1944 FRANCE/ FOREIGN MAIL selection of 22 pcs of French stamps with revolutionary overprints, various color overprints, 1x value 50C in horiz. pair; interesting selection of
1944-45 RIMAVSKÁ SOBOTA, ŽILINA 12 pcs of Hungarian stamp. with red overprint "Czechoslovak Post." from Rimavská Sobota + 15 pcs of Slovak stamp. with blue and black overprint "ČESKOSLOVENSKO" originate from Žilina
1945 FRÝDEK comp. of 2 sets protetorátních stamp. after/around 34 pcs of with overprint "OSVOBOZENI/ star" FRÝDEK I and "OSVOBOZENI/ star + lion" FRÝDEK II, in addition set newspaper stmp., total 76 pcs of stamp. supplemented with Bohemian and Moravian PC with overprint and CDS FRIEDECK 1/ 2.V.45
1945 OLOMOUC comp. 6 pcs of numbered miniature sheets with stamp. Olomouckého issue Moravská eagle, all values incl. 120h green with anulací round hole in plate
1945 Reg letter franked with. 5 pcs of stamp. A. Hitler. with overprint "Czechoslovakia NÁR. COMMITTEE POLNÁ 5.V. 1945", posting nationalized cancel. POLNÁ 9.V.45, on reverse arrival postmark IGLAU1/ 15.V.45; philatelically motivated, but Us mailing
1945 comp. 6 pcs of letters, from that 4x with with overprint + 2x provisional, 1x with provisory cancel. 28.VIII.45 + comp. of stamps with overprints "Č.S.R. NÁR. COMMITTEE POLNÁ 5.V.1945" and "PRAVDAVÍTĚZÍ"; part letters philatelically motivována
1945 comp. 11 pcs of letters with provisory postmarks, i.a. NĚMECKÝ BROD, POST OFFICE ZAHRÁDKY U ČES. LÍPY, frame ČESKÁ LÍPA, Chřibská, BOR U Č. LÍPY, etc..; various quality
1945-46 comp. 6 pcs of Reg entires from Silesia, provisional postmark and Reg labels CUKMANTL VE S., ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN, ORLOVÁ, TŘEMEŠNÁ VE S., KRNOV, various franking, 1x cash paid; good condition
1945-46 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 30 pcs of entires with provisory postmarks, from that through/over 20 pcs of as Registered, provisional registry labels i.a. FRÝDBERK, ÚSTÍ N. L., ROPICE, PROSTÉJOV, CHEB, ŠTERNBERK, etc.., good condition
Pof.353-359, comp. of 14 expressive plate variety (11 catalogued), then production flaw - significant shift pin hole, 1x value 1,50 Koruna with mixed pin hole; all described
1945 comp. 5 pcs of letters with Košice-issue, i.a. 1x commercial Reg letter with 9K, Pof.357, CDS BARDEJOV 20.VI.45, 1x commercial Reg letter with 6 Koruna, Pof.356, CDS BARDEJOV 22.VI.45, etc..; viewing of quality recommended
1945 Pof.363, 365, 368, 369 and 371, Bratislava-issue, values 50h, 1,50 Koruna, 3 Koruna, 4 Koruna and 10K, comp. 7 pcs of multiblocks + 1 stmp, various printing and plate defects, for example. at value 10K crossed out inscription "Czechoslovakia" (pos. 31-34); interesting
1945 Pof.364-366, 369-371, Bratislava-issue, total 23 pcs of various blocks and pairs, selection of various plate variety, i.a. Pof.369B plate variety 188-98, then line nekatalogizovaných plate variety and production flaw; placed on stock-sheet A4
1945 Pof.381-386, Moscow-issue, comp. 9 pcs of counter sheet, value 5h plate A with DV42, on/for upper margin loose perf out of stmp, value 10h 2x counter sheet - light and dark color shade, value 20h plate A and B, value 50 plate B, value 1Kčs plate B and C, value 2Kčs plate A
1945 Pof.387, War Heroes 5h, block of four with lower margin, lower other oblique, partially double perf after/around two other úderech comb; on request exp. by Arbeit., decorative
1945 Pof.396OHZ, War Heroes 1,50CZK, two unfolded bnd-of-20 with plate number 1A and 1B, both inverted comb perforation; in this whole and status rare, on request exp. by Arbeit., c.v.. 9.600Kč
1947-53 comp. 10 pcs of plate variety and plate variety, part in blocks, contains i.a. Pof.494 with DO14/1, 495 with TESTER, 627 with TESTER, 653 with plate variety 46/1, 701 types I + II etc..; interesting selection of
1952 PLATE PROOF Pof.637, 644, 651, comp. of trial printings, 2x International Week of Youth 1,50Kčs + Solidarity Day liberated political prisoners 1,50Kčs light blue + blue + 2x May Day 3Kčs imperforate + unissued stmp Pioneer 1Kčs; cat. min. 7.000CZK
1945 comp. 7 pcs of entires, contains 3x letter, from that 2x as Registered + 1x Bohemian and Moravian certificate of mailing for telegram with stamp. War Heroes 1CZK + 3x smaller part dispatch-notes, with War Heroes and Portraits (2x as Registered, 1x Ex); all from zrušeného exhibit old currency
1945-48 comp. 8 pcs of entires franked/paid stamps issue "Portraits 1945", from that 4x Reg, 1x Ex-, 1x Reg and Express, 1x Let- and 1 pcs of with disallowed official stmp burdened with postage-due - postage due paid postage stamps this issue!; common quality
1951 Reg letter franked with. miniature sheet PRAGA 1950, Pof.A564 - type undetected, uprated by. block of four stamp. Pof.502, CDS JÁCHYMOV 1/ 13.II.51, format 23,7x19cm, wrinkled and on/for several places light torn envelope
1945-55[COLLECTIONS] semifinished study collection issues Moscow-issue, Bratislava-issue and Linden Leaves, less also other issue old currency, all described, placed in full 16-sheet stockbook, in addition in/at envelopes and paper bags big blocks and parts of sheets issues Moscow, Bratislava's and War Heroes, Linden Leaves, Portraits, Official 2 (from nichž was/were defects vytrhány, or aren't still elaborated) + on/for 23 album pages stamp. from period of 1953-55 (** also used), for example. Destinnová, various types, Pofis. A853-7B with plate variety stain on branches, interesting shades etc..; after/behind symbolical price
1947-53 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 38 pcs of letters old currency, contains i.a. 28 pcs of Reg letters with C.O.D., 9 pcs of Reg letters, to on letter exact franking; good condition, interesting selection of
1953 Pof.743-753, comp. 11 pcs of bloks of four in sequence jdoucích issues Julius Fučík, Miners' Day, Sjednocenátělovýchova, Day of Czechosl. Army and Congress Czechosl. obránců peace in Prague, all with in the middle postmark from official FDC, from ministerial darů; very interesting also for collector FDC, only by/on/at one stamp. Pof.753 small tearing at top, otherwise very fine, like that first-time offered
1954-1959 comp. 10 pcs of plate variety and plate variety, contains i.a. Pof.771 with TESTER, 979 with stain, 992 with TESTER, 1017 with DO3, 4/B, 1069 with plate variety 30/1 etc..; interesting selection of