1946INTERNAČNÍSTŘEDISKO - ZLÍN - RYBNÍKY PC Beneš 1,20CZK sent from detention centre, CDS 25.VI.46, supplemented with censorship cancel. VYŠETŘUJÍCÍKOMISE District People's Committee VE ZLÍNĚ; viewing of quality recommended, interesting, lower fold
1949-53 OSTROV, HORNÍ SLAVKOV, ZBÝŠOV comp. 3 pcs of Ppc + 2 pcs of cards, 3x sent to prisoner, 2x from prisoner, passed through censorship; viewing of quality recommended, interesting
1945[COLLECTIONS] MOSCOW-ISSUE Pof.381-386, set of all values in/at color shades in blocks of four, contains 50 plate variety in blocks (35 catalogued), 1x at value 20h and 2 Koruna quite omitted upper perforation, various shifts perf, omitted perforation hole, different gum, etc..; interesting selection of
1945-75[COLLECTIONS] wide basic collection, incl. miniature sheets, contains i.a. Košice gutter, large crosses viewing of quality recommended, Partizánské souvenir sheets, miniature sheet Zápotocký type II - berry, miniature sheet PRAGA 1962, so-called. "linen", etc..; all on hingeless album sheets, c.v.. ca. 60.000CZK, profitable price
1918-2001[COLLECTIONS] collection from y. 1918, from r.1945 complete, all souvenir sheets, some more times, various types, May 46 and Zápotocký both types, in addition Czech Republic and Slovakia 1993-2001, 2 big stockbooks; very fine, high catalogue value
1945-1992[COLLECTIONS] wide collection in 2 big albums Leitz - ca. 100 sheets, i.a. 4 blocks, coupons, ordinarily 1-2 x (later also more times) ** and ca. 4x used, several sheets (i.a. Guernica, Airmail 67), joined printings, etc..; from foreign estate, in no way unworked according to types, plate variety, fluorescent paper and without opticaly clearing agent papers and oths. specialities, evidentně very high catalogue value profitable!
1945-89[COLLECTIONS] interesting collection of plate flaws, production flaw and PLATE PROOF, contains i.a. PLATE PROOF Pof.545, 637, Pof.2113VV, 2241 with shifted perforation etc..; c.v.. ca. 25.000CZK, all identified and described, placed in 4-sheet full stockbook A4
1945-90[COLLECTIONS] specialized collection, lot of catalogue flaws, plate variety, plate variety, types, shades, block of four Pof.1564 with big shift colors and perf, very well elaborated dagger on issue Moscow-issue, posuna, some counter sheet, also own poznatky; cat. only catalogued flaws more than 22.000CZK, other matters of interest excluded from sum, in 16-sheet stockbook A4, very good condition
1945-92[COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps, without Košice miniature sheets and gutter, contains i.a. souvenir sheets Praga 50, 52, Bratislava 52, Praga 62, so-called. Praga 1962, Pof.PL1216, then souvenir sheets, blocks, PB Art incomplete; on hingeless sheets + box detached/free ložených stamps with duplication etc..; in cardboard box
1960-89[COLLECTIONS] specialized collection various sorts papers + several plate variety, contains i.a. Pof.1928 optically cleared paper, 2303 fluorescing paper 1, complete set Postage due stmp with Pof.D102 fluorescing paper 1, D103 optically cleared paper, then Pof.L76 optically cleared paper, L59 with coupon, optically cleared paper, etc..; c.v.. ca. 25.000CZK
1945-85 COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., accumulation, various annual volumes, contains blocks of four, lot of PB, various sets, etc.., used, mint never hinged stamps mainly from y. 1945-53; placed in 7 stockbooks A4 from that 4x pérový stockbook + several album sheets, all in cardboard box, total over 17kg of material
145-1989 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., without more valuable miniature sheets, contains i.a. Pof.PL913, 1018, 1023, 1025, minimum part used; placed in two 12-listových and one 16-sheet stockbook A4
