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1940 Alb.46y, Presidential Palace 10 Koruna, corner blocks of four creating miniature, vertical grid gum, wmk P3 + 3x corner blk-of-4, from that 2x vertical grid gum; favourite U:A4
1940 Alb.46z, Presidential Palace 10 Koruna, corner blocks of four creating miniature, smooth gum, wmk P3; 1x hinged outside pos. U:A5
1940 Alb.46z, Presidential Palace 10 Koruna, corner blocks of four creating miniature, smooth gum, wmk P4; 1x hinged outside pos. U:A5
1940 Alb.46z, Presidential Palace 10 Koruna, corner blocks of four creating miniature, smooth gum, wmk P4; c.v.. 800SKK U:A5
1940 Alb.N46z, Presidential Palace 10 Koruna, imperforated; exp. by Gilbert U:A5
1940 Alb.51A, 49A, Tatra - small format, value 30h, upper corner str-of-4 with perf folded paper + value 20h, marginal Pr with horiz. paper crease U:A5
1941 Alb.56-58, Memorandum, complete set, all corner blocks of four creating miniature, wmk; favourite U:A4
1941 Alb.59-61, Red Cross, corner blocks of four creating miniature; favourite U:A4
1941 Alb.59-61, Red Cross, corner blocks of four, miniatures; favourite U:A4
1941 Alb.62-64, For Children-issue, corner blocks of four creating miniature, wmk P3; favourite U:A4
1941 Alb.62-64, For Children-issue, corner blocks of four creating miniature, wmk P4; favourite, 1x minor gum fault U:A4
1941 Alb.64, For Children-issue 41, upper corner piece values 2+1Ks with perf folded paper U:A5
1942 Alb.65-67, Hlinka Youth, corner blocks of four creating miniature, 2x set with rozdílnou location wmk, at value 2Ks+1Ks missing 1x LR corner blk-of-4; favourite U:A4
1942 Alb.N68-N71, Exhibition issue, complete set of imperforated stamps in vertical pairs, wmk P4 + separate pieces with margin, wmk P3; c.v.. 40.000Sk U:A5
1942 Alb.72-74, Postal Congress, corner blocks of four creating miniature; favourite U:A4
1942 Alb.73, Postal Congress 1,30 Koruna olive, vertical strip of 4 with upper margin, joined paper, sought by specialists; exp. by Sablatura U:A5
1942 Alb.75-80, Scholarship, complete set, corner blocks of four creating miniature; favourite U:A4
1943 Alb.84-86, Charitable stamps, corner blocks of four creating miniature; favourite U:A4
1943 Alb.87-89, Military, complete set, corner blocks of four creating miniature; value 1,30Ks+2Ks LL block of four minor gum fault, favourite U:A4
1942 Alb.N90-93, Railway, imperforated stmp in pairs (!), all owner's mark M.D.V.P./pošta, cat. Földes 44.000Sk, extraordinary offer, sought issue, in pairs rare! U:A5
1943 Alb.90-93, Railway, complete set, corner blocks of four creating miniature U:A4
1944 Alb.98-105, Princes, complete set, all corner blocks of four creating miniatures U:A4
1944 Alb.98-105, Princes, complete set, all corner blocks of four creating favourite miniatures U:A4
1944 Alb.111-114, sports, corner blocks of four creating miniature; value 2Ks+2Ks LL corner blk-of-4 small rusty stains, favourite U:A4
1939-45 smaller comp. of stamps., contains various complete also incomplete set, i.a. miniature sheet For Children-issue; c.v.. ca. 1.000Sk U:A4
1939 2x heavier commercial Reg letter with Alb.10 + Alb.24, Hlinka 1 Koruna in horiz. str-of-3, on one stamp. plate variety on/for TESTER - red line below "TA" in the word "POST"; c.v.. doesn't report, R margin cut U:A5
