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1840 SG.V1, Penny Black VR official, lettered I-I, insignificant flaw at lower margin; lettered V-R in superior coins instead of stars, very nice piece with o.g. and complete margins, certificate BPA, cat. £32.000, famous rarity, evidently unrepeatable offer! U:DR
1840 SG.2, Penny Black, black, 3 marginal pieces, lettered OL, LA, TA (corner piece); various quality, i.a. 1x fold, interesting comp. U:A5
1840 SG.2, Penny Black, black, plate 1b, lettered T-I, with clear red Maltese Cross cancel, perfect quality, cat. £350 U:A5
1840 SG.2, Penny Black, black, lettered DH, at upper margin small thin place, nice piece with wide margins, light Maltese Cross cancel and in addition rarely with red additional date pmk "PAID ....", cat. doesn't report U:A5
1840 SG.2, SG. Spec.AS5g/AS5, Penny Black, pair of two, plate 1b, lettered QD-QE, red Maltese Crosses, stmp. lettered QD with Burr rubs - joined NE in "ONE"; upper and lower margin wide, R and L close, nice piece U:A5
1840 SG.2c, SG. Spec.AS23, Penny Black, plate 4, lettered G-G, in right star - guide line, red Maltese Cross cancel; wide margins, nice piece U:A5
1840 SG. Spec. DP20, TCP Penny Black and 1 Penny 1841, so-called. "Rainbow trial", made in May 1840 for testing various combination of color of stmp and cancelation colors, 3rd stage, printed from plate by 3 x 4 stmp fields, without characters in corners with characteristic missing color print in UR corner, made in various colors, here red-brown, with partially removed manuscript "V", mounted on part of original sheet, very nice piece, cat. £4.500, rare offer! U:DR
1840 SG.5, Penny Blue, dark, plate 1, horiz. Pr, lettered OC-OD, on stmp OD lower very close, on other sides full to very wide margins, black Maltese Cross cancelations, up between stmp little cut - it is not a flaw, see the certificate; exp. J. Schlesinger, photo-certificate K.-A. Loius U:A5
1840 SG.5, 2P blue, plate 2, T Ia, lettered N-D, very wide margins, 2 black Maltese Cross cancelation, marked and exp. H. Richter, Georg Bühler U:A5
1841 IMPRIMATUR SG.8, 1P red-brown, lettered AF, in little different shade from definitive issue, plate 43; upper marginal piece in perfect quality, only 22 imprimaturs prints from this plate are preserved, cat. £1.500 U:A5
1841 IMPRIMATUR SG.8, 1P red-brown, lettered AK in little different shade from definitive issue, plate 85, upper marginal piece in perfect quality with very decorative blue colored paper at the back side, significant "ivory head", only 22 imprimaturs prints from this plate are preserved, cat. £1.350 U:A5
1841 SG.8p, SG. SPEC. BS29xd, 1P red-brown, plate 77, lettered H-A, rarely with red pmk type 1844, on small cut square, light cut in L margin, cut square for presentation purpose, small reparation, stmp. in good condition, very nice quality; certificate PTSE Ltd., cat. £15000, thanks to postmark it is rare piece and we aren't aware of another piece! U:DR
1852-1853 IMPRIMATUR SG.8, T 1841 with changed letters in corners so-called. Alphabet II., 1P red-brown, in a little different shade from definitive issue, plate 157; upper marginal piece, only 21 imprimatur prints from this plate are preserved, cat. £1.350 U:A5
1841 SG.14, 2P blue, 2x strips of 9, plate 3, lettered ND-NL and HD-HL, cancel "498"; very nice complexes, only 1x fold, margins in major part its length full to wide, by long stripes quite rare, strips probably comes from the same franking (!), we estimate cat. at least of £5.000, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1841 SG.14, 2P light blue and blue, strips of 7 and 9, plate 3, lettered LB-LH and JB-JJ, numeral cancel of Scotch type 284 and 131; nice complexes, only 1x fold, various margins, cat. estimated for £4.000 U:A5
