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1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection memorial/special postmarks BOHEMIA-MORAVIA, i.a. incl. special postmark BOLŠEVISMUS NIKDY!, mainly on cut-squares, part on/for p.stat and memorial/special cards; placed in smaller stockbook A5 + part freely placed U:O5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps Protectorate, contains especially postage stmp issue, parts of sheets, corner blocks, gutter-pair, plate number, plate variety, part postage-due and express; placed in 2 full 8-sheet albums A4 U:Z
1938-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires, contains various Reg letters, surtax, returned mailing, official mailing, commemorative sheets, part on hingeless sheets, interesting for post. history; placed in superb koženém cover f. Safe U:Z
1939-44 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 23 pcs of entires and 48 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments, contains several PC and letter card, several Reg letters, Express letter, cuts with zajimavými high frankings, supplemented with 8 pcs of first day sheets with special postmark; various quality U:O5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] sastava ca. 300 pcs of letters with various frankings, mainly commercial correspondence, part R, Ex, some with memorial cancel. and cancel. Victoria, part forerunner and parallel franking, Sudetenland, supplemented with ca. 50 pcs of various PC; various quality, good selection of U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 100 pcs of entires, contains i.a. special postmark, MC, slogan pmk., forerunner frankings, etc..; interesting, placed in little-box U:K
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of Un p.stat, smaller part/-s dispatch-notes with various franking, letters and p.stat from Protectorate, contains i.a. letter-card/-s CZL2, 5, double PC CDV14, 20, etc.. U:O5
1940-45 PROTECTORATE ARMY comp. 11 pcs of entires members production flaw, from that 3x from members on a mission in Italy, other addressed on/for members production flaw in/at Protectorate; various quality U:A5
1944 PROTECTORATE ARMY / FP 47953 mission in Italy, comp. 5 pcs of entires from 9. batt./guidon FP 47953, 3x from member of army, 2x sent to member, 3x FP card, 2x letter incl. content; various quality U:A5
1939-42 comp. 2 pcs of letters, 1x Reg letter franked with. print pay machine meter stmp 7,20K ČESKOMORAVSKÝ TESTER FOR DRŮBEŽ, VEJCE A MED, PRAGUE 1/ 23.6.42 + 1x franked by meter stmp 0,10h ŠIMEK A SPOL. PRAHA34/ 30.11.39 with postmark "lowered výplatné..."; good condition U:A5
1941 more/larger part post. dispatch-note addressed to to Slovakia, franked with. print pay machine meter stmp ERCO, PRAGUE 21/ 21.2.41, sent through/over Brno and Wien (Vienna), cancel. customs office; decorative U:A4
1943 letter sent to Slovakia, franked with. print pay machine meter stmp 0,80 Koruna TRIOLA, PRAGUE 24/ 19.2.43, uprated with stamp A. Hitler. 40h, passed through censorship U:A5
1941 official envelope Directory post in Brno with propagandistic big red round cancel. "V" (Victoria); good condition U:A5
1941 VIKTORIA!/ Deutchland siegt! red framed pmk on/for official letter with red special postmark HRADEC KRÁLOVÉ 21.X.41 VIKTORIA; small tearing in margin U:A5
1942 VIKTORIA!/ Deutchland siegt an all Fronten (fronts) für Europe!" red three-line cancel. on/for official letter franked with. service stmp with CDS FRÝDEK 18.V.42; good condition, rare usage jednojazyčného postmark U:A5
1940 service letter without franking, CDS PILSEN/ DEUTSCHE (German) DIENSTPOST (service mail) - BÖHMEN-MÄHREN/ 07.9.40, additional cancel. red line "Deutsche Dienstpost Böhmen-Mähren", black "Frei (free) durch (through) Ablösung Reich" and round "FLIEGERHORSTKOMMANDATUR PILSEN" (!) with eagle, addressed to to Leipzig; very good quality, decorative U:A5
1944 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT pre-printed PC with thank for parcel, with 30h A. Hitler, slogan pmk BERLIN - CHARLOTTENBURG/ 10.5.1944, transported from ghetto courier way on/for Main office empire safeness in Berlin, addressed to to Berlin and redirected to Leipzig; usage Bohemian and Moravian stamps in Berlin rare, from important foreign collection (ex F. Hanzl); interesting entire, sound condition U:A5
1943 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT Slovak pictorial PC CDV4/8 Hlinka 1,20 Koruna sent to Slovak prisoner C.C., by hand notice "tot" with date umrtí and sent back, CDS BRATISLAVA 2/ 21.X.43, passed through German censorship; good condition, rare mailing from abroad to C.C.! U:A5