1939 2x heavier commercial Reg letter, with 2x Alb.18, 3CZK, CDS BREZNO N. H. 11.IV.39, exact franking; in the middle vertical fold out of stmp, c.v.. 900SKK U:A5
1939 letter with Alb.24, Hlinka 1 Koruna in horiz. pair, on/for L stamp. plate variety on pos. 197 - blue line below and through/over L hodnový tie-on label, CDS DOBŠINA 30.VI.39 U:A5
1939 Reg letter with Alb.9 + Alb.24, Hlinka 1 Koruna (4x), on one stamp. plate variety on/for TESTER - "stain" below "CZECH REPUBLIC", CDS ZVOLEN 1/ 20.VI.39, on reverse label "Úradne otvorené for devízovej control" U:A5
1939-48 comp. 10 pcs of entires, contains i.a. 8 pcs of Reg letters with jednoduchými also mixed frankings postage stmp, interesting CDS, for example. MAKOV 28.III.44, STAŠKOV 10.IV.43, JANOVA LEHOTA 23.III.44 etc.., all small post + 2 pcs of PC, 1x pictorial PC CDV4/24, Lubochňa kúpele + 1x CDV2, Hlinka 50h; interesting selection of U:A5
1940-41 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with delivery stamps, 1x franked by stmp 2,50 Koruna + 50h with red forerunner Czechosl. stamp. 50h, CDS ZVOLEN 6.11.40 + 1x franked by stmp 1,50 Koruna + 2x 50h + 10 and Delivery stmp 50h, Alb.DR1, CDS Bratislava 1/ 25.XI.41; off. non-philatelic mailing, interesting U:A5
1941 2 pcs of Reg and airmail letter to USA, color franking postage also airmail stamps, CDS PIEŠŤANY, censorship mark "PRESKÚŠANÉ"; nice quality U:A5
1943 letter sent from child camp KLV (Kinderlandverschickung) to Germany, franked with. postage stmp 2 Koruna, CDS VELKÝ SĹAVKOV 30.XI.43, on reverse blue cancel. KLV-LAGER SLO/144/, passed through censorship, incl. content; in Slovakia existovalo through/over 300 camps for German children, interesting also as historical document U:A5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 26 pcs of entires, contains i.a. 1x Registered and Express letter, 6x Reg letter, 1x Express letter, part addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, part Us censorship, various franking; various quality U:O5
1940 JABLONKA - ZABRANÉ A RETURNED TERRITORY TESTER to Protectorate, franked with. air stamp. 3 Koruna + 2 Koruna + 50h, CDS JABLONKA 22.I.40, passed through German censorship without attributes of air forwarding.; good condition U:A5
1943-44 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 16 pcs of airmail entires, all first flights., převažně letters, some Reg and airmail, 1x R-Ex-Let, for example. Bratislava-Prešov, Prešov-Bratislava, part passed through censorship; various quality U:O5
1939 Alb.NV1-9, complete set, all UL corner blocks of four; all exp. by Novotny U:A5
1939 Alb.NV1-9, complete set, all UR corner blocks of four; c.v.. 1.000Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.NV4, NV7, NV8, NV9, Newspaper stamps with overprint, 4 pair corner blk-of-4 with plate number, value 1Ks plate number 1-37, 50h + 20h + 9h TESTER, part exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 4.400Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.NV10, 12-15, 17-18, comp. 8 pcs of complete 100-stamps sheets, contains without watermark values 2h + 7h + 9h + 12h, minor gum fault, with fold + with wmk values 2x 10h + 1x 20h + 25h; c.v.. 2.400Sk U:A3v–
1939 Alb.NV14Xy, 20Y, 22, value 10h red-brown, without watermark, vertical grid + 50h brown, wmk P3, incl. retouch numeral(s) on pos. 9 + 2 Koruna green, wmk p1, all corner blocks of four creating miniature; nice selection of U:A5
