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1909 CRETE postcard to Bohemia with 10c/10H, Mi.15, CDS SMYRNA/ OESTERR. POST/ 21.6.09, cat. Ferchenbauer 200€ U:A5
1869 LEVANT 3So + 25So on small cut square, Mi.V20, 6, CDS SMIRNE 12.6.69; with certificate Sottoriva, fine U:A5
1902 LEVANT Mi.1a-5a, 6xa-14xa, Postage due stmp, 2 complete set, in addition 2 pcs of 10Pia used; cat. over 400€ U:A5
1908 LEVANT Mi.6-14, Postage due stmp, complete set; only stamp. 2Pia light hinged pa label U:A5
1908 LEVANT Mi.14xa, Postage due stmp 30Pia, block of four; attractive piece, certificate Ferchenbauer. U:A5
1914/1916 SERBIA Mi.1-21, complete set with overprint SERBIA; part **, catalogue value for hinged 320€ U:A5
1916 SERBIA Mi.22-42, complete set with overprint SERBIA, in addition 3x cut with FP-postmark.; cat. only stamp. 134€ U:A5
1867-1908 [COLLECTIONS] LEVANT, CRETE rozsáhlejší collection of stamps, rather complete, contains better pieces; on 4 two-sided full stock-sheets A4, high cat. according to owner., cat. Ferchenbauer 5.450€ U:O4