1822-31UNGVAR, N.SZÖLLÖS 2 pcs of folded prephilatelic letters, from that 1 pcs of 2x heavier letter with oval cancel. UNGVAR and notice ruddle 16x1 Loth; 1x redirected letter to Berehovo with straight line postmark N.SZÖLLÖS (Vynohradiv) and by hand writen notice "Abzug"; good quality
1823-43 UNGHVAR, UNGVAR 2 various varieties line black cancel. on/for 4 pcs of folded pre-philatelic Ex ex offo letters; 1x significant archiving fold, else preserved, nice postal imprints
1825-40 V. MUNKATS, MUNKÁTS two druky line postmarks on/for covers folded letters, from that V. MUNKATS in red color; good condition, nice postal imprints
1831SZERCDNYE black straight line postmark in/at decorative oval (Seredné) on/for folded cover letter addressed to Uzhhorod, postmaster's note by red raddle; light dusky stains
1836-44N.SZÖLÖS, BEREGSZÁSZ, HUST comp. 3 pcs of Ex ex offo folded letters with black straight line postmarks, (Sevluš, Berehovo, Khust); good condition
1839POLENA black straight line postmark on/for folded předznámkovém letter, addressed to to Uzhhorod; good condition incl. seal, superb print, TESTER usage this type postmark!
1839V. BEREGSZÁSZ line black cancel. on/for přeznámkovém Ex ex offo letter, addressed to to Uzhhorod, on reverse arrival UNGHVAR; good condition, nice postal imprints
1843 UNGHVAR black straight line postmark on letter sent to Debrecinu, on reverse arrival DEBREZIN; worn through paper on address-side, nice postal imprint
1843 UNGHVAR, V. TISZAUJLAK straight line postmark tranzitního postal office on reverse folded letter addressed to Nagy Kalló, postmaster's note "1L"; preserved big seal biskupství in/at Mukachevo
1855-70 Mukacheve 2 pcs of entires, 1x money letter to Uzhhorod with round cancel. Mukacheve, line FRANCO and LAUT ANGABE, other Ex ex offo folded letter with same round cancel. Mukacheve; good condition
1859-61 UNGHVAR, BEREGSZÁSZ, HAZMI comp. 3 pcs of folded Ex ex offo letters and 2 pcs of receipts, framed pmk UNGHVAR on letter also recepisu, BEREGSZÁSZ round on letter and line on/for recepisu, HAZMI round; good condition, nice postal imprints
1838POLENA confirmation document F. Ph. count Schönborn-Buchheim, that was/were jmenovánAndreaBabispoštmistrem in/at Poleně; only folds, postal historically very interesting document!
1850BEREGSZASZ the first issue., cut square with stamp. 1 Kr + 2 Kreuzer, Mi.1Xa, 2Xa, HP, complete CDS BEREGSZASZ 29/9; nice complete margins, photo-certificate Babor - wrong stated machine made paper [TESTER - strojový]; still known only several pieces color frankings issue 1850 with postmarks Transcarpathian Ukraine!
1850 TISZA-UJLAK, UNGVÁR, HUSZT, Serednie, NAGY SZOLLOS, BEREGSZÁSZ selection of 18 pcs of stamp. and cut-squares with postmarks post Transcarpathian Ukraine, from that 15 pcs of the first issue., Mi.1, 3, 4, 5 + 3 pcs of The 2nd issue., Mi.14 and 15; part complete print, interesting
1850Serednie the first issue., value 2 Kreuzer, Mi.2Y, T III., MP, horizontal strip of 3 with CDS Serednie 31/3; wide margins, superb postal imprints, decorative
1850TECSÖ the first issue., 9 Kreuzer, Mi.5Y, type III.b, MP, cut square with mounted 6 pcs of (!), CDS TECSÖ 24/8; all wide margins and nice postal imprints, biggest square known multiple franking issue 1850 from territory Transcarpathian Ukraine!
1852 MUNKÁCS the first issue., folded letter with 1 Kr + 2 Kreuzer, Mi.1, 2, light fold over stmp., CDS MUNKÁCS 24/11, on reverse arrival ALSÖVERECZKE 25/11; exists only several these raritníchpatriotických frankings from Transcarpathian Ukraine
1853Serednie the first issue., letter addressed to to Mukachevo, franked with. str-of-3 stamp. 1 Kr, Mi.1X, type Ib, HP, CDS Serednie 23/5, on reverse arrival MUNKÁCS 23/5, photo-certificate Ferchenbauer; light fold bezvýznamný with regard to/at rarities, rare entire and unrepeatable offer!