1918-90 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection of stamps CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., contains i.a. Pof.1574-8, A2747 A-C, various souvenir sheets and blocks, partially divided according to motives, smaller part stamp. also CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 and Protectorate, used also mint never hinged; placed on ca. 60 stock-sheets in cardboard box
1942-92 [COLLECTIONS] a lot of of material, contains značný number PC, p.stat, letters, FDC, then memorial postmark, used stamps in/at stockbooks and in paper bags, semifinished collection on album sheets with descriptions + 3 exhibition exponáty:Ropa and her usage + Vývojchemie + Invalidé, exponáty elaborated always on/for 80 pages with descriptions; all placed in big cardboard box, total over 27Kg of material
1945 [COLLECTIONS] gift ministry album to return E. Beneš to Czechoslovakia with stamp. Košice-issue, without value 1,50 Koruna + comp. 3 pcs of CDV; interesting
1945-2000 [COLLECTIONS] larger quantity of of material Us stamps, mainly cuts, smaller part/-s dispatch-notes, mostly CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 from period of 1960-80 + little box with cut-squares various stamps, mostly motives, Czechoslovakia also abroad; total over 4kg of material
1952-90 [COLLECTIONS] collection date print, total 140 various date, often in big entireties, 20-, also blk-of-40, suitable also to searching plate flaws, very contains a lot of 50-léta, for example. Sport 1952 completely in blk-of-20, some in blocks nevídané; placed in full 16-sheet stockbook A4
1960-92[COLLECTIONS] big accumulation printing sheet - printing sheets, considerable lot of, index inserted + PB WWF - all used; estate of dealer, výsoký catalogue, in cardboard box, 10kg of material
1960-89 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 25 pcs of complete counter sheet, contains i.a. Pof.PA1543, Guernica, Pof.2889, 4x from that 2x without bottom perf otvoru, Pof.1586 Bratislava and oths.
1945-80 [COLLECTIONS] larger comp. ca. 300 pcs of pictorial post cards CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92., Us also Un, various sets, high catalogue value + ca. 70 pcs of entires mainly from y. 1960-70, various interesting frankings; in cardboard box
1960-1993[COLLECTIONS] big accumulation of material after/around businessman, contains considerable lot of entires, i.a. ca. 3.000ks PC and envelopes from 70-let, suitable for other examining + ca. 2.000 pcs of FDC from 80. years + 22 pcs of FDC Prague castle 1993 with red and black postmarks + accumulation first day sheets Socfilex 82, ca. 400 pcs of, low number, suitable for other examining, then envelope/-s with additional-printing and selection of aerogram; all in cardboard box, total over 25kg of material
1911-1996 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 62 pcs of mainly air-mail letters sent with Chile and Brazil to Czechoslovakia, part from period of Czechoslovakia I.; various quality
1945-1950 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 200 pcs of letters, larger part Reg or, Reg and Express letters, part with C.O.D., various franking, part provisory, etc..; placed in cover, part mounted, various quality, profitable
1945-46 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 50 pcs of entires + 7 pcs of commemorative sheets, it contains e.g. Reg letters with franking stamp. issue Košice-issue, London-issue and Bratislava-issue, then PC Košice-issue, several cut-squares with stamps and commemorative sheets
1945-50 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 150 pcs of entires, mainly commercial correspondence from y. 1946-49, big part as Registered, Ex, supplemented with several air entires, several entires Czechosl. FP in England; various quality
1945-68 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 100 pcs of various entires, mainly addressed to abroad, contains revolutionary issue, provisory, air-mail issue, p.stat, supplemented with 3 pcs of miniature sheets 1x Kosice with plate variety "paw", 2x Exile miniature sheet etc..; various quality, interesting
