letter to Děčín with rarely with vyskytujícím oval official cancel. "From der/ k:k: Ober-Post-/ Verwaltung/ in PRAG" (Vot.C275=200b), on reverse blue straight line postmark BODENBACH/ 17.Juni and paper seal, sound condition; c.v.. shows oldest usage cancel. C275 in/at TESTER (!), definitely interesting U:A5
1848? folded cover of letter addressed Policejnímu headquarters in Brno, line red cancel. LUNDENBURG/ 22.MAI (Břeclav, Vot.1323/2.), nice print, on reverse blue straight line postmark BRÜNN/ 23.MAI; sound condition U:A5
1810-49 [COLLECTIONS] SILESIA compilation of 17 pcs of folded letters and 4 pcs of receipts with various cancels, i.a. oval blue FRIEDEK, FREIWALDAU, SKOTSCHAU, ZUCKMANTEL, BIELITZ, the receipts from post offices ZUCKMANTEL and JÄGERNDORF; good condition, nice imprints U:O5
1820-1850 [COLLECTIONS] more/larger collection prephilatelic letters, official ex offo letters, receipts, releases, telegrams etc.., divided according to postmarks and types entires, interesting postmarks; total over 400 pcs of, placed in envelopes in cardboard box U:K
1830-50 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 25 pcs of letters, various postmark, for example. AUSTERLITZ, NAPAGEDL, ZNAIM, PROSSNITZ, PRAG, TRÜBAU, etc..; nice selection of U:O4
1850 Mi.1 + 2, cut square with 1 Kr + 2 Kreuzer, type I.a, handmade paper, CDS BUDWEIS 22.DEC; 1 Kr with paper crease U:A5
1850 Mi.1X-5X, complete the first issue., hand-made papers, nice postal imprints; cat. min. 220€ U:A5
1850 Mi.2XI, 2 Kreuzer black, hand-made paper, type Ib; very fine, exp. Thier, cat. Ferchenbauer 2.200€ U:A5
1850 Mi.3, 3 Kreuzer, comp. 10 pcs of stamps and cuts, various papers, color, cancel., i.a. frame PILSEN; high catalogue value U:A5
1850 Mi.3XI, 3 Kreuzer red, hand-made paper, type Ia (subtype a1); ribbed paper, original oblique paper crease, CDS GABLONZ, very fine, cat. 180€ ++ U:A5
1870/1884 REPRINTS 1Kr-9Kr, 1 Kr 2x, orange and light yellow; very fine, cat. min. 180€ U:A5
1850 small format letter, with 9 Kreuzer, Mi.5IIIb, bicircular cancel B.CSABA 19/10, at the back arrival round cancel NEUTISCHEIN 21/10; certificate Babor U:A5
1850 folded letter to Timişoara, with 6 Kreuzer, first print (Erstdruck), type Ia, plate 1, double circle cancel PETERSWARDEIN (Petrovaradin, Serbia)/ 19.6., outstanding margins, arrival line CDS TEMESVÁR/ 21.JUN. at the back; nice quality, interesting destination U:A5
1851 Reg letter with 6 Kreuzer + 6 Kreuzer on reverse, both type I.a, handpaper, red-brown, CDS RICHENBURG (Předhradí)/ 1.7.(1851), transit and arrival cancels PARDUBITZ, BODENBACH and STEINSCHOENAU/ 2.7. on reverse; unfolded, sound condition, cat. 450€ U:A5
1851 folded letter with 3 Kreuzer, type Ib., HP, wide margins, CDS PILSEN/ 2.SEP. - superb print, on reverse arrival framed pmk NEPOMUK/ 3.SEP. and broken seal; 1x vodorový fold U:A5
1851 folded letter with 6 Kreuzer type Ia, printing plate 1, superb margins, CDS STARKENBACH (Jilemnice)/ 31.JAN. (Vot.2312/2.= 30 pt), at the back arrival cancel PRAG/ 2.2. and broken seal; unfolded, good quality U:A5
1852 folded letter with 2x 6 Kreuzer brown, Mi.4 in horizontal pair, two lined BREGENZ/ 30.AUG.; fold over both stamps U:A5
1852 folded letter with the first issue 3 Kreuzer red, posting single circle cancel PRAG 13.10, green oval commercial cancel. GUSTAV JORDAN, on reverse arrival postmark.; in lower part of stmp fold, favourite franking in the middle letter U:A5
1852-58 comp. 5 pcs of folded letters with the first issue., 3 Kreuzer (1x pair, type III., HP), 6 Kreuzer (type I., HP), 9 Kreuzer, Mi.3, 4, 5, CDS ZUCKMANTEL, JAEGERDORF, FREUNENTHAL and other; good condition U:A5
1853 folded letter to Kamenický Šenov, with 3 Kreuzer, very wide margins, marginal piece with margin 6mm, CDS PRAG/ 1.4.(53), on reverse arrival postmark STEINSCHOENAU/ 2.APR.; unfolded, c.v.. 180€ U:A5
1854 small folded letter with the 1st issue, 3 + 6 Kreuzer, Mi.3, 4, T III., HP, straight line postmark JAEGERNDORF/ 5.Jul.; without damage, nice deep color of the stamps, cat. 150€++ U:A5
1854? folded cover of letter to Slovakia, with 9 Kreuzer, machine paper, type III.a, wide full margins, CDS WIEN/ 11.4., decorative franking in the middle, on reverse transit straight line cancel Košice/ 14.APR. and arrival NAGY MIHÁLY/ 16.4.; in the middle 1x vert. fold outside the stamp, letters to Slovakia rare, signed Capouch U:A5
