Public Auction 39 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Hradcany Issue - Trial Prints

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151710 -  PLATE PROOF 20 pcs of various values and drawings in black
PLATE PROOF 20 pcs of various values and drawings in black color, Pof.1-26, on/for ordinary browny paper without gum, c.v.. 3.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
151711 -  PLATE PROOF 21 pcs of various values and drawings in black
PLATE PROOF 21 pcs of various values and drawings in black color, Pof.1-26, on chalky paper without gum, value 20h and 1000h uncleared cliché, c.v.. 3.650CZK
Starting price: CZK
151766 -  trial print 3h in original color on chalky paper, 5h in bro
trial print 3h in original color on chalky paper, 5h in brown color on chalky paper, 10h in original color on chalky paper, 20h in various colors on common paper, 30h in/at shades yellow from that 2x on stamp paper with gum, 120h in red color on chalky paper, Pof.2, 4, 5, 9N, 13N, 21, mainly all hint, c.v.. 3.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
150646 -  PLATE PROOF value 5h, horizontal pair, plate proof, 5. prin
PLATE PROOF value 5h, horizontal pair, plate proof, 5. printing with nedotištěnou right stmp, plate 3, pos. 53, 54, black print on carton paper, before/(in front of) opravou 4. spiral; rare
Starting price: CZK
150649 -  PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / value 5h, plate proof, corner blk-
PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / value 5h, plate proof, corner blk-of-4 with dlouhým R margin, design E. Carl, black print, 2. printing, on/for newspaper paper; rare occurrence in block
Starting price: CZK
151765 -  trial print 10h and 50h, Pof.5, 15, 16, value 10h 5 pcs of,
trial print 10h and 50h, Pof.5, 15, 16, value 10h 5 pcs of, hluborisk in various barvach, from that 2x stamp. paper with gum, value 50h III. printing, recess printing in red color on common paper + 3 pcs of 50h V. printing in/at shades blue on common paper without gum; all hints, c.v.. ca. 2.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
149880 -  trial print 10h, comp. 7 pcs of proof print in/at hlubotisk
trial print 10h, comp. 7 pcs of proof print in/at hlubotisku, various color
Starting price: CZK
151006 -  PLATE PROOF Pof.5, 10h, comp. 5 pcs of plate proofs, Neotyp
PLATE PROOF Pof.5, 10h, comp. 5 pcs of plate proofs, Neotypie (gravure-print) in various colors
Starting price: CZK
150200 -  PLATE PROOF  values 10h, comp. 6 pcs of, from that 3 pcs of
PLATE PROOF values 10h, comp. 6 pcs of, from that 3 pcs of in black color (2x on/for white and 1x browny paper) + 3 pcs of in/at green color on color papers (1x laková color)
Starting price: CZK
150177 -  trial print 10h, slate grey color, chalky paper, exp. by Ka
trial print 10h, slate grey color, chalky paper, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
150194 -  trial print 10h, rose color, chalky paper, exp. by Gilbert
trial print 10h, rose color, chalky paper, exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
150961 -  PLATE PROOF Pof.6, value 10h, block of four, comp. 2 pcs of
PLATE PROOF Pof.6, value 10h, block of four, comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs; on various papers without gum
Starting price: CZK
150647 -  PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / value 20h, plate proof, horizontal
PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / value 20h, plate proof, horizontal strip of 3 with L margin, design E. Carl, black print, 2. printing, on paper without gum; rare occurrence in block
Starting price: CZK
151703 -  trial print 20h, V. printing, Pof.9, comp. 15 pcs of in var
trial print 20h, V. printing, Pof.9, comp. 15 pcs of in various colors on/for white stamp paper with gum, without perf, all hint
Starting price: CZK
151708 -  trial print 300h and 20h (2 pcs of), IV. and V. printing, P
trial print 300h and 20h (2 pcs of), IV. and V. printing, Pof.23, 9, comp. 8 pcs of with lower margin and control-numbers in various colors on/for white stamp paper with gum, without perf, all hint
Starting price: CZK
150302 -  PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of čenotisků, values 10h, 20h and
PLATE PROOF comp. 3 pcs of čenotisků, values 10h, 20h and 25h; on reverse hinged
Starting price: CZK
150123 -  trial print 30h, selection of 18 pcs of, from that 3 pcs of
trial print 30h, selection of 18 pcs of, from that 3 pcs of in black color (1x chalky, 1x white, 1x browny paper) + 15 pcs of in yellow-brown color on maculature paper, various color shades, 2x block of four
Starting price: CZK
149882 -  PLATE PROOF comp. 8 pcs of plate proofs issue Hradčany, va
PLATE PROOF comp. 8 pcs of plate proofs issue Hradčany, values 3h-50h, various color + trial overprint stamp. I. provisional air mail stmp. 24CZK/ 500h
Starting price: CZK
150124 -  trial print 40h, comp. 13 pcs of, from that 3 pcs of in bla
trial print 40h, comp. 13 pcs of, from that 3 pcs of in black color (1x chalky, 1x white, 1x browny paper) + 10 pcs of in red color on maculature paper, various color shades, 1x block of four, 1x laková color
Starting price: CZK
150126 -  trial print 50h, comp. 10 pcs of, from that 3 pcs of in bla
trial print 50h, comp. 10 pcs of, from that 3 pcs of in black color (1x strong carton, 1x white, 1x browny paper) + 7 pcs of in violet color on maculature paper, various color shades, 1x double impression
Starting price: CZK
151707 -  trial print 300h, IV. printing, Pof.23, selection of 18 pcs
trial print 300h, IV. printing, Pof.23, selection of 18 pcs of in various colors on/for white stamp paper with gum, without perf, all hint
Starting price: CZK
151764 -  trial print 300h, Pof.23, comp. 3 pcs of, pairs in/at green
trial print 300h, Pof.23, comp. 3 pcs of, pairs in/at green, violet and brown color on stamp paper with gum, c.v.. 1.800CZK
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 39 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Hradcany Issue - Trial Prints - Information

18. 12. 1918  Hradčany - zkusmé tisky (ZT)

Vyskytuje se mnoho návrhů, zkusmých tisků poštovních známek emise Hradčany v různých barvách, na různých druzích papíru s lepem i bez lepu, část i s perforací. Lze rozlišit dvě základní skupiny zkusmých tisků (ZT):

První skupina zahrnuje zkusmé tisky, které byly zhotovené před začátkem tisku a sloužily k přípravě návrhu jednotlivých kreseb, hodnot, barev - výrobních postupů, nebo ke zjištění vad na tiskových deskách (TD) - obvykle v černé barvě.

Druhá skupina obsahuje zkusmé tisky zhotovené souběžně s tiskem známek, které sloužily ke zjištění stavu tiskových desek po jejich opravě či vyčištění.

Zkoušely se i různé varianty zoubkování.