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1907 violet framed pmk Postal Agency VELKÉ KUNČICE on Ppc franked with. postage stmp 5h, train post BIELITZ-HULLEIN 73/ 10.X.07, as well interesting postcard Velké Kunčice; good condition U:A5
1911-15 2 larger parts of dispatch-notes and 4 pcs of cut-squares with issue 1908 with perfins "G&Co". Maxa G12 with CDS WÜRBENTHAL, perfin "F.S.", Maxa F64 with CDS JÄGERNDORF, on cuts perfin "R.F.", Maxa R23 with CDS JÄGERNDORF, "G.H.", Maxa G18 with CDS TROPPAU, 2x "E.R.", Maxa E39 with CDS ZUCKMANTEL; good condition U:A5
1908 K.u.K.. MARINEDETACHEMENT IN BEIJING, black double circle cancel with date 30.VII.08 on franked colored picture postcard of a mine in Tongshanu in north China, addressed to Bohemia; good condition U:A5
1914 S.M. SCHIFF "RADETZKY" + FIELD-POST, line violet rubber hand stamp on/for uncashed postcard Kotor sent to Bohemia, round FP-postmark 3.VIII.1914, the third day activity/-ies FP (!); bumped corners U:A5
1916-18 S.M.B.52, violet oval pmk with coats of arms + S.M.S. ZRINYI, black round cancel., CDS POLA 3.IX.16 + K.u.K.. MATROSENKORPS/ 12.KOMPAGNIE, CDS POLA 5.IX.17, comp. 3 pcs of Ppc ship post, 1x submarine; good condition U:A5
1917 K.u.K. DONAUFLOTTILLENKOMMANDO, violet straight line postmark on Ppc sent to Bohemia, supplemented with FP-postmark No. 299/b from 17.VIII.17; good condition U:A5
1917 S.M.S. SANKT GEORG letter, round cancel. K.u.K.. KRIEGSMARINE (navy)/ S.M.S. SANKT GEORG/ 8.2.17 U:A5
1915 Mi.1-21, complete set with Opt K.u.K.. FIELD-POST, on cut squares, nice cancel imprint; cat. min. 500€, Ferchenbauer. 700€ U:A5
1904 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc sent to FP to German Central Africa, 1x as printed matter, with Franz Joseph, both pieces CDS LOUNY 12.9.04?, arrival postmark KEETMANSHOOP 20.I.05, sent back, hinge / label "VERSTORBEN" - died, handwritten notice "ZURÜCK 29/1", arrival LOUNY 13.3.05; well preserved, interesting U:A5
1915 TRANSCARPATHIAN UKRAINE KORPSKOMMANDO PMLt. HOFFMANN, violet round military unit postmarks., FP-postmark K.u.K.. FELDPOSTAMT (field post off.) 18.II.15; good condition U:A5
1915 FP card in/at rose color on thin paper transported airmail post, straight line postmark "Fliegerpost Przemyšl/ 1915", line censorship mark and single-circle "IX./ 54.", numeral pmk "24681", in text date 16.2.15, good condition U:A5
1915 postcard Salzburg sent to FP, FP-postmark KRIEGSGEFANGENENLAGER (Prisoner-of-war camp) GRODNO 27.VIII.15; rare postmark, very good condition U:A5
1915 POLAND answer part Russian PC sent to Plzen, uprated with stamp Mi.2 and 3, cancel. ETAPPENPOSTAMT (base post off.) PIOTRKOW 5.XII.15; good condition U:A5
1915-16 PRISONER OF WAR MAIL/ ITALY comp. 3 pcs of entires from same sender, 1x letter with content and with FP-postmark No.16, 2x card from imprisonment, from that 1x dvojítý (!) with answer, 1x with additional-printing of Red Cross, Italian and Austrian censorship; good condition U:A5
1916-17 comp. 5 pcs of entires FP, 4x dispatch-note, various franking and FP-postmark.; good condition U:A5
1917 K.u.K.. ETAPPENPOSTAMT (base post off.) CETINJE 29.VI.17, Reg letter to Náchod, with from the set Mi.22-48 incl. Mi.44-48, red framed pmk censorship + violet K.u.K.. STABSABTEILUNG...MONTENEGRO; decorative, good condition U:A4
1914-18 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 150 pcs of FP cards, contains various uniquely designed postmarks, hospital, etc..; good quality U:O4
1915-19 [COLLECTIONS] PRISONER OF WAR MAIL/ SERBIA, ITALY, FRANCE selection of 35 pcs of entires from and to imprisonment in/at Serbia, Italy, France, one receiver, various postmark, interesting texts; various quality U:O5
1933 GILDER MAIL view card with imprinted stamp 50 + 12Gr, uprated by. vyplatní stamp. 12Gr, black special postmark SEGELFLUGAUSSTELLUNG ROBERT KRONFELD WIEN 16.I.33, violet special postmark ÖSTRR. SEGEL-FLUGPOST JÄNNER 1933; good condition U:A5