1855 folded letter to Kamenický Šenov, with 6 Kreuzer, type III, plate "A", excellent margins, very fine blue CDS RICHENBURG (Předhradí)/ 21.10. (catalogue Votoček. 2021/1.=180b), at the back tranzit cancel STATION ZWITTAU/ 21.OCT., BODENBACH/ 22.10. and arrival line STEINSCHÖNAU/ 25.OCT.; superb imprints of all cancels, cat. min. 1.000€ U:A5
1855? letter addressed to Berlin on "Poste restante", with 9 Kreuzer, type IIb, very wide margins, oval CDS PRAG KLEINS./ 15.5.; small format, signs of age; letters of the 1st issue on "Poste restante" sent abroad are rare! U:A5
1858 folded letter to Kamenický Šenov with 6 Kreuzer, standard margins, railway cancel K.K. FAHRENDES/ POSTAMT No.4 (Vot.3173/1.=180b!), at the back green firm cancel, transit cancel BODENBACH/ 13.2. and arrival STEINSCHÖNAU/ 13.2.(1858); horiz. archive fold, sound condition U:A5
1858 folded letter with 3 Kreuzer, type III.c, plate "D", wide margins, CDS NAPAGEDL/ 29.8., decorative franking placed in the middle of the letter, over the stamp handwritten note "Von der Güter-Inspection", at the back transit cancel KREMSIER/ 29.8. and arrival postmark ZDAUNEK/ 29.8.; well preserved U:A5
1850 [COLLECTIONS] collection of 135 pcs of used stamps, values 3 Kreuzer, 6 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer, various types, papers, plate flaws, paper crease etc., nice cancels; high catalogue value U:O4
1850 [COLLECTIONS] 23 letters + 1x cut square with the 1st Issue, Mi.3, 4 and 5; major part of the letters in good quality, nice compilation U:O5
Mi.11I, Franz Joseph 3 Kreuzer black, type I.b, with favourite plate variety "buldočí head"; c.v.. 180€ U:A5
1858 Mi.13II, 14II, 15II, Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer, 10Kreuzer, 15 Kreuzer, T. II.; very fine, without gum, cat. Ferchenbauer 535€ U:A5
1858-61 comp. 8 pcs of letters with The 2nd issue., all single franking values 5, 10 and 15 Kreuzer; various quality U:A5
1859 folded letter in the same place, with Franz Joseph 3 Kreuzer black, Mi.11II, CDS TROPPAU/14.Jun.; good condition, cat. 565€ U:A5
1859-60 2 folded letters, 1 sent in the place, with 3 Kreuzer green, Mi.12II, CDS BRÜNN/ STATION 21/11 1860 with decorative firm cancel Gebruder Popper in Brünn; the 2nd one with 5 + 15 Kreuzer, Mi.13II, 15II, CDS PRAG 15/6; good condition U:A5
1859 folded commercial pricelist with 2 Kreuzer yellow, Mi.10, framed CDS PRAG 8/2, on reverse arrival postmark.; cat. Ferchenbauer 150€; damaged in middle part/-s U:A5
1860 folded letter with 2 Kreuzer yellow, Mi.10II, framed pmk WIEN 11-IV, blue oval ffiremní cancel. PICKEL&CO WIEN; decorative, 1x horiz. folded U:A5
1858 PHILATELY bilingual česko-německé government notification of issue of stmp The 2nd issue for Austria and Lombardy, for type I else/yet without 2 Kreuzer green; rare filatelisticko-historický document, interesting, hints staří, torn U:A4
1862 folded letter to Slaného with Mi.20 (mit Nagelkopfprägung), CDS JUNGFERTEINITZ (Panenský Týnec )/ 17.6., (Vot.937/3.= 90 pt.), arrival straight line postmark SCHLAN/ 10.JUNI on reverse, sent from headquarters Strahovského statku on/for Pátku; cat. Ferchenbauer 230€ U:A5
1863 POPTÁVACÍ SHEET (Nachfrageschreiben, Drucksorte Nr.375.B.) with Mi.20, CDS KREMSIER/ 13.2., straight line postmark "REGISTERED." hand-made crossed out, inside CDS MÄHR. NEUSTADT/ 19.2. and on reverse CDS KREMSIER/ 20.2., signs of age, viewing of quality recommended, rare occurrence, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.250€ U:A5
1860-63 [COLLECTIONS] small collection with basic sets stamp., supplemented with 5 pcs of letters, from that 1x R, all on 6 pages A4 U:Z
1861-63 [COLLECTIONS] comp. 10 pcs of letters with stamp. The 3rd issue., contains various single also multiple franking stamp. values 5, 10 and 15 Kreuzer, all addressed to to Bohemia, various postmark; nice selection of, good condition U:O5
1863 Mi.25, Double-headed Eagle 3 Kreuzer green, perf Bz.14, repaired gum U:A5
1863 Mi.25, 30, small/rare cut square with mixed bicolored franking stamp. Double-headed Eagle 3 Kreuzer green, Mi.25 and 2 Kreuzer yellow, Mi.30, CDS PILSEN 5/1; including certificate Babor U:A5