1931-35 TERESVA, KRÁLOVO N. TISOU comp. 2 pcs of letters, from that 1x off. Reg and Express with CDS TERESVA 27.V.35, 1x as Registered sent to Kancelář president (small tearing and fold)
1936BEREHOVE Reg letter addressed to to Spain (!), franked by multicolor franking issues Arras, Coat of arms and Small Landscapes in/at general value 8CZK, posting bilingual CDS BEREHOVE 14.II.36, on reverse arrival; interesting entire, rare destination, well preserved
1936 KŘIVÁ / POSTAL AGENCY postal imprint Postal Agency KŘIVÁ - TRAINING TÁBOR (KHUST) on Ppc with railway pmk TERESVA - KOŠICE/ 991/ 4.XI.36; superb print
1938UZHHOROD / MOBILE POST OFF. (BUS) orange provisional postmark mobile post-office (on a bus), bilingual UZHHOROD 25.VII.38 on/for by air mail sent postcard, with Pof.L7, 339, transit air-mail cancel. PRAGUE 7/ 26.VI.38 and arrival postmark ČESKÝ BROD; slightly faded, after all rarely occurring postmark mobile post-office (on a bus)!
1935-36 POSTAGE-DUE comp. 2 pcs of off. mailing with fee paid Postage due stamp 1CZK, Pof.DL62, 1x off. envelope Country office for Carpathian Ruthenia with CDS UZHHOROD and Postage due stamp cancelled CDS NUKAČEVO 13.IV.35, 1x court R-obsílka with CDS UZHHOROD; good condition
1939KHUST Express letter sent from Khust to Bratislava, with Pof.351, red special postmark KHUST/ 15.III.1939/ OTEVŘENÍ PRVNÍHO SNĚMU, L additional printing picture of stmp and text, sent to expert Müllera, exp. by Gilbert and Müller; good condition
1939KHUST Reg letter to Prague, with Pof.351 with margin, red special postmark KHUST/ TESTER KARPATSKÉUKRAJINY/ 15.III.1939, on reverse arrival postmark PRAGUE 23.III.39; exp. by Gilbert., superb postal imprint, good condition
1939 KHUST envelope with additional-printing "The first Congress meeting Carpathian Ukraine", mounted stamp. 5h Coat of arms with red special postmark KHUST 18.III.39; sent as printed matter - blind letters; good condition, philatelically motivated
1939KHUST Reg letter to Prague, envelope with additional-printing Sitting first congress, with Pof.351, red special postmark KHUST/ 15.3.39/ OTEVŘENÍ PRVNÍHO SNĚMU; exp. by Gilbert., light double imprint of commemorative postmark, good condition
1939KHUST Reg letter sent from Khust to Brno, with Pof.351 with margin, Opening of Congress, černé(!) CDS KHUST 15.III.1939/d, on reverse arrival postmark BRNO 19.III.39; good condition, superb print rare CDS
1939 KHUST reminder first day sheet with special postmark KHUST/ TESTER KARPATSKÉUKRAJINY/ 15.III.1939 on/for corner stmp Pof.351; exp. by Gilbert., good condition
1939JASIŇA local overprint Ukrajinskéhotrojzubce and text SLAVAUKRAJINY in black color, type II., cut square with stamp. 40h Comenius with red special postmark KHUST/ 15.III.39/ OTEVŘENÍ PRVNÍHO SNĚMU; see c.v.. Carrigan & Kuzych
1939 various usage Czechosl. stamp. 1. congress Carpathian Ukraine, Pof.351, comp. of 3 letters from that 1x R, 2 Ppc from that 1x Karte Max with CDS PRAGUE 15.III.39 and 1x over splice Hungarian stamp., 2x cut square and 1x block of four mint never hinged stamp.; good condition
1939 JASIŇA local black Opt Ukrajinskéhotrojzubce and text SLAVAUKRAJINY in black color, type II., comp. 6 pcs of Czechosl. stamp. Pof.251, 304, 305, 307, 314, 344; see c.v.. Carrigan & Kuzych
1939 JASIŇA local black Opt Ukrajinskéhotrojzubce and text SLAVAUKRAJINY in black color, type II., comp. 7 pcs of Czechosl. stamp. Landscape Pof.304 - 307 and Postage-due stamps Pof.DL57, DL59, DL61; see c.v.. Carrigan & Kuzych
1920KHUST - TESTER RUMUNSKEM postcard addressed to to Nagy Varadu franked with. Romanian stamp. 15b with CDS HUSZT 920 Feb.17., supplemented with straight line postmark military censorship CENZURAT/ ORADEA MARE, short period occupation and možnosti origin podobných entires, good condition
1919 FIELD POST comp. 3 pcs of entires Czechosl. FP, 1x postcard with CDS BEREGSZÁSZ 919 Nov.3. with FP cachet cancel. CZECHOSL. INFANTRY REG. 28, other 2 entires with cancel. CZECHOSL. FP No.46 from 23.VIII.19 and 19.III.20 CZECHOSL. INFANTRY REG. No.74 and No.4.; light, but readable postmark, good condition
1919-20SLOVAKIA comp. 9 pcs of entires with cancel. field post in Carpathian Ruthenia, i.a. big violet cancel. French legions ČESKO-SLOVENSKÝSTŘELECKÝ REGIMENT/ VELITELPLUKU + FP 46, small violet DIVISIONCZECHSLVAQUE/ LE GENERAL + PP46, line CZECHOSL VOJ. VELITELSTVÍ FOR PODKARPATSKOU RUTHENIA + PP14, CZECHOSL. AUTOKOLONA + CDS MUNKÁCS, oval R. POSTE/ 31 REGIMENT/ CS + PP75, letter with straight line postmark 4.SETNINA/ 2.ČSL. PĚŠ. PB. + CDS MUNKÁCS and other military unit postmark as POSTAL ODDĚLENÍ 1 CDS BEREGSZÁSZ, KULOMETNÁ TROOP + PP14, COMPANY STROJNÍCHPUŠEK + PP46; various quality, after all very interesting
1920FIELD POST VRCHNÍ VELITELSTVÍ KARPATORUSKÁKRAJINA/ GENERAL 2.KANCELÁŘ big violet French - Czech postmark on Ppc with CDS CZECHOSL FP 4.II.20, addressed to to Bratislava, postcard Uzhhorod with synagogue (!); superb and rare!
