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1847 Sc.1b, Franklin 5C orange-brown with black CDS, contraction "Va" (Virginie); very fine, certificate Philatelic Foundation N. Y., black pmk. on this issue is rare, cat. $1.350 U:A5
1847 Sc.2a, Washington 10C black, diagonally bisected, 5C on cut square with red grid cancel, perfect quality, 2 certificates Philatelic Foundation N. Y., extremely undervalued (letter just 13.000$), missing in greatest collections, unrepeatable offer! U:DR
1851 Sc.17, Washington 12C black, imperforated, strip of 3 and other 4 pcs on cut square with CDS NEW YORK; some small flaw of the margins, fine, cat. as 5 pcs + pair $1.975, unique multiple and high franking! U:A5
1852 Sc.19, Franklin 1C blue, type IV, horiz. strip of 3, cut square with handmade cancellation, town name, date, contraction "Ky" (Kentucky); R upper closer margin, in this issue usual, very nice quality, rare piece, cat. $400++ U:A5
1857 Sc.24, Franklin 1C blue, blok of 4, V. Type, perf 15½; lower some weak teeth in vert. perf, perfect block, cat. ca. $2.400 U:A5
1860 Sc.37, Washington 24C grey; perfect piece on cut square with red grid cancel CDS NEW YORK; cat. $440++ U:A5
1861-1867 TCP for issue Presidents, Sc.63P4, 65P4, 68P4, 69P4, 71P4, 72P4, 76P4, 73P4, 77P4, 78P4, 1861/67 1C-90C, comp. of 10 pcs of trial prints in original colors white paper, very fine, cat. $535, attractive set U:A5
1868 Sc.87, Jackson 2C black, horiz. strip of four, the left 3 stamps never hinged, grill 11/13mm; at the back light spots, the third stmp thin tear at the upper left, nice and rare strip with certificate PSE, cat. as L * Pr $3.750 + right (without tear) ** pair ca. $11.250, total $15.000! U:DR
1870 Sc.144, Perry 90C carmine, GRILL 10/12mm; very fine, with certificate Philatelic Foundation N. Y., cat. $2.500, rare stamp U:A5
1887-1925 Sc.212, 221, comp. of unused stmp, i.a. from various issues Presidents - small format, Omaha 1C-8C, Hugenots, Commemorative 1901 1C -8C and 1904 1C-3C, Spec. Handling, SpecDelivery; kat. $2.800 U:A5
1893 Sc.239, Columbus 30C orange-brown, blok of 4; R usual folds gum, very nice complex with o. g., cat. $1.150 U:A5
1893 Sc.241-243, Columbus 1$-3$; average quality, value 1$ upper repaired perf, 2$ with small flaw, 3$ short tooth lower, otherwise perfect, very fine postmarks, cat. $2.300 U:A5
1898 Sc.293, Trans-Mississippi 2$ orange-brown, very well centered, dim shade; missing in most of collections, certificate Phil. Foundation NY, cat. $1.800, Mi. 2.000€ U:DR
1906 Sc.320, Washington 2c scarlet, blok of4 with R margin, imperforated; cat. $150 U:A5
1908 Sc.300-302, Presidents, value 1c blok of 9, 2c blok of 4, 3c LR corner blok of 9 with margin; all mint, cat. $1.528 U:A5
1909 Sc.371, Seward 2c, blok of 6 with L margin, imperforated; cat. $96 U:A5
1909 Sc.373, Hudson 2c carmine, blok of 6 with lower margin, imperforated; 5x mint, cat. stmp. $191 U:A5
1912 Sc.423, Franklin $1 purple brown, cancelled; cat. $75 U:A5
1913 Sc.PR120, 121, Allegory $2 red and $5 blue, negative pmk. "B" and black thin line (usual cancellation); superb quality, cat. $285, rare offer U:A5
1914 Sc.443, 1C green, roll horiz. Pr; cat. 75$, with certificate U:A5
1914-16 Sc.458, Washington 5c blue, horiz. pair, vert. perf 10; without gum U:A5
1917 Sc.479-80, Madison $2 dark blue + Marshall $5 light green; cancelled, cat. $82 U:A5
1918 Sc.C1-C3, Airmail, complete set; cat. $195 U:A5
1918-20 Sc.531-535, Washington 1c - 3c, complete set, imperforated, value 3c horiz. pair; 3x cancellation, cat. $188 U:A5
1919 Sc.536, Washington 1c, blok of 4; cancelled, cat. $110 U:A5
1930 Sc.C14, Zeppelin $1,30 brown; nice piece, small gum flaw, cat. $400 U:A5
1934 Mi.364-373, complete set, all horiz. pairs, vert. line in the middle of the pairs U:A5
1851 Sc.10, Washington 3C orange-brown forward letter with CDS ORWELL sent in the same place, then uprated with other 3C and readdressed to Brandon, arrival postmark NEW HAVEN, small community and very good destination; perfect quality, rare! U:A5
1864 letter sent in the place, with Jackson 2c black, CDS NEW YORK; cat. $85, preserved U:A5
1869-73 comp. of 3 pcs of letters, 2x small format, all with franking Locomotive 3c, Sc.114, various CDS; cat. $68, good condition U:A5
1870-80 comp. of 9 pcs of letters, all with Jackson 2c red-brown, Sc.146, 2x mixed franking; various quality U:A5
1899 PUERTO RICO letter sent to NY, with 5c issue Trans Mission Sc.288, with pmk military station, MIL. STA. No.4 WOC/ SAN JUAN PORTO RICO Feb.9.99, at the back arrival P.O.N.Y. 2.20.99; good condition U:A5
1909 PUERTO RICO letter sent in the place, with USA issue 1898 Trans-Missisippi 2c, Sc.286, cancelled by Spanish dumb pmk. "R" in frame, supplemented with CDS VSGA-BAJA/ PTC-RICO, 27.Maj.09, supplemented with company oval cancel; at the back torn flap U:A5
1884-1932 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 70 used also unused PC and p.stat covers, some interesting, postmarks, uprated, Wells Fargo, Hawai, etc.; good material for next research U:O5
1922-1967 [COLLECTIONS] comp. of 18 pcs of bags closure from banking transport, various franking; interesting U:O5