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1858 Mi.5, comp. of 11 pcs, all with well readable numbered cancels; including list of numeral cancels, just stamps cat. 275€ U:A5
1858-75 Mi.5, compilation of classical stamps of Russia, mainly Mi.5, total 93 pcs, 20 pcs on small cut squares, mostly various numeral cancels, interesting; on 2 cover A5, cat. according to owner 1.800€ U:A4
1858 Mi.6, Coat of arms without flashes 20k dark blue/ orange, comb perforation 12¼; : 12½;; cat. 150€ U:A5
1858 Mi.7, Coat of arms without flashes 30k, line perforation 12¼; : 12½;, perfectly preserved perforation also full color, red cancel.; cat. min. 250€ U:A5
1865 Mi.12z, Coat of arms 1k black/ orange yellow, strong paper 0,09mm, fragment of red cancel.; cat. 100€ U:A5
1884 Mi.39y, Coat of arms 7R, black/ yellow, post. horn below emblem without flashes, vert. laid paper, black CDS; very nice quality, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1889-19 Mi.45-56, comp. of stamps of Russia, contains i.a. set Mi.45-56 wmk (x, y), 63-76 etc.; placed on card A5, part hinged U:A5
1904-17 Mi. 57-60, comp. of stamps of Russia, contains i.a. set Mi.57-60, etc.; placed on card A5, part hinged U:A5
1908-10 Mi.63-76, comp. of 15 pcs of bloks of four with margins, issue Coat of Arms, Mi.63-76, 77, 1x corner piece; placed on card A4 U:A4
1908-11 Mi.63-76, comp. of stamps of Russia, contains i.a. set Mi.63-76; placed on card A5 U:A5
1910 Mi.81PFII, IV, National coat of arms 10R, blok of four with right upper coupon, plate flaw + joined types; cat. 70€ U:A5
1868 letter in the place, with 5k, Mi.14y, on reverse, red CDS S. PETERBURG/ GOROD. 5 POČTA/ 5.JUL.1868, small format; on reverse envelope torn ca. 12mm torn, but still nice condition U:A5
1880-1930 REVENUE STAMPS compilation of revenues and labels, some more interesting pieces; larger part used, placed on card A4 U:A4
1875-1915 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps of Russia, mainly classic period, contains various sets and their parts, mainly used; on 2 two full stocksheets A4 U:Z
1890-1945 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps of Russia and USSR, all local issue, i.a. LEVANT, CHINA, TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE, etc.; on 4 stock-sheets A4 U:Z
1918-23 Mi.165-168, comp. of stamps of Russia, contains complete set, i.a. Mi.168y with small gum flaw, 176-178, etc., various types of paper; placed on card A4 U:A4
1921 Mi.167y-168y, Help for starving, complete set, thin paper, mint never hinged; cat. 250€ U:A5
1923 Mi.217-218B, Revolutionary forces 5R + 10R, bloks of four, imperforated; cat. 96€ U:A5
1923 Mi.3-6, Surtax stamps, comp. of 13 pcs of stamps, specialisation according to the types and perf U:A5
1923 Postcard 5 K Eagle, with 15 stamps in mixed franking, 9 pcs with overprint "Star", 6 pcs of "Revolutionary forces", CDS N. NOVGOROD, to Rome, with arrival cancel "Quartiere Postale 31"; perfect quality, rare franking! U:A5
1921 Reg letter sent from Vladivostok to Žatec, with Mi.17, 2x Reg label, 1x latin alphabet, CDS VLADIVOSTOK 3.3.21, transit pmk SHANGAI 17.3?.21, without arrival cancel; partially unstuck flap, interesting U:A5
1922 Reg letter to Trenčín with mixed franking of inflation issue, Mi.67, 79 (4) / Mi.190 (17), Reg label and CDS MOSCOW/ EXPEDICIJA, also "Vozdušnaja Pocta", cancel. "Mit Flugpost"; very nice quality U:A5
1922-24 BRENDER MISSION comp. of 7 pcs of entires, contains i.a. Reg letter to Berlin, with 10x 1000R, CDS and transit pmk., right rate, then 5 pcs of letters + 2 cards; patina U:A5
1923 BRENDER MISSION Reg letter to Germany, with 30x 100000R, Mi.190, CDS BERDIČEV 3.1.23, at the back arrival cancel BERLIN 16.1.23; light tearing, interesting U:A5
1924 Mi.261I C, Revolutionary forces 5R, perf 13½;; hinged, cat. ca. 75€ U:A5
1924-1944 Mi.267-70, 326-27, 390-91, 421, 571-76, 599-64 and 892-94, compilation of complete sets of Airmail stamps; mainly hinged, cat. 140€+ U:A5
1923-28 Mi.267-270, 298-299, comp. of stamps of USSR, contains various complete sets, i.a. Mi.267-270, 298-299, 302-4, 313-314 etc., mainly hinged; placed on card A4 U:A4