1938 FIELD POST 4 pcs of FP cards sent from field post offices put in time of mobilization in Carpathian Ruthenia, 1x card with CDS FP No.12/ 13.X.38 - sender Muniční convoy No.42 - Uzhhorod (folds), 1x card with CDS FP No.24/ 18.XI.38 - sender Artillery Regiment No.12, dálší with CDS FP No.12 and FP No.29 sent to FP No.12
1938occupation / MUKACHEVO letter addressed to to Budapest, with mixed franking of czechosl. and Hungarian stamp. with propagandistic cancel. MUNKÁCS VISSZATÉRT and CDS MUNKÁCS 38 XI.26., Czechosl. stamp. disallowed and zastíženo postage-due 14f with CDS BUDAPEST 938 Nov.27.; good condition, really Us mailing with surtax!
1939 occupation the first day occupation Carpathian Ruthenia and origin Slovak Rep. (!), official response envelope State tracks addressed to to Prague with railway pmk č.993 JASINA - KOŠICE/ 14.III.39; light vertical fold, superb postal imprint, very interesting
1939 occupation / ČINADIEVO postcard franked with. Czechosl. stamp. Coat of arms 20h and Štefánik 50h with hand-made transcription "BEREGSZETMIKLÓSZ 1939 III.17.", addressed to to Budapest; sought by specialists, good condition, rare
1939 POLAND comp. 3 pcs of entires from polsko-maďarského borderland in time of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, philatelic. entire with Polish -maďarskou franking with CDS SMORŽE 16.III.39 and M.KIR. POSTA/ 103/ 39 III.16. with advertising cachet, postcard with railway pmk LAWOCZNE - BUDAPEST, postcard franked with. Polish stamp. - disallowed with Hungarian CDS UNGVÁR 39 V.14 out of stmp
1939PROPAGANDISTICKÁ postcard with map occupation Slovakia and Carpathian Ruthenia with svítícíbaterkouPERTRIX/ VilágitásLegjobFńyhatás; large format, Un, good condition
1938 MUNKÁCS, UNGVÁR, BEREGSZÁSZ VISSZATÉRT propagandistiská cancel. on/for compilation of 6 pcs of various really Us entires, contains commercial also official correspondence; good condition, nice postal imprints
1938-39 comp. 9 pcs of various entires with provisory rubber numeral cancel from period of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia in/at black also violet color, MAGYAR KIR. POSTA No. 102, 108, 107, 240, 198, 205, 228, 118, 296; good condition, mainly nice print
1939 M. KIR. POSTA 126 Reg letter addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, multicolor franking postage stmp cancelled rubber FP-postmark with emblem No.126, mounted provisional registry label with by hand filled field post, on reverse arrival CDS PRAGUE 68/ 8.V.39; decorative piece
1939 comp. 8 pcs of various entires with provisory rubber numeral cancel from period of occupation Carpathian Ruthenia in/at black also violet color, MAGYAR KIR. POSTA č.265, 234, 229, 103, 266, 236, 263, contains 2 commercial letters with heading Country družstevního union Sevluš and Commercial union co-operations Uzhhorod; good condition, all readable postmark
1939TÉCSÓ Reg letter addressed to to France, with Horty 1P and Personalities 4f + 6f, provisional registry label with vypsaným name and FP-postmark M.KIR.POSTA/ 107/ 39 V.16., on reverse arrival; good condition, interesting destination!