1841 SG.14, 2P blue, blok of 6, plate 4, lettered RC-TD, circular cancel; nice piece, R wide margin, other thin, vert. bend only in place between stmp; cat. ca. £2.000 U:A5
1847-54 SG.57, 10P brown; L small infinitesimal cleft in upper margin, otherwise very nice piece, rare stmp, cat. £11.000 U:DR
1870 SG.51, 1½P dark pink-red, blok of 8, CDS HERNE HILL; in some places strengthen perf., very nice condition, attractive and rare block, cat. £1.500++ U:A5
1867 SG.104, 6P violet, wmk "flower"; very nice quality, cat. £1.800 U:A5
1880 SG.154, 4P grey-brown, plate 17; very nice piece * £2.800 U:A5
1867 SG.114, 10P deep red-brown, plate 1, lettered ME, black cancel "A25" (Malta); wide margin L, well centered, cat. £600+ U:A5
1880 SG.121, 2Sh brown; with repairation of thin places at the backside, light cancel, standard quality, cat. £4.500 U:A5
1872 "Stock Exchange Forgery" 1Sh green, plate 5, lettered E-J, CDS STOCK EXCHANGE; perfect piece, cat. £850 U:A5
1874 SG.126, 5Sh pink, plate 2, lettered DC, oval cancel "C 30" (Chile-Valparaiso); nice cancellation, short teeth in upper perf, nice piece, cat. ca. £1.380 U:A5
1867-1883 TCP SG.128, 10Sh imperforated in violet color, trial printing, wmk Maltese Cross, with Opt SPECIMEN T 9; lightly hinged on lower edge, stmp as never hinged **, perfect and rare piece, cat. £2.400 + ca. 50% U:DR
1867-1883 TCP SG.128, 10Sh, corner piece, imperforated in blue color, trial printing, wmk Maltese Cross, with Opt SPECIMEN T 9; hinged on the edge, outside the stmp - **, perfect unique corner piece, cat. £2.400 + ca. 150% U:DR
1878 SG.129, 1£; brownlila, wmk Maltese Cross, CDS WEST STRAND B. O. and blue stroke, perfect piece with exceptionally nice perf., cat. £4.500 U:DR
1878 TCP SG.129, 1£; imperforated, grey-black, wmk Maltese Cross, with Opt SPECIMEN T 9; perfect and rare piece, cat. at least £2.700, minimum printing, undervalued U:DR
1878 TCP SG.129, 1£; imperforated, blue color, trial printing, wmk Maltese Cross, with Opt SPECIMEN T 9; perfect and rare piece, cat. min. £2.700 U:DR
1878 SG.129, 1£; plate 1, imperforated, orange color, trial printing, wmk Maltese Cross, with Opt SPECIMEN T 9, perfect piece, cat. £2.700, undervalued in catalogue considering the rarity U:DR
1883 TCP SG.129, 1£; plate 1, imperforated, orange color, trial printing, wmk Maltese Cross, with Opt SPECIMEN T 9, perfect piece, cat. £2.700, undervalued in catalogue considering the rarity U:DR
1883 SG.137, 1£ orange, marginal piece, wmk "anchor", with Opt SPECIMEN T 11; very light oblique fold, nice quality, hinged on the edge, stamp with original gum, unusual overprint type, exp. Roig, cat. * £4.500, for ** + ca. 50%, extraordinary offer! U:DR
1875 SG.148, 1S dark green, horiz. Pr, plate 12, lettered PF-PG, oval cancel "C 38" (Peru-Callao); light bend in L lower corner, cat. £350++ U:A5
1876 TCP SG.152, 4P imperforated, grey-violet color, marginal blok of 4, trial printing, wmk "large belt"; very nice quality, trial printings of strips or blocks are rare, cat. £1.000 ++ U:A5
1876 TCP SG.156, 8P orange, plate 1, imperforated trial printing with Opt SPECIMEN T 11, wmk "Big belt"; very nice quality, cat. £425 U:A5
1881 SG.169, 5P indigo, blok of 24 with left margin, Opt SPECIMEN, T 9, 17 pcs as **; one stmp in the middle with small thinning, otherwise very nice, rare and attractive complex, cat. for single pieces £6.560 U:DR
1883 IMPRIMATUR SG.175, 2Sh6P violet, plate 2, lettered AE, imperforated, blued paper with wmk "anchor"; perfect piece with wide margins, certificate RPSL, cat. £5.000, only several imprimatur prints on the market! U:DR
