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1944-46 Mi.877-80, 885-89, compilation of greater number of complete sets, contains i.a. 930-31, 997-98, 1011-13, 1045-46, etc.; placed on card A5, mainly mint never hinged, cat. ca. 100€ U:A5
1945 Mi.940B-945B, Orders and medals, 6 complete sets, imperforated; cat. 90€ U:A5
1947-49 Mi.1088-91, 1152-61, compilation of complete sets, contains i.a. Mi.1217-19, 1371-80, 1409-13, 1430-31 etc.; on 2 cards A5, cat. ca. 170€ U:A5
1948 Mi.1162-67, 1214-16, compilation of complete sets, contains i.a. Mi.1224-26, 1236-38, 1286-87, 1292-94, 1298-1300; placed on card A5, cat. 115€ U:A5
1948-49 Mi.1301-08, 1318-24, compilation of complete sets, contains i.a. Mi.1325-26, 1355-56, 1357-64, 1369-70, 1381-82; placed on card A5, cat. 150€ U:A5
1950-51 Mi.1432-37, 1442-94, compilation of complete sets, contains i.a. 1463-64, 1491-93, 1552-54, 1557-58, 1570-72; placed on card A5, cat. 170€ U:A5
1950 Mi.1527-34, Tower Buildings, complete set; cat. 280€ U:A5
1951 Mi.1560-61, 1575-90, 1593-96, comp. of 3 complete sets; cat. 80€ U:A5
1951-52 Mi.1597-98, 1607, 1613-14, compilation of complete sets, contains i.a. Mi.1615-17, 1619-20, 1631, 1632, 1633, 1639, 1649-50, 1651, 1652, 1658; cat. ca. 110€ U:A5
1952-56 Mi.1676, 1667-8, 1677-78, compilation of complete sets, contains i.a. Mi.1701, 1872-73, 1874, 1895, 1907-13, etc.; placed on card A5, cat. 175€ U:A5
1955-56 Mi.1763, 1789-90, 1791-93, compilation of complete issues, contains i.a. Mi.1798-1801, 1807, 1823-24, 1831-32, 1833, 1834, 1847-48; cat. 100€ U:A5
1954-59 compilation of bloks of four, contains i.a. Mi.1871, 1895, 2061B, 2288, part imperforated, placed on card A4, cat. 316€ U:A4
1957 Mi.1978B, International exhibition, blok of 12, imperforated; cat. 360€ U:A5
1930 1. part of two-part p.stat 5 K for foreign coutries, sent by air mail from Georgia to Paris, with Mi.381 (2), 361 (2), 386, Reg cancel and CDS AKHALI ATON, transit cancel BERLIN and "Mit Flugpost befordert", arrival PARIS GARE DU NORD AVION; rare entire U:A5
1883-1933 comp. of 7 pcs of entires sent to Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia, various franking and CDS, 1x Ppc, 2x sent on Ivan Olbracht; quality should be inspected U:A5
1940 p.stat cover 30kop sent from Lviv to Bohemia-Moravia, with stamp 20kop, CDS LWOV2/ 21.12.40, passed through censorship; light vert. fold U:A5
1942-45 comp. of 12 pcs of USSR postcards with war propaganda, i.a. tanks, air forces, ships, etc.; small tearing, quality should be inspected, interesting U:A5
1947 Reg PC 20k sent from Kiev to Prague, with 1R, Mi.1063, CDS KIEV 24.10.47, Reg cancel; unusual franking U:A5
1948 p.stat cover with Mi.682IIA light blue, CDS JASKIJ OCESSK 24.7.48, at the back arrival cancel U:A5
1948 letter to Moscow with Mi.682III.A, 1. offse issue!, CDS MINSK/ 6.2.48, on reverse arrival cancel; smaller repair in upper margin of the stamp, cat. 1.000€ U:A5
1948 Reg letter from Minsk to Moscow, with mixed franking Mi.682II and 682IA, CDS MINSK/ 15.4.48, at the back arrival cancel; cat. 70€ U:A5
1960 FDC with Mi.2379, blok of four, CDS MOSCOW; only stamps cat. 80€ U:A5
1899-1917 CHINA comp. of stamps of Russia with Opt "KITAJ" and Chinese currency, all bloks of four; placed on card A4 U:A4
1909 LEVANT Mi.K2, letter-card 10kop with red Opt "1 PIASTRE", CDS KONSTANTINOPOL/ 20.?, addressed to Krnov (R-U), complete margins (!), arrival cancel JÄGERNDORF 1/ 25.X.09 on reverse, fine quality, cat. 175€ U:A5
1899-1909 Mi.U32C, p.stat cover 5 Copecks. with stamp 5 Copecks of the same issue, addressed to Bohemia, CDS GOLDINGEN KURAG/ 27.XII.1899, at the back 3 transit and arrival cancels + Mi.K8, letter-card 5 Copecks and oblique black Opt "3 KOP" (decrease of postage), CDS PETERBURG/ 26.7.09, complete margins (!), sound condition, without additional franking cat. min. 100€ U:A5
1910-55 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of stamps of USSR, contains various unused also used sets, incl. several souvenir sheets, smaller part Russia; high catalogue price, placed on album sheets in spring folder, interesting U:Z
1900-1985 [COLLECTIONS] larger collection of stamps USSR mainly after 1945, divided chronologically according to the motives, for example. fauna, flora, art, sport, cosmos, Lenin etc., contains also part from period of Russia; mainly used, part mint never hinged, various sets, some incomplete, souvenir sheets, blocks etc., placed on 104 album sheets A4 in cardboard box U:K
