1957-1990 Pof.941, 1937, 2642, selection of 37 complete sheets, some A also B, otherwise any other one, it contains e.g. Pof.941 A, B; 1543; 1780 with plate variety; 1786A, B; 1937 A, B; 1953-54 2x; 1990 with plate variety; 2066; 2091-2; 2140; 2400ya (!) A, B with plate variety; 2639 A, B; 2640 A, B, 2642 A, B; 2785 with plate variety; L86 with plate variety etc..; cat. only basic stamps 5.260Kč, plate variety and plate variety excluded from sum, in addition free also Pof.2066 and 2091-2 used commemorative postmarks
1957 Pof.957, Tatra National Park 60h, vertical strip of 5 with R margin, in R part significant incomplete-printing green die stamping on all pane positions (on/for every always poněkud other); interesting
1958-9 Pof.979, 983, 992, 1069, selection of plate variety, contains Pof.979, marginal block-of-8, on/for three pos. variously significant "klínek" in UR corner + Pof.983 with plate variety 11/2 + Pof.992 with plate variety 10/2 + Pof.1069 with TESTER and 30/1; cat. min. 750CZK
1959-73 Pof.1064, 1663, comp. of stamps with 9 signatures author, it contains e.g. Pof.1064, signature Prague + Pof.1663, desetipás with date of print, signature Hegar, Schmidt + Pof.1758, blk-of-10 with date of print and signature Hudeček, Mráček + Pof.1810, corner blk-of-6 and pair, signature Svolinský, jirka + Pof.1828, corner blk-of-4, signature Hegar + PL2050-51, podpsi Schmidt
1959 Pof.1091X, Novotný 30h, 1. issue, vertical pair, paper light slightly broken from production before/(in front of) opatřením gum (!), curiosity + 1x used stmp; all exp. by Karasek., very profitable, c.v.. normal stamp. 5.800CZK
1960 Pof.1104xb, Castles and castles 30h green, optically cleared paper; exp. by Weissenstein., for comparison including ordinary piece; c.v.. 6.000CZK
1961 Cyril Bouda: stamp design Pof.1202 Agricultural plodiny, value 1,40Kčs Kukuřice, printing by pencil, format 12x18cm, with dedication and with signature of author
1961 Cyril Bouda: stamp design Pof.1216 "linen" to/at World exhibition PRAGA 1962, value 5Kčs, 2 skicy by pencil on paper, upper ca. format 16,5x8cm, the bottom ca. 15,5x7cm, with dedication and with signature of author
1961PLATE PROOF Pof.1219, 1221, 1222, Butterflies 30H, 60h, 80h, marginal plate proofs, 30h in black color on stamp paper with original gum, exp. by Gilbert., 60h and 80h in red and black color on common paper, rare!
1961 PLATE PROOF Pof.1223, Butterflies 1CZK, 2 pcs of, marginal and corner plate proof, imperforated, in/at green-blue color on stamp paper with original. gum and with wmk; resp. in original colors (print from all 4 plate) on stamp paper with original. gum, rare!
1961 Butterflies, 2x gravure "otakárekfenyklový" from J. Schmidt, design M. Švabinský, black print and coloured print with signature J. Schmidt; motive used for stamp Pof.1220, made only 50 prints!
1961Butterflies, gravure "jasoňčervenooký" from J. Schmidt, design M. Švabinský, coloured print with signature J. Schmidt; motive used for stamp Pof.1219, made only 50 prints!
1961Butterflies, 2x gravure "babočka admiral" from J. Schmidt, design M. Švabinský, black print and coloured print with signature J. Schmidt; motive used for stamp Pof.1224, made only 50 prints!
1962 Pof.1269VV, Congress FIP 1,60Kčs, production flaw - vynechán print asterisk part of edition by/on/at pos. 1; c.v.. Pofis significantly misvalues, minor gum fault
1963 Pof.1298DV, 80 years National theatre, block of four with plate variety on pos. 32/ plate 2 + corner blk-of-8 with plate variety on pos. 15/ plate 1 and still nepopsanými errors/flaws on pos. 19 (horiz. line bet. ČESKOS-LOVENSKO" and pos. 20 (horiz. dvojtečka after/behind C. Bouda)
1964 Pof.1371, 1372, 1373, 1376, Space Exploration, comp. 6 pcs of plate marks and 2 pcs of plate variety, 2x str-of-3, 3x pair and 2 single stamp., all corner, several pcs with date of print, interesting, cat. min. 920CZK
1965-1969 comp. 10 pcs of plate variety and plate variety, contains i.a. Pof.1474 with TESTER, 1487 with plate variety 36/1, 1550 with TESTER and 3/2, 1755 with TESTER etc..; interesting selection of
1966Pof.1564, Města-Telč 50h, block of four with significant shift ochre color and perf to picture of stmp., fluorescing paper 1; good condition luminiscence; c.v.. 3.200CZK
1966 Pof.1568, 1570-73, Game, value 1,20Kčs with plate variety 40/1, value 80h ST I+II+I, color shades values 40h, 1Kčs and 2Kčs; interesting selection of
1945-1983 Pof.PL1574,A2597B, interesting selection of various plate variety and production flaw, contains i.a. Pof.PL1574 with TESTER - "Slza", block of four Pofis. 2111xa, etc..
1966L.Fulla - Recruit, engraver trial picture stamp., Pof.1578, from the first issue Art, in black color with signature of engraver Herčík on hand-made paper, format 15x21cm
1968 Pof.S1682-87, S1688-93, New Prague + Old Prague, both complete issue in vertical gutter-pairs (stamp. + K + stamp. + K), also with both PB; cat. min. 640CZK
1970 Pof.1823 and 1825, Lada, value 60h in/at block of 6 with plate variety on pos. 20/TD 1 + 3 pcs of multiblocks 1,80Kčs with plate variety on pos. 2,3/ plate 1, pos. 24/TD 1 and pos. 2/ plate 1 incl. incomplete-printing frame, smoke and month /part nákladu/
1972 Pof.1961ST +1962ST, Czechoslovakia MISTREMSVĚTA, upper corner blocks of four, value 60h 2x combination types, IV. + V. type and plate variety; value 1Kčs 2x combination types I. + type III.; very fine
1972 Pof.1965xa production flaw, 10Kčs Vernacular Architecture, block of four with R margin, two vertical blue bands over both stamp. right pair stamp.
1975 Pof.2129DO, Zničené community 1,20Kčs, lower corner blok of 4, on pos. 35/2 "in/at růži cut notch", earlier type II., resp. combination types; cat. min. 600CZK
1975 Pof.2144-46, Aquarium Fishes 1,20Kčs, 1,60Kčs and 2Kčs, comp. of 3 plate variety and 2 retouch, 3x horizontal pair; cat. min. 850CZK; all described
1976Pof.PL2229VV, Art 2Kčs Kytice - J. Brueghel, imperforated PB, with original gum, new discovery (!), for the first time in auction, c.v.. Pofis doesn't report, mint never hinged, exceedingly interesting