1939TISZABORKÚT (KVÁSY) Reg letter addressed to to Khust, with Personalities 70f with provisory FP-postmark No.355/ 39 V.7. and ručné filled provisional registry label, good quality
1939 occupation / VOLOC Reg letter addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia with on front and back side, total 82f, with provisory FP-postmark M.KIR. POSTA/ 105/ 39.V.10. supplemented with red straight line postmark VOLOC + provisional registry label with written number 105; slightly toned, after all nice piece
1943NOVÉ VYŠKOVÉ p.stat pass blank form 10f on 2 parcels, franked with Hungarian stmps 2x 2P and 20f with CDS VISK 43.IV.17., on reverse arrival postmark MAROSVÁSÁRHELY; only light folds
1944 Service suspended - uprated PC 12f to BEREHOVA, sent back with frame cancel. POSTAFORGALOMSZÜNETEL, CDS CSILLAGHEGY 944 Aug.12.; rare entire transitional period
1943 POSTAL AGENCY / SZÁLDOBOSIPOSTAUGYN franked service letter addressed to to Prague with frame bilingual postal agency pmk SZÁLDOBOSIPOSTAUGYN 43 IX.25., passed through German censorship; tricolour franking, folds in upper corner envelope/-s partially also over stmp.; envelope L slightly cut
1944OTISKVÝPLATNÍHOSTROJE / HUSZT 944 Jul.8. Berg - MáramarosiKereskedelemi Bank, commercial envelope addressed to to Budapest, supplemented with dvoujazyčným CDS HUSZT; superb print, good condition, rare usage entires with meter stmp from Carpathian Ruthenia
1944UBLYA Reg letter addressed to to Bohemia-Moravia, franked with. 1-násobnou franking stamp. Horty 2P, posting bilingual CDS UBLA 44 VII.5., anyway as bilingual Reg label, on reverse arrival HRANICE 21.VII.44, passed through German censorship incl. chemical; good condition, decorative
1939FIELD POST comp. 5 pcs of entires from počátečního period occupation Carpathian Ruthenia, contains 2 postcard, 2 FP cards and letter with cancel. TÁBORI POSTAHIVATAL No.14/ 939 Már.31., No.21/ 939 Apr.1., No. 42A/ 939 IV.2. and 39 IV.14., No. 13/ 39 IV.6., on/for part/-s military unit postmarks, interesting photo postcard Uzhhorod; good condition, rare occurrence!
1940-44 FIELD POST comp. 6 pcs of FP cards and postcard with postmarks field post or CDS as HUSZT and UNGVÁR, various uniquely designed postmarks as M.K. Kárpátaljai 2. honvédhegyizij., and other; good condition, very interesting
1938-44 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 30 pcs of Hungarian p.stat, values 8, 10, 12, 16 and 18f with various mainly dvojjazyčnými postmarks CDS, part addressed to abroad, part uprated; good condition, mainly nice print, zajimavé
1940-44 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 20 pcs of various entires with dvojjazyčnými post offices marks in Carpathian Ruthenia, i.a. TRBUŠANY, SVALAVA, JASINA, LIPČA, ČERNOGOLOVA, BEREHOVE, POROŠKOVO etc.., from that 9 pcs of as Registered and 2 pcs of Ex, part commercial correspondence, part abroad; good condition, zajimavé
1820-1945[COLLECTIONS] závěrečná collection of ca. 130 pcs of entires from duplication collector and vystavovateleTønneseOreho, containing all period Transcarpathian Ukraine, svrchovanost Hungary, Hungarian occupation, CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39, freedom 1944 and other; various quality - profitable offer!
1944 MUKACHEVO letter franked with. overprint stamp. "Czechoslovakia" 30f, Majer M13, cancelled broken out cancel. with date stamp 9.XII.1944, supplemented with straight line postmark MUKACHEVO; good condition, right frakatura, c.v.. 8.200Kč
1944MUKACHEVO letter franked with. overprint stamp. "Czechoslovakia" 10f and fiscal stamp Számolólapilleték (vinný revenue), 20f blue, Majer M8, Mf38, cancelled broken out cancel. with date stamp 9.XII.1944 and supplemented with straight line postmark MUKACHEVO, exp. Blaha; good condition, right franking 30f, vinný revenue have/has notation only for clear stamp. 18.000CZK and similar 10f revenue used on letter have/has notation 35.000CZK, printing these overprint revenues is uváděn mere 32 pcs of!!
1945DUBOVE FP card with chutským frame overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ (TESTER) POST/ 18f on pink paper, with other overprint NRZU E, c.v.. Majer Ud20I., cancelled violet rubber cancel. DUBOVE, sent to National komitét to Ustčorne; good condition, rare occurrence really Us PC!
1944 KHUST Hungarian PC 18f uprated by. 4 pcs of Hungarian postage stmp with 3 print red special cancel. KHUST/ 14.XI.1944/ POST OSVOBOZENÉHO TERRITORY; c.v.. Majer 2.000CZK
1944 KHUST 2 pcs of letters and 2 pcs of cut-squares with Hungarian stamp. and with print special red cancel. KHUST/ 8.XI.1944/ POST OSVOBOZENÉHO TERRITORY; 1x exp. Blaha, 1x marked as forgery