1923-1961 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamp of USSR, contains complete and incomplete sets, souvenir sheets, i.a. Mi.507X, Mi.Bl.4, 8, 16-18, part hinged; various quality, cat. according to owner ca. 3.300€, on 4 stock-sheets A4 U:Z
1923-1967 [COLLECTIONS] mainly complete collection of stamps of USSR, period 1939-54 without souvenir sheets, contains i.a. Mi.2605, 6 used values from issue Future Moscow, part used also mint never hinged, high catalogue value; placed in 16-sheet stockbook A4 + stockbook Schaubek + 1x card A5 U:Z
1925-50 [COLLECTIONS] collection of used stamps of USSR, contains various sets, i.a. Mi.462-466Y, Z, 483-487, 821-824, 827-828, 819-20 etc.; placed in 7-sheet stockbook A4, cat. ca. 1.500€ U:Z
1940-63 [COLLECTIONS] collection mainly of used stamps of USSR, part also unused and hinged, cheaper sets; placed in full 16-sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1942-60 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps of USSR, contains various sets also singles, duplicates, light specialisation on types, perf, grids, etc., contains i.a. Mi.856-9, 883, 1203-11, 1527, 1780, part also imperforated; placed in stockbook A4 on 20 sheets U:Z
1957 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps USSR, almost complete volume 1957, contains all sets, Mi.1945-2045, imperforated Mi.1922B, 1949B, 1978B, 1995B-1999B, incl. souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.21, 22, 23; in folder Schaubek, cat. ca. 350€ U:Z
1960-75 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete basic collection of stamp USSR, incl. souvenir sheets (2 missing), full sets, souvenir sheets, blocks, etc.; placed in full 24-sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1976-91 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete basic collection of stamps USSR, full set, souvenir sheets, bloks of four etc.; placed in full 24-sheet stockbook A4 U:Z
1910-80 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of stamps of Russia and USSR, contains i.a. Mi.96-99, 397-401, 570, 763-779, 847-854, 901-904, part of the stamps used; placed on 6 album sheets, cat. according to the owner ca. 200€+ U:Z
1929-33 [COLLECTIONS] smaller comp. of mainly used stamps of USSR, contains i.a. Mi.379-82, 385-88, 394-396, 394BY-396Bx, 412-3, 427, 429-439, 447-449 etc.; placed on 4 album sheets, cat. according to the owner 360€ U:O4
1923-51 [COLLECTIONS] small collection of used stamps, contains complete and incomplete sets, souvenir sheets, i.a. Mi.392BX, 401CY, 429-449, Mi.Bl.5, 9 etc.; cat. according to the owner ca. 3.200€, on 4 stock-sheets A4 U:Z
1930-41 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of mainly used stamps of USSR, contains various complete sets, i.a. Mi.571-577, 595-598, 602-612 etc.; cat. ca. 800€, placed in two stock-cards A4 U:Z
1955 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps of USSR, volume 1955, contains complete sets, i.a. Mi.1756-58, 1760-62, 1764-79, 1786-88, 1789-90, 1791-93, souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.16-18; placed oin Schaubek stockbook and card A4, cat. ca. 200€ U:Z
1956 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps USSR, volume 1956, contains complete sets without souvenir sheets, i.a. Mi.1798-1800, 1809-1821, 1829, 1849-62, 1865-66, 1871, 1875-1881, etc.; some small gum flaw, cat. ca. 300€ U:Z
1957-58 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.1995-9B, 2068-9B, 2089-90B, comp. of stamps of USSR, contains complete sets, all multiple or blocks; high catalogue price U:K
1958 [COLLECTIONS] Mi.2106-08B, 2169-71B, 2193, Aircrafts I - III, imperforated, business accumulation of 22 sets, cat. 988€ U:O5
1958 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps of USSR, volume 1958, contains all sets, Mi.2046-2189, imperforated Mi.2169B-2171B, incl. souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.24, 26, 25 quality should be inspected, Mi.26 as hinged; cat. ca. 270€ U:Z
1959 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps of USSR, volume 1959, contains complete sets, Mi.2190-2311, without cheap 2193, also with Mi.Bl.28; placed on Schaubek sheets, cat. ca. 150€ U:Z
1960-90 [COLLECTIONS] huge business supply unused and used stamps of USSR, mainly 70s-80s, various sets, souvenir sheets, blocks, all in multiple sets, large part of sets imperforated - variant B; estate of dealer, ideální for further sale, placed in 34 stockbooks A4, 2 boxes and 1 bag with sheets, all in 4 big Ikea boxes - total over 90kg of material, originally set face value for 105.000Sk + 24.500€ contemporary catalogue prices for imperforated sets!!, only personal pick-up in Brno U:X