1944 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT - MALÁ PEVNOST 1x official card in/at hnědožluté color for written traffic prisoners put in/at Small Fortress, with A. Hitler. 60h, CDS BOHUŠOVICE 20.XI.44 + 1x official card in/at hnědožluté color for message new address, dated 8.listopadu 1944 + 2 pcs of posting card, CDS BOHUŠOVICE, violet cancel. HÄFTLING/ THERESIENSTADT/ KLEINE FESTUNG; part story Svoboda, interesting, good condition U:A5
1943 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT - MALÁ PEVNOST official card in/at hnědožluté color for written traffic prisoners Gestapo put in/at Small Fortress, with A. Hitler. 60h, CDS BOHUŠOVICE 22.IX.43, light folds U:A5
1944 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT letter from prisoner with content, with A. Hitler. 40h (3x), CDS ROUDNICE N. L.?, text "In train to Terezin (Theresienstadt)" !!; part story Svoboda, interesting U:A5
1944 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT PC without franking sent from Protectorate to ghetto, address receiver supplemented with about/by number pokoje and house /změněno/, evidence cancel. Jewish council/court older Prague + date 17.1.44, arrival dated cancel 19.II.44; in the middle vert. fold U:A5
1942 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT Express letter addressed to to Terezin (Theresienstadt) to member of Četnického zvláštního division, with Pof.57, 59 (2x), CDS PILSEN 11/ 13.V.42, on reverse arrival postmark THERESIENSTADT/ 14.V.42, from foreign collection (ex F. Hanzl), nice quality U:A5
1944 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT card to Terezín ghetto with 12Pf A. Hitler, slogan pmk WIEN 101/ 20.7.44, blue evidence framed pmk Jewish self-government JÜDISCHE SELBSTVERWALTUNG/ THERESIENSTADT + date-stamp 31.AUG. (!), mailing from býv. Austria rare; viewing of quality recommended, after all interesting U:A5
1944 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT unfilled blank form, JÜDISCHE SELBSTVERWALTUNG THERIENSTADT with by hand written text on reverse; signs of age, interesting U:A4
1943 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT Austrian certificate of mailing on/for mailing to ghetto, CDS WIEN 2/ 14.7.43; usage certificates of mailing from former Austria is rare U:A5
1941-44 GESTAPO BRNO comp. 5 pcs of PC addressed from or to prison; various quality U:A5
1944 GESTAPO PRAGUE comp. 5 pcs of letters incl. content, 3x sent prisoner from prison Gestapo on/for Pankráci, 1x nadepsáno "In vlaku...", 1x prison Clausthal-Zellerfeld; part story Svoboda, interesting, envelope/-s damaged U:A4
1942 GESTAPO PRAGUE off. blank form about/by discharge prisoner with cancel. DEUTSCHE (German) UNTERSUCHUNHAFTANSTALT PRAG-PANKRATZ; light torn U:A4
1942 GESTAPO PRAGUE filled out blank form for formation prisoner to prison on/for Pankráci, bilingual; damaged, very interesting U:A4
1942-43 I.C. SVATOBOŘICE /K. comp. 7 pcs of cards + 1x letter, all from one prisoner, CDS SVATOBOŘICE, 1x train post BYLNICE-BRNO; part story Svoboda U:A5
1942-43 PRISON OLOMOUC, OSTRAVA comp. 4 pcs of PC Linden Leaves and A. Hitler. sent from prisons (Ostrava, Olomouc) + Reg letter, with A. Hitler. 3 Koruna + 1,20 Koruna, CDS, on reverse note. "Recipient internován"; interesting U:A5
1943-45 [COLLECTIONS] C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT, MÍROV, GESTAPO PRAGUE larger comp. ca. 30 pcs of letters and cards also Ppc addressed from and to one prisoner, various censorship marks, zasílky on/for Gestapo, documents from Mírova + gun licence from year 1945!; good condition, story Carl Trska, interesting U:O4
1940 Czechosl. parallel double PC abroad CDV36, part II., answer from Šanghaje(!) 19.2.40, to Protectorate to Brno, Via Siberia, transit pmk BERLIN 6.3.40, on reverse incomplete imprint of daily postmark SHANGHAI, passed through German censorship; very interesting U:A5
1930-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 32 pcs of PC Linden Leaves and A. Hitler., part Us, various postmark, uprated, part Un U:O5
1940 CUP1, double PC 30 + 30h, unfolded; very good condition U:A4
1940 CMO2, international reply coupon 3,35K, L CDS PRAGUE 7/ 16.II.40, R CDS QUITO/ 13.MAR.1940/ ECUADOR (!), unfolded, c.v.. Pofis price doesn't report; on/for upper margin small browny place, otherwise nice and interesting U:A5
1943 CMO6, international reply coupon 2,50 Koruna, without postmarks; c.v.. 2.500CZK U:A5
1944 stationery Express Card No.1, type II., Express stamp message, Us printed matter, CDS BRÜNN 14/ 21.XI.44; good condition U:A5
1943 COF34, whole parcel card sent express, with A. Hitler., i.a. value 20K, CDS PRAGUE 31/ 22.VI.43; in the middle vertical fold U:A5
1941 2 pcs of larger parts international Bohemian and Moravian dispatch-notes with multicolor franking stamp. Landscape as Pof.48, 47, 35 and other, CDS PRAGUE, BRNO, sent to Slovakia, on reverse delivery fee paid Postage due stamps 1Ks and 10h; good condition U:A4