1924-44 Mi.354-57, 361-62, 379-82, 383-84, 385-388, 394-96, 394B-396B, 539C, compilation of complete sets; placed on card A4, cat. ca. 290€ U:A4
1930 Mi.390A - 391A, Zeppelin LZ 127 in Moscow, line perforation 12½;, value 80k small gum flaw., cat. 90€ U:A5
1932 Mi.406B + 406C, Zeppelin construction 15k blue-black, 2 pcs, 1x line perforation 14 and 1x line perforation 10½;, cat. 330€ U:A5
1913-50 Mi.410A-411A, comp. of stamps, contains complete used sets, Mi.82-98, 410A-411A, 422AX-423Ax, 423CX, 814-818, 883-884, 1316-1317, 1515-1517; cat. 473€ U:A5
1932 Mi.410A, 411B, 2nd International Polar Year, value 50K perf 12½;, 1R perf 10½;; lightly hinged, cat. 105€ U:A5
1932 Mi.414-420, 15. Anniversary of October Revolution, complete set, Mi.416AX + AY - both positions of watermarks; cat. 311€ U:A5
1933 Mi.453-455, Stratosphere Flight, complete set, value 5k lower variously long teeth, value 10k brown spot in paper, value 20k many small folds; quality should be inspected, low edition, quite small hinges, cat. 225€ U:A5
1933 Mi.453-455, Stratosphere Flight, complete set; hinged, cat. 225€ U:A5
1934 Mi.462-466, Airmail stamps, complete set, unwatermarked; hinged, cat. 325€ U:A5
1934 Mi.462-466Y, Airmail stamps, complete set, wmk Y; hinged, cat. 325€ U:A5
1934 Mi.462AY-466AY, 10 years of civil aviation, all with wmk No.7, cat. 90€ U:A5
1934 Mi.480YA-482YA, Stratosphere Flight, line perforation 11, horiz. wmk, value 5k marginal piece, mint never hinged, cat. 250€ U:A5
1934 Mi.483-487, Zeppelins, complete set, various wmk, contains Mi.483X, 484Y, 485Y, 486X and 487Y, all mint never hinged, value 5k L lower dented paper, value 15k crease in paper; cat. 1.450€ U:A5
1934 Mi.483-487X, Zeppelins, complete set; hinged, cat. 350€ U:A5
1934 Mi.483-487, Zeppelins, complete set, various wmks, cat. 95€ U:A5
1934 Mi.486X, Zeppelins 20K brown-black; cat. 150€ U:A5
1927-49 Mi.532-35, 566-69, larger comp. of complete sets, contains i.a. Mi.665-71, 793-800, 806-809, 870-71, 881-82, 1066-70, 1076-77, 12981300, 1409-1413, etc.; placed on card A4, major part hinged, some sets mint never hinged, cat. ca. 240€ U:A4
1937-44 Mi.549-54, 514-17, 741-44 and 911-17, compilation of complete sets; cat. 165€ U:A5
1937 Mi.571-577, Airmail; highest value hinged, value 80K mint never hinged; cat. for mint stamps 120€ U:A5
1937 Mi.Bl.3, souvenir sheet Air exhibition Moscow; cat. 350€ U:A5
1937 Mi.Bl.3, souvenir sheet All Union-airplane exhintion, Moscow; fine, cat. 350€ U:A5
1937-56 Mi.Bl.2, 6-8, 10, 19, 20, compilation of souvenir sheets; Mi.Bl.6-8 as hinged; placed on card A4, cat. ca. 215€ U:A4
1938 Mi.657-664, National sport, complete set; cheap value 15K gum flaw, highest values mint never hinged; cat. ** 300€ U:A5
1939 Mi.677IA, Workers 10K dark grey-blue, complete 100-stamps sheet; mint never hinged, cat. 130€ U:A4
1939-40 Mi.687-689, compilation of complete sets contains i.a., Mi.780-758A+B, 745-748, 726-728; Mi.726-728 as **/*, the rest mint never hinged, placed on card A4, cat. ca. 100€ U:A4
1939-44 Mi.690-92, 709-13, compilation of complete sets, contains i.a. Mi.801-83, 881-82, 928-29, 937-38, etc.; placed on card A5, mainly mint never hinged, cat. ca. 110€ U:A5
1940-48 Mi.749-52, 753-57, compilation of complete sets, contains i.a. Mi.786-92, 810-11, 812-13, 1066-70, 1071-73, etc.; on 2 cards A4, cat. 155€ U:A5
1940-52 Mi.763-79, 749-52, 1653-57, comp. of 3 complete sets; Mi.763-79 as hinged, cat. 100€ U:A5
1940 Mi.780B-785B, complete set, all bloks of 10, only value 60Kop blok of 8 + pair; cat. 180€ U:A4
1941 Mi.825A, Red Army, line perforation 12½ : 12, blok of four; 1 stmp. at the back rusty dots - not counted, cat. 105€ U:A5
1944-64 Mi.Bl.1, 3, comp. of stamps of USSR, various sets + comp. of 4 pcs of blocks; various quality, placed on card A4 + A5 U:A4
1947-60 Mi.BL.10, 18, 21, 26, 29, comp. of 14 pcs of souvenir sheets USSR; cat. 290€, 2x small gum flaw U:A4
1943-44 Mi.856-59, 872-73, compilation of complete sets, contains i.a. Mi.890-91, 892-94, 901-4A+B, 905-08, 909-10; cat. 140€ U:A5