1884 IMPRIMATUR SG.176, 5Sh pink-red, plate 2, lettered DH, imperforated, blued paper with wmk "anchor"; perfect piece with wide margins and with partial original gum, cat. £4.750, only several imprimatur prints on the market! U:DR
1884 IMPRIMATUR SG.177, 10Sh ultramarine, lettered DE, imperforated, blued paper with wmk "anchor"; close margins, nice piece, certificate RPSL, cat. £6.250, very rare stamp, only several imprimatur prints on the market! U:DR
1884 SG.180, 5Sh red with lower margin, white paper, Opt SPECIMEN T 11, Opt in addition also on the edge of the sheet; perfect quality, cat. £450 ++ U:A5
1890 SG.181, 5S crimson, blok of 6, white paper, perfect complex with nice circular date cancel MANCHESTER TELEGRAPHS; outstanding block in rich deep color, certificate Eichele (Basel), cat. £2.000 ++ U:A5
1884 SG.185, 1£; purple brown, wmk "3 crowns", with Opt SPECIMEN T 11, Opt double and inverted; light vert. fold, nice piece, cat. £2.800 ++, quite rare printing error Opt U:DR
1884 SG.185, 1£; purple brown, wmk "3 crown", with Opt SPECIMEN T 9, partial original gum; very nice piece, cat. £2.800 U:DR
1888 SG.186a, 1£; purple brown, lettered TA, wmk "3 royal apples", with plate flaw "broken frame" interrupted frame by "T"; 1x short tooth, nice piece, cat. £9.000 U:DR
1884 SG.187, ½P slate blue, blok of 6 with R margin with Opt SPECIMEN T 9; perfect block with intact original gum, cat. £300 as * single stmps, in this outer block and as ** ca. £600 U:A5
1887-1892 SG.197, 201, 206, 209-211, Queen Victoria ½P, 2½P, 4½P, 9P, 10P, 1Sh, all with Opt SPECIMEN type 9 or 12; 2x short tooth, very nice quality, 4½P with small gum flaw, the rest **, quite rare comp., cat. £885 U:A5
1887-1892 SG.212a, 1£; green, lettered JC, with desired plate flaw interrupted frame "broken frame"; very nice piece with CDS DUBLIN, exp. G. Bühler, cat. £2.000 + 50% U:DR
1882-1901 SG.O3, O4, O13, O14, O15, I. R. OFFICIAL, five pieces with Opt SPECIMEN T 9; perfect quality, mostly mint, never hinged, cat. £965 ++ U:A5
1882-1901 SG.O16, Official, Opt I. R. OFFICIAL £1 green, complete small oval CDS ACCOUNT BRANCH PO GLASGOW; perfect quality, certificate R. Domini, exp. Diena, superb piece, cat. £3375++ U:DR
1896-1901 SG.O41, O43, O44, ½P, 1P, 2½P ARMY OFFICIAL with Opt SPECIMEN T 9; perfect quality, cat. ca. £850 U:A5
1887-1900 SG.O65-O68, O70-O71, GOVT/ PARCELS, 6 pieces with Opt SPECIMEN T 15; perfect quality, several original folds in gum, rare comp., cat. £1750 U:A5
1896-1902 SG.O31, O33, O. W. OFFICIAL, ½P and 1P with Opt SPECIMEN T 9; perfect quality, feignedly mint, considered as hinged, cat. £600++ U:A5
1840 small letter sent from Scotch Dundee to Sheffield, with Penny Black, plate 7, lettered QL with "guide dot" in lower right square, 2 red Maltese Crosses, "Dundee", rarely fine print with early date, black framed cancel DUNDEE OC.22.; nice piece, cat. £800 U:A5
1841 comp. of 5 pcs of letters with SG.14, 2P blue, plate 3, all with London numeral Maltese Crosses, No. 2, 6, 7, 8, 10; various margins, nice clear entires, small format, cat. £14.550, extraordinary comp. with rare postmarks incl. high valued No.10! U:DR
1840 letter from London, with SG.2, Penny Black, plate 2, lettered P-L (constant variety), 21. 7. 1840, sent from London (pmk. T. P. BOND ST) to South Shields, here additionally franked by other 1P plate 4, lettered Q-A, double "Q", redirected to Barnard Castle, 2x pmk red Maltese Cross; stmp. leterred QA upper closer margin; very nice and rare letter; only stmp QA on letter cat. £800, for this special double franking estimated £2.000 U:A5