1853-55POLENA, NAGY-SZÖLLÖS, BEREGSZÁSZ, HUSZT, MUNKÁCS 5 pcs of folded letters and cut-square with the first issue values 3 Kreuzer and 9 Kreuzer, Mi.3, 4, nice print cancel.; 3x fold over the stmp
1852MUNKÁCS the first issue., folded R letter, franked on front strně stamp. 9 Kreuzer and on reverse nepoškozenou stamp. 6 Kreuzer, Mi.4, 5, type I., CDS MUNKÁCS 15/2, on reverse Košice and WIEN, supplemented with straight line postmark REGISTERED, long nobiliary address; very nice letter
1852Serednie the first issue., Retour - Receipt franked on back side stamp. 6 Kreuzer, Mi.4, CDS Serednie 24/12, supplemented with cancel. OFEN and Košice; blank form franked I.emisí from this destination is very rare
1852-53 UNGVÁR the first issue., 2 pcs of folded letters with Mi.4X, 5X, III.A type, HP, both CDS UNGVÁR, 1x as Registered with 6 Kreuzer - on reverse missing stamp.; 1x letter Ex ex offo with 9 Kreuzer; both letters with atypical mounted stamp., wide margins, on reverse arrival postmark MUNKÁCS, PESTH; good condition
1859TISZA-UJLAK The 2nd issue., folded letter with 3 Kreuzer green + 2 Kreuzer yellow, Mi.10II, 12II, nice postal imprint, on reverse arrival TECSÖ, letters paid/franked stamp. The 2nd issue occur much vzácněji then letters franked with. I. issues (!); signs of age
1859 TISZA-UJLAK The 2nd issue., comp. 2 pcs of folded letters with Mi.13, 14, 15, 1x as Registered (on reverse torn stamp. 15 Kreuzer), both same CDS., arrival postmark MARM. SZIGETH and WIEN; letters paid/franked stamp. The 2nd issue occur much vzácněji then letters franked with. I. issues (!); good condition
1859BEREGSZÁSZ franked with. Retour - Receipt stamp. The 2nd issue 10Kr, Mi.14; good condition, single square known receipt from Transcarpathian Ukraine franked emísí 1858
1860-64 TISZA-UJLAK, Serednie, HUSZT, UNGHVAR, BEREGSZÁG, TECSÖ selection of 18 pcs of stamp. III., IV. and issue V., Mi.18, 20, 30, 31; various postmark, standard quality
1860UNGHVAR letter franked with. pairs stamp. 2 Kreuzer and 3 Kreuzer, Mi.18, 19, framed CDS UNGHVAR/ 1.Aug., on reverse arrival BAREFELD 6/8; signs of age, very rare entire, evidently sole existující franking this type from Transcarpathian Ukraine
1862 UNGHVAR folded printed matter franked on back side stamp. The 3rd issue., 2 Kreuzer, Mi.18, framed pmk UNGHVAR supplemented with transit pmk and arrival CDS GYÖR; good condition
1860-61 UNGHVAR, Mukacheve comp. 4 pcs of folded letters, from that 1x as Registered, with The 3rd issue 5, 10 and 15 Kreuzer, Mi.20, 21, 22, 3x posting framed pmk UNGHVAR; good condition
1864UNGHVAR V. issue, Eagle 15 Kreuzer, Mi.34, vertical strip of 5 (!) on cut-square, with three print oval cancel. UNGHVAR 8.Jan.; exceedingly nice imprints, attractive piece, jewel of every collection!
1863 HUSZT, UNGHVAR comp. 2 pcs of letters with 10 and 15 Kreuzer, The 4th issue., Mi.27, 28, from that 1x as Registered, franked on front also back side stamp. 10Kr, CDS HUSZT; good condition
1863-64ÖKÖRMEZO, DOLHA, NAGY-SZÖLLOS, HUSZT, TECSÖ, UNGHVAR comp. 7 pcs of folded letters with issue V., Mi.32, 33, 34, from that 2x as Registered, various CDS; smaller part signs of age, interesting
1868-70KASZONY (Kosino), HUSZT, BEREGSZŚZ, UNGHVAR, Mukacheve comp. 4 pcs of folded letters with 5 Kreuzer VI. issue, Mi.37, and 1 postal stationery covers same issue, various postmark, i.a. rare KASZONY 4/10 1870, 1x letter sent from Berehovo to Berlin; well preserved