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1867 Mi.37 II, 5 Kreuzer red, fine print, on small cut-square, red (!) CDS KASSEJOWITZ/ 8.6. TESTER print, cat. Ferchenbauer 350€ U:A5
1867 Mi.37I, 5 Kreuzer red, horizontal pair, CDS SPALATO COL VAPORE; certificate Babor U:A5
1867-81 comp. 6 pcs of entires with VI. issue and posted in Silesia, contains i.a. letter franked with. 2 + 3 Kreuzer rough print with CDS PETROWITZ, Reg letter franked with. 4 pcs of stamp. 5 Kreuzer with CDS TESCHEN, 1x folded letter with blue CDS FREUDENTHAL, 1x straight line postmark TROPPAU, 1x postal stationery cover 5 Kreuzer with CDS ODERBERG; good condition U:A5
1869 2 pcs of reply forms to Prague, 1x with Franz Joseph 5 Kreuzer red, Mi.37 + 1x with 10Kr blue, Mi.38; rarer franking 5 Kreuzer, folded U:A5
1881 Reg letter to Salzburk over German territory, with 2x Mi.38, 10Kr blue, CDS SCHLAKENWERTH, label "Vom Auslande/ über Bahnpost/ EGER-REGENSBURG", at the back arrival cancel; rare transport route over German territory U:A5
1881 Reg letter sent from Velvary to Prague, with Mi.36 in horizontal strip of 5, CDS VELVARY 25.9.81, arrival cancel; small tearing in top margin, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.050€ U:A5
1883 bill with stmp VI. issue 10Kr, Mi.38, used as revenue!, cancel. district office; archiving folds, interesting usage U:A5
1867-80 [COLLECTIONS] small collection with basic sets stamp. issue 1867, shifts perf, supplemented with 14 pcs of entires, from that 2x big dispatch-note, blank form/-s, money letter, R, postal stationery cover, etc..; all on 15 pages A4 with descriptions U:Z
1867-83 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 25 pcs of letters + 1x receipt with stamp. VI. issue, contains several Reg letters, various single, multiple also multicolor frankings; nice selection of, good condition U:O5