1945-70 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 175 pcs of meter stmp, various frankotypes, mainly from Slovak territory + selection of postal blank forms, certificates of mailing and telegrams from Slovak territory; in cardboard box
1945-80[COLLECTIONS] SLOVAKIA exhibit "parcel post in Slovakia after/around 1945", contains various parcel dispatch-note with frankings, incl. description, placed on exhibition pages in cardboard box; interesting
1947-90 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 500 pcs of FDC from y. 1947-87 + p.stat PC from 40.-80 years + 2x post. order card CDV31 and 32g + air-mail entires - balloon flights from y. 1968-78, 20 pcs of; in cardboard box
1960-2000 [COLLECTIONS] RAILWAYS collection of entires with motive of railways with special postmark and Reg label, i.a. 150. years railway Olomoucko-pražské, 100 years track Opava - Chuchelná, etc.., all placed on 93 hingeless album pages + stockbook A4 with motive of MOŘE, various stamp countries, part used also mint never hinged
1970-81 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 70 pcs of postal stationery cover, CDV, FDC and envelopes, contains i.a. 3 pcs of special envelopes Presidential Election, ca. 10 pcs of postal stationery cover gift issue for hosty with red postmarks, as ministerial FDC, envelope/-s inquiry philately, Common Space Flight SSR-ČSSR 78, Constitution Czechoslovakia 1948, air-mail envelope/-s Praga 78 etc..
1970-90 [COLLECTIONS] big accumulation PC, considerable lot of, small part Un + aerograms; estate of dealer, through/over 35kg of material, very low price, only personal taking-delivery Brno!
1945 CDV73, 74, Košice-issue, comp. 2 pcs of PC, 1x CDV73, 1,50 Koruna sent as Reg, CDS SABINOV 17.III.45, censorship mark., exp. by Sablatura + 1x CDV74, 1,50 Koruna sent as Reg and Express in the place, CDS KOŠICE 1, passed through censorship, arrival postmark KOŠICE 2/ 23.III.45; good condition
1945 CDV79/11, Rázus - Sliač 1Ks, Slovak pictorial PC with red machine overprint "Czechoslovakia", addressed to to Austria, uprated with stamp issue Bratislava's 1 Koruna violet, CDS BÁNSKÁ BYSTRICA 23.XI.45; good condition
1965 CDV150, Novotný 30h, significantly shifted cut (!), sent as Reg in the place, uprated with stamp Pof.1320, CDS PRAGUE 12/ 12.IV.65, minor faults. - on/for several places dented paper; definitely interesting
1956 [COLLECTIONS] selection of Un PC CDV131, No. 2, 3, 4, 5, incomplete + CDV 136 + used CDV 100 Defenders of Peace, missing number 9 and 20 + CZA3, CZA3a
1978COB53, PRAGA 1978 - balloon from Prague, omitted print blue-green color on/for all sides frame envelope/-s (!), catalogue doesn't report; for comparison including common piece and written expression p. Šilhána from r.1979; quite rare offer
1989 CSO7 production flaw, Prague castle, comp. 10 pcs of ministerial envelopes, from that 9 pcs of PLATE PROOF, various stages of print, shifts, other color, etc.., 1 pcs of incl. PF in/at konečném making; quite rare collection
1945-46 CPL5a, 5b, Hlinka 50h with overprint Czechoslovakia, comp. 9 pcs of Slovak certificates of mailing Hlinka 50h, from that 4x Us uprated with stamp Bratislava's 50h, various CDS, 5 pcs of Un, various color and varieties overprints; good condition
1945-70[COLLECTIONS] accumulation pictorial post cards Beneš from y. 1945-48, various sets, all more times + wide collection mainly pictorial post cards after/around year 1945, ca. 1.200ks, Un also used; a lot of of material, in cardboard box, total 9kg of material
1978-80 [COLLECTIONS] CDV179-180, 190-193, Prague, Bratislava, collection of ca. 2500 pcs of PC, Us also Un, color, plate variety, printing varieties, added-print and oths.; placed in box, total 7kg of material, suitable for examining, offered after/behind profitably low price!