1943 Alb.NV23-28, Newspaper stamps, complete set, corner blocks of four creating miniature; favourite U:A4
1943 Alb.NV23, 25, 26, comp. 8 pcs of bloks of four with unofficial perforation, various shifts and double and multiple perf U:A5
1939 comp. 2 pcs of address cut-squares Volnobežné newspaper, 1x with mixed franking of czechosl. Newspaper stamps stamp. Pigeon-issue 5h, Pof.NV15 and Slovak stamp. Hlinka, Alb.24, 27, railway pmk BOHUMÍN - KOŠICE 22.IV.39, other piece franked with. newspaper stamp. 1Ks, Alb.NV21 with CDS BRATISLAVA 1.VII.39; only several folds U:A4
1939 Alb.D1-10x, 5h - 5 Koruna, LL corner pieces with plate number 1, horiz. grid gum; c.v.. 2.243Sk U:A5
1939 Alb.D1-12y, complete set, all LL corner 4 blocks with plate number 1, vertical grid gum, Alb.D5 with plate variety 81, D7 with plate variety 92, D12 with plate variety 81; c.v.. 1.7940Sk U:A4
1939 Alb.D1-12y, complete set, all LL corner pieces with plate mark, vertical grid gum; Alb.D5 minor gum fault, D9 bend in LL corner U:A5
1939 Alb.D3z, D4Xy, value 20h, LR corner blk-of-4 with plate mark 1, without watermark, vertical grid + value 30h, LL corner blk-of-4, without watermark, smooth gum, in margin perf folded paper U:A5
1942 Alb.13-27, complete set, all LL corner pieces with plate number 1 and 2 U:A5
1942 Alb.D15, issue II value 40h with full machine offset U:A5
1943 service letter where postal-charge 1,30 Koruna paid receiver, mounted Postage due stamps 2 issues, Alb.D7 2x, D13, CDS NÁMESTOVO 22.III.43, Postage due stamp cancelled arrival CDS BRATISLAVA 23.III.43; good condition, nice mixed franking U:A5
1940 Alb.PD1-2Y, Postage due stmp 1Ks and 2 Koruna with overprint Paušalovaná potravná tax; c.v.. 700SKK U:A5
1940 Alb.PD1Y, Postage due stmp 1Ks with overprint Paušalovaná potravná tax, LR corner blk-of-4; c.v.. 1.400Sk U:A5
1940 postcard High Tatras with Murgaš 1,20 Koruna, train post ŠTRPSKÉ PLESO - POPRAD 14.5.40, addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, label Slovakotour 20h, perf 12½;, passed through censorship U:A5
1941 POSTAL AGENCY ZAVAR (VELKÉ BRESTOVANY) commercial PC f. Smekal and son, CDS TRNAVA 4.XI.41, transit VELKÉ BRESTOVANY 8.XI.41, violet framed pmk Postal Agency ZAVAR (VELKÉ BRESTOVANY), postmaster's note "SPÄT/ZOMREL"; oblique fold in LR corner U:A5
1941-45 comp. 9 pcs of entires FP, 4x card, 3x letter, 1x sent to FP, various censorship mark., various FP-postmark., for example. No. 8, 16, 51; various quality, part stains, folds U:A5
1939-45 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 70 pcs of entires Slovak Rep., various frankotypes on/for official tiskopisech; various quality U:O4
1944-45 TRANSPORT ZASTAVENA comp. 2 pcs of letters with straight line pmk from period of Slovak National Uprising and osvobozovacích fights in Slovakia, 1x letter addressed to from Prešov to Bratislava, CDS PREŠOV 16.X.44, 1x letter sent from Novej Baňe on/for Spiš with CDS NOVÁ BAŇA 16.III.45; good condition, rare usage U:A5
1938 TRANSPORT SUSPENDED PC CDV65, Coat of arms 50h, to Karlovy Vary, CDS VRÚTKY 30.IX.38, sent back, black straight line postmark "RETURN STYK ZASTAVEN"; wrinkled UL corner U:A5
1940 comp. 2 pcs of congratulatory telegrams incl. envelopes, 1x bilingual text; good condition U:A4